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An application to help prospective interns track job applications. Envisioned as an alternative to existing software solutions like the UBC Science Co-op website.

Built for CPSC 304.


Instructions for local development.


  • Git; git --version >= 2.25.1
  • Java 8; an Amazon Corretto build is preferred
    • To manage Java versions, I recommend SDKMAN
  • PostgreSQL; psql --version >= 14.2
    • To install, I recommend using Homebrew via brew install postgresql
  • Docker; docker --version >= 20.10.12
    • To install, I again recommend Homebrew; use brew install docker
    • It's likely helpful to have Docker desktop
  • make; make --version >= 4.2.1
    • Should already be installed, but if not, use brew once again

The following tools are optional, but helpful.

  • curl
    • A command-line tool for testing our REST API; should be installed by default
  • Postman
    • A GUI for testing our REST API, available here


  1. Clone the repository, available at this link
    1. (In particular, you should clone it via SSH or the gh CLI tool!)
  2. Open the project using IntelliJ; this should auto-magically pick up on dependencies
  3. Run the test suite (under /test); ensure all tests are passing
  4. Begin the database
    1. First, run make db_init to create the database cluster
    2. Second, run make db_user to create a superuser named "postgres"
    3. Then, run make db_start to begin the database in the background on localhost
    4. (Aside: there also exists make db_stop should you ever need to take the DB down!)
  5. Run setup.sql (using IntelliJ, or via the command-line) to initialize the database
    1. The command make db_bootstrap encapsulates this for you!
  6. Run the app via


Troubleshooting steps.

PostgreSQL driver is unavailable; Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver"); throws an exception

While you should be able to just run mvn clean install, this happened to me a few times. To fix it, I added the dependency through IntelliJ's interface.

  1. File > Project Structure
  2. Libraries
  3. Click the top "+" button
  4. Select "From Maven..."
  5. Search for "PostgreSQL"
  6. Select postgresql:9.2-1002.jdbc4, i.e., the latest version

Running PostgreSQL and setting up the databases (on Mac)

  • brew services start postgres (or brew services restart postgres if the previous postgres process was never terminated)
  • psql -U postgres -W, then enter user password
  • \dt to view all tables
  • \i src/main/java/jSearch/script/setup.sql; to run the setup.sql file, to drop, create, and populate all tables. Notices can be ignored, but if there are errors, create the tables by following the next bullet point.
  • if there are any errors with the above command, run: (1) DROP SCHEMA public CASCADE; and then (2) CREATE SCHEMA public; to drop all tables and recreate them

Troubleshooting (on Mac)

  • if you run into this error: psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory. Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432", the solution is to remove this file with this command: rm /usr/local/var/postgres/


TODO: list app features.


TODO: create tasks.


TODO: write contributing steps.