All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Add testnet desktop launcher action for Linux #1516 (@caraka)
- Shuffle vSideStakeAlloc if necessary to support sidestaking to more than 6 destinations #1532 (@jamescowens)
- New Superblock format preparations for Fern #1526, #1542 (@jamescowens, @cyrossignol)
- Multisigtools
- Consolidate multisig unspent #1529 (@iFoggz)
- Scanforunspent #1547 (@iFoggz)
- consolidatemsunspent and scanforunspent bug fix #1561 (@iFoggz)
- New banning misbehavior handling and Peers Tab on Debug Console #1537 (@jamescowens)
- Reimplement getunconfirmedbalance rpc #1548 (@jamescowens)
- Add CLI switch to display binary version #1553 (@cyrossignol)
- Select smallest coins for contracts #1519 (@iFoggz)
- Move some functionality from miner to SelectCoinsForStaking + Respect the coin reserve setting + Randomize UTXO order #1525 (@iFoggz)
- For voting - if url does not contain http then add it #1531 (@ifoggz)
- Backport newer serialization facilities from Bitcoin #1535 (@cyrossignol)
- Refactor ThreadSocketHandler2() Inactivity checks #1538 (@iFoggz)
- Update outdated checkpoints #1539 (@barton2526)
- Change needed to build Gridcoin for OSX using homebrew #1540 (@Git-Jiro)
- Optimize scraper traffic for expiring manifests #1542 (@jamescowens)
- Move legacy neural vote warnings to debug log level #1560 (@cyrossignol)
- Change banlist save interval to 5 minutes #1564 (@jamescowens)
- Change default rpcconsole.ui window size to better support new Peers tab #1566 (@jamescowens)
- Remove deprecated RSA weight and legacy kernel #1507 (@cyrossignol)
- Clean up compiler warnings #1521 (@cyrossignol)
- Handle missing external CPID in client_state.xml #1530 (@cyrossignol)
- Support boost 1.70+ #1533 (@iFoggz)
- Fix diagnostics failed to make connection to NTP server #1545 (@Git-Jiro)
- Install manpages in correct system location #1546 (@Git-Jiro)
- Fix ability to show help and version without a config file #1553 (@cyrossignol)
- Refactor QT UI variable names to be more consistent, Fix Difficulty default #1563 (@barton2526)
- Fix two regressions in previous UI refactor #1565 (@barton2526)
- Fix "Owed" amount in output of "magnitude" RPC method #1569 (@cyrossignol)
- Add desktop file and icon set #1438 (@a123b)
- Add warning in help for blockchain scan for importprivkey #1469 (@jamescowens)
- Consolidateunspent rpc function #1472 (@jamescowens)
- Scraper 2.0 improvements #1481, #1488, #1509, and #1514 (@jamescowens, @cyrossignol)
- explorer mode operation
- simplified explainmagnitude output
- improved convergence reporting, including scraper information in the tooltip when fDebug3 is set
- improved statistics and SB contract core caching based on a bClean flag in the cache global
- new SB format and packing for bv11
- new SB contract hashing (native) for bv11
- changes to accomodate new beacon approach
- Implement in memory versioning for team file ETags
- Implement local dynamic team requirement removal and whitelist #1502 (@cyrossignol)
- Quiet logging for getmininginfo and scraper INFO logging level #1460 (@jamescowens)
- Spelling corrections #1461, #1462 (@caraka)
- Update crypto module #1453 (@denravonska)
- Update .travis.yml for Bionic #1475 (@jamescowens)
- Create CPID classes and clean up CPID code #1477 (@cyrossignol)
- Refactor researcher context and CPID harvesting #1480 (@cyrossignol)
- Remove boinckey export RPC method and import handler
- Notify when wallet locked in advertisebeacon RPC method #1504 (@cyrossignol)
- Notify when wallet locked in beaconstatus RPC method #1506 (@cyrossignol)
- Change spacer minimum height hint #1511 (@jamescowens)
- Remove safe mode #1434 (@denravonska)
- Remove bitcoin.moc in Makefile.qt.include #1444 (@RoboticMind)
- Clean up legacy Proof-of-Work functions #1497 (@cyrossignol)
- Constrain walletpassphrase to 10000000 seconds #1459 (@jamescowens)
- Straighten out localization in the scraper. #1471 (@jamescowens)
- Quick fix for rainbymagnitude #1473 (@jamescowens)
- Correct negation error in scraper tooltip for vScrapersNotPublishing #1484 (@jamescowens)
- Fix staked block rejection when active researcher #1485 (@cyrossignol)
- Add back informational magnitude to generated blocks #1489 (@cyrossignol)
- Add back in the in sync check in ScraperGetNeuralContract #1492 (@jamescowens)
- Scraper correct team file processing. #1501 (@jamescowens)
- Have importwallet file path default to datadir #1508 (@jamescowens)
- Scraper add Beacon Map size check to ensure convergence #1515 (@jamescowens)
- Adds back the new user wizard inadvertently removed #1464 (@jamescowens).
