diff --git a/packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/index.ts b/packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/index.ts
index f29f23a4a77..c7a0759c051 100644
--- a/packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/index.ts
+++ b/packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/index.ts
@@ -88,34 +88,6 @@
- Use the `{{with}}` helper when you want to alias a property to a new name. This is helpful
- for semantic clarity as it allows you to retain default scope or to reference a property from another
- `{{with}}` block.
- If the aliased property is "falsey", for example: `false`, `undefined` `null`, `""`, `0`, `NaN` or
- an empty array, the block will not be rendered.
- ```app/templates/application.hbs
- {{! Will only render if user.posts contains items}}
- {{#with @model.posts as |blogPosts|}}
- There are {{blogPosts.length}} blog posts written by {{@model.name}}.
- {{#each blogPosts as |post|}}
- {{post.title}}
- {{/each}}
- {{/with}}
- ```
- @method with
- @for Ember.Templates.helpers
- @param {Object} options
- @return {String} HTML string
- @deprecated Use '{{#let}}' instead
- @public
- */
`{{yield}}` denotes an area of a template that will be rendered inside
of another template.
diff --git a/packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/tests/integration/helpers/partial-test.js b/packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/tests/integration/helpers/partial-test.js
index 825b3cf8042..1f0b9b10e56 100644
--- a/packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/tests/integration/helpers/partial-test.js
+++ b/packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/tests/integration/helpers/partial-test.js
@@ -352,38 +352,6 @@ moduleFor(
this.assertText('number: EVEN0number: ODD1number: EVEN2number: ODD3');
- ['@test [DEPRECATED] dynamic partials in {{#with}}']() {
- this.registerPartial('_thing', '{{t}}');
- expectDeprecation(() => {
- this.render(
- strip`
- {{#with this.item.thing as |t|}}
- {{partial t}}
- {{else}}
- Nothing!
- {{/with}}`,
- {
- item: { thing: false },
- }
- );
- }, /`{{#with}}` is deprecated\./);
- this.assertStableRerender();
- this.assertText('Nothing!');
- expectDeprecation(() => {
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'item.thing', 'thing'));
- }, 'The use of `{{partial}}` is deprecated, please refactor the "thing" partial to a component');
- this.assertText('thing');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'item', { thing: false }));
- this.assertText('Nothing!');
- }
['@test dynamic partials in {{#let}}']() {
this.registerPartial('_thing', '{{t}}');
diff --git a/packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/tests/integration/syntax/with-test.js b/packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/tests/integration/syntax/with-test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b3e44698d1d..00000000000
--- a/packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/tests/integration/syntax/with-test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
-import { moduleFor, RenderingTestCase, strip, runTask } from 'internal-test-helpers';
-import { get, set } from '@ember/-internals/metal';
-import { A as emberA, ObjectProxy, removeAt } from '@ember/-internals/runtime';
-import { IfUnlessWithSyntaxTest } from '../../utils/shared-conditional-tests';
- 'Syntax test: {{#with}}',
- class extends IfUnlessWithSyntaxTest {
- beforeEach() {
- expectDeprecation(/^`{{#with}}` is deprecated\./);
- }
- templateFor({ cond, truthy, falsy }) {
- return `{{#with ${cond}}}${truthy}{{else}}${falsy}{{/with}}`;
- }
- }
- 'Syntax test: {{#with as}}',
- class extends IfUnlessWithSyntaxTest {
