ESL Animate
Version: 2.0.0.
Authors: Anna-Mariia Petryk, Feoktyst Shovchko, Alexey Stsefanovich (ala'n), Julia Murashko.
is a module that provides service and its DOM API to animate elements on their intersection with the viewport
The module consists of JS API ESLAnimateService
, Custom element ESLAnimate
, and Mixin element ESLAnimateMixin
ESLAnimateService is a core of the esl-animate
module. Element needs to be observed by ESLAnimateService in order to be
- Add class(es) when observed elements enter the viewport area
- Animate in a group, that allows adding an animation delay for each next item in the intersection queue
- Automatic re-animation after the item exits the viewport area
- Pre-defined CSS animations
esl-animate-slide left
esl-animate-slide right
esl-animate-slide up
esl-animate-slide down
ESLAnimateService provides a way to asynchronously add animation on the intersection of a target element with a viewport. It is based on Intersection Observer Api and serves as a core functionality for ESLAnimate
and ESLAnimateMixin
ESLAnimateService.observe(els, config)
- method to start element observationels
- element or array of elements to observe and animateconfig
- optional ESLAnimateConfig object to describe the behavior of the animation functionality
- method to unsubscribe ESLAnimateService from observing elementsESLAnimateService.isObserved(el)
- check if the element is observed by ESLAnimateService
You can also create a separate (from global) ESLAnimateService
instance by calling its constructor.
by default) - CSS class(es) to control animation. The control class(es) will be added to the observed element(s) after they had intersected with the viewport area. Service supports ESL extended class definition syntax, CSSClassUtilsgroup
(boolean) - enable group animation for items, hence takegroupDelay
value into account while performing animation (item will start the animation with a delay after the previous item's animation start)groupDelay
by default) - number of milliseconds animation delay in grouprepeat
(boolean) - refresh (re-animate) items when they became invisible (exit viewport)force
(boolean) - allows to re-animate items when ESLAnimateService subscribed on already animated item if set to trueratio
(0.2|0.4|0.6|0.8) - intersection ratio to consider an element as visible Only 0.2 (20%), 0.4 (40%), 0.6 (60%), 0.8 (80%) values are allowed due to sharing of IntersectionObserver instance with a fixed set of thresholds defined
ESLAnimate is a custom element that subscribes ESLAnimateService
to elements from html.
To use ESLAnimate you need to include the following code:
- target element(s) to animate, defined by ESLTraversingQuery. By default target value is empty, meaning component will animate itselfcls
by default) - CSS class(es) to control animation. The control class(es) will be added to observed element(s), after they had intersected with vieport area. Service supports ESL extended class definition syntax, CSSClassUtilsgroup
(boolean) - enable group animation for items, hence takegroupDelay
value into account while performing animation (item will start the animation with a delay after the previous item's animation start)groupDelay
by default) - number of milliseconds animation delay in grouprepeat
(boolean) - refresh (re-animate) items when they became invisible (exit viewport)force
(boolean) - allows to re-animate items when ESLAnimateService subscribed on already animated item if set to trueratio
(0.2|0.4|0.6|0.8) - intersection ratio to consider an element as visible Only 0.2 (20%), 0.4 (40%), 0.6 (60%), 0.8 (80%) values are allowed due to the share of the IntersectionObserver instance with a fixed set of thresholds defined
By default, attributes group
, repeat
, and target
are observed, meaning the animation sequence will restart once
theese attributes are changed. Additionally, you can do the re-animation manually by calling the instance method reanimate()
- plugin (target attribute defined)
<esl-animate target="::next::child(li)"></esl-animate>
<li class="esl-animate-fade">...</li>
<li class="esl-animate-fade">...</li>
Note: <esl-animate>
hidden (display: none
) by default when there is no content inside
- wrapper (no target attribute defined)
<esl-animate class="esl-animate-fade" cls="in">
...HTML Content...
ESLAnimateMixin is an ESL mixin attribute that automatically subscribes ESLAnimateService
to the element from html.
To use ESLAnimateMixin you need to include the following code:
- json attribute containing following properties:cls
by default) - CSS class(es) to control animation. The control class(es) will be added to observed element(s), after they had intersected with vieport area. Service supports ESL extended class definition syntax, CSSClassUtilsrepeat
(boolean) - refresh (re-animate) items when they became invisible (exit viewport)ratio
(0.2|0.4|0.6|0.8) - intersection ratio to consider an element as visible Only 0.2 (20%), 0.4 (40%), 0.6 (60%), 0.8 (80%) values are allowed due to sharing of the IntersectionObserver instance with a fixed set of thresholds defined
Apart from ESLAnimate
module mixin doesn't observe any of the element attributes. But you can do the re-animation manually by calling instance method reanimate()
- default declaration
<div esl-animate>...HTML Content...</div>
- custom config
<div esl-animate="{repeat: true, ratio: 0.2, cls: 'in'}">...HTML Content...</div>