- Repair scraper team filtering #1466 (@jamescowens).
- Replace NeuralNetwork with portable C++ scraper #1387 (@jamescowens, @tomasbrod, @cycy, @TheCharlatan, @denravonska).
- Allow compile flags to be used for depends #1423 (@G-UK).
- Add stake splitting and side staking info to getmininginfo #1424 (@jamescowens).
- Add desktop file and icon set #1438 (@a123b).
- Disable Qt for windows Travis builds #1276 (@TheCharlatan).
- Replace use of AppCache PROJECT section with strongly-typed structures #1415 (@cyrossignol).
- Change dumpwallet to use appropriate data directory #1416 (@jamescowens).
- Optimize ExtractXML() calls by avoiding unnecessary string copies #1419 (@cyrossignol).
- Change signature of IsLockTimeWithinMinutes #1422 (@jamescowens).
- Restore old poll output for getmininginfo RPC #1437 (@a123b).
- Prevent segfault when using rpc savescraperfilemanifest #1439 (@jamescowens).
- Improve miner status messages for ineligible staking balances #1447 (@cyrossignol).
- Enhance scraper log archiving #1449 (@jamescowens).
- Re-enable full GUI 32-bit Windows builds - part of #1387 (@jamescowens).
- Re-activate Windows Installer #1409 (@TheCharlatan).
- Fix Depends and Travis build issues for ARM #1417 (@jamescowens).
- Fix syncupdate icons #1421 (@jamescowens).
- Fix potential BOINC crash when reading projects #1426 (@cyrossignol).
- Fix freeze when unlocking wallet #1428 (@denravonska).
- Fix RPC after high priority alert #1432 (@denravonska).
- Fix missing poll in GUI when most recent poll expired #1455 (@cyrossignol).
- Remove old, rudimentary side staking implementation #1381 (@denravonska).
- Remove auto unlock #1402 (@denravonska).
- Remove superblock forwarding #1430 (@denravonska).
- Add
RPC command #1235 (@Foggyx420). - Add stake splitting and side staking #1265 (@jamescowens).
- Detect and block Windows shutdown so wallet can exit cleanly #1309 (@jamescowens).
- Add message support to sendfrom and sendtoaddress #1400 (@denravonska).
- Configuration options are now case insensitive #294 (@Foggyx420).
- Update command in beaconstatus help message #1312 (@chrstphrchvz).
- Improve synchronization speeds:
- Refactor superblock pack/unpack #1194 (@denravonska).
- Optimize neuralsecurity calculations #1255 (@denravonska).
- Reduce hash calculations when checking blocks #1206 (@denravonska).
- Make display of private key in beaconstatus OPT-IN only #1275 (@Foggyx420).
- Store Beacon keys in Wallet #1088 (@tomasbrod).
- Use default colors for pie chart #1333 (@chrstphrchvz).
- Show hand cursor when hovering clickable labels #1332 (@chrstphrchvz).
- Update #1337 (@Peppernrino).
- Fix integer overflow with displayed nonce #1297 (@personthingman2).
- Improve application cache performance #1317 (@denravonska).
- Improve reorg speeds #1263 (@denravonska).
- Update Polish translation #1375 (@michalkania).
- Remove expired polls from overview page #1250 (@personthingman2).
- Fix plural text on block age #1304 (@scribblemaniac).
- Fix researcher staking issue if your chain head was staked by you, #1299 (@denravonska).
