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Style Guide

This document defines a style guide for python code. It includes both objective rules as well as some subjective preferences.


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

What code does this apply to

This applies to both the library code and the test modules.

The code within the test modules may be treated with slightly looser standards than the main library code.

Why would you want to use this

Opinionated consistency

When multiple people are working on the same body of code, it is important that they write code that conforms to a similar style. It often doesn't matter as much which style, but rather that they conform to one style.

A good term for this is opinionated consistency. It's more important that the codebase be consistently styled and thus, there needs to be a definition of what that style is.





All code must conform to PEP8 with the following exceptions.

  • Line length of 100 (instead of the default 80).


All code must pass linting using the flake8 command line tool with all ignore rules disabled.

flake8 --ignore="" path-to-lint/


Code that do not pass flake8 linting rules but which is either required for some reason or would be worse by conforming to the linter can be excluded using a noqa comment which excludes the specific rule.

# in
from something import (  # noqa: F401

The noqa comment should not be used in the catch-all format:

# don't do this
a = a+b  # noqa

Subjective Style Preferences

The following style preferences cover areas where PEP8 does not establish a single way in which code should be formatted.


No empty lines at the top of modules.

Import Statements

Overall Ordering

All imports should be ordered as follows:

  1. Standard Library
    • Ordered alphabetically
  2. Installed Libraries
    • Ordered by approximate popularity
      • The requests library is more popular than library
  3. Local Library
    • Ordered hierarchically
      • The my_module.core should be above my_module.utils.encoding
    • Ordered alphabetically within hierarchy
      • The my_module.utils.alphabet should come before my_module.utils.zebra

See example below with comment annotations.

# standard library
import collections
import functools
import os
import sys

# installed libraries
import requests

from web3 import (

# local
from my_module import (
from my_module.subsystem import (

from my_module.utils.encoding import (

Individual Ordering

Within a single import statement, the imported items should be sorted alphabetically

from something import (


Single imports may be done in a single line.

from something import Thing

Multiple imports must be split across multiple lines, one per line.

from something import (


Standard library imports which import the top-level module do not need whitespace.

import collections
import functools

Standard library imports which import things from the module should be separated with a single line of whitespace.

import collections

from datetime import (

import functools

Installed library imports must be separated by a single line of whitespace.

import collections
import functools

import requests  # 3rd party

import pyethereum  # 3rd party

from local_module import (

Local library imports should be separated by a single line of whitespace based on hierarchy.

# top level module import
from my_module import (

# 1st level module import
from my_module.submodule import (

# 2nd level module import
from my_module.utils.encoding import (
from my_module.utils.formatting import (

# local import
from .helpers import (

Avoid from x import y for most standard library imports

For most standard library usage, you should access the necessary functions/classes/etc from the module itself.

# good
import functools

do_specific_thing = functools.partial(do_thing, x=3)

# less-good
from functools import partial

do_specific_thing = partial(do_thing, x=3)

This reduces cognitive overhead when reading code since a reader may already know what functools.partial does. In the case where partial is imported on its own, the reader must go find that import to verify that the partial function is in fact functools.partial.

Exceptions to this rule:

The abc.abstractmethod decorator

This decorator should be imported directly as it is arguably easier to read than using it off of the abc namespace.

class MyClass:
    @abc.abstractmethod  # harder to read
    def my_method(self):

    @abstractmethod  # easier to read
    def my_other_method(self):

Don't use from datetime import datetime

You should not import the datetime class from the datetime module. Both the class and module share the same name. By importing the datetime class, you introduce ambiguity for a reader as to whether the datetime variable they are looking at is the class or the module.

# good
import datetime

x = datetime.datetime(year=2017, month=10, day=1)

# bad
from datetime import datetime
x = datetime(year=2017, month=10, day=1)

Relative and Absolute imports

Relative imports should only be used for importing from the same module level. Relative imports are mentally difficult to traverse and are not portable if the module is moved.

# good
from .helpers import (

# less-good
from ..helpers import (  # should instead use absolute import path.

Raising Exceptions

When using the raise NewException() from exc form, the new exception must have a message passed to its constructor, otherwise when it is stringified (e.g when it is logged), we get an empty string. In most cases we can reuse the message (and other arguments passed to the original exception) with the following:

except SomeException as exc:
    raise NewException(*exc.args) from exc

Multi-line statements

We have traditionally avoided use of forward slash style multi-line statements.

result = something_long \

Dangling Commas

Multiline statements should use dangling commas. The reason for this is that it reduces the size of the diff when new items are added.

# good
x = [
    item_c,  # <--- dangling comma

# bad
x = [
    item_c  # <--- doesn't have a dangling comma

Long Strings

You should use the following pattern for long strings.

raise ValueError(
    "This exception message is exceptionally long and thus it "
    "requires that the message be broken up across multiple lines "
    "so that the linting gods do not smite us."

