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File metadata and controls

233 lines (190 loc) · 7.79 KB


A small, very simple library with bits and pieces of Github's GraphQL and REST API, in one place for my own convenience.

CircleCI Clojars Project


You will need a Github access token with repo permissions. This is one way to provide that value:

(def token (System/getenv "GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN"))

Core functions

(require '[eamonnsullivan.github-api-lib.core :as core])

;; make your own graphql query
(def get-repo-id
   "query getRepoId ($owner: String!, $name: String!) {
      repository(owner:$owner, name:$name) {

   {:owner "eamonnsullivan" :name "github-api-lib"})


(require '[eamonnsullivan.github-api-lib.repos :as repos])

(repos/get-repo-id token "")
;; "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkzMDYxMjYwNDY="

(repos/get-repo-topics token "eamonnsullivan/github-api-lib")
;; ["clojure" "clojars" "github-graphql"]

Pull Requests

(require '[eamonnsullivan.github-api-lib.pull-requests :as pr])

All of these methods return a map of information about the new or updated pull request or comment, such as the :body (in markdown), :title, :permalink or whether the pull request :isDraft or :mergeable.

Create a new pull request

(def options {:title "A title for the pull request"
              :body "The body of the pull request"
              :base "main or master, usually"
              :branch "the name of the branch you want to merge"
              :draft true})
(def new-pr-url (:permalink (pr/create-pull-request
                 "" options)))

The :title, :base and :branch are mandatory. You can omit the :body, and :draft defaults to true.

Update a pull request

(def updated {:title "A new title"
              :body "A new body"})
(pr/update-pull-request token new-pr-url updated)

Mark a pull request as ready for review

(pr/mark-ready-for-review token new-pr-url)

Comment on a pull request

Only handles issue comments on pull requests at the moment. The body text can use Github-style markdown.

;; returns the permalink for the comment
(def comment-link (pr/add-pull-request-comment token new-pr-url "Another comment."))

Edit an issue comment

(pr/edit-pull-request-comment token comment-link
                           "The new body for the comment, with *some markdown* and `stuff`.")

Close a pull request

(pr/close-pull-request token new-pr-url)

Reopen a pull request

(pr/reopen-pull-request token new-pr-url)

Merge a pull request

;; All of these fields are optional. The merge-method will default to "SQUASH".
;; The merge will fail if the pull-request's URL can't be found, if the pull
;; request's head reference is out-of-date or if there are conflicts.
(def merge-options {:title "A title or headline for the commit."
                    :body "The commit message body."
                    :mergeMethod "MERGE" or "REBASE" or "SQUASH"
                    :authorEmail "[email protected]"})
(pr/merge-pull-request token new-pr-url merge-options)

Misc. info

;; Various bits of information, such as whether it is mergeable or a draft.
(pr/get-pull-request-info token new-pr-url)

Searching for topics

(require '[eamonnsullivan.github-api-lib.repo-search :as rs])
(def result (rs/get-repos token "my-org" ["topic1" "topic2"]))
(spit "repos.edn" result)

The EDN returned will contain basic information about the repos found. For example:

[{:name "project1",
  "A description",
  :url "",
  :sshUrl "[email protected]:my-org/project1.git",
  :updatedAt "2020-04-09T11:01:55Z",
  :languages ["Javascript" "Python" "HTML"]}
 {:name "project2",
  :description "A description for project2",
  :url "",
  :sshUrl "[email protected]:my-org/project2.git",
  :updatedAt "2020-04-09T11:02:28Z",
  :languages ["Clojure" "ClojureScript"]}

Getting files in repos

Retrieve information about a file in a repository, on a particular branch. You can use "HEAD" for the branch to retrieve a file from the default branch. The information returns includes :byteSize and :text.

(require '[eamonnsullivan.github-api-lib.files :as files])
(files/get-file token "eamonnsullivan" "github-api-lib" "HEAD" "")

 :byteSize 4296,
 :filepath "",
 :abbreviatedOid "0805f4b",
 :isBinary false,
 :oid "0805f4b95f5e01275e5962e0f8ed23def5129419",
 :isTruncated false,
 "# github-api-lib\n\nA small, very simple..."}

You can also try several files and the first one found is returned.

(files/get-first-file token "eamonnsullivan" "github-api-lib" "HEAD"
["build.sbt" ".nvmrc" "deps.edn" "project.edn"])

 :byteSize 1257,
 :filepath "deps.edn",
 :abbreviatedOid "74c3092",
 :isBinary false,
 :oid "74c3092ef552681a7fa5c1a96b3a11479b4f0a28",
 :isTruncated false,
 "{:paths [\"src\" \"resources\"]\n :deps ..."}

Handling paged responses

The library has a helper function to retrieve all of the pages of a search as a flattened, realised sequence.

See the doc string for more details, but it is normally called with:

  • a function to retrieve one of the pages
  • a predicate that returns truthy if there are results on that page
  • a function to extract the values you want from each page
  • A function to retrieve the cursor for the next page.

It obviously would be a poor choice for a very large result set, but it can be convenient for a known limited set. In this example, the function is used to get all of the topics on a given repository.

(require '[eamonnsullivan.github-api-lib.core :as core]
         '[eamonnsullivan.github-api-lib.repos :as repos])

(defn get-all-topics [token repo-url page-size]
        (let [id (repos/get-repo-id token repo-url)
              get-page (partial repos/get-page-of-topics token id page-size)
              results? (fn [page] (some? (repos/get-topics page)))
              get-next (fn [ret] (if (-> ret :data :node :repsitoryTopics :pageInfo :hasNextPage)
                                   (-> ret :data :node :repositoryTopics :pageInfo :endCursor)
          (core/get-all-pages get-page results? repos/get-topics get-next)))

(get-all-topics token "" 10)
;; ["clojure" "clojars" "github-graphql"]

Development Notes

To run the project's tests:

$ clojure -M:test:runner

To check test coverage:

$ clojure -M:test:coverage

To build a deployable jar of this library:

$ clojure -Spom               # to update any dependencies
$ clojure -M:jar

To install the library locally:

$ clojure -M:install

To deploy it to Clojars -- needs CLOJARS_USERNAME and CLOJARS_PASSWORD environment variables or Maven settings:

$ clojure --M:deploy


Copyright © 2020 Eamonn Sullivan

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.