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BCAC_Confluence_Extended_Dictionary_v2 40_Oct8_2019.txt
Category Variable Label Coding Variable type Comment Confluence Variable Data Type
ID UniqueID Confluence unique person identifier qualitative - text "Concatenation of Study Acronym, ""-"", and PersonID" Yes Core
ID PersonID Person identified unique within original study assigned by study qualitative - continuous Yes Core
ID Study Confluence acronym for study assigned by study qualitative - text Yes Core
ID Genotyping_chip Genotyping chip used to generate GWAS data "1=Confluence array, 2=Other array, 3=Re-genotype in Confluence" qualitative - categorical "Please code ""Confluence array"" if material is being provided for a subject that does not have existing genotyping data and is being genotyped for the first time by the Confluence project; Please code ""Other array"" if subject has existing GWAS data that will shared with the Confluence project; Please code ""Re-genotype in Confluence"" if the subject has existing GWAS data, but the subject will be re-genotyped by the Confluence project." Yes Core
ID Genotyping_chip_existing Name of genotyping array used to generate existing GWAS data "1=OncoArray, 2=iCOGs, 3=Global Screening Array, 4=Multi-Ethnic Global Array, 5=Global Diversity Array, 6=HumanHap Series, 7=Omni Series, 8=H3Africa, 9=Human Arrays 5.0_6.0, 10=Axiom, 11=Other, 777=NA" qualitative - categorical "If the value of ""Genotyping_chip"" is ""2=Other array"" or ""3=Re-genotype in Confluence"", then please select the name of the genotyping array that was used to generate the existing genotyping data.
If the value of ""Genotyping_chip"" is ""1=Confluence array"" then please give a value ""777=NA""" Yes Core
ID Genotyping_chipOt "Name of genotyping array used to generate existing GWAS data, if value of Genotyping_chip_existing is ""11=Other""" "Specify type of arrays; 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - text "If the value of ""Genotyping_chip"" is ""2=Other array"" or ""3=Re-genotype in Confluence"" and the value of Genotyping_chip_existing is ""11=Other"" then please provide the name of the genotyping array that was used to generate the existing genotyping data.
If the value of ""Genotyping_chip"" is ""1=Confluence array"" then please give a value ""777=NA""" Yes Core
ID contrType Type of control "1=population-based, 2=hospital-based, 3=family-based, 4=blood donor, 5 =nested case-control, 6=BRCA1/2 carrier without bc, 777=NA=not applicable (for cases), 888=DK=don't know" qualitative - categorical Yes Core
ID Status Case-control status "0=control, 1=invasive case, 2=in-situ case, 3=case unknown invasiveness, 9=excluded sample" qualitative - categorical The status of the tumor should be the status of the INDEX tumor (in line with variables DateDiagIndex and AgeDiagIndex) Yes Core
ID DNA_source DNA collection source "1=whole blood, 2=buccal cell, 3=mouthwash/saliva, 4=other, 5=no DNA, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical "If you coded 'other', please provide additional information in ""DNA_sourceOt"" variable" Yes Core
ID DNA_sourceOt details of how DNA is collected if DNA_source = 4 ('other') qualitative - text Yes Core
ID matchId ID of pair or matched case-control set "777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - continuous Yes Core
ID SubStudy "Identifier for within study strata (e.g. multi-ethnic cohort, different recruitement groups, or other strata)" "777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - continuous Only relevant for some studies; extracted from data supplied Yes Core
ID Studytype Identifier for within study strata: especially for identification of cohorts with familial cases "0='sporadic' (population or hospital based), 1='familial' (clinical genetic centre based), 2=other, 777=control, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical "If you coded 'other', please provide additional information in ""StudytypeOt"" variable" Yes Core
ID StudytypeOt details of study type if Studytype = 2 ('other') qualitative - text Yes Core
Age AgeInt Age at interview/questionnaire for controls and cases "years, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Core
Age intDate Date at interview/questionnaire for cases and controls "dd/mm/yyyy, 08/08/8000=DK" date "If only year of interview is available, use the first of July as a surrogate for the true day and month; if only month and year of interview are available, use the 15 as a surrogate for the true day. " Yes Core
Age intDate_known Marker for date of interview "DMY=day,month and year known; MY=only month and year known; Y=only year known; NA=all unknown" qualitative - text This marker allows the identification of true and surrogate dates. Yes Core
Age intDay Day of interview day; DD; 888=DK quantitative - continuous Yes Core
Age intMonth Month of interview month; 888=DK quantitative - continuous If month is known Yes Core
Age intYear Year of interview year; YYYY; 888=DK quantitative - continuous If only year is known Yes Core
Age refMonth Month of diagnosis of breast cancer for cases and month of completing interview/questionnaire for controls month; 888=DK quantitative - continuous For data protection reasons we are only asking for reference month (variable refMonth) and reference year (variable refYear). If reference month is still considered to be too much information then please simply give the reference year (see refYear) Yes Core