- beforeEach() {
- expectDeprecation(/^`{{#with}}` is deprecated\./);
- }
- templateFor({ cond, truthy, falsy }) {
- return `{{#with ${cond} as |test|}}${truthy}{{else}}${falsy}{{/with}}`;
- }
- ['@test keying off of `undefined` does not render']() {
- this.render(
- strip`
- {{#with this.foo.bar.baz as |thing|}}
- {{thing}}
- {{/with}}`,
- { foo: {} }
- );
- this.assertText('');
- runTask(() => this.rerender());
- this.assertText('');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'foo', { bar: { baz: 'Here!' } }));
- this.assertText('Here!');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'foo', {}));
- this.assertText('');
- }
- ['@test it renders and hides the given block based on the conditional']() {
- this.render(`{{#with this.cond1 as |cond|}}{{cond.greeting}}{{else}}False{{/with}}`, {
- cond1: { greeting: 'Hello' },
- });
- this.assertText('Hello');
- runTask(() => this.rerender());
- this.assertText('Hello');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'cond1.greeting', 'Hello world'));
- this.assertText('Hello world');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'cond1', false));
- this.assertText('False');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'cond1', { greeting: 'Hello' }));
- this.assertText('Hello');
- }
- ['@test can access alias and original scope']() {
- this.render(`{{#with this.person as |tom|}}{{this.title}}: {{tom.name}}{{/with}}`, {
- title: 'Señor Engineer',
- person: { name: 'Tom Dale' },
- });
- this.assertText('Señor Engineer: Tom Dale');
- runTask(() => this.rerender());
- this.assertText('Señor Engineer: Tom Dale');
- runTask(() => {
- set(this.context, 'person.name', 'Yehuda Katz');
- set(this.context, 'title', 'Principal Engineer');
- });
- this.assertText('Principal Engineer: Yehuda Katz');
- runTask(() => {
- set(this.context, 'person', { name: 'Tom Dale' });
- set(this.context, 'title', 'Señor Engineer');
- });
- this.assertText('Señor Engineer: Tom Dale');
- }
- ['@test the scoped variable is not available outside the {{#with}} block.']() {
- expectDeprecation(
- /The `[^`]+` property(?: path)? was used in the `[^`]+` template without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{[^}]+}}/
- );
- this.render(`{{name}}-{{#with this.other as |name|}}{{name}}{{/with}}-{{name}}`, {
- name: 'Stef',
- other: 'Yehuda',
- });
- this.assertText('Stef-Yehuda-Stef');
- runTask(() => this.rerender());
- this.assertText('Stef-Yehuda-Stef');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'other', 'Chad'));
- this.assertText('Stef-Chad-Stef');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'name', 'Tom'));
- this.assertText('Tom-Chad-Tom');
- runTask(() => {
- set(this.context, 'name', 'Stef');
- set(this.context, 'other', 'Yehuda');
- });
- this.assertText('Stef-Yehuda-Stef');
- }
- ['@test inverse template is displayed with context']() {
- this.render(
- `{{#with this.falsyThing as |thing|}}Has Thing{{else}}No Thing {{this.otherThing}}{{/with}}`,
- {
- falsyThing: null,
- otherThing: 'bar',
- }
- );
- this.assertText('No Thing bar');
- runTask(() => this.rerender());
- this.assertText('No Thing bar');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'otherThing', 'biz'));
- this.assertText('No Thing biz');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'falsyThing', true));
- this.assertText('Has Thing');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'otherThing', 'baz'));
- this.assertText('Has Thing');
- runTask(() => {
- set(this.context, 'otherThing', 'bar');
- set(this.context, 'falsyThing', null);
- });
- this.assertText('No Thing bar');
- }
- ['@test can access alias of a proxy']() {
