The QuizBundle comes with a set of predefined urls to point to basic controllers so you can start using the bundle out of the box. but these controllers are basic ones so you can test the bundle to see if it fits your needs.
All the controllers mostly implements one of the three available services (see services section for mor information). Except for those who are used for listings, where they just call the Entity Manager.
- QuizManagerController.php: for CRUD on Quizes.
- QuestionController.php: for CRUD on Questions.
- QuizController.php: for "taking" a Quiz.
- AnswerController.php: for creating Answers
If you want to personalize any of the controllers you can just pick the services and create your own Controllers with them.
Three services are available with the bundle:
- egulias.quiz.manager
- egulias.take.quiz
- egulias.question.manager
- egulias.quiz.manager
Implements a series of methods to allow the cration and modification of quizes. These are:
- getQuizForm
- saveQuizForm
- editQuizForm
- updateQuizForm
- egulias.take.quiz
This service allows the user to take a given quiz. It implements two methods for this:
takeQuiz Returning the quiz form
responseQuiz Responsible for saving the user answers from the quiz id
- egulias.question.manager
Same as egulias.quiz.manager
, but with methods for questions: These are:
- editQuestion
- getQuestionForm
- saveQuestion