Formatting log messages

You should use % style string formatting for log messages. This allows for logging aggregators like Sentry to group logging messages."%s went %s wrong", 'Something', 'very')

Complex statements

Statements with lots of operators can be broken up across multiple lines more easily if the entire statement is wrapped in parenthesis. This allows for line breaks that would otherwise not be allowed.

result = (
    (variable_a + variable_b) * something_kind_of_long /


When a list/dict/etc comprehension exceeds the 100 character line lenght it should be split across multiple lines with the statement/for/in/if each on their own lines.

result = [
    for item
    in value

# or with an `if` statement
result = [
    for item
    in value
    if item is not None

It is also acceptable to combine the for and in lines for simple comprehensions

result = [
    for item in value

One thing per line

Any statement being split across multiple lines should include one thing per line. Multiline statements are inherently difficult to parse. By keeping each line down to one thing it reduces this difficulty.

result = get_things(

First thing on its own line

Any statement being split across multiple lines should move the first thing to the next line, indented one deeper than the previous line. For example, changes to function names should not change indentation level of all arguments. Reading the diff is faster and less error prone when only important lines change.

# should
result = get_things(

# should not
result = get_things(argument_a,

Closing parenthesis/bracket/brace

The closing parenthesis/bracket/brace for a multiline statement should be on it's own line, at the same level of indentation as the beginning of the statement. This provides an easy visual cue for where the multi-line statement begins and ends.

# good
result = get_things(

# less-good
result = get_things(

Function Signatures

When a function signature exceeds the 100 character limit, it should be split across multiple lines with a single argument per line. The closing parenthesis for the function arguments should be on the same line as the final argument.

def long_signature(

Only use bare else block for validating unexpected values

Instead of doing this:

if direction == 'north':
elif direction == 'south':
elif direction == 'west':

Prefer to use explicit elif blocks and a "validation" else block

if direction == 'north':
elif direction == 'south':
elif direction == 'west':
elif direction == 'east':
  raise ValidationError(f"unrecognized direction {direction}")

One of the critical reasons to prefer this latter approach is to identify errors early. Even very simple-looking "switches" like the above can be buggy. Here's an example: This above tests were passing, despite not testing 2/3 of the intended code paths.

It's not so important to find the bug. What's more important is that we prevent this whole class of errors by using an else block for validation. If you must know about the specific bug above, click for explanation below:

Click for bug spoiler When parameterizing pytest fixtures, the parameter is placed in `request.param` (not `request`). So the else block was *always* being triggered, and the first two paths were never running.


Since all new code is required to come with type hints (PEP 484), the following aims to provide answers to some common questions around working with types and mypy.

Choosing the right type

When working with types, we often have to choose between multiple different types that all may seem like the right candidate for the code in question.

Function variance

As a rule of thumb, the parameters of a function should be typed to accept the most flexible type that the function can work with.

# good
def triple_len(seq: Sequence[T]) -> int:
    return len(seq) * 3

res_1 = triple_len(["some", "irrelevant", "data"])
res_2 = triple_len(("some", "irrelevant", "data",))

# bad
def triple_len(seq: List[T]) -> int:
    return len(seq) * 3

res_1 = triple_len(["some", "irrelevant", "data"])
# Doesn't work if `triple_len` is limited to `List[T]`
# Argument 1 to "triple_len" has incompatible type "Tuple[str, str, str]"; expected "List[<nothing>]"

# res_2 = triple_len(("some", "irrelevant", "data"))

In contrast, the return type of a function should not be more abstract than the type already known in the function body.

# good
def create_things() -> Tuple[str, ...]:
    return ("some", "irrelevant", "data",)

things = create_things()
res = triple_len(things)

# bad
def create_things() -> Iterable[str]:
    return ("some", "irrelevant", "data",)

things = create_things()
# Doesn't work if `things` is falsly assumed to *only* qualify `Iterable[str]`
# Type error: Argument 1 to "triple_len" has incompatible type "Iterable[str]"; expected "Sequence[<nothing>]"

# res = triple_len(things)


Preferred delimiters

You should enclose docstrings with """ delimiters. That is, you should not enclose docstrings with ''' delimiters.


You should lay out docstring content according to the conventions defined in PEP 257 and PEP 287. Where those two PEPs conflict, precedence is given to the recommendations of PEP 287.

Exceptions to docstring style PEPs

The aforementioned PEP 257 recommends that a summary of a method's functionality should appear on the first line of a docstring immediately following the opening """ delimiter. Departing from this recommendation, you should insert a newline after the opening """ delimiter and before the beginning of a docstring's content. For example,

# Do this
def foo():
    Summary of foo's functionality.

    Longer description of foo's functionality.

# Don't do this
def foo():
    """Summary of foo's functionality.

    Longer description of foo's functionality.