This is a JDBC driver for the ArangoDB.
The driver uses the official ArangoDB Java Driver and for SQL parsing the library JSQLParser.
Besides SQL commands, AQL commands can also be executed.
A (left) outer join only works if the condition is the join of the two tables with "on".
e.g. select * from a outer join b on a.field1=b.field2
Right outer join are not implemented
For ResultSetMetaData to be usable, the schema must be stored with the collection.
If the schemas are stored, SQL tools can also be used. This was tested with SQL Workbench/J, JasperReport -Server / -Studio, Jetbrain DataGrid.
In the util directory there is an import routine for Typescript interface classes available.
The file baseInterface contains the base interfaces and a data type definition for integer.
In the importModel file, the database connection parameters must be filled in at the beginning and possibly the directory for the models.
The parameter names must be numbered consecutively, starting with 1, and begin with a "@p".
e.g. FOR c IN Country FILTER c.region==@p1 && c.isoCode2==@p2 RETURN c
- SQL - DDL commands
- ResultSet - update functions
- Transaction
If SQL commands are implemented incorrectly, there are two options available.
- Create issue with the SQL command that is not implemented correctly.
- Or create a fork, with a test for the SQL command, implement it and then set a pull request. All existing tests must also be successful after the implementation.
A test database is needed for the tests, as well as a database user.
- database name: TestJDBC
- database user: testJdbc
- user password: pwd4Test&jdbc
The database user testJdbc needs admin rights for the TestJDBC database.