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User visible changes and bug fixes in Yeti

2024-02-19: Yeti version 6.8.1 released.

  • mvect_build renamed mvect_collect.

2024-02-17: Yeti version 6.8.0 released.

  • New kind of objects mixed vectors (see mvect_create) to store anything in a vector-like container that is indexed by integers and, unlike tuples, can be resized and modified.
  • New builtin function empty_tuple to yield an empty tuple.
  • tup.len and tup() yield number of entries in tuple tup.
  • New kind of objects debug_nrefs for debugging reference counting.

2023-12-20: Yeti version 6.7.0 released.

  • New builtin function fpe_handling to turn on or off Yorick specific handling of floating-point exceptions.

2022-02-02: Yeti version 6.6.1 released.

  • Remove functions strtrimleft, strtrimright, strlower, and strupper which were in conflict with utils.i from YLib package.

2021-05-04: Yeti version 6.6.0 released.

  • Better looking trees in h_show, configurable with h_show_style.

2021-01-08: Yeti version 6.5.0 released.

  • New typemin and typemax functions to get the minimum and maximum values for a numerical type.
  • New product function to compute the product of the elements of an array.
  • New tuple function to create lightweight tuple-like objects.
  • Change to more permissive MIT "expat" license.
  • Yeti can be compiled from anywhere (just run the configure script in the directory where you want to build Yeti and its components).
  • The yeti_ prefix has been removed from all yeti_*.i files. If you rely on auto-load and do not explicitly include such files, this should be automatically handled for you.
  • Yeti functions and macros are now prefixed by yor_ or YOR_ (and perhasp _yor_ or _YOR_ for private ones). Header file "yeti-compat.h" is provided to help porting old code based on Yeti library. Theses prefixes are also used to alias some Yorick symbols.
  • Yeti components are now independent from Yeti itself (they all have their own auto-load file, the name of associated dynamic library is yor_$pkg.i with $pkg the name of the component).
  • Type make install-doc to build and install the documentation of the chosen components.
  • Fix bug in arc and sinc functions when called with a single precision argument.

2018-03-09: Yeti version 6.4.1 released.

  • Add autostart file and logo.
  • Improve anonymous to have no side effects.
  • fullsizeof can now cope with structures.
  • Cleanup and convert NEWS to Markdown.

2015-06-02: Yeti version 6.4.0 released.

  • Yeti is managed as a Git repository on GitHub.
  • GSL support abandoned (use YGSL plugin instead).

2013-09-13: Yeti version 6.3.3 released.

  • New function: anonymous to create anonymous functions.
    • New function: h_save to save variables to a hash-table.
    • New function: h_functor to create functor objects.
  • Manage to autoload yeti_yhdf.i whenever yhdf_* functions are called.
  • Add support for saving/restoring the evaluator of the hash table in a Yeti Hierarchical Data File.

2010-01-31: Yeti version 6.3.2 released.

  • New configure script to mimics GNU-configure.
    • Heavy cleanup of the README file ;-)
  • Function set_alarm removed, you should use Yorick's own after function which works better and has more features.
  • Removed some old (unused) stuff to allow for compilation of a stand-alone Yorick+Yeti interpreter (thanks to Dave Munro for the fix).

2010-04-16: Yeti version 6.3.1 released.

  • Memory leak in hash table code fixed.
    • Integer indexing of hash table has been removed.
    • Improved robustness of hash tables with respect to interrupts.

2010-04-13: Yeti version 6.3.0 released.

  • Yeti is now under the CeCILL-C license (
    • Lots of functions have been moved from Yeti to Yorick.
    • Some code cleanup.

2009-12-16: Yeti version 6.2.5 released.

  • Range objects can be saved into Yeti Hierarchical Data Files.
  • New built-in functions: parse_range and make_range.

2009-12-09: Yeti version 6.2.4 released.

  • New function morph_enhance to perform non-linear noise reduction on a 2D/3D array.
  • Changes names of private functions in yeti_sort.c to prevent conflict with stdlib.h in Mac-OS-X.
  • Some hash table functions have been fixed.
  • Many small corrections in the documentation in yeti.i.
  • New functions to save/restore sparse matrices in/from files: sparse_save, sparse_restore.

2008-10-29: Yeti version 6.2.3 released.

  • Fixed bug in h_next which trigger on 64-bit machines.
  • Some update in hash table documentation.
  • New functions:
    • h_grow: grow a member of a hash table;
    • mem_clear: clear some global symbols;
    • fullsizeof: compute size of arrays, lists, hash-tables, ...
    • make_hermitian: make an array Hermitian.
  • Some documentation fixed.
  • Function mem_info correctly accounts for hash-tables, pointers and lists.
  • Fix symbol_names not reporting scalar symbols.
  • Add an error handler in GSL interface to avoid GSL aborting on error.

