- host this project on your local raspberry pi or see 'Local host vs Remote host' section on how to use the live demo
- create your own glTF model from blender (optional)
- adjust the light names to match your hue lights names
- press the Hue Gateway authorisation button (on the real device)
- Click on the 3d model of the hue gateway
- An alert will apear on the screen to wait for confirmation
- The user creation will proceed and the username will be stored as local storage (ctrl+j in chrome to oben the debug window)
- adjust the mqtt topic names to match your mqtt devices
- install a mosquitto version with websocket support
- Click on the 3d model of the mosquitto gateway
Link to Github .io live demo
We see in this demo a home 3d model augmented with interactive mesh items. Some meshes represent light bulbs and generate events when the user clicks on them. Those events are handled by a hue light client that interacts with the real hue gateway. The hue client publishes as events the actual state of the switched light, and that state is updated by the mesh bulb color and the associated 3d light.
As a demonstration for the reaction time of the real light switching on and off, we can see in the gif animation the power consumption log of the light switched. This log comes from a shelly 2.5 device with power monitoring capabilites. This measure device is itself powering up the hue light. Note that the slow power up and down ramp are due to the hue effect of slow variation when switching on and off.
Home automation connected to 3d events in javascript
send_custom_event("three_param",{name:"Kitchen", color:0.3});
send_custom_event("three_param",{name:"Kitchen", light:0.3});
send_custom_event("three_param",{name:"Kitchen", anim:0.3});
send_custom_event("three_param",{name:"Kitchen", pull:0.3});
send_custom_event("three_param",{name:"Kitchen", push:0.3});
See three_param
running in a live demo
Note : This project is not related to the hue devices supplier and is a simple user of the provided API.
- All individual lights and lightgroups visible and usable on the same view (not possible with other hue apps)
- Correct display of light status. On off and grayed when not reachable (other apps might show out of reach lights same color as the ones switched on)
- Click/Touch light to control on-off
- Cilck/Touch lightgroup to control on / off (using any_on)
- hold and use 3d slider to adjust the light brightness (lights and groups)
- hold and control allows to dim light up gradually out of zero without a bang in case of previous dim state was high, and it is possible to jump to previous dim state by switch on with touch or click (other apps dissociate switch on and dimming functions, so that if left at high dim level, you have to switch it on on full brightness first before being able to dim it lower)
- 3d light bulbs and 3d light brightness vary in sync when controlling the 3d slider (groups slider on exit only)
- webapp lights kept in sync even when used externally. Configurable polling is used (default is 2 sec), event
only sent on changes (shallow compare)
configuration of hue light name in blender Light bulb object Custom properties.
window.addEventListener( 'hue_lights_on_startup', onHueStartup, false );
window.addEventListener( 'hue_light_state', onHueLightState, false );
function onHueLightState(e){
const name = hue_mesh_name[e.detail.name];
send_custom_event("three_param",{name:name, light:e.detail.on});
lights broadcast their state on startup and as a feedback when updated from javascript
- Lightgroup are optional and the individual light items configuration does not differ depending on if they are part of a light group or not.
- only the hue gateway lightgroup is being used. That means a lightgroup has to be created with the hue app before it can be used in this webapp.
Indiviual lights have to be attached to a parent mesh that have these custom properties
- a lightgroup shall also have a
field, the only differerence is that it has no blender light item and does have atype:lightgroup
property. - as the hue gateway allow it, a normal light and a lightgroup can have the same name.
