EAS Authentication with Apple Developer Portal failed! Apple provided the following error info: You are not registered as an Apple Developer. #2048
needs review
Issue is ready to be reviewed by a maintainer
Build/Submit details page URL
A non-technical founder invited me to his App Store Connect team so I can code, build, and submit his app for him. App is done building and I want to submit build into App Store Connect. I can open the app fine on App store connect but when I try to submit the build I get this error.
I personally don't have Apple Developer on this account but I should still be able to submit right? I can provide team or provider ID if needed.
Managed or bare?
expo-env-info 1.0.5 environment info:
OS: macOS 13.3.1
Shell: 5.9 - /bin/zsh
Node: 20.5.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/bin/node
Yarn: 1.22.19 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/bin/yarn
npm: 9.8.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/bin/npm
CocoaPods: 1.12.1 - /opt/homebrew/bin/pod
Platforms: DriverKit 22.4, iOS 16.4, macOS 13.3, tvOS 16.4, watchOS 9.4
Xcode: 14.3.1/14E300c - /usr/bin/xcodebuild
expo: ~49.0.8 => 49.0.8
react: 18.2.0 => 18.2.0
react-native: 0.72.4 => 0.72.4
eas-cli: 5.2.0
Expo Workflow: managed
\✔ Check Expo config for common issues
✔ Check package.json for common issues
✔ Check dependencies for packages that should not be installed directly
✔ Check for common project setup issues
✔ Check npm/ yarn versions
✔ Check Expo config (app.json/ app.config.js) schema
✔ Check that packages match versions required by installed Expo SDK
✔ Check for legacy global CLI installed locally
✔ Check that native modules do not use incompatible support packages
✖ Check that native modules use compatible support package versions for installed Expo SDK
Detailed check results:
Expected package @expo/config-plugins@~7.2.2
Found invalid:
@expo/[email protected]
(for more info, run: npm why @expo/config-plugins)
Advice: Upgrade dependencies that are using the invalid package versions.
Error output
Loaded "env" configuration for the "production" profile: no environment variables specified. Learn more
Error: Cannot find module 'expo-dev-client/package.json'
Require stack:
at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1048:15)
at resolveFileName (/Users/codergautam/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/lib/node_modules/eas-cli/node_modules/resolve-from/index.js:29:39)
at resolveFrom (/Users/codergautam/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/lib/node_modules/eas-cli/node_modules/resolve-from/index.js:43:9)
at module.exports (/Users/codergautam/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/lib/node_modules/eas-cli/node_modules/resolve-from/index.js:46:47)
at isExpoDevClientInstalledAsync (/Users/codergautam/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/lib/node_modules/eas-cli/build/build/utils/devClient.js:68:36)
at ensureExpoDevClientInstalledForDevClientBuildsAsync (/Users/codergautam/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/lib/node_modules/eas-cli/build/build/utils/devClient.js:18:15)
at runBuildAndSubmitAsync (/Users/codergautam/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/lib/node_modules/eas-cli/build/build/runBuildAndSubmit.js:65:79)
at async Build.runAsync (/Users/codergautam/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/lib/node_modules/eas-cli/build/commands/build/index.js:41:9)
at async Build._run (/Users/codergautam/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/lib/node_modules/eas-cli/node_modules/@oclif/core/lib/command.js:80:22)
at async Config.runCommand (/Users/codergautam/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/lib/node_modules/eas-cli/node_modules/@oclif/core/lib/config/config.js:272:25) {
requireStack: [ '/Users/codergautam/Documents/projects/barbosa/noop.js' ]
ios.infoPlist: withIntrospectionBaseMods ➜ withIosBaseMods ➜ withGeneratedBaseMods ➜ withIosInfoPlistBaseMod
ios.infoPlist: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withVersion ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withBuildNumber ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withUsesNonExemptEncryption ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withScheme ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withRequiresFullScreen ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withOrientation ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withDisplayName ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withGoogle ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withSplashScreen ➜ withIosSplashScreen ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withIosSplashInfoPlist ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withFallback ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withIosUserInterfaceStyle ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withFallback ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withIosRootViewBackgroundColor ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withFallback ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withIosBranch ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withFallback ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withIosAdMob ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withFallback ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withMaps ➜ withGoogleMapsKey ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withStaticPlugin ➜ withRunOnce ➜ withVoice ➜ withIosPermissions ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withStaticPlugin ➜ withRunOnce ➜ withAuth0 ➜ withIOSAuth0InfoPList ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.entitlements: withIntrospectionBaseMods ➜ withIosBaseMods ➜ withGeneratedBaseMods ➜ withIosEntitlementsBaseMod