2008-02-14: Yeti version 6.2.2 released.

  • Fix functions: identof, is_scalar, is_vector, is_matrix, is_integer, is_real, is_complex, is_string, and is_numerical when argument is an L-value. Thanks to "sguieu" for reporting this bug on Yorick forum at SourceForge.
  • Functions mem_copy and mem_copy also fixed to prevent this problem.
  • Cleanup of code to manage dimension lists (restricted functions to: yeti_reset_dimlist, yeti_grow_dimlist and yeti_start_dimlist). Get rid of ynew_dim dependency which will be soon removed from Yorick's core.
  • Minor fix in window_geometry.
  • Configuration script fixed to allow for spaces in path to Yorick executable and modified to have defaults for FFTW/GSL/TIFF linker flags (i.e. so that only --with-fftw is needed if FFTW is installed in standard place).
  • Function h_show now displays name of symbolic links.
  • New function h_grow to grow contents of hash table members.

2007-07-27: Yeti version 6.2.2pre1 released.

  • Script config.i, files and updated to account for version numbers in the form: MAJOR.MINOR.MICROSUFFIX.
  • New global variable YETI_VERSION_SUFFIX.
  • New functions (rgl_roughness_*) for regularization based on roughness with various norms and boundary conditions.

2007-05-14: Yeti version 6.2.1 released.

  • Configuration script fixed to work with Cygwin/MS-Windows and to allow for compilation with Yorick CVS version.
  • Yeti Hierarchical Data File (YHDF) can now store functions and symbolic links (by their names).
  • *** POSSIBLE INCOMPATIBILITY *** Due to inconsistencies, the API for symbolic links has been reworked. To create a symbolic link to a variable, the ambiguous link function has been deleted in favor of symlink_to_variable and symlink_to_name. The functions link_name, solve_link and is_link have been renamed as name_of_symlink, value_of_symlink and is_symlink respectively.

2007-04-24: Yeti version 6.2.0 released.

  • Add rules to build and install documentation of Yeti plugins in Yorick installation directory.
  • The symbol_names function can now specifically select lists, hash tables and/or auto-loaded functions.
  • The about routine now account for auto-loaded functions.
  • Bug in function make_dimlist fixed.
  • Hash table objects can now have their own evaluator, which can be queried/set by the h_evaluator function.
  • New function h_number to query number of entries in a hash table.
  • Function is_hash returns 2 for a hash table object implementing its own evaluator.
  • h_clone, h_copy, h_info and h_show fixed to account for the evaluator of an hash table object.
  • Restricted possible values for JOB/FLAGS in evaluation of matrix products: must be 0 (default) for direct product and 1 for transpose product.
  • New interpreted function: setup_package.
  • New object type: symbolic link. New related functions: link, is_link, link_name and solve_link.

2006-12-17: Yeti version 6.1.7 released.

  • Renamed built-in typeIDof as identof and provide constants for T_CHAR, T_SHORT, ...

2006-07-19: Yeti version 6.1.6 released.

  • New builtin function insure_temporary.
  • New builtin function quick_select. New functions quick_median and quick_interquartile_range for fast estimation of the median and the inter-quartile range of an array of values.

2006-06-10: Yeti version 6.1.5 released.

This is the first public release of Yeti which makes use of the new Yorick API "YAPI" and which provides support for GSL (the GNU Scientific Library).

  • Documentation for Yeti-GSL completed.
  • Fixed inconsistency in error computation for Yeti-GSL.
  • New function h_show to display a hash table as an expanded tree.
  • Built-in function is_list removed from Yeti (it is now part of Yorick).
  • New built-in functions: make_dimlist.
  • New built-in functions: window_select, window_exists and window_list.
  • Changed yeti_tiff plugin so that it uses new Yorick API "YAPI".
  • In tiff_plugin, TIFF objects can now be indexed by their tag names.
  • Changed yeti_gsl plugin so that it uses new Yorick API "YAPI".
  • New plugin yeti_gsl which implements support for GNU Scientific
  • Library. At this time, the plugin provides 118 special functions from the GSL.
  • Fix bug in sparse_expand().
  • In about() function, explicitely filter range operators which have a built-in function counterpart to avoid a deadly bug in Yorick.

2005-09-16: Yeti version 6.0.2 released.