Age refYear Year of diagnosis of breast cancer for cases and year of completing interview/questionnaire for controls "year, YYYY; 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Core
Age AgeDiagIndex Age at diagnosis of index breast cancer for cases "years, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Core
Sex Sex "M=male, F=female, U=unknown" qualitative - categorical Yes Core
Ethnicity EthnicityClass Ethnic origin "1=European (for EthnicitySubClass 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
2=Latinx / Caribbean (for EthnicitySubClass 6, 17),
3=African (for EthnicitySubClass 7, 8, 9),
4=Asian Subcontinent (for EthnicitySubClass 10, 11, 12),
5=South-East Asian (for EthnicitySubClass 13, 14, 15),
6=Other (including 'mixed race'),
888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Core
Ethnicity EthnicitySubClass Ethnic origin (refined) "1=Northern European, 2=Southern European, 3=Western European, 4=Eastern European, 5=American European, 6=Hispanic Latinx, 7=African (Africa), 8=Carribbean African, 9=American African, 10=Indian, 11=Pakistani, 12=East and West Bengali, 13=Chinese, 14=Malaysian Peninsula, 15=Japanese, 16=Other (including 'mixed race'), 888=DK, 17 = Caribbean Latinx " qualitative - categorical "(1) If EthnicityClass=1, then EthnicitySubClass should be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 888.
(2) if EthnicityClass=2, then EthnicitySubClass=6, 17 or 888
(3) if EthnicityClass=3, then EthnicitySubClass=7, 8, 9 or 888
(4) if EthnicityClass=4, then EthnicitySubClass=10, 11, 12 or 888
(5) if EthnicityClass=5, then EthnicitySubClass=13, 14, 15 or 888
(6) if EthnicityClass=6, then EthnicitySubClass=16, ethnOt777
(7) if EthnicityClass=888, then EthnicitySubClass=888 and ethnOt=888; " Yes Core
Ethnicity ethnOt Details of specific ethnicity "Specify ethnicity; 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - text No coding. Please provide details of ethnicity as free text if this is known Yes Core
Ethnicity raceM Race/ethnicity of mother "1=European, 2=Hispanic American, 3=African, 4=Asian Subcontinent, 5=South-East Asian, 6=Other (including 'mixed race'), 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Core
Ethnicity raceF Race/ethnicity of father "1=European, 2=Hispanic American, 3=African, 4=Asian Subcontinent, 5=South-East Asian, 6=Other (including 'mixed race'), 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Core
Family history FamHist "Family history of breast cancer in a first degree relative (0=no, 1=yes)" "0=No, 1=Yes, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Core
Family history Fhnumber Number of affected (breast cancer) first degree relatives "integer, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Core
Family history Fhscore Family history score "1 for each first degree affected relative, 0.5 for second degree, 0.25 for third degree (not ovarian for any relative)" quantitative - continuous "Not ovarian for first, second or third degree relative" Yes Core
ER ER_statusIndex Estrogen receptor status of index tumour "0=negative, 1=positive, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Please provide coding for positive vs negative status for the index tumour. See 'PATHOLOGY' for definition of 'index tumor' Yes Core
Education eduCat Highest level of education received Numerical coding qualitative - categorical Please supply coding Yes Risk Factors
Education eduComments Details of coding used for eduCat qualitative - text Yes Risk Factors
Menstrual cycle AgeMenarche Age at menarche "years, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Risk Factors
Menstrual cycle mensAgeLast Age at menopause "years, 777=NA (still menstruating), 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Do not provide reference age if still menstruating. Yes Risk Factors
Menstrual cycle mensRsn Reason menstruation stopped "1=Natural, 2=Oophorectomy and hysterect, 3=Oophorectomy or hysterect, 4=Oophorect, 5=Hysterect, 6=Stop OC use, 7=Chemother, 8=Other, 777=NA (still menstruating), 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Risk Factors
Menstrual cycle MenoStat Menopausal status at reference date "1=pre/peri, 2=post (postmenopausal: last menstruation more than 12 months before reference date), 888=DK " qualitative - categorical Yes Risk Factors
Children parous Nulliparous v parous "0=nulliparous, 1=1+ full term pregnancies, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Full-term is defined as ³ 24 weeks gestation Yes Risk Factors
Children Parity Number of full-term pregnancies "integer, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Still born and life born or only life born if only this is available (Full-term is defined as ³ 24 weeks gestation) Yes Risk Factors
Children AgeFFTP Age at end of first full-term pregnancy "years, 777=NA, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Full-term is defined as ³ 24 weeks gestation Yes Risk Factors
Children lastChildAge Age at end of last full-term pregnancy (or current age if pregnant) "years, 777=NA, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Risk Factors
Breastfeeding breastfed Ever breastfed "0=No, 1=Yes, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Risk Factors
