Releases: eneam/mboxviewer
Releases · eneam/mboxviewer
- To improve mboxview, please post reviews on what works, what doesn't, create bug tickets and enhancement requests;
- Enhanced mail date/time discovery to better support news feeds. More enhancements are needed to better support news feeds.;
- Fixed Print To for subject threads.;
- Implemented print mail timeout for Print to PDF Merge option.;
- Updated User Manual to describe new and updated features.;
- To improve mboxview, please post reviews on what works, what doesn't, create bug tickets and enhancement requests;
- Recreated hyperlinks in plain text mails.;
- Prevented merging multiple blanks into single blank in plain text mails to preserve text layout.;
- Added menu options while in "User Selected Mails" to make GUI more user friendly.;
- Added additional code to prevent line truncation and/or small font when printing to PDF.;
- Enhanced handling of mails with multiple plain text blocks and different character sets such as mails from Apple Mail.;
- Updated User Manual to describe new and updated features.;
- To improve mboxview, please post reviews on what works, what doesn't, create bug tickets and enhancement requests;
- Enhanced the index file reader to check file integrity to avoid MBox Viewer crash.;
- Fixed memory leak when merging root folder and sub-folders.;
- Fixed support for iso-2022-* character sets such as iso-2022-jp.;
- Added support for printing all mails in subject thread.;
- Reversed some of changes made in v1.0.3.32 to avoid line truncation when printing. It was causing rare print mail issues.;
- Updated User Manual to describe new and updated features.;
- To improve mboxview, please post reviews on what works, what doesn't, create bug tickets and enhancment requests;
- Script to merge PDF files doesn't work when MBox Viewer executable and configured data folder reside on different drives.;
- Page Break stopped working.;
- Updated User Manual to describe new and updated features.;
- To improve mboxview, please post reviews on what works, what doesn't, create bug tickets and enhancment requests;
- To address occasional too small font size, added option to print multiple mails to single PDF file by merging respective PDF files.;
- Updated User Manual to describe new and updated features.;
- To improve mboxview, please post reviews on what works, what doesn't, create bug tickets and enhancment requests;
- Ported to 64 bit platform and released 64 bit executable to support more than 2 million emails.;
- Fixed background color in HTML and PDF broken in previous v1.0.3.28.;
- Updated User Manual to describe new and updated features.;
- To improve mboxview, please post reviews on what works, what doesn't, create bug tickets and enhancment requests;
- Added option to set the font size when printing multiple mails to single PDF file.;
- Enhanced "Select root folder for merging.." option to support large number of eml files.;
- Updated User Manual to describe new and updated features.;
- To improve mboxview, please post reviews on what works, what doesn't, create bug tickets and enhancment requests;
- Added option to open selected root folder and sub-folders as a folder hierarchy under Mail Tree.;
- Added option to merge selected root folder and all sub-folders and open as a label hierarchy under Mail Tree.;
- MBox Viewer was enhanced to examine file content to discover mbox files rather than relying on the mbox and eml file extensions.;
- Added option to configure data folder as the target folder for all files created by MBox Viewer.;
- Added option to sort subject threads by the time in addition to the alphanumeric sort.;
- Added option to issue page break after the last mail in the email conversation/subject thread.;
- MBox Viewer will remember last selection, that is, the last folder, mail file, label and index and restore upon startup.;
- Resolved number of smaller issues.;
- Updated User Manual to describe new and updated features.;