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# Lighter
-Lighter is an opensource application for interacting with [Apache Spark](https://spark.apache.org/) on [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/) or [Apache Hadoop YARN](https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/YARN.html). It is hevily inspired by [Apache Livy](https://livy.incubator.apache.org/) and has some overlaping features.
+Lighter is an opensource application for interacting with [Apache Spark](https://spark.apache.org/) on [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/) or [Apache Hadoop YARN](https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/YARN.html). It is heavily inspired by [Apache Livy](https://livy.incubator.apache.org/) and has some overlapping features.
Lighter supports:
- Interactive Python Sessions through [Sparkmagic](https://github.com/jupyter-incubator/sparkmagic) kernel
- Batch application submissions through the REST API
-> :warning: **If you are using interactive sessions**: While we have tested batch applications quite extensively, there might be some problems with interactive sessions, consider current release of Lighter as alpha.
You can read a breaf description on how Lighter works [here](./docs/architecture.md).
## Using Lighter
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--- a/docs/configuration.md
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@@ -22,19 +22,20 @@ Lighter can be configured by using environment variables. Currently, Lighter sup
| LIGHTER_STORAGE_JDBC_DRIVER_CLASS_NAME | JDBC driver class name | org.h2.Driver |
| LIGHTER_BATCH_DEFAULT_CONF | Default `conf` props for batch applications (JSON)* | |
| LIGHTER_SESSION_DEFAULT_CONF | Default `conf` props for session applications (JSON) | |
+| LIGHTER_SESSION_PERMANENT_SESSIONS | List of configurations for [permanent sessions](./permanent_sessions.md) | "[]" |
-* default confs will be merged with confs provided in submit request, if property is defined in submit request, default will be ignored.
+* default configs will be merged with configss provided in submit request, if property is defined in submit request, default will be ignored.
Example of `LIGHTER_BATCH_DEFAULT_CONF`: `{"spark.kubernetes.driverEnv.TEST1":"test1"}`.
## Kubernetes configuration
-| Property | Description | Default |
-| ---------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |------------------------------------------------|
-| LIGHTER_KUBERNETES_ENABLED | Kubernetes enabled | false |
-| LIGHTER_KUBERNETES_MASTER | Kubernetes master URL | k8s://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local:443 |
-| LIGHTER_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE | Kubernetes namespace | spark |
-| LIGHTER_KUBERNETES_MAX_LOG_SIZE | Max lines of log to store on DB | 500 |
-| LIGHTER_KUBERNETES_SERVICE_ACCOUNT | Kubernetes service account | spark |
+| Property | Description | Default |
+| LIGHTER_KUBERNETES_ENABLED | Kubernetes enabled | false |
+| LIGHTER_KUBERNETES_MASTER | Kubernetes master URL | k8s://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local:443 |
+| LIGHTER_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE | Kubernetes namespace | spark |
+| LIGHTER_KUBERNETES_MAX_LOG_SIZE | Max lines of log to store on DB | 500 |
+| LIGHTER_KUBERNETES_SERVICE_ACCOUNT | Kubernetes service account | spark |
## YARN configuration
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Permanent sessions
+The Lighter has a feature for permanent interactive sessions. These sessions are useful for cases where there is
+a need for a session that runs indefinitely and where occasional session statements need to be submitted directly
+through the REST API.
+The Lighter takes care of maintaining the continuity of these sessions, ensuring they remain active and restarting
+them in case of failures without altering the session identifier.
+It's important to note that in some cases, when a session is restarted due to a failure, it may not restore the previous
+state. Therefore, it's advisable to make your statements independent of the previous session state.
+## Configuration
+Permanent sessions can be configured through by setting `LIGHTER_SESSION_PERMANENT_SESSIONS` environment variable.
+Example value:
+ {
+ "id": "permanent-id-used-on-api-calls",
+ "submit-params": {
+ "name": "Session Name",
+ "numExecutors": 4,
+ "executorCores": 2,
+ "executorMemory": "2G",
+ "driverCores": 2,
+ "driverMemory": "1G",
+ "conf": {
+ "spark.eventLog.enabled": true,
+ "spark.eventLog.dir": "s3a://your_bucket/spark-hs/"
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/docs/rest.md b/docs/rest.md
index 94512dae..f0b3d060 100644
--- a/docs/rest.md
+++ b/docs/rest.md
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Request Exapmple:
"numExecutors": 4,
"executorCores": 2,
"executorMemory": "2G",
- "dirverCores": 2,
+ "driverCores": 2,
"driverMemory": "1G",
"args": ["arg1", "arg2"],
"pyFiles": ["https://something/python_package.zip"],