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Version: 5.0.0 AppVersion: 1.21.0

Umbrella chart for DIAL solution


  • Helm 3.8.0+
  • PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure (optional)
  • Ingress controller support in the underlying infrastructure (optional)


Kubernetes: >=1.23.0-0

Repository Name Version keycloak 24.4.3 core(dial-core) 4.1.0 authhelper(dial-extension) 1.2.0 chat(dial-extension) 1.2.0 themes(dial-extension) 1.2.0 openai(dial-extension) 1.2.0 bedrock(dial-extension) 1.2.0 vertexai(dial-extension) 1.2.0 dial(dial-extension) 1.2.0 assistant(dial-extension) 1.2.0
oci:// common 2.29.0

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

helm repo add dial
helm install my-release dial/dial

The command deploys AI DIAL on the Kubernetes cluster with default configuration. The Parameters section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.


Due to flexibility of the system, it's impossible to define default values for all parameters and cover all use cases.
However, we provide a set of examples that can be used as a good starting point for your own configuration.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

helm delete my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

NOTE: Persistent Volumes created by StatefulSets won't be deleted automatically


Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example:

helm install my-release dial/dial --set chat.image.tag=latest

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the above parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example:

# values.yaml file content
    tag: latest
helm install my-release dial/dial -f values.yaml

NOTE: You can use the default values.yaml


Key Type Default Description
assistant.commonLabels."" string "application"
assistant.enabled bool false Enable/disable ai-dial-assistant
assistant.image.repository string "epam/ai-dial-assistant"
assistant.image.tag string "0.7.0"
assistant.livenessProbe.enabled bool true
assistant.readinessProbe.enabled bool true
authhelper.commonLabels."" string "authentication"
authhelper.containerPorts.http int 4088
authhelper.enabled bool false Enable/disable ai-dial-auth-helper. Set keycloak.enabled: true before enabling this.
authhelper.image.repository string "epam/ai-dial-auth-helper"
authhelper.image.tag string "0.3.0"
bedrock.commonLabels."" string "adapter"
bedrock.enabled bool false Enable/disable ai-dial-adapter-bedrock
bedrock.image.repository string "epam/ai-dial-adapter-bedrock"
bedrock.image.tag string "0.21.0"
bedrock.livenessProbe.enabled bool true
bedrock.readinessProbe.enabled bool true
bedrock.secrets object {}
chat.commonLabels."" string "application"
chat.containerPorts.http int 3000
chat.enabled bool true Enable/disable ai-dial-chat
chat.image.repository string "epam/ai-dial-chat"
chat.image.tag string "0.23.0"
chat.livenessProbe.enabled bool true
chat.livenessProbe.failureThreshold int 6
chat.livenessProbe.httpGet.path string "/api/health"
chat.readinessProbe.enabled bool true
chat.readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 6
chat.readinessProbe.httpGet.path string "/api/health"
core.enabled bool true Enable/disable ai-dial-core
core.image.tag string "0.22.0"
dial.commonLabels."" string "adapter"
dial.enabled bool false Enable/disable ai-dial-adapter-dial
dial.image.repository string "epam/ai-dial-adapter-dial"
dial.image.tag string "0.4.0"
dial.livenessProbe.enabled bool true
dial.readinessProbe.enabled bool true
extraDeploy list []
keycloak.enabled bool false Enable/disable keycloak
keycloak.extraEnvVars[0].name string "KC_FEATURES"
keycloak.extraEnvVars[0].value string "token-exchange,admin-fine-grained-authz"
keycloak.keycloakConfigCli.enabled bool true
keycloak.keycloakConfigCli.extraEnvVars[0].name string "IMPORT_VARSUBSTITUTION_ENABLED"
keycloak.keycloakConfigCli.extraEnvVars[0].value string "true"
keycloak.postgresql.enabled bool true
keycloak.proxy string "edge"
openai.commonLabels."" string "adapter"
openai.enabled bool false Enable/disable ai-dial-adapter-openai
openai.image.repository string "epam/ai-dial-adapter-openai"
openai.image.tag string "0.19.0"
openai.livenessProbe.enabled bool true
openai.readinessProbe.enabled bool true
themes.commonLabels."" string "webserver"
themes.containerPorts.http int 8080
themes.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser int 101
themes.enabled bool true Enable/disable ai-dial-chat-themes
themes.image.repository string "epam/ai-dial-chat-themes"
themes.image.tag string "0.9.1"
themes.livenessProbe.enabled bool true
themes.podSecurityContext.fsGroup int 101
themes.readinessProbe.enabled bool true
vertexai.commonLabels."" string "adapter"
vertexai.enabled bool false Enable/disable ai-dial-adapter-vertexai
vertexai.image.repository string "epam/ai-dial-adapter-vertexai"
vertexai.image.tag string "0.15.0"
vertexai.livenessProbe.enabled bool true
vertexai.readinessProbe.enabled bool true


To 5.0.0


If you don't use Keycloak, disregard the information below and proceed with Helm upgrade as usual.


