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API Documentation

This documentation is for v3.0.2. if you are using another version, you may update this file and make a PR. Contributions are totally welcomed ;)


A jalaali date picker component for react.


import {DatePicker} from 'react-persian-datepicker'
// or const DatePicker = require('react-persian-datepicker').DatePicker

render () {
  return <DatePicker />;

For more examples please visit github page or see examples/ directory.


Property Type Default Required Description
value object null usable to create controlled datepicker, if defaultValue provided it takes it's value
defaultValue object null sets default value for datepicker
onChange func it sends updated momentjs object as argument to provided function. By default it sets the datepicker value, if you need to implement this, consider updating value accordingly
onFocus func by default it makes datepicker visible. if you need to implement this, please see handleFocus method in the source code
onBlur func it sends actual blur event as argument, by default it handles visibility and the value of the datepicker and then runs this callback.
children node it is not used in this component, (propbably should be removed in the next version)
min object accepts a Date or Moment object as the minimum value for datepicker
max object accepts a Date or Moment object as the maximum value for datepicker
defaultMonth object sets Calendar's default starting month, see Calendar documentations below for more details.
inputFormat string "jYYYY/jM/jD" sets how date should appear in the input field. see moment-jalaali documentations for more details
removable bool it is not used in this component, (propbably should be removed in the next version)
timePickerComponent func if provided, it would show up in the datepicker. it should be a React Component which accepts four properties: min, max, momentValue, setMomentValue, datepicker will send corrsendponding min, max and momentValue and uses setMomentValue which sets the datepicker value internally. for more details see the source code, you may also find an implemented TimePicker component at examples/src/components/MyTimePicker.js
calendarStyles object basic.css css object which will be used in the Calendar component
calendarContainerProps object {} this object will be passed as containerProps in the Calendar component


A jalaali Calendar for react. It uses Persian locales by default.


import {Calendar} from 'react-persian-datepicker'
// or const Calendar = require('react-persian-datepicker').Calendar

render () {
  return <Calendar />;

For more examples please visit github page or see examples/ directory.


Property Type Default Required Description
min object accepts a Date or Moment object as the minimum day for Calendar
max object accepts a Date or Moment object as the maximum day for Calendar
styles object basic.css css object which will be used.
selectedDay object null sets default selected day
defaultMonth object sets Calendar's default starting month, if not set, the selectedDay's month will be used, if it was not set too, it sets current month.
onSelect func if provided, it will be called after user clicked on a day. the selectedDay (moment object) will be passed as argument to the function.
onClickOutside func if provided, it will be called after user clicked outside of calendar. it uses react-onclickoutside package and used by DatePicker component
containerProps object {} it is not used in this component, (propbably should be removed in the next version)


It is a simple string "ignore--click--outside" used as a class flag in CSS.

Documentation by thg303 at 2017/8/9