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Developer Guide

In this developer guide we explain how to build this project and how you can add new transformer tasks and tests.


There are two ways to install the Transformers Extension Package:

1. Build and install the Python Package

This project needs Python 3.10 or above installed on the development machine. In addition, in order to build Python packages you need to have the Poetry (>= 1.1.11) package manager. Then you can install and build the transformers-extension as follows:

poetry install
poetry build

2. Download and install the pre-build wheel

Instead of building yourself, the latest version of the Python package of this extension can be downloaded from the Releases in the GitHub Repository (see the latest release). Please download the built archive exasol_transformers_extension-<version-number>-py3-none-any.whl(transformers_extension.whl in older versions) and install it as follows:

pip install <path/wheel-filename.whl> --extra-index-url

Check wheel installation

The wheel should be installed in transformers-extension/dist. After updating and building a new release there may be multiple wheels installed here. This leads to problems, so check and delete the old wheels if necessary. You may also need to check transformers-extension/language_container/exasol_transformers_extension_container/flavor_base/release/dist for the same reason.

Run Tests

All unit and integration tests can be run within the Poetry environment created for the project using nox. See the nox file for all tasks run by nox. There are three tasks for tests.

Run unit tests:

      poetry run nox -s test:unit

Start a test database and run all integration tests:

      poetry run nox -s start_database
      poetry run nox -s test:integration

run parts of the integration tests:

      poetry run nox -s onprem_integration_tests
      poetry run nox -s saas_integration_tests
      poetry run nox -s without_db_integration_tests

You can find more information regarding the tests in the Tests section below

Python Toolbox

We use the Python toolbox, however some things are modified for this project, mainly because we run our integration tests differently here.

  • we don't use the "slow-checks" workflow for running integration tests, instead we run them in AWS
    • this means code coverage is currently not run on integration tests.
  • we also don't use the "build-and-publish" workflow, because we need to build and upload the slc at the moment. instead we use release droid with the release_droid_upload_github_release_assets workflow for now.

Add Transformer Tasks

In the transformers-extension library, the 8 most popular NLP tasks provided by Transformers API have already been defined. We created separate UDF scripts for each NLP task. You can find these tasks and UDF script usage details in the User Guide. This section shows you step by step how to add a new NLP task to this library.

1. Add a UDF Template

The new task's UDF template should be added to the exasol_transformers_extension/resources/templates/ directory. Please pay attention that the UDF script is uses "SET UDF" and the inputs are received ordered by pre-determined columns. In addition, the first 4 input arguments of the UDF script should be:

  • device_id: To run on GPU, specify the valid cuda device ID. Otherwise, you can provide NULL for this parameter.
  • bucketfs_conn: The BucketFS connection name
  • sub_dir: The directory where the model is stored in the BucketFS.
  • model_name: The name of the model to use for prediction. You can find the details of the models in huggingface models page.

Please note that the output emitted by the UDF is created by adding the model inference output to the inputs.

2. Define UDF Caller

Before implementing the UDF logic (examined in item 4 in this section), the run function responsible for calling the newly created UDF script should be defined in exasol_transformers_extension/udfs/callers/. Also add the new udf to the lists in tests/utils/

3. UDF Template-Caller Matching

The added UDF template and defined UDF caller should be added to the dictionary in the exasol_transformers_extension/deployment/ script. Thus, we know which template belongs to which script during deployment.

4. Implement Task Logic in UDF Script

The UDF class, in which we implement the logic of the desired task, must be defined under the exasol_transformers_extension/udfs/models/ directory. This class should extend the BaseModelUDF class. Moreover, new output columns expected from this task should be specified in the new_columns list.

BaseModelUDF contains common operations for all task UDFs. For example:

  • accesses data in batches with predefined batch size
  • manages the script cache
  • reads the corresponding model from BucketFS into cache
  • creates model pipeline through transformer api
  • manages the creation of model predictions and the preparation of results.

Users should implement the following methods in the UDF class that extends the BaseModel UDF:

  • extract_unique_param_based_dataframes : Even if the data in a given dataframe all have the same model, there might be differences within the given dataframe with different model parameters (e.g. top_k parameter in FillingMaskUDF). This method is responsible for extracting unique dataframes which share both the same model and model parameters.
  • execute_prediction : Performs prediction on a given text list using recently loaded models.
  • create_dataframes_from_predictions : Converts list of predictions to pandas dataframe.
  • append_predictions_to_input_dataframe: Reformats the dataframe used in prediction, such that each input row has a row for each prediction result.


1. Unit Tests

  • Unit tests use the udf-mock-python library that tests UDFs locally without a database.
  • Different scenarios with different UDF inputs and different model parameters are defined under the test/unit/udf_wrapper_params/ directory.
  • These different scenarios are parameterized in the UDF tests.

2. Integration Tests

These tests are grouped into two groups and there are separate tests for each UDF script in each group:

  • without db tests the UDF class and functionality that includes the UDF logic.
  • with_db performs end-to-end test by running the UDF query statements in the database.

The automatic run of the Integration tests on GitHub push are moved into AWS for this repository. They are only run if you add [CodeBuild] to the commit message. Currently, the CodeBuild project is managed manually and is triggered with a webhook on branch push. For this our aws-ci user is added to this Repository. The webhook can be configured in the AWS CodeBuild project directly. The CodeBuild project also uses our DockerHub user for the build. For this it has access to the AWS SecretsManager.

Good to know

  • Hugging Face models consist of 2 parts, the model and the Tokenizer. Most of our functions deal with both parts