SHELL = bash OK_MSG = \x1b[32m ✔\x1b[0m FAIL_MSG = \x1b[31m ✖\x1b[0m YELLOW = \x1b[33m BLUE = \x1b[36m RED = \x1b[31m RESET_COLOR = \x1b[0m PIPELINEWISE_HOME = $(shell pwd) VENV_DIR = ${PIPELINEWISE_HOME}/.virtualenvs python ?= "python3" start_time:=$(shell date +%s) PIP_ARGS="[test]" pw_connector= define DEFAULT_CONNECTORS tap-jira\ tap-kafka\ tap-mysql\ tap-postgres\ tap-s3-csv\ tap-salesforce\ tap-snowflake\ tap-zendesk\ tap-mongodb\ tap-github\ tap-slack\ tap-mixpanel\ tap-twilio\ target-s3-csv\ target-snowflake\ target-redshift\ target-postgres\ target-bigquery\ transform-field endef define EXTRA_CONNECTORS tap-adwords\ tap-oracle\ tap-zuora\ tap-google-analytics\ tap-shopify endef define print_installed_connectors @echo @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Installed components:" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo @echo "Component Version" @echo "-------------------- -------" @for i in $(shell ls $(VENV_DIR)); do\ VERSION=`$(VENV_DIR)/$$i/bin/python3 -m pip list | grep "$$i[[:space:]]" | awk '{print $$2}'`;\ printf "%-20s %s\n" $$i "$$VERSION";\ done; @echo "-------------------- -------" endef define print_execute_time $(eval end_time:=`date +%s`) @echo @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "$(1) installed successfully in $$(( $(end_time) - $(start_time) )) seconds" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" endef define clean_connectors echo -n "Cleaning previous installations in $(VENV_DIR)/$(1)..." rm -rf $(VENV_DIR)/$(1) @echo -e "$(OK_MSG)" endef define check_license @echo "Checking license..." @echo -e "$(YELLOW)" @$(VENV_DIR)/$(1)/bin/python3 -m pip install pip-licenses==3.5.3 @echo -e "$(RESET_COLOR)" $(eval PKG_NAME:=`$(VENV_DIR)/$(1)/bin/pip-licenses|grep "$(1)[[:space:]]"| awk '{print $$$$1}'`) $(eval PKG_VERSION:=`$(VENV_DIR)/$(1)/bin/pip-licenses | grep "$(1)[[:space:]]" | awk '{print $$$$2}'`) $(eval PKG_LICENSE:=`$(VENV_DIR)/$(1)/bin/pip-licenses --from mixed | grep "$(1)[[:space:]]" | awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF-2; i++) $$$$i = $$$$(i+2); NF-=2; print}'`) $(eval MAIN_LICENSE:="Apache Software License") @if [[ "$(PKG_LICENSE)" != $(MAIN_LICENSE) && "$(PKG_LICENSE)" != "UNKNOWN" ]]; then\ echo -e "$(RED)";\ echo;\ echo " | $(PKG_NAME) ($(PKG_VERSION)) is licensed under $(PKG_LICENSE)";\ echo " |";\ echo " | WARNING. The license of this connector is different than the default PipelineWise license ($(MAIN_LICENSE)).";\ if [[ "$(ACCEPT_LICENSES)" != "YES" ]]; then\ echo " | You need to accept the connector's license agreement to proceed.";\ echo " |";\ read -r -p " | Do you accept the [$(PKG_LICENSE)] license agreement of $(PKG_NAME) connector? [y/N] " response;\ if [[ $$response != "y" && $$response != "Y" ]]; then\ echo;\ echo -e "$(RESET_COLOR)";\ echo "EXIT. License agreement not accepted!";\ exit 1;\ fi;\ else\ echo " | You automatically accepted this license agreement by running this script with acceptlicenses=YES option.";\ fi;\ echo;\ fi @echo -e "$(RESET_COLOR)" @echo -n "License accepted..." @echo -e "$(OK_MSG)" endef define make_virtualenv @echo -n "Making Virtual Environment for $(1) in $(VENV_DIR)..." @echo -e -n "$(YELLOW)" @test -d $(VENV_DIR)/$(1) || $(python) -m venv $(VENV_DIR)/$(1) @source $(VENV_DIR)/$(1)/bin/activate @echo -e "$(OK_MSG)" @echo -e -n "$(YELLOW)" @$(VENV_DIR)/$(1)/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel @echo -e "$(RESET_COLOR)" @echo -n "Python setup tools updated..." @echo -e "$(OK_MSG)" @echo -e -n "$(YELLOW)" @test ! -s $(2)pre_requirements.txt ||\ ($(VENV_DIR)/$(1)/bin/pip install --upgrade -r $(2)pre_requirements.txt\ && echo -e "$(RESET_COLOR)"\ && echo -n "Pre requirements installed..."\ && echo -e "$(OK_MSG)") @echo -e -n "$(YELLOW)" @test ! -s $(2)requirements.txt ||\ ($(VENV_DIR)/$(1)/bin/pip install --upgrade -r $(2)requirements.txt\ && echo -e "$(RESET_COLOR)"\ && echo -n "Requirements installed..."\ && echo -e "$(OK_MSG)") @echo -e -n "$(RESET_COLOR)" @test ! -s $(2) ||\ (echo "Installing the package..."\ && echo -e "$(YELLOW)"\ && $(VENV_DIR)/$(1)/bin/pip install --upgrade -e .$(PIP_ARGS)\ && echo -e "$(RESET_COLOR)"\ && echo -n "Package installation completed..."