- Fix incorrect address to grcpool node #1314 (@wilkart).
- Do not replace underscores by spaces in Qt Poll URLs #1327 (@tomasbrod).
- Fix scraper SSL issues #1330 (@Foggyx420).
- Remove or merged several RPC commands #1228 (@Foggyx420):
, removed.burn2
: Removed.cpid
: Merged intoprojects
: Merged intomagnitude
: Removed, usemagnitude
: Removed, usemagnitude
: Removed.encrypt
: Removed.
- Remove obsolete POW fields from RPC responses #1358 (@jamescowens).
- Remove obsolete netsoft fields for slight RAM requirement reduction #1336 (@denravonska).
- Remove unused attachment functionality #1345 (@denravonska).
- Wrong RA scan range causing reward calculation disagreements and forks #1366, (@tomasbrod, @jamescowens, @denravonska).
- Fix crashes when voting in polls #1369 (@denravonska).
- Linux nodes can now stake superblocks using forwarded contracts, #1060 (@tomasbrod).
- Replace interest with constant block reward #1160 (@tomasbrod). Fork is set to trigger at block 1420000.
- Raise coinstake output count limit to 8 #1261 (@tomasbrod).
- Port of Bitcoin hash implementation #1208 (@jamescowens).
- Minor canges for the build documentation #1091 (@Lenni).
- Allow sendmany to be used without an account specified #1158 (@Foggyx420).
- Fix
not returning the correct data #1233 (@Foggyx420). - Fix
not showing mined blocks to change addresses, #501 (@Foggyx420). - Fix crash when raining using a locked wallet #1236 (@Foggyx420).
- Fix invalid stake reward/fee calculation (@jamescowens).
- Fix divide by zero bug in
RPC #1292 (@Foggyx420). - Bypass historical bad blocks on testnet #1252 (@Quezacoatl1).
- Fix MacOS memorybarrier warnings #1193 (@ghost).
- Remove neuralhash from the getpeerinfo and node stats #1123 (@Foggyx420).
- Remove obsolete NN code #1121 (@Foggyx420).
- Remove (lower) Mint Limiter #1212 (@tomasbrod).
- Fix burned coins incorrectly showing up in wallets #1283 (@jamescowens).
- Fix decimal output in RPC commands #1272 (@Foggyx420).
- Fix verbose flag in
RPC output #1271 (@jamescowens).
- Balance now includes unconfirmed coins sent by self #1192 (@Foggyx420).
- Support for Qt 5.9 (@thecharlatan)
- Compatibility with boost-1.67 (@denravonska)
- Calculations to reduce network time offset (@jamescowens)
- Feedback for addnode RPC command (@tomasbrod)
- Added data acquisiton commands (@tomasbrod):
- getrecentblocks
- exportstats1
- getsupervotes
- /var/lib/boinc/ as a valid boinc path on Linux (@rsparlin)
- Stress testing script (@Foggyx420)
- refhash command also on linux (@jamescowens)
- Documentation for out of source build (@thecharlatan)
- More accurate time to stake and network weight estimations (@jamescowens)
- Compressed image files (@Peppernrino)
- Poll (voting) code refactoring (@thecharlatan)
- BITCOIN optimize command listunspent (@Foggyx420)
- RPC server refactoring (Wladimir J. van der Laan) (@thecharlatan)
- Replace json spirit with Univalue JSON library (@thecharlatan)
- Change repository URL (@Foggyx420)
- Pretty-print rpc output (@denravonska)
- Logging for debugging reward computation (@tomasbrod)
- Clean-up beacon manipulation (@Foggyx420)
- Building errors on Mac releated to SVG framework (@thecharlatan)
- neural data response
- neural network fixes (@Foggyx420)
- investor cpid's appearing as zeros in block index (@tomasbrod)
- ensure that daemon functionality is correct when built together with gui wallet (@jamescowens)
- improve logging, remove empty lines (@jamescowens) (@Foggyx420) (@tomasbrod) (@denravonska)
- windows socket warnings (@thecharlatan)
- unused components of neural network (@Foggyx420)
- GRCRestarter (@Foggyx420)
- Galaza (game) (@Foggyx420)
- unused images (@barton2526)
- unused code (@Foggyx420) (@Pythonix)
- unusual activity report (@tomasbrod)
- burnamount and recipient from appcache (@tomasbrod)
- GUI FAQ (@Lenni)
- unusable limit from magnitude command (@Foggyx420)
- cgminer support (@Foggyx420)
- deprecated menu items (@jamescowens)
- Fix voting regression when done from the UI #1133 (@Foggyx420).