- this.render(`{{#with this.proxy as |person|}}{{person.name}}{{/with}}`, {
- proxy: ObjectProxy.create({ content: { name: 'Tom Dale' } }),
- });
- this.assertText('Tom Dale');
- runTask(() => this.rerender());
- this.assertText('Tom Dale');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'proxy.name', 'Yehuda Katz'));
- this.assertText('Yehuda Katz');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'proxy.content', { name: 'Godfrey Chan' }));
- this.assertText('Godfrey Chan');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'proxy.content.name', 'Stefan Penner'));
- this.assertText('Stefan Penner');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'proxy.content', null));
- this.assertText('');
- runTask(() =>
- set(this.context, 'proxy', ObjectProxy.create({ content: { name: 'Tom Dale' } }))
- );
- this.assertText('Tom Dale');
- }
- ['@test can access alias of an array']() {
- this.render(
- `{{#with this.arrayThing as |words|}}{{#each words as |word|}}{{word}}{{/each}}{{/with}}`,
- {
- arrayThing: emberA(['Hello', ' ', 'world']),
- }
- );
- this.assertText('Hello world');
- runTask(() => this.rerender());
- this.assertText('Hello world');
- runTask(() => {
- let array = get(this.context, 'arrayThing');
- array.replace(0, 1, ['Goodbye']);
- removeAt(array, 1);
- array.insertAt(1, ', ');
- array.pushObject('!');
- });
- this.assertText('Goodbye, world!');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'arrayThing', ['Hello', ' ', 'world']));
- this.assertText('Hello world');
- }
- ['@test `attrs` can be used as a block param [GH#14678]']() {
- this.render('{{#with this.hash as |attrs|}}[{{this.hash.foo}}-{{attrs.foo}}]{{/with}}', {
- hash: { foo: 'foo' },
- });
- this.assertText('[foo-foo]');
- runTask(() => this.rerender());
- this.assertText('[foo-foo]');
- runTask(() => this.context.set('hash.foo', 'FOO'));
- this.assertText('[FOO-FOO]');
- runTask(() => this.context.set('hash.foo', 'foo'));
- this.assertText('[foo-foo]');
- }
- }
- 'Syntax test: Multiple {{#with as}} helpers',
- class extends RenderingTestCase {
- beforeEach() {
- expectDeprecation(/^`{{#with}}` is deprecated\./);
- }
- ['@test re-using the same variable with different {{#with}} blocks does not override each other']() {
- this.render(
- `Admin: {{#with this.admin as |person|}}{{person.name}}{{/with}} User: {{#with this.user as |person|}}{{person.name}}{{/with}}`,
- {
- admin: { name: 'Tom Dale' },
- user: { name: 'Yehuda Katz' },
- }
- );
- this.assertText('Admin: Tom Dale User: Yehuda Katz');
- runTask(() => this.rerender());
- this.assertText('Admin: Tom Dale User: Yehuda Katz');
- runTask(() => {
- set(this.context, 'admin.name', 'Godfrey Chan');
- set(this.context, 'user.name', 'Stefan Penner');
- });
- this.assertText('Admin: Godfrey Chan User: Stefan Penner');
- runTask(() => {
- set(this.context, 'admin', { name: 'Tom Dale' });
- set(this.context, 'user', { name: 'Yehuda Katz' });
- });
- this.assertText('Admin: Tom Dale User: Yehuda Katz');
- }
- ['@test the scoped variable is not available outside the {{#with}} block']() {
- expectDeprecation(
- /The `[^`]+` property(?: path)? was used in the `[^`]+` template without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{[^}]+}}/
- );
- this.render(
- `{{ring}}-{{#with this.first as |ring|}}{{ring}}-{{#with this.fifth as |ring|}}{{ring}}-{{#with this.ninth as |ring|}}{{ring}}-{{/with}}{{ring}}-{{/with}}{{ring}}-{{/with}}{{ring}}`,
- {
- ring: 'Greed',
- first: 'Limbo',
- fifth: 'Wrath',
- ninth: 'Treachery',
- }
- );
- this.assertText('Greed-Limbo-Wrath-Treachery-Wrath-Limbo-Greed');
- runTask(() => this.rerender());
- this.assertText('Greed-Limbo-Wrath-Treachery-Wrath-Limbo-Greed');
