All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- remove version locks of dependencies (will be managed by main app) | @lukas
- add graphql helper into spec_helper for all ryses. | @martin.krupa
- update dependencies | @pavel
- allowed failures | @pavel
- drop Redmine support
- compatible only with EP/ER v13+
- pass chrome_options as options
- rspec_junit_formatter is back | @pavel
- update webmock | @pavel
- rspec_junit_formatter. | @lukas
- pass chrome_options as capabilities
- Add retry to capybara specs
- shoulda-matchers support
- to_s
- correct name argument in requires factories
- load file instead of require
- add ".rb" extensions automatically if needs (require factories)
- Shortcut for require factories from redmine plugins
- init support and factories files in systemic rysy
- changelog
- project_custom_field factory