- Fixes for displaying on high DPI displays #517 (@skcin).
- Re-enable unit tests, add unit test to Travis #769 #808 (@thecharlatan).
- Fix empty string in sendalert2 (@tomasbrod).
- Neural Report RPC command #1063 (@tomasbrod).
- GUI wallet redign with new icons and purple native style (@skcin).
- Switch to autotools and Depends from Bitcoin #487 (@thecharlatan).
- Clean and update docs for new build system, remove outdated #828 (@thecharlatan).
- Change estimated time to stake calculations to be more accurate #1084 (@jamescowens).
- Move logging to tinyformat #1009 (@thecharlatan).
- Improve appcache performance #734 (@denravonska).
- Improve block index memory access performance #679 (@denravonska).
- NN fixes: clean logging, explain mag single response, move contract to ndata_nresp (@denravonska)
- Updated translations:
- Turkish #771 (@confuest).
- Chinese #1012 (@linnaea).
- RPC refactor: Cleaner locks, better error handling, move execute calls to straght rpc calls #1024 (@Foggyx420).
- Change locking primitives from Boost to STL #1029 (@Foggyx420).
- gridcoindiagnostic RPC call (@denravonska).
- Galaza #945 (@barton2526).
- Assertion in SignSignature #998 (@thecharlatan).
- Upgrade menu #1094 (@jamescowens).
- Acid test functions #871 (@tomasbrod).
- Qt4 support #801 (@denravonska).
- Fix wallet being locked while flushing. It now requires a clean shutdown or a backup to migrate the wallet.dat to a different system #1010 (@jamescowens).
- Automatic backups can now be disabled by using
, #1018 (@denravonska). - Trigger a fix spent coins check on start and after block disconnect #1018 (@denravonska).
- Fix sync issues due to beacon age checks #1003 (@denravonska).
- Fix issues with NN participation on Windows #986 (@Foggyx420).
- Fix stray data in beaconreport RPC #986 (@Foggyx420).
- Fix spelling error #989 (@caraka).
- Move context sensitive DPoR block checks to ConnectBlock #922 (@tomasbrod).
- Check incoming blocks for malformed DPoR signature #922.
- Corect tally height on init #917 (@denravonska).
- Prevent staking of a block with a failed signature #948 (@Foggyx420).
- Fix UI and RPC slowdown regression #961 (@denravonska).
- Fix Debian lint errors #886 #885 #884 #883 (@caraka).
- Fix fork issue due to research age calculation inconsistencies #939 (@denravonska).
- Fix crashes when tallying #934 (@denravonska).
- Revert reorganize of the chain trust becomes less than what it was #957 (@tomasbrod).
- Fix sync issues with incorrectly accepted v8 beacons #979 (@tomasbrod).
- Double check PoS kernel #958 (@tomasbrod).
- Don't tally until V9 to speed up syncing #943 (@denravonska).
- Beacon validation are now done when accepting blocks, not when receiving, #899 (@denravonska).
- Fix crashes due to buffer overflow in encrypt/decrypt #890 (@denravonska).
- Rewrite reorganize routine to be more reliable and drop contracts received or issued while on a side chain to help reducing forks #902 (@tomasbrod).
Internal test version used to sort out the forks.
- Fix crash when switching to new tally on block 1144120 #868 (@denravonska).
- Fix crash when staking while tallying #866 (@denravonska).
- Fix RPC resource leak regression. This also reduces RPC overhead, making calls ~25-35% faster #848 (@denravonska).
- Fix incorrect return code when forking #832 (@denravonska).
- Remove upgrader option until rewritten #836 (@Foggyx420).
- Fix for UI getting stuck in splash screen (@denravonska).
- Properly fix for wallet not daemonizing #822 (@denravonska).
- Fix several crashes in diagnostic dialog #816 (@Foggyx420).
- Fix client not exiting when running as daemon (@denravonska).
