File tree
4,253 files changed
lines changed- .ci
- .github
- docs
- api
- dashboard
- saved-objects
- apm
- canvas
- developer
- advanced
- architecture
- security
- contributing
- getting-started
- development
- core
- public
- server
- plugins/data
- public
- server
- discover
- getting-started
- management
- images
- settings
- setup
- user
- alerting
- action-types
- dashboard
- ml
- monitoring
- security/authorization
- examples
- alerting_example
- common
- public
- alert_types
- components
- server
- alert_types
- search_examples
- public/components
- server
- ui_actions_explorer/public
- packages
- kbn-ace
- scripts
- src
- ace/modes
- lexer_rules
- x_json
- worker
- kbn-apm-config-loader
- __fixtures__
- src
- utils
- __snapshots__
- kbn-config
- kbn-dev-utils
- kbn-es
- scripts
- src/integration_tests/__fixtures__
- kbn-es-archiver/src
- kbn-eslint-import-resolver-kibana
- kbn-i18n
- kbn-interpreter
- kbn-monaco
- kbn-optimizer
- src
- optimizer
- worker
- kbn-plugin-helpers
- kbn-pm
- dist
- src
- commands
- utils
- __snapshots__
- kbn-spec-to-console
- kbn-std
- src
- kbn-storybook
- kbn-telemetry-tools/src/tools
- __fixture__
- __snapshots__
- kbn-test
- kbn-ui-framework
- rfcs/text
- scripts
- src
- cli
- cluster
- serve
- core
- public
- application
- integration_tests
- ui
- chrome/ui
- __snapshots__
- header
- __snapshots__
- injected_metadata
- overlays/banners
- saved_objects
- server
- capabilities
- context
- elasticsearch
- client
- legacy
- version_check
- http
- integration_tests
- router
- legacy
- config
- plugins
- metrics
- collectors
- plugins
- rendering
- __mocks__
- __snapshots__
- saved_objects
- migrations/core
- routes/integration_tests
- service/lib
- search_dsl
- status
- routes
- integration_tests
- utils
- dev
- build/tasks/os_packages/docker_generator
- resources/bin
- code_coverage
- ingest_coverage
- __tests__
- mocks
- integration_tests
- mocks
- jest-combined
- team_assignment
- shell_scripts
- jest
- setup
- precommit_hook
- storybook
- fixtures
- telemetry_collectors
- legacy
- core_plugins/elasticsearch
- server/lib
- plugin_discovery
- __tests__
- fixtures
- conflicts/foo
- plugins
- bar
- broken
- foo
- plugin_config
- __tests__
- plugin_exports
- __tests__
- plugin_pack
- __tests__
- fixtures/plugins
- broken
- broken_code
- exports_number
- exports_object
- exports_string
- foo
- lib
- prebuilt
- lib
- plugin_spec
- __tests__
- server
- config
- plugins
- lib
- status
- lib
- __mocks__
- routes
- api
- ui
- __tests__/fixtures
- plugin_async_foo
- plugin_bar
- plugin_foo
- test_app
- ui_exports
- ui_export_types
- modify_reduce
- reduce
- lib
- ui_render
- plugins
- advanced_settings/public
- management_app/components/field
- apm_oss/server/tutorial/instructions
- charts
- console
- public
- application
- containers/editor/legacy/console_editor
- hooks/use_send_current_request_to_es
- models
- legacy_core_editor
- mode
- sense_editor
- __tests__
- lib/utils
- types
- server/lib/spec_definitions/js
- dashboard/public
- application
- actions
- attribute_service
- url_utils
- data
- common
- es_query/filters
- index_patterns
- errors
- fields
- index_patterns
- __snapshots__
- query
- timefilter
- search
- aggs/buckets
- lib
- es_search
- search_source
- fetch
- legacy
- public
- index_patterns
- query/filter_manager/lib
- search
- errors
- expressions
- fetch
- legacy
- search_source
- ui
- query_string_input
- server
- index_patterns
- fetcher
- lib
- field_capabilities
- kql_telemetry
- search
- routes
- discover/public
- application
- angular
- directives
- __snapshots__
- collapsible_sidebar
- debounce
- doc_table
- components
- fetch_error
- hits_counter
- loading_spinner
- sidebar
- lib
- skip_bottom_button
- table
- timechart_header
- saved_searches
- embeddable
- common
- lib
- public
- lib
- actions
- containers
- embeddables
- panel/panel_header
- state_transfer
- test_samples/embeddables