Breastfeeding breastMos Lifetime duration of breastfeeding "months, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Risk Factors
BMI weight Weight at interview/questionnaire "kg, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Risk Factors
BMI height Adult body height "cm, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Risk Factors
BMI BMI Body mass index at interview/questionnaire in kg/m2 "kg/m2, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Risk Factors
OC OCEver Use of oral contraceptives (OC) "0=never, 1=ever, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Ever use is usually defined as at least 4 months of use and never use correspondingly less than 4 months of use Yes Risk Factors
OC OCCurrent Current use "0=no, 1=yes, i.e. current use at reference date , 888=DK" qualitative - categorical "Current use was defined as use at reference date or within 6 months prior to the reference date (date of diagnosis for cases, date of questionnaire for controls)" Yes Risk Factors
OC OCMo Lifetime duration of oral contraceptive use "months, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Risk Factors
HRT HRTEver Use of hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) "0=never, 1=ever, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Ever use is usually defined as more than 3 months of use and never use correspondingly less than or equal to 3 months of use Yes Risk Factors
HRT HRTCurrent Current use "0=no, 1=yes, i.e. current use at reference date (only if duration of use >3 months), 888=DK" qualitative - categorical "Current use was defined as use at reference date or within 6 months prior to the reference date (date of diagnosis for cases, date of questionnaire for controls)" Yes Risk Factors
HRT EPEver Use of estrogen + progesterone combined therapy "0=never, 1=ever, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Ever use is usually defined as more than 3 months of use and never use correspondingly less than or equal to 3 months of use Yes Risk Factors
HRT EPCurrent Current use of combined therapy "0=no, 1=yes, i.e. current use at reference date, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical "Current use was defined as use at reference date or within 6 months prior to the reference date (date of diagnosis for cases, date of questionnaire for controls)" Yes Risk Factors
HRT EPMo Duration of estrogen + progesterone use "months, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Risk Factors
HRT ECurrent Current use of estrogen only "0=no, 1=yes, i.e. current use at reference date, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical "Current use was defined as use at reference date or within 6 months prior to the reference date (date of diagnosis for cases, date of questionnaire for controls)" Yes Risk Factors
HRT EMo Duration of estrogen only use "months, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Risk Factors
Alcohol alcoholFreq Frequency alcoholic drinks in last year before reference date "glasses / week, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Calculated as (AlcBeer + AlcWine + AlcFWine + AlcSpirits) Yes Risk Factors
Alcohol alcoholCum Cumulative lifetime gms/day alcohol "grams / day, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Risk Factors
Smoking smokingEver Cigarette smoking "0=never, 1=past, 2=current, in last year before reference date (year before diagnosis for cases, year before questionnaire for controls), 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Risk Factors
Smoking SmoRegStartAge Age at starting regular smoking "years, 777=NA, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Risk Factors
Family history sisters Total number of sisters 888=DK quantitative - continuous Including half-sisters Yes Risk Factors
Family history brCancerSis Number of sisters with breast cancer "integer, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Including half-sisters; if sisters=0 then brCancerSis should be 0 Yes Risk Factors
Family history ovCancerSis Number of sisters with ovarian cancer "integer, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Including half-sisters; if sisters=0 then ovCancerSis should be 0 Yes Risk Factors
Family history daughters Total number of daughters "integer, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Risk Factors
Family history brCancerDau Number of daughters with breast cancer "integer, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous If daughters=0 then brCancerDau should be 0 Yes Risk Factors
Family history ovCancerDau Number of daughters with ovarian cancer "integer, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous If daughters=0 then ovCancerDau should be 0 Yes Risk Factors
Family history brCancerMom Mother had breast cancer "0=No, 1=Yes, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Risk Factors
Family history ovCancerMom Mother had ovarian cancer "0=No, 1=Yes, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Risk Factors
Family history brCancerDad Father had breast cancer "0=No, 1=Yes, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Risk Factors
Family history FHisFstBC First degree female family members with breast cancer "0=No, 1=Yes, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical "First degree: mother, sisters, daughters" Yes Risk Factors