- Fix issue with boincstake.dll not updating on dirty installs (@Foggyx420).
- Update splash screen #685 (acey1).
- Provide Difficulty of best kernel found #766 (@tomasbrod).
- Add Travis support for OSX, 665 (@acey1).
- Add better command for sending alerts #731 (@tomasbrod).
- Add RPC for sending raw contracts #683 (@tomasbrod).
- Add portable diagnostic page #631 (@fooforever).
- Fixed minor spelling mistakes #742 (@denravonska).
- Several tally improvements. There should now be less forking and the wallet should use ~50MB less memory #668 #756 (@denravonska, @tomasbrod)
- Data scraper can no longer run concurrently #742 (@denravonska).
- Improve superblock validations #730 (@tomasbrod).
- Fix potential deadlock #708 (@denravonska).
- Prevent duplicate superblocks #534 (@tomasbrod).
- Fix issue with application cache clears #577 (@tomasbrod).
- Fix bug which caused rewards to be lost when staking the newbie block. Missing rewards will be reimbursed #552 (@Foggyx420).
- Fix minor UI typos #661 (@Erkan-Yilmaz).
- Fix stake modifier #686 (@tomasbrod).
- Improve boost-1.66.0 compatibility #800 (@denravonska).
- Fix crash in diagnostics dialog #794 (@Foggyx420).
- Changed versioning extraction from git. Test builds can no longer be used to stake in production unless explicitly enabled #729 (@tomasbrod).
- Don't update network quorum while syncing #728 (@Foggyx420).
- Snapshot URL now uses https #727 (@Foggyx420).
- Code cleanup (@Foggyx420, @denravonska).
- Use more efficient data structure for blocks #679 (@denravonska).
- Improve transaction description dialog #676 (@Foggyx420).
- Improve beacon handling #604 #645 #649 #684 #701 (@Foggyx420, @tomasbrod).
- Optimize double<->string conversions #692 (@denravonska).
- Optimize application cache access #506 (@denravonska).
- Improve thread handling #656 (@skcin).
- Replace
. - Optimize string split function #672 (@denravonska).
- Improve sync speeds #650 (@denravonska).
- The RPC command
is now calledrestart
. - Fix voting sorting issues #610 (@MagixInTheAir).
- Improve wallet backup #610 (@Foggyx420).
- Update seed nodes #783 (@barton2526).
- Auto upgrades are now opt-in via the "autoupgrade" flag #796 (@denravonska).
- Clean up seed nodes #783 (@barton2526).
- Remove CSV exporter which used unreliable data #759 (@denravonska).
- Remove block download menu options on non-Windows #727 (@Foggyx420).
- Removed RPC commands (@Foggyx420, @denravonska):
- debugexplainmagnitude
- executecode
- getsubsidy
- list newbieage
- list staking
- leder
- reboot
- Remove checkpoint relaying to improve sync speeds #678 (@denravonska).
- Remove IRC peer discovery.
- Fix problems sending beacons on Windows #684 (@tomasbrod).
- Fix clients getting stuck at V8 blocks when syncing #686 (@tomasbrod).
- Add "backupprivatekeys" RPC command #593 (@Foggyx420).
- Add more transaction details to the UI #573 (@tomasbrod).
- Add Additional logging to diagnose PoR reward loss (@tomasbrod)
- Reduce startup time by 15 seconds #626 (@tomasbrod, @Foggyx420).
- Prevent email being leaked in CPIDv2 block field #621 (@tomasbrod).
- Fixed memory leaks when receiving orphans while in sync #622 (@denravonska).
- Unconfirmed balance was not shown in UI #615, (@Foggyx420).
- Fix memory leaks when clearing orphans #609, (@MagixInTheAir).
- Fix an issue where multiple beacons could be advertised in rapid succession #604 (@Foggyx420).
- Stake weight in the UI will no longer include old DPOR weght #602 (@Foggyx420).
- Fix stake modifier mismatch which caused nodes to get stuck on first V8 block #581 (@tomasbrod).
- Fix beacon auto advertisment issue when done automatically #580 (@Foggyx420).
- Fix for loss of PoR rewards due to reorganize #578 (@tomasbrod).
- Fix upgrader compile error on Linux #541 (@theMarix).