- productname: Hue color spot
- modelid: LCG002
- type: Extended color light
- config:{archetype:wallspot}
- state:{on, bri, hue, sat, effect, xy, ct}
- capabilities:{control:{mindimlevel, maxlumen, ct:{min,max}, colorgamuttype, colorgamut:[0,1,2]}}
- productname: Hue ambiance spot
- modelid: LTW013
- type: Color temperature light
- config:{archetype:singlespot}
- state:{color,bri,ct}
- capabilities:{control:{mindimlevel, maxlumen, ct:{min,max}}}
- productname: "Hue white lamp"
- modelid: LWB010
- type: Dimmable light
- config:{archetype:classicbulb}
- state:{on, bri}
- capabilities:{control:{mindimlevel, maxlumen}}
- productname: Hue filament bulb
- modelid: LWO001
- type: Dimmable light
- config:{archetype:vintagebulb}
- state:{on, bri}
- capabilities:{control:{mindimlevel, maxlumen}}
- productname: Color temperature light
- modelid: RS 128 T
- type: Color temperature light
- config:{archetype:wallspot}
- state:{on, bri, ct}
- capabilities:{control:{ct:{min,max}}}
- productname: Color temperature light
- modelid: RB 148 T
- type: Color temperature light
- config:{archetype:candlebulb}
- state:{on, bri, ct}
- capabilities:{control:{ct:{min,max}}}
ct unit is Mired M = 1000000/T; Mired
The mqtt topic has to be assigned to an mqtt
custom property
window.addEventListener( 'mqtt_message', onMqttMessage, false);
function onMqttMessage(e){
if(obj.userData.type == "heating"){
const heating_demand = e.detail.payload.pi_heating_demand;
blender file download from google drive
The blender model export in .glTF is already part of this repo. So you would only need the blender file in case you'd like a template to start with and customise.
Files within the project's google drive folder will have commit ids to match them with this repo.
The created home model should have custom properties. It is also possible to use the repo's home model file and edit it as it is a json format : ./3d_models/home.gltf
. It is possible to rename the hue:
field with your own hue lights names as known by the hue gateway.
"extras" : {
"mouseEvent" : "true",
"type" : "light",
"hue" : "Bathroom main"
- mqtt usage require a mosquitto with websocket support, see this guide on how to install mosquitto with websockets
The web_three_interface is not a direct dependency but is used as a boiler plate for 3d interactive meshes. It is still a useful repo that helps understand the workflow step by step with increasingly complex demo, and also debug in case one step is failing.
- 3d interactions with click and hold
- 3d slider positioning relative to child world coordinate
- glTF model with custom properties (hue, mqtt, mouse)
- mqtt: events forward to javascript events
- stats and fps. (can be disabled in config.json)
- heaters pi_heating_demand on heater mesh colors
- rooms temperature on floor color
- EffectComposer and outlinePass for app selected interactive objects (
enhance 3d slider with more info about limits and states
adjust heating with 3d slider
hue light dimming : required visible difference between minimal dimm and off
directional light to reflect room sensors ambient light
add windows open close with colors
use lower poly mesh
add coap support through node server (split, back+front) but keep the same front
add android native app with sockets and coap permissions
add fallback support with a websocket/socket wrapper https://github.com/novnc/websockify
fall back on interactive demo mode from within the same app
meta light groups with parenting
add direct mqtt support wtihout websockets through node server
- no material animation supported by gltf, so fallback on a mutateColor custom property
- No Custom Properties export for Light Object Data Properties (green), only Object Properties (orange)
- gltf-blender : No area light export possible github issue
- three.js : RectAreaLight has limitations and conditions RectAreaLight demo
preffered and recommended way : host this repo on your own local rapsberry pi webserver. A vpn is recommended as a solution to remotely get into your local netwrok. Any sort of port exposing and https secure hosting will require a complete security check and would be run with an unknown risk.
non preferred way : but can be used for test and demonstration purpose, directly from github.io : https://homesmartmesh.github.io/smart_home_3d_webapp/
Limitation when using from github .io :
- Github .io are the exact deployment of this same repo, the master branch is deployed so is not stable and might not run as it did the last time you used it.
- Network safety : As the hue.js script is using http, a mixed content http/https error will happen when using from github .io as it is an https server. It is still possible to override this safety.
- It is not possible to customize your own 3d model
- It is not possible to update the name of your hue lights (you could still rename some to match the
So proceed with this only if you know what you're doing. This might expose you at risk if done through an untrusted website :
then reload the page
test model : 8000 triangls
- PC wtih NVIDIA GeForce GTX 745 : 30 FPS, 5 ms
- Samsung galaxy S10 : 60 FPS
- Samsung galaxy S5 : 14 FPS
- Samsung galaxy Tab pro (SM-P900) : N.A (does not fully load, simplified scene with 3000 tri at 2 FPS)