A 2d Platformer game
Flat, weak, Timer, Oscillating, Gapped Spikes, Moving Spikes
1 Tutorial, 3 main, 1 boss, 2 secret sections
Auto Tile, Decoration objects on floor, ceiling, and mid air. Wall Decals, Solid Platform Decals, Parallax Background and Foreground
Land dust, double jump indicator, bullet shells, death juice, star flash on collect, flash on knockback
- Replenish jump
- More damage
- More shield
- Invincible timer
- Themed collectibles
- Functional collectibles
Tutorial level introduces:
- movement
- main mechanics
- functional collectibles
- powerups
- combat system
- level
- challenge movement
- level
- exploration
- level
- challenge combat Boss level
- boss battle
- Secret level
- exploration
- Secret level
- challenge combat
Combat system, player shoots projectiles Abilities, player can jump, double jump, wall climb Inventory, player can collect collectibles which appears at the side of the screen to collect them all unlocks features.
Checkpoint system, each level has a spawn point, and a leave point. If a player dies at a level it restarts on the same level it died and 1 life is spent. Player has 3 lives, when run out, game restarts.
Run, jump, double jump, wall climb, shoot
spawns, has health, takes damage from enemies with a knockback, reduces health. when health reaches zero dies.
shoots projectiles at enemies collects collectibles, powerups
followed by side-kick
Flies around player, follows player, sometimes shoots at enemies.
- Shadow mimic
A character without a clear backstory, focused solely on the journey. In a lighthearted atmosphere
Narrative, atmosphere, world building
A 2d Platformer game
1 Main character
1 Side character
3 Enemies
1 Boss
2 Set of collectibles
2 types of Powerups
enemy types
flat platforms, weak platforms, timer platforms, spikes, oscillating spikes, gapped platforms, moving spikes,
decorations, auto tiling system, decals on walls or inside solid platforms, parrallax background and foreground.
environment, 1 tutorial, 3 main, 1 boss, 2 secret sections
visual effects, land dust, double jump indicator, bullet shells, death juice, star flash on collect, flash on knockback
mechanics, combat system, power-ups, abilities, player movement, checkpoints, inventory, narrative, atmosphere, world building
level design, purpose, theme and atmosphere, structure, challenges and rewards
misc, jetpack, grapplink hook, triple jump as a powerup, elemental burst, homing missiles, electric lightning.
A Platformer with the character can, run, jump, double jump, shoot, climb.
Enemies, character jump on enemies to squash, or shoot them from distance.
Enemies can attack, causing damage, and they have a certain life.
Collectible coins, life, reflenish jump, more shoot damage, power suit, shield armor
Character has 3 lives
When character gets hurt, it loses some of its collected coins, if it gets hurt with no coins, it dies.
One guide
- shows tutorials
One side kick
- follows around everywhere
One weak enemy, a dog
- patrols, attacks when approached on short distance
One tricky enemy, a bat
- air patrol, charges an attack on long distance sight
One boss, a tree
- leave attack, shoots leaves on some directions at air level
- root attack, shoots roots out of ground
- wind attack, something about wind.
- boss is vulnerable at certain points player can shoot into.
Static obstacles like, spikes, shooting arrows or dead lava causes instant death
Ground, high platforms, walls, bounce platforms, one side platforms, on off platforms, weak platforms, spikes
Decorations, plants, auto tiling tiles, Decals on walls or inside solid platforms, background.
- 1 tutorial, 3 main sections, and lead to a boss section total of 5 sections. And one secret special level.
- Based on theme
Visual Effects, dust on land, double jump indicator visual, shoot bullet shells, drop juice on death, star flash on collectible collect, flash on power up collect, flash on get hit knockback.
Secret platforms on air, with a visual cue, that leads to extra collectibles.
When extra collectible collection is completed, secret special level unlocks.
Secret special level includes, lots of mana.
Shoot damage is proportional to player's mana.
Extra ideas:
- An electric lighting is cast upon to kill all enemies in sight.
- Homing missiles follow the player.
- Elemental burst, release a burst of energy, (fire ice) to clear enemies near you.
- Triple jump as a power-up
- Gliding
- Grappling hook
- Jetpack
Ground, slow mover, jumper
Shooter, shoots a projectile
Jumper, agile, jumper
Flyer, attack from above
Crawler, low to the ground, slow steady
Mimic, a decorative object that attacks when approached
Boomer, explodes on death
Charger, fast moving, rushes at player
Homing, a projectile, seeks out player
Parasite, a slow moving, attaches to player.
Shadow Stalker, dark, difficult to see.
- Companion guide, shows how to play like a tutorial, than tags along with the player.
Rising and Falling Platforms, moves up and down
Oscillating Platforms, swings back and forth
Breakable Platforms, shatter when player jumps on them
Timed Platforms, sets on and off with a timer
Platforms with gaps,
Moving Spikes
Level's Purpose, tutorial, challenge, exploration, boss battle
Theme and Atmosphere, visual style, audio design, enemy and character design
Level Structure
- Flow, clear path for the player to follow
- Pacing, balance challenging sections with easier ones.
- Variety, Mix up elements to keep hook
- Rhythm, Consider timing of obstacles and rewards.
Challenges and Rewards
- Obstacles
- Power Ups
- Collectibles
- Secrets
Combat System, how player interacts with enemies
Power-ups and Abilities, how special abilities changes gameplay
Player movement, how player moves, double jump, wall jump, dash etc.
Checkpoints and Saves, how player progress through the game
Inventory System, how player collect items.
Narrative, how is the story told?
Atmosphere, overall mood and tone
World building, how world is created, presented
Dreams, surreal landscapes, subconcious characters, dream logic
Steampunk, gears, cogs, robots
Egyptian, pyramids, pharaohs, mummies, hieroglyphs
Greek, Gods, titans, monsters
Music, notes, instruments, rhythm, sound waves
Food, candy, sweet, salt, steak, corn, sugar, coffee
Historical places
Cave, Rocks, Bats, Earth
Jungle, Snakes, Trees, rain, thunder
Autumn, leaves, squirrels, trees, pumpkins, fog.
Winter, snow ice, penguins, polar bears, igloos.
Space, aliens, Lasers, galaxies, black holes
Abstract, shapes, text
City, cars, buildings
Inner buildings, offices, phones, people
Rainbows, unicorns, clouds, sky, sun
Post Acopalyptic Wasteland
Wild West
Robot rebellion
Medieval Knight, Castle
Haunted House Horror
Tools setup: engine, art, music
Brainstorming: Come up with game ideas and themes
Finalize concept: Decide on game's concept
Design document: Document main features, controls, objectives
- Project setup
- Collision Detection
- Movement
- Camera
- Hazards and Obstacles
- Collectibles
Game Progression
Level Design
Character Sprites
Environment Tiles
Sound Effects
Background Music
UI Design
Level Creation
Additional Features
Bug Fixing
Final Playtest
Pre Jam
Tools Setup
Design document
Code, Project setup
Code, Collision Detection, Movement
Code, Camera, Level Transitions
Code, Hazards and Obstacles
Code, Collectibles
Code, Decoration
Code, Game Progression
Code, Animations, Sprites
Code, Etc,
Code, UI, Transitions
Art, Characters
Art, Environment Tiles
Art, Hazards and Obstacles
Art, Decoration
Art, Background
Art, Fx
Art, UI, Text, etc.
Audio, Sound FX
Audio, Music Background
Design, UI
Design, Level
Level Creation
Additional Features
Bug Fixing
Final Playtest
Final Polish
Cover Art, Trailer, Descriptions, Publish