The upgrade includes BREAKING CHANGES and require MANUAL ACTIONS.

In this version, we've updated the following underlying dependencies which require manual actions:

  • bitnami/keycloak Helm chart version bumped from 16.1.7 to 24.4.3
    • keycloak version bumped from 22.0.3 to 26.0.8
    • bitnami/postgresql Helm chart from 12.12.9 to 16.4.3
      • postgresql version bumped from 15.4.0 to 17.2.0

Please refer to the official documentation for more details:


We'd prepared a brief generic upgrade guide below, however, we can not be sure it'll cover all the cases. The steps may vary depending on your configuration and deployment specifics.

  1. Stop Keycloak

  2. Backup Postgres database, e.g. open Postgres container shell and run (replace PGPASSWORD with the actual password):

    export PGUSER=postgres
    export PGPASSWORD=YouShouldReallyChangeThis
    export PGDUMP_DIR=/bitnami/postgresql
    pg_dumpall --clean --if-exists --load-via-partition-root --quote-all-identifiers --no-password > ${PGDUMP_DIR}/pg_dumpall-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M').pgdump
  3. Run helm upgrade command with usual arguments and new 5.X.X chart version, with addition of special values:

    • add values

          enabled: true
          enabled: false
            enabled: true
    • delete declarative-user-profile from keycloak.extraEnvVars.*.KC_FEATURES if it's present

    • delete all occurrences of bruteForceProtected option from keycloak.keycloakConfigCli.configuration or realm.yaml file if it's present/used

  4. After helm upgrade is finished, open Postgres container shell and run (replace PGPASSWORD with the actual password):

    # rename old data dir
    mv /var/lib/postgresql/data /var/lib/postgresql/data_old
    # run postgres manually
    nohup /opt/bitnami/scripts/postgresql/ /opt/bitnami/scripts/postgresql/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &
    # restore databases from dump (replace `PGPASSWORD` with the actual password)
    export PGUSER=postgres
    export PGDUMP_DIR=/bitnami/postgresql
    psql -d postgres -f ${PGDUMP_DIR}/pg_dumpall-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM.pgdump
  5. Run helm upgrade command with usual arguments, new 5.X.X chart version, but without special values

    • delete values

          enabled: true
          enabled: false
            enabled: true
  6. Verify DIAL is up and running correctly

To 4.0.0

Bumping the major version to highlight Redis upgrade in dial-core helm chart. No actions required, however you may want to check Redis® 7.4 release notes and dial-core-4.0.0 release notes for specific details.

To 3.0.0

In this version we have to reflect ai-dial-core application configuration parameters renaming in version 0.15.1+ by renaming several values in this chart.

  • core.configuration.encryption.password parameter is renamed to core.configuration.encryption.secret
  • core.configuration.encryption.salt parameter is changed to core.configuration.encryption.key

How to upgrade to version 3.0.0

a) If using encryption Kubernetes secret created by the chart:

  1. Update the parameters you have in your current deployment values (e.g. values.yaml file or set via --set) according to the changes below:

    • core.configuration.encryption.password --> core.configuration.encryption.secret
    • core.configuration.encryption.salt --> core.configuration.encryption.key
  2. Delete the *-encryption secret, e.g. (replace my-release with the actual release name):

    kubectl delete secret my-release-dial-core-encryption
  3. Proceed with the helm upgrade as usual, e.g.:

    helm upgrade my-release dial/dial -f values.yaml

b) If using your own managed Kubernetes secret (core.configuration.encryption.existingSecret is set):

  1. Rename keys in your existing secret:

    • aidial.encryption.password --> aidial.encryption.secret
    • aidial.encryption.salt --> aidial.encryption.key

    You can update your existing secret to rename or move the keys using the following one-liner command (replace <your-existing-secret-name> and <namespace> with the actual values):

      kubectl get secret <your-existing-secret-name> -o yaml -n <namespace> | jq '.data["aidial.encryption.secret"] = .data["aidial.encryption.password"] | .data["aidial.encryption.key"] = .data["aidial.encryption.salt"] | del(.data["aidial.encryption.password"], .data["aidial.encryption.salt"])' | kubectl replace -f -
  2. Proceed with the helm upgrade as usual, e.g.:

    helm upgrade my-release dial/dial -f values.yaml