- runTask(() => {
- set(this.context, 'ring', 'O');
- set(this.context, 'fifth', 'D');
- });
- this.assertText('O-Limbo-D-Treachery-D-Limbo-O');
- runTask(() => {
- set(this.context, 'first', 'I');
- set(this.context, 'ninth', 'K');
- });
- this.assertText('O-I-D-K-D-I-O');
- runTask(() => {
- set(this.context, 'ring', 'Greed');
- set(this.context, 'first', 'Limbo');
- set(this.context, 'fifth', 'Wrath');
- set(this.context, 'ninth', 'Treachery');
- });
- this.assertText('Greed-Limbo-Wrath-Treachery-Wrath-Limbo-Greed');
- }
- ['@test it should support {{#with name as |foo|}}, then {{#with foo as |bar|}}']() {
- this.render(`{{#with this.name as |foo|}}{{#with foo as |bar|}}{{bar}}{{/with}}{{/with}}`, {
- name: 'caterpillar',
- });
- this.assertText('caterpillar');
- runTask(() => this.rerender());
- this.assertText('caterpillar');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'name', 'butterfly'));
- this.assertText('butterfly');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'name', 'caterpillar'));
- this.assertText('caterpillar');
- }
- ['@test updating the context should update the alias']() {
- this.render(`{{#with this as |person|}}{{person.name}}{{/with}}`, {
- name: 'Los Pivots',
- });
- this.assertText('Los Pivots');
- runTask(() => this.rerender());
- this.assertText('Los Pivots');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'name', "l'Pivots"));
- this.assertText("l'Pivots");
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'name', 'Los Pivots'));
- this.assertText('Los Pivots');
- }
- ['@test nested {{#with}} blocks should have access to root context']() {
- expectDeprecation(
- /The `[^`]+` property(?: path)? was used in the `[^`]+` template without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{[^}]+}}/
- );
- this.render(
- strip`
- {{name}}
- {{#with this.committer1.name as |name|}}
- [{{name}}
- {{#with this.committer2.name as |name|}}
- [{{name}}]
- {{/with}}
- {{name}}]
- {{/with}}
- {{name}}
- {{#with this.committer2.name as |name|}}
- [{{name}}
- {{#with this.committer1.name as |name|}}
- [{{name}}]
- {{/with}}
- {{name}}]
- {{/with}}
- {{name}}
- `,
- {
- name: 'ebryn',
- committer1: { name: 'trek' },
- committer2: { name: 'machty' },
- }
- );
- this.assertText('ebryn[trek[machty]trek]ebryn[machty[trek]machty]ebryn');
- runTask(() => this.rerender());
- this.assertText('ebryn[trek[machty]trek]ebryn[machty[trek]machty]ebryn');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'name', 'chancancode'));
- this.assertText('chancancode[trek[machty]trek]chancancode[machty[trek]machty]chancancode');
- runTask(() => set(this.context, 'committer1', { name: 'krisselden' }));
- this.assertText(
- 'chancancode[krisselden[machty]krisselden]chancancode[machty[krisselden]machty]chancancode'
- );
- runTask(() => {
- set(this.context, 'committer1.name', 'wycats');
- set(this.context, 'committer2', { name: 'rwjblue' });
- });
- this.assertText(
- 'chancancode[wycats[rwjblue]wycats]chancancode[rwjblue[wycats]rwjblue]chancancode'
- );
- runTask(() => {
- set(this.context, 'name', 'ebryn');
- set(this.context, 'committer1', { name: 'trek' });
- set(this.context, 'committer2', { name: 'machty' });
- });
- this.assertText('ebryn[trek[machty]trek]ebryn[machty[trek]machty]ebryn');
- }
- }
diff --git a/packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/tests/utils/shared-conditional-tests.js b/packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/tests/utils/shared-conditional-tests.js
index 9868ed3a1dc..e6571a274fc 100644
--- a/packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/tests/utils/shared-conditional-tests.js
