You need an Azure subscription. If you do not have one, to get started quickly go to
You can also get free or charge subscription from, no Credit Card needed.
For MS employees, ask help from the proctor to create your own MS internal subscription.
Check your subscription at : then go to --> remove filter "Show only subscriptions selected in the global subscriptions filter" to see it.
You can use the Azure Cloud Shell accessible once you login with an Azure subscription.
The Azure Cloud Shell has the Azure CLI pre-installed and configured to connect to your Azure subscription as well as kubectl
and helm
az --version
az account list
az account show
Please use your username and password to login to
Also please authenticate your Azure CLI by running the command below on your machine and following the instructions.
# /!\ In CloudShell, the default subscription is not always the one you thought ...
subName="set here the name of your subscription"
subName=$(az account list --query "[?name=='${subName}'].{name:name}" --output tsv)
echo "subscription Name :" $subName
subId=$(az account list --query "[?name=='${subName}'].{id:id}" --output tsv)
echo "subscription ID :" $subId
az account set --subscription $subId
az account show
tenantId=$(az account show --query tenantId -o tsv)
# if you run az cli out of cloudshell (ex: in WSL)
az login --username xxx --tenant $tenantId