type HigherOrderComponent ownerProps props = ReactClass props -> ReactClass ownerProps
A higher-order component is a function that accepts a single React component and returns a new React component.
mapProps :: forall ownerProps props. (ownerProps -> props) -> HigherOrderComponent ownerProps props
Accepts a function that maps ownerProps to a new collection of props that are passed to the base component.
withProps :: forall ownerProps props. (ownerProps -> props) -> HigherOrderComponent ownerProps props
Like mapProps
, expect the newly created props are merged with the
withPropsOnChange :: forall ownerProps props. Array String -> (ownerProps -> props) -> HigherOrderComponent ownerProps props
Like withProps
, except that new props are only created when one of the
ownerProps specified by the array of keys changes. This helps ensure that
expensive computations inside the given mapProps function are only executed
when necessary.
withHandlers :: forall ownerProps props handlers. { | handlers } -> HigherOrderComponent ownerProps props
Takes a Record mapping handlerNames to handler creators. These are higher-order functions that accept a set of props and return a function handler.
An example handler creator:
addTodo :: forall props event target eff.
{ add :: String -> Eff eff Unit | props } ->
{ target :: { value :: String | target } | event } ->
Eff eff Unit
addTodo props event = props.add event.target.value
defaultProps :: forall props. props -> HigherOrderComponent props props
Specifies props to be passed by default to the base component. Similar to
, except the props from the owner take precedence over props
provided to the HoC.
renameProp :: forall props. String -> String -> HigherOrderComponent props props
Renames a single prop.
renameProps :: forall props nameMap. nameMap -> HigherOrderComponent props props
Renames multiple props, using a Record of old prop names to new prop names.
flattenProp :: forall props. String -> HigherOrderComponent props props
Flattens a prop so that its fields are spread out into the props Record.
withState :: forall ownerProps props initialState. String -> String -> (props -> initialState) -> HigherOrderComponent ownerProps props
Passes two additional props to the base component: a state value, and a function to update that state value. Accepts a name for the state value, a name for the state updater, and a function that takes props and returns an an initial value for the state.
withState' :: forall ownerProps props initialState. String -> String -> initialState -> HigherOrderComponent ownerProps props
A version of withState
that takes an initial state rather than a
withReducer :: forall props state action. String -> String -> (Fn2 state action state) -> state -> HigherOrderComponent props props
Similar to withState
, but state updates are applied using a reducer
function. Accepts a name for the state value and a name for the dispatch
function. The third argument is a function that receives a state and an
action, and returns a new state.
branch :: forall props. (props -> Boolean) -> HigherOrderComponent props props -> HigherOrderComponent props props -> HigherOrderComponent props props
Accepts a test function and two higher-order components. The test function is passed the props from the owner. If it returns true, the left higher-order component is applied to the base component; otherwise, the right higher-order component is applied.
renderComponent :: forall props. ReactClass props -> HigherOrderComponent props props
Takes a component and returns a higher-order component version of that
component. This is useful in combination with another helper that expects a
higher-order component, like branch
renderNothing :: forall props. HigherOrderComponent props props
A higher-order component that always renders a JavaScript null
shouldUpdate :: forall props. (Fn2 props props Boolean) -> HigherOrderComponent props props
A higher-order component version of
pure :: forall props. HigherOrderComponent props props
Prevents the component from updating unless a prop has changed. Uses a
JavaScript shallowEqual()
to test for changes.
onlyUpdateForKeys :: forall props. Array String -> HigherOrderComponent props props
Prevents the component from updating unless a prop corresponding to one of
the given keys has updated. Uses a JavaScript shallowEqual()
to test for
withContext :: forall props childContextTypes childContext. childContextTypes -> (props -> childContext) -> HigherOrderComponent props props
Provides context to the component's children. childContextTypes
is a
Record of React prop types. The second argument is a function that returns
the child context. Use along with getContext
getContext :: forall ownerProps props contextTypes. contextTypes -> HigherOrderComponent ownerProps props
Gets values from context and passes them along as props. Use along with
lifecycle :: forall props spec. spec -> HigherOrderComponent props props
A higher-order component version of React.createClass()
. It supports the
entire createClass()
API, except the render()
method, which is
implemented by default (and overridden if specified; an error will be
logged to the console).
toClass :: forall props. HigherOrderComponent props props
Takes a function component and wraps it in a class. This can be used as a fallback for libraries that need to add a ref to a component, like Relay. If the base component is already a class, it returns the given component.
setStatic :: forall props value. String -> value -> HigherOrderComponent props props
Assigns a value to a static property on the base component.
setDisplayName :: forall props. String -> HigherOrderComponent props props
Assigns to the displayName
property on the base component.
getDisplayName :: forall component. component -> String
Returns the display name of a React component. Falls back to "Component".
wrapDisplayName :: forall component. component -> String -> String
Returns a wrapped version of a React component's display name. For
instance, if the display name of component is "Post", and the wrapper name
is "mapProps", the return value is "mapProps(Post)". Most Recompose
higher-order components use wrapDisplayName
componentFromProp :: forall props. String -> ReactClass props
Creates a component that accepts a component as a prop and renders it with the remaining props.
nest :: forall component props. Array component -> ReactClass props
Composes components by nesting each one inside the previous.
hoistStatics :: forall props. HigherOrderComponent props props -> HigherOrderComponent props props
Augments a higher-order component so that when used, it copies static properties from the base component to the new component. This is helpful when using Recompose with libraries like Relay.