+++ b/packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/tests/utils/shared-conditional-tests.js
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ class ObjectProxyGenerator extends AbstractGenerator {
// Testing behaviors shared across all conditionals, i.e. {{#if}}, {{#unless}},
-// {{#with}}, {{#each}}, {{#each-in}}, (if) and (unless)
+// {{#each}}, {{#each-in}}, (if) and (unless)
export class BasicConditionalsTest extends AbstractConditionalsTest {
['@test it renders the corresponding block based on the conditional']() {
this.renderValues(this.truthyValue, this.falsyValue);
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ const IfUnlessWithTestCases = [
// Testing behaviors shared across the "toggling" conditionals, i.e. {{#if}},
-// {{#unless}}, {{#with}}, {{#each}}, {{#each-in}}, (if) and (unless)
+// {{#unless}}, {{#each}}, {{#each-in}}, (if) and (unless)
export class TogglingConditionalsTest extends BasicConditionalsTest {}
// Testing behaviors shared across the (if) and (unless) helpers
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ export class IfUnlessHelperTest extends TogglingHelperConditionalsTest {}
applyMixins(IfUnlessHelperTest, ...IfUnlessWithTestCases);
// Testing behaviors shared across the "toggling" syntatical constructs,
-// i.e. {{#if}}, {{#unless}}, {{#with}}, {{#each}} and {{#each-in}}
+// i.e. {{#if}}, {{#unless}}, {{#each}} and {{#each-in}}
export class TogglingSyntaxConditionalsTest extends TogglingConditionalsTest {
renderValues(...values) {
let templates = [];
diff --git a/packages/ember-template-compiler/lib/plugins/deprecate-with.ts b/packages/ember-template-compiler/lib/plugins/deprecate-with.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 9567a8a0eea..00000000000
--- a/packages/ember-template-compiler/lib/plugins/deprecate-with.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-import { assert, deprecate } from '@ember/debug';
-import { AST, ASTPlugin } from '@glimmer/syntax';
-import calculateLocationDisplay from '../system/calculate-location-display';
-import { EmberASTPluginEnvironment } from '../types';
-import { isPath } from './utils';
- @module ember
- A Glimmer2 AST transformation that deprecates `{{#with}}` and replace it
- with `{{#let}}` and `{{#if}}` as per RFC 445.
- Transforms:
- ```handlebars
- {{#with this.foo as |bar|}}
- ...
- {{/with}}
- ```
- Into:
- ```handlebars
- {{#let this.foo as |bar|}}
- {{#if bar}}
- ...
- {{/if}}
- {{/let}}
- ```
- And:
- ```handlebars
- {{#with this.foo as |bar|}}
- ...
- {{else}}
- ...
- {{/with}}
- ```
- Into:
- ```handlebars
- {{#let this.foo as |bar|}}
- {{#if bar}}
- ...
- {{else}}
- ...
- {{/if}}
- {{/let}}
- ```
- And issues a deprecation message.
- @private
- @class DeprecateWith
-export default function deprecateWith(env: EmberASTPluginEnvironment): ASTPlugin {
- let moduleName = env.meta?.moduleName;
- let { builders: b } = env.syntax;
- return {
- name: 'deprecate-with',
- visitor: {
- BlockStatement(node: AST.BlockStatement) {
- if (!isPath(node.path) || node.path.original !== 'with') return;
- let { params, hash, program, inverse, loc, openStrip, inverseStrip, closeStrip } = node;
- let sourceInformation = calculateLocationDisplay(moduleName, node.loc);
- assert(
- `\`{{#with}}\` takes a single positional argument (the path to alias), received ${displayParams(
- params
- )}. ${sourceInformation}`,
- params.length === 1
- );
- assert(
- `\`{{#with}}\` does not take any named arguments, received ${displayHash(
- hash
- )}. ${sourceInformation}`,
- hash.pairs.length === 0
- );
- assert(
- `\`{{#with}}\` yields a single block param, received ${displayBlockParams(
- program.blockParams
- )}. ${sourceInformation}`,