  • Use Yorick (instead of Bourne shell) for configuration of Yeti -- much more easy and portable ;-)
  • New built-in function machine_constant to query machine dependent constant (such as DBL_EPSILON).
  • Fixed signedness of strings in yeti_hash.c to avoid compiler warnings.
  • Fixed bad variable name in morph_white_top_hat, and morph_black_top_hat.

2005-07-30: Yeti version 6.0.0 released.

  • New functions cost_l2, cost_l2l1 and cost_l2l0 to compute, L2, L2-L1 and L2-L0 cost functions and optionally their gradient.
  • *** POSSIBLE INCOMPATIBILITY *** The old sparse matrix API has been removed in favor of a new sparse_matrix object class. The new class is different from the old implementation: [1] it has two index lists (one for the rows, the other for the columns of the non-zero coefficients) to break the former limit on the dimension lists of input/output spaces; [2] the sparse matrix object can be used directly as a function to apply (possibly transpose) matrix multiplication; [3] the sparse matrix object can be used as a Yorick structure to query its contents.
  • *** POSSIBLE INCOMPATIBILITY *** The built-in function _yeti_init was renamed as yeti_init.
  • New morpho-math functions: morph_dilation, morph_erosion, morph_opening, morph_closing, morph_white_top_hat, morph_black_top_hat.
  • *** POSSIBLE INCOMPATIBILITY *** Built-in get_path removed (conflict with same function in Yorick 1.6.02). The new get_path function return a list of path separated by : into a single string whereas the former version built-in Yeti used to return an array of strings.
  • Lots of changes to make Yeti a pure plugin for Yorick 1.6 and trying to maintain compatibility with previous version of Yeti:
    • Temporarily removed all the chn_* function (channel).
    • Builtin expand_path removed in favor of filepath.
    • Built-in strlower and strlower replaced by interpreted version which use the new strcase built-in function in Yorick-1.6. Similarly, strtrim removed because it is now provided by Yorick-1.6 with same behaviour.
    • yeti_fftw and yeti_tiff packages no longer require Yeti to be loaded (they are pure standalone Yorick packages).
    • Regular expression functions regmatch, regsub, regcomp, etc are now provided by a separate package yeti_regex. Two reasons for that: (1) new Yorick-1.6 now provides some regular expression engine (see strgrep), and (2) my regular expression package required the GNU REGEX library (built-in GNU C library). The GNU REGEX library can be optionally built into the new yeti_regex package (i.e. you no longer need an external REGEX library). Also note that the yeti_regex does not require Yeti to be loaded (it is a pure standalone Yorick package).
  • New Built-in functions: is_complex, is_hash, is_integer, is_list, is_matrix, is_numerical, is_real, is_scalar, is_string, is_vector.

2005-05-24: yeti-5.3.12 released.

  • Changes in yeti_plugin.c, yeti_misc.c, yeti_utils.c and yeti.i to avoid problems on 64-bit machines. A (minor) side effect is that addresses in mem_* hack functions must now be long integer (i.e., int's are no longer allowed).
  • Fix bugs caused by using a nil string (e.g., string(0)) as hash key and which trigger segmentation violation interrupt (SIGSEGV).
  • New functions h_first and h_next to scan a hash table.
  • Support for reloadable plugins.
  • Complete rewrite of configure script.
  • CP40/GPL support is now provided as a separate plugin.
  • Startup routine _yeti_init to provide a more useful list of paths for script files (*.i) than the one setup by Yorick.
  • Removed yeti_version function in favor of _yeti_init function and pre-defined variables YETI_VERSION and YETI_HOME.
  • New function get_includes to get a list of included files.

2004-09-27: yeti-5.3.11 released.

  • Fix a bug in arc and round built-in functions which triggers when the argument was a non-double scalar (thanks to Clémentine Béchet for finding this bug).
  • about interpreted function can optionally ignore case.
  • New interpreted function h_clone to clone/copy a hash object.
  • Work around Yorick bug with palette in gg_fit_2d_spike.

2004-09-09: yeti-5.3.10 released.

  • Yeti now displays its version number which can be retrieved by function yeti_version.
  • New built-in function current_include to get the path of the currently parsed file if any.
  • New built-in function arc to compute lengh of arc in radians.
  • Fix built-in heapsort to always return a vector (as claimed in the doc).
  • Avoid Gist markers when drawing widgets in yeti_gist_gui.i.
  • Hash table objects can be invoked as a function with a member name (syntaxic shortcut for h_get) or with a nil argument to get the number of elements.

2004-02-23: yeti-5.3.8 released.

  • Added built-in function eigen to compute the spectral decomposition of real symetric matrices.