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Comparison of surface dataset and LUT used for CROP vs. default BGC simulation

Creation of land use timeseries for CROP simulation

  1. Created by combining 17 pft LUT and NCAR's 78 pfts LUT
  2. PCT_CROP and PCT_NAT_PFT were updated based on NCAR LUT.
  3. PCT_CFT and FERTNITRO_CFT were created based on NCAR LUT.
  4. Steps used for creating the CROP land use timeseries

Surface dataset creation for BGC crop simulation with GSWP3 forcing:

    • Created using mksurdata tool
    • 1850 values updated using landuse timeseries (
    • Few negative PCT_NATVEG in the surface dataset listed in above step were causing the cbalance error. These were resolved in this dataset
    • Added values of APATITE_P , LABILE_P , OCCLUDED_P , SECONDARY_P.
    • These values were copied from

Surface dataset creation for BGC crop simulation with WCv2 forcing:

    • All dimensions and variables copied from except those containing containing cft, natpft, and lsmpft.
    • These were copied from rotated

Comparison of CROP surface dataset with default dataset

  1. Comparing percentage cropland area
  2. Comparing percentage natural vegeation land unit
  3. Comparing percentage pf PFT=0 on natural vegetation landunit
  4. Comparing percentage pf PFT=1 on natural vegetation landunit
  5. Comparing percentage pf PFT=2 on natural vegetation landunit
  6. Comparing percentage pf PFT=3 on natural vegetation landunit
  7. Comparing percentage pf PFT=4 on natural vegetation landunit
  8. Comparing percentage pf PFT=5 on natural vegetation landunit
  9. Comparing percentage pf PFT=6 on natural vegetation landunit
  10. Comparing percentage pf PFT=7 on natural vegetation landunit
  11. Comparing percentage pf PFT=8 on natural vegetation landunit
  12. Comparing percentage pf PFT=9 on natural vegetation landunit
  13. Comparing percentage pf PFT=10 on natural vegetation landunit
  14. Comparing percentage pf PFT=11 on natural vegetation landunit
  15. Comparing percentage pf PFT=12 on natural vegetation landunit
  16. Comparing percentage pf PFT=13 on natural vegetation landunit
  17. Comparing percentage pf PFT=14 on natural vegetation landunit

Comparison of CROP LUT with default LUT

  1. Time series comparing total cropland area