- program.blockParams.length <= 1
- );
- let recommendation;
- if (program.blockParams.length === 0) {
- recommendation = 'Use `{{#if}}` instead.';
- } else if (inverse) {
- recommendation = 'Use `{{#let}}` together with `{{#if}} instead.';
- } else {
- recommendation =
- 'If you always want the block to render, replace `{{#with}}` with `{{#let}}`. ' +
- 'If you want to conditionally render the block, use `{{#let}}` together with `{{#if}} instead.';
- }
- deprecate(`\`{{#with}}\` is deprecated. ${recommendation} ${sourceInformation}`, false, {
- id: 'ember-glimmer.with-syntax',
- until: '4.0.0',
- for: 'ember-source',
- url: 'https://deprecations.emberjs.com/v3.x/#toc_ember-glimmer-with-syntax',
- since: {
- enabled: '3.26.0-beta.1',
- },
- });
- if (program.blockParams.length === 0) {
- return b.block(
- 'if',
- params,
- null,
- program,
- inverse,
- loc,
- openStrip,
- inverseStrip,
- closeStrip
- );
- } else {
- return b.block(
- 'let',
- params,
- null,
- b.blockItself(
- [
- b.block(
- 'if',
- [b.path(program.blockParams[0])],
- null,
- b.blockItself(program.body, [], program.chained, program.loc),
- inverse,
- loc,
- openStrip,
- inverseStrip,
- closeStrip
- ),
- ],
- program.blockParams,
- false,
- loc
- ),
- null,
- loc,
- openStrip,
- inverseStrip,
- closeStrip
- );
- }
- },
- },
- };
-function displayParams(params: AST.Expression[]): string {
- if (params.length === 0) {
- return 'no positional arguments';
- } else {
- let display = params.map((param) => `\`${JSON.stringify(param)}\``).join(', ');
- return `${params.length} positional arguments: ${display}`;
- }
-function displayHash({ pairs }: AST.Hash): string {
- if (pairs.length === 0) {
- return 'no named arguments';
- } else {
- let display = pairs.map((pair) => `\`${pair.key}\``).join(', ');
- return `${pairs.length} named arguments: ${display}`;
- }
-function displayBlockParams(blockParams: string[]): string {
- if (blockParams.length === 0) {
- return 'no block params';
- } else {
- let display = blockParams.map((param) => `\`${param}\``).join(', ');
- return `${blockParams.length} block params: ${display}`;
- }
diff --git a/packages/ember-template-compiler/lib/plugins/index.ts b/packages/ember-template-compiler/lib/plugins/index.ts
index 2efa104176a..525bea17e25 100644
--- a/packages/ember-template-compiler/lib/plugins/index.ts
+++ b/packages/ember-template-compiler/lib/plugins/index.ts
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import AssertInputHelperWithoutBlock from './assert-input-helper-without-block';
import AssertReservedNamedArguments from './assert-reserved-named-arguments';
import AssertSplattributeExpressions from './assert-splattribute-expression';
import DeprecateSendAction from './deprecate-send-action';
-import DeprecateWith from './deprecate-with';
import TransformActionSyntax from './transform-action-syntax';
import TransformAttrsIntoArgs from './transform-attrs-into-args';
import TransformEachInIntoEach from './transform-each-in-into-each';
@@ -36,7 +35,6 @@ export const RESOLUTION_MODE_TRANSFORMS = Object.freeze(
- DeprecateWith,
SEND_ACTION ? DeprecateSendAction : null,
!EMBER_NAMED_BLOCKS ? AssertAgainstNamedBlocks : null,
@@ -55,7 +53,6 @@ export const STRICT_MODE_TRANSFORMS = Object.freeze(
- DeprecateWith,
SEND_ACTION ? DeprecateSendAction : null,
!EMBER_NAMED_BLOCKS ? AssertAgainstNamedBlocks : null,
!EMBER_DYNAMIC_HELPERS_AND_MODIFIERS ? AssertAgainstDynamicHelpersModifiers : null,
diff --git a/tests/docs/expected.js b/tests/docs/expected.js
index 340eefc7de2..0e9200b3049 100644
--- a/tests/docs/expected.js
+++ b/tests/docs/expected.js
@@ -613,7 +613,6 @@ module.exports = {
- 'with',