Exercism configlet follows semantic versioning.
- #101 Add UUID section to README - @tleen
- #84 Remove coupling between description and metadata - @nywilken
- #97 changelog: small typo - @ferhatelmas
- #95 Add generate command info to README - @tleen
- #93 Rename fixtures to match testing context - @nywilken
- #90 Add --track-id flag to lint command - @robphoenix
- #83 Add tree command - @tleen
- #85 Add support for custom readme titles - @nywilken
- #88 redirect output from ui package in lint test file - @robphoenix
- #89 Add a snake case version of the slug - @kytrinyx
- #87 Update topic format description - @stkent
- #81 Add links to authors in changelog - @kytrinyx
- #78 Fix error handling for malformed config files - @nywilken
- #72 Implement UI printer - @robphoenix
- #74 Add CHANGELOG.md - @robphoenix
- #73 Update CONTRIBUTING.md - @rpottsoh
- #71 Update the list of supported Go versions - @nywilken
- #68 Document the basic release process - @kytrinyx
- #64 Amendments to commands - @robphoenix
- #67 Update track id detection to use absolute path - @nywilken
- #63 fmt: fix topic normalisation - @robphoenix
- #57 Add UUID validation across exercises and tracks to lint command - @nywilken
- #59 Replace calls to Fprintf with Fprintln - @nywilken
- #55 Refactor usage output for all commands - @robphoenix
- #49 Add check for missing problem-specifications directory - @nywilken
- #52 Add verbose flag to fmt - @robphoenix
- #54 Fix generate usage output - @robphoenix
- #34 Add fmt command - @robphoenix
- #48 Provide a MixedCase version of the problem spec name - @kytrinyx
- #47 lint.go: Improve output of lint help command - @robphoenix
- #45 Minor changes to lint & generate commands - @robphoenix
- #46 Document how to run the tests on Windows - @robphoenix
- #44 Add CONTRIBUTING.md - @robphoenix
- #43 Vendor dependencies with dep - @robphoenix
- #37 Lint maintainers - @kytrinyx
- #38 Fix golint complaints - @kytrinyx
- #32 configlet: Verify presence of test file - @nywilken
- #36 Delete unused variable - @kytrinyx
- #31 configlet: Update test lint command in doc.go - @nywilken
- #26 Add a command to generate UUIDs - @kytrinyx
- #24 Add generate command for exercise readmes - @kytrinyx
- #23 Rewrite with cobra - @kytrinyx
- #25 minor update readme.md - @rpottsoh
- #19 Make the error messages more expressive - @kytrinyx
- #21 Update license file - @stkent
- #22 Remove license info from README - @stkent
- #20 Update configlet check descriptions - @stkent
- #17 Remove support for exercise implementations in the root of the track - @kytrinyx
- #16 Remove support for problems key in config.json - @kytrinyx
- #14 Readme.md: Link to config.json documentation. - @Insti
- #13 Configurable example solution pattern - @Insti
- #9 Simplify gofmt style - @ferhatelmas
- #6 Run tests on travis - @kytrinyx
- #5 Ignore img directory - @ryanplusplus