- Fix duplicate poll entries #539 (@denravonska).
- Importing private keys will no longer require a restart for the addresses to show up #634 (@Foggyx420).
- Fix invalid backup filenames on Windows #569 (@denravonska).
- Code cleanup (@Foggyx420, @tomasbrod, @denravonska).
- Several NN consensus sync improvements #616 (@Foggyx420).
- Windows nodes will no longer automatically reboot/shutdown #605 (@denravonska).
- Display "No Polls!" in poll window if no polls are running #596 (@MagixInTheAir).
- Change poll min search length from 2 to 1 #595 (@MagixInTheAir).
- Return the results of "backupwallet" RPC command #593 (@Foggyx420).
- Changing the community links #654 (@grctest)
- Fix problems forging superblock due to rounding differences #608 (@denravonska).
- Fetch data from project servers if missing on scraper #564 (@denravonska).
- Fix incorrect V8 height trigger check. Many thanks to @barton2526 for discovering this.
- Fix invalid superblock height formatting #532 (@denravonska).
- Fix several spelling mistakes, 533 (@Erkan-Yilmaz).
- Added V8 stake engine set to start producing V8 blocks at block 1010000. This fixes several security issues, see wiki for details.
- Blocks can now carry identification from the "org" argument/configuration option (@tomasbrod).
- Add "reorganize" RPC command (@tomasbrod).
- Berkeley DB V6+ compatibility #451 (@xPh03n1x).
- Improved poll loading speeds #497 (@denravonska).
- Versions now contain the git hash #500 (@tomasbrod).
- Improved security on NeuralNet votes #496 (@Foggyx420).
- Improved RPC help. It now supports "execute help" and "list help", #512 (@Foggyx420).
- Voting is now integrated in wallet as a tab and cleaned up #416 (@skcin, @JoShoeAh).
- Improve low-peer mining ability on testnet (@tomasbrod).
- Improve poll error message when low on funds #415 (@Erkan-Yilmaz).
- Code cleanup (@denravonska, @tomasbrod, @Foggyx420, @skcin).
- Remove RPC commands:
- DAO #486 (@denravonska).
- volatilecode, testnet0917, testboinckey, chainrsa, testcpidv2, testcpid, windows error report disabling, list betatest, fDebug4/fDebug5 flags (@Foggyx420).
- Set magnitude boost to be removed at 2017-Sep-07 00:00:00 UTC
- Fixed security issue where superblocks could be injected #526 (@tomasbrod).
- Fix poll sorting bug #512 (@skcin)
- Fix a crash when starting up as a new user #488 (@Foggyx420, @denravonska).
- Fix an out of memory crash when syncing from 0 #508 (@tomasbrod).
- Staking cleanup #301 (@tomasbrod). This also solves several other issues:
- UI:
- Wallet window can now be made smaller #384 (@skcin).
- Interest and Research subsidy visible in getmininginfo (@tomasbrod).
- External links now use HTTPS where possible, and the code has been cleaned up #339 (@skcin).
- Rearrange menu items to reduce the number of entries. Remove references to broken function #362 (@skcin).
- Replace translations which were just question marks with new files from the Bitcoin source tree: Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Greek, Persian, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Georgian, Kirghiz, Serbian, Thai, Ukranian, Urdu and Chinese.
- Don't print the "Bootup" and "Signing block" messages unless fDebug (@tomasbrod).
- Print beacons as they are loaded and debug3=true (@tomasbrod).
- Show superblock information in getblock (@tomasbrod).
- Code cleanup (@skcin).
- Update Lithuanian translations #469 (@Rytiss).
- Add block size min, max, avg to block stats RPC (@tomasbrod).
- Fields on overview page are now selectable.
- High CPU usage #349 (@tomasbrod)
- Repetetive block signing #295 (@tomasbrod)
- Staking creates 1 cent output #311 (@tomasbrod)
- Client no longer has to be restarted for a beacon to activate #253 (@Foggyx420).
- Fixed a coin age bug which made it hard to stake on testnet (@denravonska)
- Fixed reloading of polls in the voting GUI #431 (@skcin)
- Fix crash when listing receivedby on addresses with no transactions, #456 (@denravonska).
