This is the detailed installation guide for Rally. If you are in a hurry you can check the :doc:`quickstart guide </quickstart>`.
Use an SSD on the load generator machine. If you run bulk-indexing benchmarks, Rally will read one or more data files from disk. Usually, you will configure multiple clients and each client reads a portion of the data file. To the disk this appears as a random access pattern where spinning disks perform poorly. To avoid an accidental bottleneck on client-side you should therefore use an SSD on each load generator machine.
Rally does not support Windows and is only actively tested on macOS and Linux. Install the following packages first.
- Python 3.9 or better available as
on the path. Verify with:python3 --version
. - Python3 header files (included in the Python3 development package).
available on the path. Verify withpip3 --version
If you need multiple Python versions, consider using pyenv. For details refer to their installation instructions and ensure that all prerequisites for pyenv are installed.
Once pyenv
is installed, install a compatible Python version:
# Install Python pyenv install {MIN_PY_VER} # select that version for the current user # see for details pyenv global {MIN_PY_VER} # Upgrade pip python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip
Git is not required if all of the following conditions are met:
- You are using Rally only as a load generator (
) or you are referring to Elasticsearch configurations with--team-path
. - You create your own tracks and refer to them with
In all other cases, Rally requires git 1.9
or better. Verify with git --version
Debian / Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install git
Red Hat / CentOS / Amazon Linux
sudo yum install git
If you use RHEL, install a recent version of git via the Red Hat Software Collections.
is already installed on macOS.
It is strongly recommended to install pbzip2
to speed up decompressing the corpora of Rally standard tracks.
If you have created :doc:`custom tracks </adding_tracks>` using corpora compressed with gzip
instead of bzip2
, it's also advisable to install pigz
to speed up the process.
Rally also supports zst
compressed corpora out of the box, installing zstd
speeds up the process.
Debian / Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install pbzip2
Red Hat / CentOS / Amazon Linux
is available via the EPEL repository.
sudo yum install pbzip2
Install via Homebrew:
brew install pbzip2
A JDK is required on all machines where you want to launch Elasticsearch. If you use Rally just as a load generator to :doc:`benchmark remote clusters </recipes>`, no JDK is required. For details on how to install a JDK check your operating system's documentation pages.
To find the JDK, Rally expects the environment variable JAVA_HOME
to be set on all targeted machines. To have more specific control, for example when you want to benchmark across a wide range of Elasticsearch releases, you can also set JAVAx_HOME
where x
is the major version of a JDK (e.g. JAVA8_HOME
would point to a JDK 8 installation). Rally will then choose the highest supported JDK per version of Elasticsearch that is available.
If you have Rally download, install and benchmark a local copy of Elasticsearch (i.e., the default Rally behavior) be sure to configure the Operating System (OS) of your Rally server with the recommended kernel settings
S3 support is optional and can be installed using the s3
extra. If you need S3 support, install esrally[s3]
instead of just esrally
, but other than that follow the instructions below.
- Ensure
is in your$PATH
. - Ensure pip is the latest version:
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip
- Install Rally:
python3 -m pip install --user esrally
You can also use virtualenv to install Rally into an isolated Python environment without sudo.
Set up a new virtualenv environment in a directory with
python3 -m venv .venv
Activate the environment with
source /path/to/virtualenv/.venv/bin/activate
- Ensure pip is the latest version:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
Omitting this step might cause the next step (Rally installation) to fail due to broken dependencies. The pip version must be at minimum
- Ensure pip is the latest version:
Install Rally with
python3 -m pip install esrally
Whenever you want to use Rally, run the activation script (step 2 above) first. When you are done, simply execute deactivate
in the shell to exit the virtual environment.
Docker images of Rally can be found in Docker Hub.
Please refer to :doc:`Running Rally with Docker <docker/>` for detailed instructions.
.. ifconfig:: release.endswith('.dev0') .. warning:: This documentation is for the version of Rally currently under development. We do not provide offline installation packages for development versions. Were you looking for the `documentation of the latest stable version <//>`_?
If you are in a corporate environment using Linux servers that do not have any access to the Internet, you can use Rally's offline installation package. Follow these steps to install Rally:
- Install all prerequisites as documented above.
- Download the offline installation package for the latest release and copy it to the target machine(s).
- Decompress the installation package with
tar -xzf esrally-dist-linux-*.tar.gz
. - Run the install script with
sudo ./esrally-dist-linux-*/
On the first invocation Rally creates a default configuration file which you can customize. Follow the :doc:`configuration help page </configuration>` for more guidance.