- tests
- server
- expressions/common
- ast
- execution
- expression_types/specs
- util
- home
- public
- application/components
- __snapshots__
- manage_data
- __snapshots__
- solutions_section
- __snapshots__
- services/feature_catalogue
- server/services/sample_data/usage
- index_pattern_management
- public/components
- create_index_pattern_wizard
- components/step_time_field
- __snapshots__
- edit_index_pattern
- create_edit_field
- indexed_fields_table
- scripted_fields_table
- source_filters_table
- components/table
- tabs
- field_editor
- components/scripting_help
- lib
- server
- routes
- input_control_vis
- public
- kibana_react/public
- code_editor
- markdown
- table_list_view
- kibana_usage_collection/server
- collectors
- application_usage
- kibana
- management
- ui_metric
- kibana_utils
- common
- persistable_state
- public
- history
- ui
- legacy_export/server
- routes
- management
- common
- public
- maps_legacy/public
- components
- lazy_load_bundle
- lazy
- map
- newsfeed/public/components
- region_map
- public
- components
- saved_objects/public
- save_modal
- saved_object
- saved_objects_management/public
- lib
- management_section/objects_table/components
- __snapshots__
- telemetry
- schema
- server
- collectors/usage
- routes
- telemetry_collection
- __tests__
- get_data_telemetry
- telemetry_collection_manager/server
- telemetry_management_section/public/components
- __snapshots__
- tile_map
- public
- markers
- timelion/public
- ui_actions/public
- actions
- service
- triggers
- util
- usage_collection
- server
- collector
- routes
- integration_tests
- vis_default_editor
- public
- vis_type_markdown
- public
- __snapshots__
- vis_type_metric
- public
- components
- vis_type_table
- public
- vis_type_tagcloud
- public
- __snapshots__
- components
- vis_type_timelion
- public
- helpers
- vis_type_timeseries
- public/application
- components/vis_types
- table
- timeseries
- top_n
- visualizations/views/timeseries
- decorators
- server
- lib
- search_strategies
- search_requests
- strategies
- vis_data
- routes
- vis_type_vega
- public
- data_model
- vega_view
- vis_type_vislib
- public
- visualizations/public
- components
- embeddable
- expressions
- legacy
- __snapshots__
- vis_types
- wizard
- __snapshots__
- visualize
- public/application
- components
- utils
- test_utils/public
- test
- accessibility/apps
- api_integration/apis
- elasticsearch
- kql_telemetry
- telemetry
- common/services/security
- functional
- apps
- dashboard
- discover
- management
- page_objects
- services
- common
- dashboard
- interpreter_functional
- plugins/kbn_tp_run_pipeline
- snapshots
- baseline
- session
- plugin_functional
- plugins
- elasticsearch_client_plugin/server
- index_patterns/server
- kbn_sample_panel_action
- kbn_tp_custom_visualizations
- test_suites/data_plugin
- scripts
- typings
- typings
- vars
- x-pack
- dev-tools/jest
- examples
- alerting_example
- common
- public
- alert_types
- components
- server
- alert_types
- ui_actions_enhanced_examples
- public
- dashboard_hello_world_drilldown
- dashboard_hello_world_only_range_select_drilldown
- dashboard_to_discover_drilldown
- legacy
- common
- __tests__
- constants
- eui_draggable
- eui_styled_components
- plugins
- security
- spaces
- server/lib
- xpack_main
- server
- lib
- __tests__
- routes/api/v1
- __tests__
- server/lib
- __tests__
- check_license
- constants
- create_router
- call_with_request_factory
- error_wrappers
- __tests__
- is_es_error_factory
- __tests__
- license_pre_routing_factory
- __tests__
- register_license_checker
- plugins
- actions/server
- authorization
- builtin_action_types
- constants
- lib
- alerting_builtins/server
- alerts/server
- authorization
- constants
- lib
- saved_objects
- task_runner
- apm
- common
- __snapshots__
- agent_configuration/setting_definitions
- __snapshots__
- custom_link
- utils
- e2e
- cypress
- integration
- support/step_definitions/csm
- ingest-data
- public
- application
- components
- alerting
- AlertingFlyout
- ErrorCountAlertTrigger
- ServiceAlertTrigger
- PopoverExpression
- TransactionDurationAlertTrigger
- TransactionDurationAnomalyAlertTrigger
- TransactionErrorRateAlertTrigger
- app
- Home
- alerting_popover_flyout
- Main/route_config
- RumDashboard
- Breakdowns
- Charts
- ClientMetrics
- CoreVitals
- ImpactfulMetrics
- PageLoadDistribution
- PageViewsTrend
- URLFilter
- ServiceNameFilter
- URLSearch
- UXMetrics
- __tests__
- VisitorBreakdown
- VisitorBreakdownMap/__tests__
- ServiceDetails
- AlertIntegrations
- AlertingFlyout
- alerting_popover_flyout
- ServiceMap
- Popover
- ServiceOverview
- ServiceList
- __test__
- __snapshots__
- __test__
- __snapshots__
- Settings
- CustomizeUI/CustomLink
- anomaly_detection
- TraceLink
- TraceOverview
- TransactionDetails
- Distribution
- __test__
- WaterfallWithSummmary/WaterfallContainer/Waterfall
- TransactionOverview
- TransactionList
- hooks
- scripts
- aggregate-latency-metrics
- optimize-tsconfig
- upload-telemetry-data
- server
- lib
- alerts
- anomaly_detection
- apm_telemetry/collect_data_telemetry
- environments
- helpers
- aggregated_transactions
- convert_ui_filters
- create_es_client/create_apm_event_client
- index_pattern
- metrics
- __snapshots__
- observability_overview
- rum_client
- __snapshots__
- service_map
- mock_responses
- services
- __snapshots__
- annotations
- get_services
- settings/agent_configuration
- __snapshots__
- get_environments
- traces
- transaction_groups
- __snapshots__
- transactions
- __snapshots__
- avg_duration_by_browser
- __fixtures__
- avg_duration_by_country
- charts
- get_timeseries_data
- __snapshots__
- mock_responses
- ui_filters
- local_ui_filters
- projections
- routes
- settings
- typings
- elasticsearch
- audit_trail/server/client
- canvas
- canvas_plugin_src
- functions/external
- renderers/embeddable/input_type_to_expression
- uis/arguments/__stories__/__snapshots__
- i18n/functions/dict
- public
- components
- datatable
- expression_input/__stories__/__snapshots__
- font_picker/__stories__/__snapshots__
- palette_picker/__stories__/__snapshots__
- saved_elements_modal/__stories__/__snapshots__
- text_style_picker/__stories__/__snapshots__
- var_config/__stories__/__snapshots__
- workpad_templates/examples/__snapshots__
- expression_types/arg_types/container_style/__stories__/__snapshots__
- server
- collectors
- storybook/addon/src/components
- types
- dashboard_enhanced/public/services/drilldowns
- actions
- flyout_create_drilldown
- flyout_edit_drilldown
- dashboard_to_dashboard_drilldown
- data_enhanced
- public/search
- server
- search
- drilldowns/url_drilldown
- public
- lib
- embeddable_enhanced
- public
- actions
- drilldowns
- url_drilldown
- embeddables
- encrypted_saved_objects/server/saved_objects
- enterprise_search
- common
- __mocks__
- types
- public
- applications
- __mocks__
- app_search
- components
- credentials
- engine_overview
- components
- utils
- format_api_name
- role
- enterprise_search
- components
- error_connecting
- product_card
- product_selector
- setup_guide
- assets
- workplace_search
- components
- layout
- views
- error_state
- overview
- server
- lib
- routes
- app_search
- enterprise_search
- features
- common
- server
- routes
- file_upload/public/util
- global_search/server
- services
- global_search_bar/public/components
- __snapshots__
- global_search_providers
- public/providers
- server/providers/saved_objects
- graph/server
- grokdebugger/public/components/grok_debugger
- index_lifecycle_management
- __jest__/components
- helpers
- common/types
- public/application
- constants
- lib
- data_tiers
- sections
- edit_policy
- components
- data_tier_allocation
- phases
- policy_table/components
- services
- policies
- server
- routes/api
- nodes
- policies
- templates
- index_management
- public
- application
- components/mappings_editor
- __jest__/client_integration
- datatypes
- helpers
- components/document_fields
- field_parameters
- fields
- create_field
- required_parameters_forms
- edit_field
- field_types
- search_fields
- constants
- lib
- types
- services
- server
- infra
- common
- alerting/metrics
- http_api
- infra_ml
- results
- log_analysis/results
- infra_ml
- inventory_models
- aws_ec2
- log_analysis
- public
- alerting
- common
- components
- inventory/components
- metric_threshold/components
- components
- logging
- log_analysis_job_status
- log_analysis_setup
- initial_configuration_step
- setup_flyout
- saved_views
- containers
- logs/log_analysis
- api
- modules/log_entry_categories
- ml
- api
- modules
- metrics_hosts
- metrics_k8s
- pages
- link_to
- logs/log_entry_categories
- metrics
- inventory_view
- components
- ml/anomaly_detection
- timeline
- waffle/metric_control
- hooks
- metrics_explorer
- components/helpers
- hooks
- utils
- server
- lib
- alerting
- inventory_metric_threshold
- metric_threshold
- infra_ml
- queries
- log_analysis
- queries
- routes
- alerting
- infra_ml
- results
- log_analysis/results
- snapshot/lib
- ingest_manager
- common
- constants
- services
- types
- models
- rest_spec
- public
- applications/ingest_manager
- constants
- hooks
- use_request
- sections
- agent_policy/create_package_policy_page
- components
- fleet
- agent_details_page/components
- agent_list_page
- components
- components
- agent_enrollment_flyout
- agent_reassign_policy_flyout
- agent_unenroll_modal
- enrollment_token_list_page
- components
- setup_page
- overview/components
- services
- types
- server
- collectors
- constants
- errors
- routes
- agent
- agent_policy
- data_streams
- enrollment_api_key
- epm
- output
- package_policy
- settings
- saved_objects
- services
- agents
- checkin
- api_keys
- epm
- elasticsearch/transform
- packages
- registry
- types
- models
- rest_spec
- ingest_pipelines
- __jest__/client_integration
- helpers
- common
- public
- application
- components
- pipeline_form
- pipeline_processors_editor
- __jest__
- components
- load_from_json
- processor_form
- field_components
- processors
- common_fields
- processors_tree
- components
- test_pipeline
- test_pipeline_flyout_tabs
- add_documents_accordion
- context
- sections
- pipelines_create
- pipelines_edit
- pipelines_list
- services
- server/routes
- api
- lens
- common
- public
- app_plugin
- assets
- editor_frame_service
- editor_frame
- workspace_panel
- embeddable
- indexpattern_datasource
- dimension_panel
- operations
- definitions
- filters
- ranges
- lens_ui_telemetry
- persistence
- pie_visualization
- xy_visualization
- server
- routes
- usage
- licensing
- common
- public
- services
- server
- maps
- common
- elasticsearch_util
- public
- actions
- classes
- fields
- layers
- solution_layers/observability
- sources
- ems_file_source
- es_agg_source
- es_geo_grid_source
- __snapshots__
- es_pew_pew_source
- es_search_source
- es_source
- es_term_source
- styles
- heatmap
- vector
- components/tooltip_selector
- connected_components/map
- features_tooltip
- mb
- draw_control
- lazy_load_bundle
- lazy
- routing/routes/maps_app
- selectors
- server
- maps_telemetry
- mvt
- __tests__
- json
- pbf
- maps_legacy_licensing/public
- ml
- common
- constants
- types
- util
- public
- application
- capabilities
- components
- annotations/annotations_table
- __snapshots__
- anomalies_table
- anomaly_results_view_selector
- custom_hooks
- data_grid
- feature_importance
- data_recognizer
- rule_editor
- contexts/kibana
- data_frame_analytics
- common
- pages
- analytics_creation/components
- configuration_step
- view_results_panel
- analytics_exploration
- components
- classification_exploration
- exploration_page_wrapper
- exploration_query_bar
- exploration_results_table
- outlier_exploration
