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* prism.js tomorrow night eighties for JavaScript, CoffeeScript, CSS and HTML
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* @author Rose Pritchard
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I am a Ph.D candidate at University of California San Diego, and is
advised by Prof. Siavash
Mirarab. My research includes developing methods on large-scale data
with applications in computational biology. More specifically, my
research focuses on developing new and fast methods of estimating
species trees from gene trees, and assessing quality of phylogenies.
Here are my CV,
scholar, and
Sayyari, E., James Whitfield, and Siavash Mirarab.
Fragmentary gene sequences negatively impact gene tree and species tree
reconstruction. Molecular Biology and Evolution (in press) (2017).
Zhang, C., Sayyari, E. and Mirarab, S., 2017, October.
ASTRAL-III: Increased Scalability and Impacts of Contracting Low Support
Branches. In RECOMB International Workshop on Comparative Genomics (pp.
53-75). Springer, Cham.
Mai, U., Sayyari, E. and Mirarab, S., 2017. Minimum
variance rooting of phylogenetic trees and implications for species tree
reconstruction. PloS one, 12(8), p.e0182238. (Best paper award at GLBIO
Sayyari, E. and Mirarab, S., 2016.Fast coalescent-based
computation of local branch support from quartet frequencie. Molecular
biology and evolution, 33(7), pp.1654-1668.
Sayyari, E. and Mirarab, S., 2016. Anchoring
quartet-based phylogenetic distances and appli- cations to species tree
reconstruction. BMC genomics, 17(10), p.783.
Weibel, N., Hwang, S.O., Rick, S., Sayyari, E., Lenzen,
D. and Hollan, J., 2016, January. Hands that Speak: An Integrated
Approach to Studying Complex Human Communicative Body Movements. In
System Sciences (HICSS), 2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on
(pp. 610-619). IEEE
Sayyari, E., Farzi, M., Estakhrooeieh, R.R., Samiee, F.
and Shamsollahi, M.B., 2012, July. Migraine analysis through EEG signals
with classification approach. In Information Science, Signal Processing
and their Applications (ISSPA), 2012 11th International Conference on
(pp. 859-863). IEEE.
I have TA'ed several courses during my graduate studies at University of
California, San Diego. My duties included holding weekly discussion
sections and office hours, and grading projects, assignments, midterms
and final exams.
Undergraduate courses: Engineering Probability and
Stats, Circuits and Systems, Probability and Random Processes
Graduate courses: Algorithms for biological data
analysis, and Random Processes
Email Erfan Sayyari
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
UC San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
EBU 1, Room 6510
La Jolla, CA 92093