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Fail2ban Sophos XG API

Access the Sophos XG API from Fail2ban to block hosts on perimeter firewall

This repository contains a program and a small python library to call the Sophos XG API from Fail2ban. With this, you can enable Fail2ban to block malicious hosts not on the internal host firewall, but on the perimeter firewall.


$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--ip IP] [--configfile CONFIGFILE]

f2b-sophosxg: Access Sophos XG API from Fail2ban to block hosts on perimeter

positional arguments:
                        Action to execute

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --ip IP               IPv4 address, required for action 'ban' or 'unban'
  --configfile CONFIGFILE
                        Configuration file path


You can configure Fail2ban to call the program from this repository instead of the default action scripts. With that, Fail2ban will now provide you an IP host group {iphostgroup_name} on your Sophos XG firewall containg all currently blocked IP hosts.

The IP host group can then be used in firewall rules to block hosts or it can be used for anything else. Fail2ban and this program simply dynamically add or delete IP hosts to this group, but you can decide how to deal with the group.

Nothing else except this single IP host group is touched on the Sophos XG.

When having multiple hosts using Fail2ban, give each one an individual name for the IP host group and you are done.



  • These packages have to be installed on the system:
    • python3
    • fail2ban
    $ sudo apt-get install python3 fail2ban


Installation of the program is done by copying as follows:           ->  /usr/local/sbin/
f2bsophosxg/*             ->  /usr/local/lib/f2bsophosxg/
config.json               ->  /usr/local/etc/f2bsophosxg/config.json
action.d/sophosxg.conf    ->  /etc/fail2ban/action.d/sophosxg.conf

⚠️ Ensure chmod 0600 is set for /usr/local/etc/f2bsophosxg/config.json as it contains credentials!


Configuration is done in three steps:

  • Create API user on Sophos XG
  • Configure config.json with a valid configuration to access Sophos XG API
  • Configure Fail2ban to use sophosxg.conf as actions

Sophos XG Configuration

  • Allow access to the Sophos XG API from the Fail2ban hosts:
    • "Backup & Firmware" / "API":
    • Enable "API configuration"
    • Add IP address of the Fail2ban hosts to the allowed IP addresses list
  • Create an access profile for Fail2ban API users:
    • "Profiles" / "Devices access"
    • Add new profile f2b-api-access:
      • "Objects" = "Read-write"
      • "Network" = "Read-write"
      • Others = "None"
  • Create an user for each Fail2ban host:
    • "Authentication" / "Users"
    • Add new user:
      • Set "Username" apiuser and "Name"
      • "User type": "Administrator" (Don't worry, thus we set the Profile!)
      • "Profile": "f2b-api-access"
      • Set "Password" password
      • Set "Group" Open Group Configuration

Set credentials for the Sophos XG API in /usr/local/etc/f2b-sophosxg/config.json as follows:


If you have multiple hosts, you can set the iphost_prefix and the iphostgroup_name as follows:


⚠️ Do not use the same names for more than one host, as flush actions from one Fail2ban host will affect the blockings of the other hosts!

Fail2ban Configuration

  • Set banaction = sophosxg either in your jail or for all jails:
    # /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/defaults-debian.conf 
    enabled = true
    banaction = sophosxg


The correct functionality can be tested by manually banning or unbanning IP addresses with the fail2ban-client:

# Get currently banned IPs of given jail sshd
# (Data comes from fail2ban, not from Sophos XG!)
$ sudo fail2ban-client status sshd
# Ban IP
$ sudo fail2ban-client set sshd banip
# Unban IP
$ sudo fail2ban-client set sshd unbanip

Exceute these commands manually on every host and check the corresponding IP host group in the Sophos XG WebUI.



Fail2ban generally uses these commands (called "actions") to handle the blockings:

  • actionstart: command executed on demand at the first ban or at the start of Fail2Ban
  • actionstop: command executed at the stop of jail (or at the end of Fail2Ban)
  • actionflush: command executed once to flush (clear) all IPS, by shutdown (resp. by stop of the jail or this action)
  • actioncheck: command executed once before each actionban command
  • actionban: command executed when banning an IP
  • actionunban: command executed when unbanning an IP

Structure of the repository

The repository has the following major parts:

  • Main python program calling the functions from the library
  • f2bsophosxg/: Python library implementing each Fail2ban actions as described above
    • Defining a base class for generic Fail2ban actions
    • Derived class from the base class for Sophos XG specific Fail2ban actions
    • A dedicated class implementing Sophos XG API calls and the error handling
  • action.d/: Fail2ban configuration template for /etc/fail2ban/config/action.d/

Functionality of the program and the libraries

The library implements an abstract base class with each of the generic Fail2ban actions described above. Basically this class can be used to derive a specific class for each API / firewall / etc. that should be available to Fail2ban. This is called here for an implementation of the Sophos XG firewall API. The class uses to create the XML requests for the desired Fail2ban actions and sending them to the Sophos XG API. For example, API calls are done to:

  • add IP host
  • add IP host group
  • add IP host to IP host group
  • delete IP host from IP host group
  • delete IP host
  • delete IP host group


To reach that, some characteristics of the Sophos XG API have to be considered:

  • IP hosts can only be deleted when they aren't member of any IP host group
  • The exsistence of the IP host group is necessary to add an IP host to it
  • No IP host group will be deleted by the library, since it may be used in firewall rules


For debugging purposes, the API calls can be done by curl manually as follows:

$ curl -v --insecure -k "\

Modify the XML request on your needs as given by the official Sophos XG API documentation.

Further documentation

The official documentation of the Sophos XG API can be found here: