diff --git a/proposal.html b/proposal.html index 939c2de..38a4e7c 100644 --- a/proposal.html +++ b/proposal.html @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
아래 주제에 대해서 3/31까지 발표 신청을 받습니다. +
아래 주제에 대해서 4/14까지 발표 신청을 받습니다. 누구나 시작해볼 수 있는 작은 댑 개발기 등 이더리움 개발과 관련된 다양한 주제로 주저하지 마시고 발표를 신청해보세요.
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@We are currently receiving applications from those who want to make a presentation on the following topics until March 31st. Do not hesitate to submit your presentation on various topics related to Ethereum development. For example, developing a small-scale Dapp that anyone can try. +
We are currently receiving applications from those who want to make a presentation on the following topics until April 14th. Do not hesitate to submit your presentation on various topics related to Ethereum development. For example, developing a small-scale Dapp that anyone can try.
In particular, Ethcon supports ‘Mo-gak-co’ where people can organize a study group or code together (or on their own). If you found it hard to try despite your interest in a certain field of Ethereum or just developing Ethereum in general, please refer to Ethcon Study Group.