\ && echo -e "$(OK_MSG)") @echo -e "$(RESET_COLOR)" $(call check_license,$(1)) endef define install_connectors echo echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Installing $1 connector..." echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" if [[ ! -d singer-connectors/$1 ]]; then\ echo "ERROR: Directory not exists and does not look like a valid singer connector: singer-connectors: singer-connectors/$1";\ exit 1;\ fi $(call make_virtualenv,$1,singer-connectors/$1/) endef define print_list_of_connectors echo " $1" endef help: .check_gettext .pw_logo @echo @echo " Targets" @echo " =======" @echo " pipelinewise Install the main PipelineWise component" @echo " pipelinewise_no_test_extras Install the main Pipelinewise component without test extras" @echo @echo " all_connectors Install all connectors" @echo " default_connectors Install default connectors" @echo " extra_connectors Install only extra connectors" @echo " connectors -e pw_connector=connector1,connector2,... Install specific connector(s)" @echo @echo " list_installed_components Show a list of installed components" @echo " list_default_connectors Show a list of available default connectors" @echo " list_extra_connectors Show a list of available extra connectors" @echo @echo " clean_all Clean all installed components" @echo " clean -e pw_connector=connector1,connector2,... Clean a specific connector(s)" @echo @echo " Options" @echo " =======" @echo " -e pw_connector=connector1,connector2,... Define a list of connectors for installing or cleaning" @echo " -e pw_acceptlicenses=y/Y/Yes/YES Forcing to accept the licenses automatically" @echo @echo " To start CLI" @echo " ============" @echo " $$ source $(VENV_DIR)/pipelinewise/bin/activate" @echo " $$ export PIPELINEWISE_HOME=$(PIPELINEWISE_HOME)" @echo " $$ pipelinewise status" @echo @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" pipelinewise: .check_gettext .pw_logo $(call make_virtualenv,pipelinewise) $(call print_execute_time,PipelineWise) pipelinewise_no_test_extras: .set_pip_args pipelinewise clean_all: @echo -n "Cleaning previous installations in $(VENV_DIR)..." @rm -rf $(VENV_DIR) @echo -e "$(OK_MSG)" clean: ifeq ($(pw_connector),) @echo "use -e pw_connector=connector1,connector2,...." @exit 1 endif $(eval space:= ) $(eval space+= ) $(eval comma:=,) $(eval connectors_list:=$(subst $(comma),$(space),$(pw_connector))) @$(foreach var,$(connectors_list), $(call clean_connectors,$(var));) connectors: .check_license_env_var ifeq ($(pw_connector),) @echo "use -e pw_connector=connector1,connector2,...." @exit 1 endif $(eval space:= ) $(eval space+= ) $(eval comma:=,) $(eval connectors_list:=$(subst $(comma),$(space),$(pw_connector))) @$(foreach var,$(connectors_list), $(call install_connectors,$(var));) $(call print_execute_time,Connectors) all_connectors: default_connectors extra_connectors @echo "Install all connectors..." $(call print_execute_time,All connectors) default_connectors: .check_license_env_var @echo "Installing default connectors..." @$(foreach var,$(DEFAULT_CONNECTORS), $(call install_connectors,$(var));) $(call print_execute_time,Default connectors) extra_connectors: .check_license_env_var @echo "Installing extra connectors..." @$(foreach var,$(EXTRA_CONNECTORS), $(call install_connectors,$(var));) $(call print_execute_time,Extra connectors) list_installed_components: $(call print_installed_connectors) list_default_connectors: @echo @echo " ============================" @echo " Available Default Connectors" @echo " ============================" @$(foreach var,$(DEFAULT_CONNECTORS), $(call print_list_of_connectors,$(var));) @echo " ----------------------------" list_extra_connectors: @echo @echo " ============================" @echo " Available Extra Connectors" @echo " ============================" @$(foreach var,$(EXTRA_CONNECTORS), $(call print_list_of_connectors,$(var));) @echo " ----------------------------" .pw_logo: @echo -e "$(BLUE)" @(CURRENT_YEAR=$(shell date +"%Y") envsubst < motd) @echo -e "$(RESET_COLOR)" .check_license_env_var: $(eval ACCEPT_LICENSES:=NO) ifeq ($(pw_acceptlicenses),y) $(eval ACCEPT_LICENSES:=YES) endif ifeq ($(pw_acceptlicenses),Y) $(eval ACCEPT_LICENSES:=YES) endif ifeq ($(pw_acceptlicenses),Yes) $(eval ACCEPT_LICENSES:=YES) endif ifeq ($(pw_acceptlicenses),YES) $(eval ACCEPT_LICENSES:=YES) endif .check_gettext: @echo -n "Checking gettext..." @if ! ENVSUBST_LOC="$$(type -p "envsubst")" || [[ -z ENVSUBST_LOC ]]; then\ echo -e "$(FAIL_MSG)" &&\ echo "envsubst not found but it is required to run this script. Try to install gettext or gettext-base package" && exit 1;\ fi @echo -e "$(OK_MSG)" .set_pip_args: $(eval PIP_ARGS:="")