- regression_exploration
- analytics_management
- components
- action_view
- analytics_list
- models_management
- hooks/use_create_analytics_form
- services/analytics_service
- datavisualizer
- file_based/components
- combined_fields
- import_settings
- import_view
- results_links
- index_based/components/actions_panel
- explorer
- components/explorer_no_jobs_found
- __snapshots__
- explorer_charts
- jobs
- jobs_list/components
- job_actions
- job_details
- forecasts_table
- jobs_list
- new_job_button
- new_job
- common/job_creator/util
- pages
- components
- job_details_step/components/additional_section/components/calendars
- summary_step
- components/start_datafeed_switch
- index_or_search
- job_type
- recognize
- management/jobs_list
- components/jobs_list_page
- ml_nodes_check
- overview/components
- analytics_panel
- anomaly_detection_panel
- routing
- routes
- data_frame_analytics
- datavisualizer
- new_job
- settings
- services
- results_service
- settings
- calendars
- edit
- calendar_form
- __snapshots__
- new_event_modal
- list
- table
- __snapshots__
- filter_lists
- components
- add_item_popover
- __snapshots__
- delete_filter_list_modal
- __snapshots__
- edit_description_popover
- __snapshots__
- edit
- __snapshots__
- list
- timeseriesexplorer
- components
- forecasting_modal
- timeseries_chart
- timeseriesexplorer_no_jobs_found
- timeseriesexplorer_utils
- util
- ml_url_generator
- server
- models
- data_frame_analytics
- data_recognizer/modules
- logs_ui_categories/ml
- metrics_ui_hosts
- ml
- metrics_ui_k8s
- ml
- siem_auditbeat/ml
- monitoring
- common
- public
- angular
- components
- apm
- instance
- instances
- overview
- beats
- beat
- listing
- overview
- __snapshots__
- cluster/overview
- elasticsearch
- indices
- nodes
- __tests__
- __snapshots__
- shard_allocation/components
- page_loading
- setup_mode
- directives
- beats
- beat
- overview
- main
- lib
- services
- views
- apm
- instance
- instances
- overview
- beats
- beat
- listing
- overview
- cluster
- listing
- overview
- elasticsearch
- ccr
- shard
- index
- advanced
- indices
- ml_jobs
- node
- advanced
- nodes
- overview
- kibana
- instance
- instances
- overview
- logstash
- node
- advanced
- pipelines
- nodes
- overview
- pipeline
- pipelines
- server
- kibana_monitoring/collectors
- lib
- lib/alerts
- telemetry_collection
- observability
- public
- application
- components/app/section/alerts
- hooks
- pages
- landing
- overview
- typings
- fetch_overview_data
- section
- typings
- reporting
- common
- public
- components
- buttons
- lib
- __snapshots__
- server
- browsers
- chromium
- driver
- driver_factory
- download
- config
- export_types
- common
- csv
- generate_csv
- lib
- csv_from_savedobject
- lib
- png
- create_job
- execute_job
- lib
- printable_pdf
- create_job
- execute_job
- lib
- pdf
- lib
- layouts
- screenshots
- store
- tasks
- routes
- diagnostic
- lib
- test_helpers
- usage
- rollup/server
- collectors
- lib/search_strategies
- searchprofiler
- public/application
- editor
- utils
- server
- security
- public/management/roles
- __fixtures__
- edit_role
- privileges/kibana
- simple_privilege_section
- space_aware_privilege_section
- server
- authorization
- privileges
- feature_privilege_builder
- feature_privilege_iterator
- routes/authorization/roles
- saved_objects
- session_management
- usage_collector
- security_solution
- common
- detection_engine
- schemas
- common
- request
- response
- types
- ecs
- agent
- endgame
- network
- process
- rule
- signal
- endpoint
- models
- schema
- types
- search_strategy
- common
- index_fields
- security_solution
- hosts
- kpi
- authentications
- common
- hosts
- unique_ips
- overview
- uncommon_processes
- network
- common
- users
- timeline
- details
- events
- all
- common
- details
- last_event_time
- types/timeline
- cypress
- integration
- objects
- screens
- hosts
- support
- tasks
- public
- app
- home
- cases/components
- add_comment
- all_cases
- all_cases_modal
- case_header_page
- case_view
- create
- edit_connector
- tag_list
- use_all_cases_modal
- user_action_tree
- wrappers
- common/components
- add_filter_to_global_search_bar
- alerts_viewer
- autocomplete
- charts
- drag_and_drop
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
4,253 files changed
lines changed+1-1
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11 | 11 |
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20 |
| - | |
21 |
| - | |
| 19 | + | |
| 20 | + | |
| 21 | + | |
22 | 22 |
| |
23 | 23 |
| |
24 | 24 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
12 | 12 |
| |
13 | 13 |
| |
14 | 14 |
| |
| 15 | + | |
| 16 | + | |
| 17 | + | |
| 18 | + | |
| 19 | + | |
15 | 20 |
| |
16 |
| - | |
17 | 21 |
| |
18 | 22 |
| |
19 | 23 |
| |
| |||
30 | 34 |
| |
31 | 35 |
| |
32 | 36 |
| |
33 |
| - | |
| 37 | + | |
34 | 38 |
| |
35 | 39 |
| |
36 | 40 |
| |
| |||
42 | 46 |
| |
43 | 47 |
| |
44 | 48 |
| |
45 |
| - | |
| 49 | + | |
46 | 50 |
| |
47 | 51 |
| |
48 | 52 |
| |
49 | 53 |
| |
50 | 54 |
| |
51 | 55 |
| |
52 | 56 |
| |
| 57 | + | |
| 58 | + | |
| 59 | + | |
| 60 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
17 | 17 |
| |
18 | 18 |
| |
19 | 19 |
| |
20 |
| - | |
21 |
| - | |
22 |
| - | |
23 | 20 |
| |
24 | 21 |
| |
25 | 22 |
| |
| |||
288 | 285 |
| |
289 | 286 |
| |
290 | 287 |
| |
291 |
| - | |
| 288 | + | |
292 | 289 |
| |
293 | 290 |
| |
294 | 291 |
| |
| |||
319 | 316 |
| |
320 | 317 |
| |
321 | 318 |
| |
322 |
| - | |
| 319 | + | |
323 | 320 |
| |
324 | 321 |
| |
325 | 322 |
| |
326 | 323 |
| |
327 |
| - | |
328 |
| - | |
329 |
| - | |
330 | 324 |
| |
331 | 325 |
| |
332 | 326 |
| |
| |||
341 | 335 |
| |
342 | 336 |
| |
343 | 337 |
| |
344 |
| - | |
345 |
| - | |
346 |
| - | |
347 |
| - | |
348 |
| - | |
349 |
| - | |
350 |
| - | |
351 |
| - | |
352 | 338 |
| |
353 | 339 |
| |
354 | 340 |
| |
| |||
370 | 356 |
| |
371 | 357 |
| |
372 | 358 |
| |
373 |
| - | |
374 |
| - | |
375 |
| - | |
376 |
| - | |
377 |
| - | |
378 |
| - | |
| 359 | + | |
379 | 360 |
| |
380 | 361 |
| |
381 | 362 |
| |
| |||
388 | 369 |
| |
389 | 370 |
| |
390 | 371 |
| |
391 |
| - | |
392 |
| - | |
393 |
| - | |
394 |
| - | |
395 |
| - | |
396 |
| - | |
397 | 372 |
| |
398 | 373 |
| |
399 | 374 |
| |
| |||
443 | 418 |
| |
444 | 419 |
| |
445 | 420 |
| |
446 |
| - | |
| 421 | + | |
447 | 422 |
| |
448 | 423 |
| |
449 | 424 |
| |
450 | 425 |
| |
451 | 426 |
| |
452 | 427 |
| |
453 |
| - | |
454 |
| - | |
455 |
| - | |
456 |
| - | |
457 |
| - | |
458 |
| - | |
459 |
| - | |
460 |
| - | |
461 |
| - | |
| 428 | + | |
462 | 429 |
| |
463 | 430 |
| |
464 | 431 |
| |
| |||
764 | 731 |
| |
765 | 732 |
| |
766 | 733 |
| |
767 |
| - | |
768 |
| - | |
769 |
| - | |
770 |
| - | |
771 |
| - | |
772 |
| - | |
773 |
| - | |
774 |
| - | |
775 |
| - | |
776 |
| - | |
777 | 734 |
| |
778 | 735 |
| |
779 | 736 |
| |
| |||
812 | 769 |
| |
813 | 770 |
| |
814 | 771 |
| |
815 |
| - | |
| 772 | + | |
816 | 773 |
| |
817 | 774 |
| |
818 | 775 |
| |
| |||
858 | 815 |
| |
859 | 816 |
| |
860 | 817 |
| |
861 |
| - | |
| 818 | + | |
862 | 819 |
| |
863 | 820 |
| |
864 | 821 |
| |
| |||
1089 | 1046 |
| |
1090 | 1047 |
| |
1091 | 1048 |
| |
1092 |
| - | |
| 1049 | + | |
1093 | 1050 |
| |
1094 | 1051 |
| |
1095 | 1052 |
| |
| |||
1238 | 1195 |
| |
1239 | 1196 |
| |
1240 | 1197 |
| |
1241 |
| - | |
1242 |
| - | |
1243 |
| - | |
1244 |
| - | |
| 1198 | + | |
1245 | 1199 |
| |
1246 | 1200 |
| |
1247 | 1201 |
| |
| |||
1275 | 1229 |
| |
1276 | 1230 |
| |
1277 | 1231 |
| |
| 1232 | + | |
| 1233 | + | |
| 1234 | + | |
| 1235 | + | |
| 1236 | + | |
| 1237 | + | |
| 1238 | + | |
| 1239 | + | |
| 1240 | + | |
| 1241 | + | |
| 1242 | + | |
| 1243 | + | |
| 1244 | + | |
| 1245 | + | |
| 1246 | + | |
1278 | 1247 |
| |
1279 | 1248 |
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