ios.entitlements: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withAssociatedDomains ➜ withEntitlementsPlist
ios.entitlements: withFallback ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withNotificationsEntitlement ➜ withEntitlementsPlist
ios.entitlements: withStaticPlugin ➜ withExpoContacts ➜ withRunOnce ➜ withAccessesContactNotes ➜ withEntitlementsPlist
ios.entitlements: withStaticPlugin ➜ withExpoAppleAuthentication ➜ withRunOnce ➜ withAppleSignInWarning ➜ withEntitlementsPlist
ios.expoPlist: withIntrospectionBaseMods ➜ withIosBaseMods ➜ withGeneratedBaseMods ➜ withIosExpoPlistBaseMod
ios.expoPlist: withStaticPlugin ➜ withRunOnce ➜ withUnversionedUpdates ➜ withUpdates ➜ withExpoPlist
ios.splashScreenStoryboard: withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withIosSplashScreenStoryboardBaseMod ➜ withGeneratedBaseMods ➜ withIosSplashScreenStoryboardBaseMod
ios.splashScreenStoryboard: withSplashScreen ➜ withIosSplashScreen ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withIosSplashScreenImage ➜ withIosSplashScreenStoryboard
ios.podfileProperties: withIntrospectionBaseMods ➜ withIosBaseMods ➜ withGeneratedBaseMods ➜ withIosPodfilePropertiesBaseMod
ios.podfileProperties: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withJsEnginePodfileProps ➜ withPodfileProperties
Expo Metro config:
✔ Using remote iOS credentials (Expo server)
If you provide your Apple account credentials we will be able to generate all necessary build credentials and fully validate them.
This is optional, but without Apple account access you will need to provide all the missing values manually and we can only run minimal validation on them.
✔ Do you want to log in to your Apple account? … yes
› Log in to your Apple Developer account to continue
✔ Apple ID: … [email protected]
› Restoring session /Users/codergautam/.app-store/auth/[email protected]/cookie
› Session expired Local session
› Using password for [email protected] from your local Keychain
Learn more
✔ Logged in New session
Authentication with Apple Developer Portal failed!
Apple provided the following error info:
You are not registered as an Apple Developer. Please visit Apple Developer Registration. https://developer.apple.com/register/
UnexpectedAppleResponse: Apple provided the following error info:
You are not registered as an Apple Developer. Please visit Apple Developer Registration. https://developer.apple.com/register/
at Object.y [as parseAppStoreResponse] (/Users/codergautam/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/lib/node_modules/eas-cli/node_modules/@expo/apple-utils/build/index.js:1:846029)
at p (/Users/codergautam/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/lib/node_modules/eas-cli/node_modules/@expo/apple-utils/build/index.js:1:850508)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async t.selectTeamAsync (/Users/codergautam/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/lib/node_modules/eas-cli/node_modules/@expo/apple-utils/build/index.js:1:850780)
at async t.validateSessionAsync (/Users/codergautam/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/lib/node_modules/eas-cli/node_modules/@expo/apple-utils/build/index.js:1:738507)
at async Object.S [as loginWithUserCredentialsAsync] (/Users/codergautam/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/lib/node_modules/eas-cli/node_modules/@expo/apple-utils/build/index.js:1:709939)
at async loginWithUserCredentialsAsync (/Users/codergautam/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/lib/node_modules/eas-cli/build/credentials/ios/appstore/authenticate.js:84:24)
at async loginAsync (/Users/codergautam/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/lib/node_modules/eas-cli/build/credentials/ios/appstore/authenticate.js:56:16)
at async authenticateAsUserAsync (/Users/codergautam/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/lib/node_modules/eas-cli/build/credentials/ios/appstore/authenticate.js:129:27)
at async authenticateAsync (/Users/codergautam/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.1/lib/node_modules/eas-cli/build/credentials/ios/appstore/authenticate.js:101:16) {
errorInfo: {
responseId: 'd79dde80-ba2b-4b82-bceb-da2b82cb5505',
resultCode: 2100,
resultString: 'You are not registered as an Apple Developer. Please visit Apple Developer Registration. https://developer.apple.com/register/',
userString: 'You are not registered as an Apple Developer. Please visit Apple Developer Registration. https://developer.apple.com/register/',
creationTimestamp: '2023-09-06T23:37:05Z',
protocolVersion: 'QH65B2',
userLocale: 'en_US',
requestUrl: 'https://developer.apple.com/services-account/QH65B2/account/listTeams.action',
httpCode: 200
data: undefined
Error: build command failed.
Reproducible demo or steps to reproduce from a blank project
Be invited to a team on your account which is not in Apple Developer program. Run eas build -p ios in a fresh new Expo project.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: