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Eric M. Dantas edited this page Jun 12, 2018 · 5 revisions

ngf: Type less, create more

In case you're tired of typing yo ng-fullstack:component people_cmp --feature person all the time, give ngf a try! It was created to help you type less and get stuff done even faster.

It'll allow you to do the simple things faster, like in:

$ yo ng-fullstack:component people_cmp --feature person
$ ngf g cmp people_cmp --ft person

It'll also allow you to do some more complicated things, like creating multiple types and its files:

$ ngf g [mde,cmp,dct] [people_model,people_cmp,people_dir] --ft person

Is the same as:

$ yo ng-fullstack:model people_model --feature person
$ yo ng-fullstack:component people_cmp --feature person
$ yo ng-fullstack:directive people_dir --feature person
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