Graphryder builds and displays network graphs that describe conversations on Discourse platforms annotated with OpenEthnographer. This manual documents how to set up the Graphryder stack from scratch.
[Graphryder import script]( exports data from a Discourse & OpenEthnographer postgresql database and builds a Neo4j graph database from that data. Graphryder Neo4j database is the data layer of Graphryder. Graphryder GraphQL API and dashboard (this repository) are deployed together in a Docker container and are how the end user interacts with the network graphs.
See the Edgeryders platform for installation instructions of the entire stack.
To be able to install the application on your server, you will need :
docker & docker-compose
On debian like system, you can install them with the following command :
apt-get install git docker docker-compose
Clone the repository in the folder
Create a linux user called
$>useradd graphryder -d /opt/graphryder/ -M -r -s /bin/bash
Add the created user to the group
$> usermod -aG docker graphryder
Change the owner of the folder
$>chown -R graphryder:graphryder /opt/graphryder
Add the env variable
like this:echo 'export MODE="prod"' >> ~/.bashrc
Create the system script service :
$> cd /etc/systemd/system/
$> vi graphryder.service
# Shutdown container (if running) when unit is started
ExecStartPre=docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down
# Start container when unit is started
ExecStart=docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
# Stop container when unit is stopped
ExecStop=docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down
$> sudo systemctl enable graphryder.service
When it’s done, you can start the stack by running this command :
systemctl start graphryder.service
You can check the log of the process with the command journalctl -u graphryder.service
Wait some minutes (the build of the docker stack can takes ~10min), and open your favorite browser on http://localchost (you can replace localhost by the name/ip of your server)