Family history FHisFstBCNr Number of first degree female family members with breast cancer "integer, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous If FHisFstBC=0 then FHisFstBCNr should be 0 Yes Risk Factors
Family history FHisSecBC Second degree female family members with breast cancer "0=No, 1=Yes, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical "Second degree: grandmothers, sisters of mother/father, daughters of sisters/brothers" Yes Risk Factors
Family history FHisSecBCNr Number of second degree female family members with breast cancer "integer, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous If FHisSecBC=0 then FHisSecBCNr should be 0 Yes Risk Factors
Family history FHisFstOC First degree female family members with ovarian cancer "0=No, 1=Yes, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical "First degree: mother, sisters, daughters" Yes Risk Factors
Family history FHisFstOCNr Number of first degree female family members with ovarian cancer "integer, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous If FHisFstOC=0 then FHisFstOCNr should be 0 Yes Risk Factors
Family history FHisSecOC Second degree female family members with ovarian cancer "0=No, 1=Yes, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical "Second degree: grandmothers, sisters of mother/father, daughters of sisters/brothers" Yes Risk Factors
Family history FHisSecOCNr Number of second degree family members with ovarian cancer "integer, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous If FHisSecOC=0 then FHisSecOCNr should be 0 Yes Risk Factors
Family history fam1grBC50 Number of first degree female family members with breast ca before age 50 "integer, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous If FHisFstBC=0 then fam1grBC50 should be 0 Yes Risk Factors
Family history fam1grOC50 Number of first degree family members with ovarian ca before age 50 "integer, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous If FHisFstBC=0 then fam1grOC50 should be 0 Yes Risk Factors
Biopsies Biopsies_number "Number of breast biopsies, excluding biopsies leading to diagnosis of breast cancer in cases" "number, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Risk Factors
Biopsies BBD_history History of benign breast disease "0=No, 1=Yes, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Risk Factors
Biopsies BBD_number Number of benign breast disease diagnoses "0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5=more than 4, 777=NA, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Risk Factors
Biopsies BBD_type1 Type of benign breast disease for first BBD diagnosis "1=non-proliferative disease, 2=proliferative disease without atypia, 3=atypical hyperplasia, 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Risk Factors
Detection Screen_ever Ever attended breast cancer screening "0=no, 1=yes, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Risk Factors
Detection Last_screen_year Year of the date of the last breast cancer screening prior to the first diagnosis of breast cancer; for controls the year of last breast cancer screening "year (yyyy), 777=NA, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous First diagnosis of breast cancer refers to the index tumour being reported to the Confluence dataset Yes Risk Factors
Detection Last_screen_month Month of the date of the last breast cancer screening prior to the first diagnosis of breast cancer; for controls the month of last breast cancer screening "month (1-12), 777=NA, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Risk Factors
Detection Detection_screen Mode of detection of first breast cancer diagnosis "1=routine breast cancer screening, 2=other methods of detection, 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical for cases only Yes Risk Factors
Detection Detection_detailed Method of detection of first breast cancer "1=mammography, 2=sonography, 3=self-detected by palpation, 4=medical exam, 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical for cases only Yes Risk Factors
Mammographic density MamDate Date of mammogram "dd/mm/yyyy, 08/08/8000=DK" date "Refers to the index tumour for cases. If only year of mammogram is available, use the first of July as a surrogate for the true day and month; if only month and year of mammogram are available, use the 15 as a surrogate for the true day. " Yes Mammographic Density
Mammographic density MamAge Age at mammogram "years, 888=DK" "numerical, one decimal allowed" Yes Mammographic Density
Mammographic density MamReason Diagnostic or non-diagnostic/screening mammogram "1=diagnostic, 2=non-diagnostic, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Mammographic Density
Mammographic density MamBMI BMI at time of mammogram 888=DK "numerical, one decimal allowed" BMI at the closest date to diagnostic mammogram within 2 months Yes Mammographic Density
Mammographic density MamMenoStat Menopausal status at mammogram "1=pre/peri, 2=post, 888=DK " qualitative - categorical postmenopausal: last menstruation more than 12 months before reference date Yes Mammographic Density
Mammographic density MamHRTEver Use of hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) "0=never, 1=ever, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Ever use is usually defined as more than 3 months of use and never use correspondingly less than or equal to 3 months of use Yes Mammographic Density
