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Releases: eoyilmaz/stalker

10 Feb 23:08
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  • Update: TaskJuggler output is now written to debug output once per line.

10 Feb 23:08
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  • New: '@' character is now allowed in Entity nice name.

10 Feb 23:09
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  • New: '@' character is now allowed in Version take names.

10 Feb 23:09
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  • Fix: Fixed a bug in
    caused by non-ascii task names.
  • Fix: Removed the residual RootFactory class reference from
  • New: Added to new functions called utc_to_local and local_to_utc
    for UTC to Local time and vice versa conversion.

10 Feb 23:10
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  • Fix: Fixed a bug where for a WIP Task with no time logs (apparently
    something went wrong) and no dependencies using
    Task.update_status_with_dependent_statuses() will convert the status to


10 Feb 23:11
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  • New: It is now possible to track the Edit information per Shot using the
    newly introduced source_in, source_out and record_in along with
    existent cut_in and cut_out attributes.


28 Feb 23:00
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  • Update: The following column names are updated:

    • Tasks._review_number to Tasks.review_number
    • Tasks._schedule_seconds to Tasks.schedule_seconds
    • Tasks._total_logged_seconds to Tasks.total_logged_seconds
    • Reviews._review_number to Reviews.review_number
    • Shots._cut_in to Shots.cut_in
    • Shots._cut_out to Shots.cut_out

    Also updated alembic migration to create columns with those names.

  • Update: Updated Alembic revision 433d9caaafab (the one related with
    stalker 2.5 update) to also include following updates:

    • Create StatusLists for Tasks, Asset, Shot and Sequences and add all the
      Statuses in the Task Status Workflow.
    • Remove NEW from all of the status lists of Task, Asset, Shot and
    • Update all the PREV tasks to WIP to let them use the new Review
    • Update the Tasks.review_number to 0 for all tasks.
    • Create StatusLists and Statuses (NEW, RREV, APP) for Reviews.
    • Remove any other status then defined in the Task Status Workflow from Task,
      Asset, Shot and Sequence status list.


18 Feb 22:28
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  • Fix: Fixed a bug in Task class where trying to remove the
    dependencies will raise an AttributeError caused by the
    Task._previously_removed_dependent_tasks attribute.


18 Feb 22:30
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  • New: Task instances now have two new properties called path and
    absolute_path. As in Version instances, these are the rendered version
    of the related FilenameTemplate object in the related Project. The path
    attribute is Repository root relative and absolute_path is the absolute
    path including the OS dependent Repository path.
  • Update: Updated alembic revision with revision number "433d9caaafab" to
    also create Statuses introduced with Stalker v0.2.5.


18 Feb 22:33
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  • Update: Version.__repr__ results with a more readable string.
  • New: Added a generalized generator called
    stalker.models.walk_hierarchy() that walks and yields the entities over
    the given attribute in DFS or BFS fashion.
  • New: Added Task.walk_hierarchy() which iterates over the hierarchy of
    the task. It walks in a breadth first fashion. Use method=0 to walk in
    depth first.
  • New: Added Task.walk_dependencies() which iterates over the
    dependencies of the task. It walks in a breadth first fashion. Use
    method=0 to walk in depth first.
  • New: Added Version.walk_hierarchy() which iterates over the hierarchy
    of the version. It walks in a depth first fashion. Use method=1 to walk
    in breadth first.
  • New: Added Version.walk_inputs() which iterates over the inputs of
    the version. It walks in a depth first fashion. Use method=1 to walk in
    breath first.
  • Update: stalker.models.check_circular_dependency() function is now
    using stalker.models.walk_hierarchy() instead of recursion over itself,
    which makes it more robust in deep hierarchies.
  • Fix: db.init() now updates the statuses of already created status
    lists for Task, Asset, Shot and Sequence classes.