- Fix buffer overflow in TX message unscambling #468 (@tomasbrod).
- Splash screen can no longer be dismissed and the UI can no longer be shown until the wallet has fully loaded #353 (@denravonska).
- Removed newbie boost #332
- Removed obsolete functionality.
- Revised Neural Network magnitude calculation to prevent diluted magnitudes.
- Cap magnitude to 32766 in NeuralNet to avoid future hash inconsistencies when packing binary superblocks.
- Fix binary pack/unpack bug which could cause the contract to get a different hash when unpacked.
- Revised Neural Network business logic rule fix inability to stake current superblock.
- Add artificial researcher to contract to push the average magnitude above 70. Without this the superblock is rejected by the wallet.
- Use UTC time instead of local time when determining file mirror filename suffix.
- Fix incorrect handling of 404 errors in NeuralNet.
- Fix a bug causing the NeuralNet to skip Rosetta.
- Added checkpoint (block 950000).
- Fix neural network missing folder error.
- Fix speech bug.
- Require superblocks to be populated with more than half of the whitelisted projects.
- Add subfolders to Neural Network
- Fix neural network inability to stake superblocks.
- Fix neural network project gather bug related to timezones.
- Neural Network improvements:
- Don't download stats data that hasn't changed.
- Use as a stat mirror to reduce BOINC server loads.
- Use UTC instead of local time when filtering idle CPIDs.
- Only include beacons younger than 6 months when calculating mags.
- Prevent untauthorized poll and vote deletions.
- Added execute unspentreport (shows proof of unspent coins in wallet).
- Add RPC commands for changing debug flags: debug, debugnet, debug2, debug3, debug4, debug5, debug10. #309 (@Foggyx420).
- Add support for themes via stylesheets #233 (@skcin).
- Add support for OpenSSL 1.1.x #164.
- BOINC data dir auto detection #242 (@3ullShark)
- Add install (make install) target for UNIX systems.
- Add aarch64 support #151 (@datenklause).
- Add diagnostic message for if web lookup fails for cpid valid test, #175 (@fooforever).
- Wallet overview cleanup #233 (@skcin)
- The main overview page is now cleaner, more structured and holds more of the recent transactions.
- Displayed DPOR weight should now be accurate #233 (@skcin).
- Show as many of the recent transactions as we can fit on the overview page.
- Translation updates
- Portuguese (Miguel Veiga)
- Slovak (@tomasbrod)
- Swedish (@denravonska)
- Afrikaan and Spanish (@philipswift)
- French (@PsiPhiTheta)
- Russian (@rambinho)
- Gridcoinstats is now used as block explorer #308.
- Slight RAM usage reduction.
- Improve beacon advertise error message #133 (@comprehendreality).
- Code cleanup (@Foggyx420, @TheCharlatan).
- Fix numerous beacon issues #344 #321 and #334 (@Foggyx420).
- Fix incorrect WCG URL #323 (@3ullShark).
- Fix alt key shortcut order #326 (@TheCharlatan).
- Fix a bug where beacons were stored even though none were generated due to the wallet being locked #264 (@denravonska).
- Remove empty "wcgtest" RPC command.
- Security enhancement (@tomasbrod)
- Upgraded security on voting system - voting proof of balance and proof of magnitude.
- Implement voting functionality for Linux and OSX (@skcin).
- Add man pages to doc folder #135 (@caraka).
- Windows are now resizable
- Replace Windows voting dialog with the new dialog.
- Update Gridcoin icon on Windows.
- Enable C++11.
- Update Hungarian translations (@matthew11).
- Update Portuguese translations (Miguel Veiga).
- Update icon set by @Peppernrino.
- Update icon on OSX #193 (@coagmano).
- Lossless compression of resources #227 (@Peppernrino).
- Reduced memory usage by around 100MB+.
- Improve UI when used with dark themes on Linux #222 (@skcin).
- Fix OSX build issues #174 (@coagmano).
- Fix occasional crashes when starting on Linux #139.
- Fix freeze when clicking on the "Amount" field under Send Coins when using KDE #210.
- Possible fix for invalid time check in diagnostic.
- Remove lots of dead, obsolete code.
- Removed unused link dependencies: librt, boost_chrono, boost_date_time, libz and libdl.