Mammographic density MamHRTCurrent Current use of HRT "0=no, 1=yes (only if duration of use >3 months), 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Current use defined as use at mammogram or within 6 months prior to the mammogram date Yes Mammographic Density
Mammographic density MamCanSide Side of breast cancer "L=Left, R=Right, B=Both, 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Mammographic Density
Mammographic density BIRADS_edition Edition of BI-RADS used "1=1st edition, 2=2nd edition, 3=3rd edition, 4=4th edition, 5=5th edition, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Mammographic Density
Right side BIRADS_Class_R BI-RADS density categories "1=fatty, 2=scattered density, 3=heterogeneously dense, 4=extremely dense, 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical refers to breast composition (density) categories and not malignancy scale Yes Mammographic Density
Left side BIRADS_Class_L BI-RADS density categories "1=fatty, 2=scattered density, 3=heterogeneously dense, 4=extremely dense, 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical refers to breast composition (density) categories and not malignancy scale Yes Mammographic Density
Average of Right and Left side BIRADS_Class_A BI-RADS density categories "1=fatty, 2=scattered density, 3=heterogeneously dense, 4=extremely dense, 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical refers to breast composition (density) categories and not malignancy scale Yes Mammographic Density
Tumour characteristics Index Identification of index tumour "1= ascertained for first tumour, 2= ascertained for second tumour, 888 DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics Behaviour1 Invasive or in-situr for first breast cancer "1=invasive, 2=in-situ, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Behaviours1 or 2 should be same as Status coding depending on ascertainment Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics Behaviour2 Invasive or in-situr for second/contralateral breast cancer "1=invasive, 2=in-situ, 777=NA (if the patient has no second tumour), 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics BehaviourIndex Invasive or in-situr for index tumour "1=invasive, 2=in-situ, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical This variable is derived from [Behaviour1] or [Behaviour2] using variable [Index] Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics Grade1 Histopathological grade "1=well differentiated, 2=moderately differentiated, 3=poorly/un-differentiated, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics Grade2 Histopathological grade "1=well differentiated, 2=moderately differentiated, 3=poorly/un-differentiated, 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics GradeIndex Histopathological grade for index tumour "1=well differentiated, 2=moderately differentiated, 3=poorly/un-differentiated, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical This variable is derived from [Grade1] or [Grade2] using variable [Index] Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics MorphologyGroup1 Morphology in 8 categories "Ductal, Lobular, Mixed (ductal & lobular), Medullary, Tubular, Papillary, Mucinous, Other, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Text field with those 8 groups only; data submitted by study in its original form Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics MorphologyGroup1_corr (see comments) qualitative - text Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics MorphologyGroup2 Morphology in 8 categories "Ductal, Lobular, Mixed (ductal & lobular), Medullary, Tubular, Papillary, Mucinous, Other, 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Text field with those 8 groups only; data submitted by study in its original form Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics MorphologyGroup2_corr (see comments) qualitative - categorical Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics MorphologyGroupIndex_corr (see comments) for index tumour qualitative - text This variable is derived from [MorphologyGroup1_corr] or [MorphologyGroup2_corr] using variable [Index] Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics NodeStatus1 Lymph node status indicator "0=LN negative, 1=LN positive, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical use clinical or pre-pathological (before neoadjuvant chemo) NodeStatus1 for cases treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics NodeStatus2 Lymph node status indicator "0=LN negative, 1=LN positive, 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical use pN if not available use cN Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics NodeStatusIndex Lymph node status indicator for index tumour "0=LN negative, 1=LN positive, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical This variable is derived from [NodeStatus1] or [NodeStatus2] using variable [Index] Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics Nodes1 Number of positive nodes "Integer, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics Nodes2 Number of positive nodes "Integer, 777=NA, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics NodesIndex Number of positive nodes for index tumour "Integer, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous This variable is derived from [Nodes1] or [Nodes2] using variable [Index] Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics Size1 Tumour size (maximum diameter) "Maximum diameter in mm, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous NOT centimetres; if invasive tumor measure invasive component only; use clinical or pre-pathological (before neoadjuvant chemo) Size1 for cases treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics Size2 Tumour size (maximum diameter) "Maximum diameter in mm, 777=NA, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous NOT centimetres ; if invasive tumor measure invasive component only Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics SizeIndex Tumour size (maximum diameter) for index tumour "Maximum diameter in mm, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous This variable is derived from [Size1] or [Size2] using variable [Index] Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics Size1_Cat Categorization of size "1= ²2cm, 2= >2cm and ²5cm, 3= >5cm, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics Size2_Cat Categorization of size "1= ²2cm, 2= >2cm and ²5cm, 3= >5cm, 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics SizeIndex_Cat Categorization of size for index tumour "1= ²2cm, 2= >2cm and ²5cm, 3= >5cm, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical This variable is derived from [Size1_cat] or [Size2_cat] using variable [Index] Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics SizeIndex_Cat_derived (see comments) qualitative - text "Where [SizeIndex_Cat] is unknown, this variable is derived using [SizeGroupIndex] where [SizeGroupIndex] = 1, 2 or 3" Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics SizeGroup1 Tumour size categories "see sheet TNM codes (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8); 888=DK" qualitative - categorical use pT if not available use cT; use clinical or pre-pathological (before neoadjuvant chemo) SizeGroup1 for cases treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics SizeGroup2 Tumour size categories "see sheet TNM codes (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8); 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical use pT if not available use cT Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics SizeGroupIndex Tumour size categories for index tumour "see sheet TNM codes (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8); 888=DK" qualitative - categorical This variable is derived from [SizeGroup1] or [SizeGroup2] using variable [Index] Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics M1_status M from TNM (distant metastases) "0=M0 (No distant metastasis ), 1=M1 (Distant metastasis ), 8=Mx, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical use pM if not available use cM Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics M2_status M from TNM (distant metastases) "0=M0 (No distant metastasis ), 1=M1 (Distant metastasis ), 8=Mx, 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical use pM if not available use cM Yes Pathology
Tumour characteristics MIndex_status M from TNM (distant metastases) for index tumour "0=M0 (No distant metastasis ), 1=M1 (Distant metastasis ), 8=Mx, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical This variable is derived from [M1_status] or [M2_status] using variable [Index] Yes Pathology
ER ER_status1 Estrogen receptor status of first tumour "0=negative, 1=positive, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Please provide coding for positive vs negative status. Yes Pathology
ER ER_status2 Estrogen receptor status of second tumour "0=negative, 1=positive, 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Please provide coding for positive vs negative status Yes Pathology
ER ER_statusIndex Estrogen receptor status of index tumour "0=negative, 1=positive, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical This variable is derived from [ER_status1] or [ER_status2] using variable [Index] Yes Pathology
PR PR_status1 Progesteron receptor status of first tumour "0=negative, 1=positive, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Please provide coding for positive vs negative status. Yes Pathology
PR PR_status2 Progesteron receptor status of second tumour "0=negative, 1=positive, 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Please provide coding for positive vs negative status Yes Pathology
PR PR_statusIndex Progesteron receptor status of index tumour "0=negative, 1=positive, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical This variable is derived from [PR_status1] or [PR_status2] using variable [Index] Yes Pathology
HER2 HER2_status1 Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 status of first tumour "0=negative, 1=positive, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Please provide coding for positive vs negative status. Yes Pathology
HER2 HER2_status2 Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 status of second tumour "0=negative, 1=positive, 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Please provide coding for positive vs negative status Yes Pathology
