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ドロップ中に <Draggable /> に独自のスタイルを追加できるようになりました(background-color など)。DraggableStateSnapshot>DropAnimation が入力されると、ドロップが発生したことがわかります。

Patching the drop animation

In some cases you might want to add an additional transform or change the transition. In which case, you can patch the style of a <Draggable /> while a drop is occurring. (patch DraggableProvided > DraggableProps > DraggableStyle)

Here is the shape of DropAnimation:

type DropReason = 'DROP' | 'CANCEL';

type DropAnimation = {|
  // how long the animation will run for
  duration: number,
  // the animation curve that we will be using for the drop
  curve: string,
  // the x,y position will be be animating to as a part of the drop
  moveTo: Position,
  // when combining with another item, we animate the opacity when dropping
  opacity: ?number,
  // when combining with another item, we animate the scale when dropping
  scale: ?number,

You can use the DraggableDroppingState to build up your own transform and transition properties during a drop.

function getStyle(style, snapshot) {
  if (!snapshot.isDropAnimating) {
    return style;
  const { moveTo, curve, duration } = snapshot.dropAnimation;
  // move to the right spot
  const translate = `translate(${moveTo.x}px, ${moveTo.y}px)`;
  // add a bit of turn for fun
  const rotate = 'rotate(0.5turn)';

  // patching the existing style
  return {,
    transform: `${translate} ${rotate}`,
    // slowing down the drop because we can
    transition: `all ${curve} ${duration + 1}s`,

function TaskItem(props) {
  const { task, index } = props;
  return (
    <Draggable draggableId={} index={index}>
      {(provided, snapshot) => (
          isDragging={snapshot.isDragging && !snapshot.isDropAnimating}
          style={getStyle(, snapshot)}

Skipping the drop animation

Generally speaking you should be avoiding this. A drop animation is an important affordance to communicate placement. Our drop animations do not prevent the user from dragging something else while the animation is running.

If you are seeing a strange drop behaviour, such as dropping to the wrong spot, our recommendation is to raise an issue as it could be a bug with react-beautiful-dnd or a setup issue.

If you do have use case where it makes sense to remove the drop animation you will need to add a transition-duration property of almost 0s. This will skip the drop animation.

Do not make the transition-duration actually 0s. It should be set at a near 0s value such as 0.001s. The reason for this is that if you set transition-duration to 0s then a onTransitionEnd event will not fire - and we use that to know when the drop animation is finished.

function getStyle(style, snapshot) {
  if (!snapshot.isDropAnimating) {
    return style;
  return {,
    // cannot be 0, but make it super tiny
    transitionDuration: `0.001s`,

function TaskItem(props) {
  const { task, index } = props;
  return (
    <Draggable draggableId={} index={index}>
      {(provided, snapshot) => (
          style={getStyle(, snapshot)}

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