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index 000000000..71fca5a28
--- /dev/null
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+### How to make a clean Pull Request:
+1. Make sure your pull request has a correct title. For example in PlatformUI we use 'EZP-XXXXX: Title of the pull request'
+2. In the description of the pull request:
+⋅⋅* First add the JIRA link of your story.
+⋅⋅* Then add a short description about what's in the pull request.
+⋅⋅* Sometimes a screenshot, or a screencast is a good way to show your work.
+⋅⋅* Don't forget to mention if your code is tested (manual and unit tests, coverage...).
+3. Make a last check of the code you've just pushed, for example you can check:
+⋅⋅* The coding standard errors like empty lines or missing / added spaces
+⋅⋅* The naming. Begin you methods name by verbs (<verb>Something()). Try to be as descriptive as possible for your variables' name.
+⋅⋅* Make sure all you methods are commented with up to date parameters and visibility of your methods
+⋅⋅* Verify you don't have uneeded diff.
+4. Check if ezrobot and Travis are ok.
+5. Good job! You can now request a review!