HER2 HER2_statusIndex Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 status of index tumour "0=negative, 1=positive, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical This variable is derived from [HER2_status1] or [HER2_status2] using variable [Index] Yes Pathology
Survival AgeDiagIndex Age of diagnosis of index breast cancer "years, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous This will be the same as AgeDiag1 or AgeDiag2 depending on ascertainment. For bilateral cases this should be age at diagnosis for the cancer that got them into study. Yes Survival and Treatment
Survival AgeDiag1 Age of diagnosis of first breast cancer "years, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Survival and Treatment
Survival AgeDiag2 Age of diagnosis of second/contralateral breast cancer "years, 777=NA (if the patients has no second tumour), 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Yes Survival and Treatment
Survival YearsToEnter Time in years between diagnosis and study entry "years, 777=NA, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Calculated as ([DateEntry]-[DateDiagIndex])/365.25. Provide derived variable if dates of entry and diagnosis are not provided Yes Survival and Treatment
Survival YearsToStatus Time in years between diagnosis and last follow-up "years, 777=NA, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Calculated as ([DateLastFU]-[DateDiagIndex])/365.25. Provide derived variable if dates of entry and last follow up are not provided Yes Survival and Treatment
Survival VitalStatus Vital status at last follow-up "0=alive, 1=dead, 777=NA (for controls), 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Survival and Treatment
Survival CauseDeath Cause of death "ICD10 code, 888=DK" qualitative - text Yes Survival and Treatment
Survival BrDeath If death whether died from breast cancer "0=death from other cause, 1=death from breast cancer, 777=NA, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Survival and Treatment
Relapse Locoregional_relapse Locoregional relapse "0=no, 1=yes, 2=Local relapse, 3=Regional relapse to the lymph nodes, 4=both local and regional, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Recurrence is reappearance of disease after a period of remission (3 months?) Yes Survival and Treatment
Relapse Distant_metastasis_relapse Distant metastases relapse "0=no, 1=yes, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Recurrence is reappearance of disease after a period of remission (3 months?) Yes Survival and Treatment
Relapse YearsToRelapse Time in years between diagnosis and first relapse "years, 777=NA, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Calculated as ([Date_Locoregional_relapse]-[DateDiagIndex])/365.25 OR ([Date_Distant_metastasis_relapse]-[DateDiagIndex])/365.25 depending on whether [Date_Locoregional_relapse] or [Date_Distant_metastasis_relapse] is first Yes Survival and Treatment
Relapse YearsToLocoregionalRelapse Time in years between diagnosis and locoregional relapse "years, 777=NA, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous Calculated as ([Date_Locoregional_relapse]-[DateDiagIndex])/365.25 Yes Survival and Treatment
Relapse YearsToDistantMetastasisRelapse Time in years between diagnosis and distant metastasis "years, 777=NA, 888=DK" quantitative - continuous ([Date_Distant_metastasis_relapse]-[DateDiagIndex])/365.25 Yes Survival and Treatment
Relapse Date_Follow_up_relapse Last date that follow-up was updated for relapse "dd/mm/yyyy, 07/07/7000=NA, 08/08/8000=DK" date "This variable is to know the completeness of follow-up. For relapse this may be different from last date of follow-up for death/survival (if the latter is obtained e.g. by linkage with death registries). If only year of follow-up for relapse is available, use the first of July as a surrogate for the true day and month; if only month and year of follow-up for relapse are available, use the 15 as a surrogate for the true day. " Yes Survival and Treatment
Relapse Date_Follow_up_relapse_known Marker for date of follow-up relapse "DMY=day,month and year known; MY=only month and year known; Y=only year known; NA=all unknown" qualitative - text This marker allows the identification of true and surrogate dates. Yes Survival and Treatment
Adjuvant Chemotherapy Chemo_adjuvant Adjuvant chemotherapy "0=no, 1=yes, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Survival and Treatment
Adjuvant anti-hormone therapy Horm_adjuvant Adjuvant anti-hormone therapy "0=no, 1=yes, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Survival and Treatment
Adjuvant trastuzumab therapy Trastuzumab_adjuvant Adjuvant trastuzumab "0=no, 1=yes, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Survival and Treatment
Surgery Surgery Breast surgery "0=no, 1=breast saving, 2=mastectomy (with or without axilary), 3=type unknown; 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Survival and Treatment
Radiation therapy Radiation Adjuvant radiation "0=no, 1=yes, breast, 2=yes, breast and lymph nodes, 3=yes, lymph nodes only, 4=yes, metastases, thoracic spine, 5=yes, organ unknown, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Survival and Treatment
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy Chemo_neoadjuvant Neoadjuvant chemotherapy "0=no, 1=yes, 888=DK" qualitative - categorical Yes Survival and Treatment