diff --git a/docs/migrations/support-denoms-with-slashes.md b/docs/migrations/support-denoms-with-slashes.md
index 0d68b3d55fa..0447cf57d99 100644
--- a/docs/migrations/support-denoms-with-slashes.md
+++ b/docs/migrations/support-denoms-with-slashes.md
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ There are four sections based on the four potential user groups of this document
 - Relayers
 - IBC Light Clients
-This document is necessary when chains are upgrading from a version that does not support base denoms with slashes (e.g. v3.0.0) to a version that does (e.g. v3.1.0). All versions of ibc-go smaller than v1.5.0 for the v1.x release line, v2.3.0 for the v2.x release line, and v3.1.0 for the v3.x release line do *NOT** support IBC token transfers of coins whose base denoms contain slashes. Therefore the in-place of genesis migration described in this document are required when upgrading.
+This document is necessary when chains are upgrading from a version that does not support base denoms with slashes (e.g. v3.0.0) to a version that does (e.g. v3.2.0). All versions of ibc-go smaller than v1.5.0 for the v1.x release line, v2.3.0 for the v2.x release line, and v3.1.0 for the v3.x release line do **NOT** support IBC token transfers of coins whose base denoms contain slashes. Therefore the in-place of genesis migration described in this document are required when upgrading.
 If a chain receives coins of a base denom with slashes before it upgrades to supporting it, the receive may pass however the trace information will be incorrect.
@@ -28,37 +28,16 @@ The transfer module will now support slashes in base denoms, so we must iterate
 ### Upgrade Proposal
-// Here the upgrade name is the upgrade name set by the chain
     func(ctx sdk.Context, _ upgradetypes.Plan, fromVM module.VersionMap) (module.VersionMap, error) {
-        // list of traces that must replace the old traces in store
-        var newTraces []ibctransfertypes.DenomTrace
-        app.TransferKeeper.IterateDenomTraces(ctx,
-            func(dt ibctransfertypes.DenomTrace) bool {
-                // check if the new way of splitting FullDenom
-                // into Trace and BaseDenom passes validation and
-                // is the same as the current DenomTrace.
-                // If it isn't then store the new DenomTrace in the list of new traces.
-                newTrace := ibctransfertypes.ParseDenomTrace(dt.GetFullDenomPath())
-                if err := newTrace.Validate(); err == nil && !reflect.DeepEqual(newTrace, dt) {
-                    newTraces = append(newTraces, newTrace)
-                }
-                return false
-            })
-        // replace the outdated traces with the new trace information
-        for _, nt := range newTraces {
-            app.TransferKeeper.SetDenomTrace(ctx, nt)
-        }
+        // transfer module consensus version has been bumped to 2
         return app.mm.RunMigrations(ctx, app.configurator, fromVM)
 This is only necessary if there are denom traces in the store with incorrect trace information from previously received coins that had a slash in the base denom. However, it is recommended that any chain upgrading to support base denominations with slashes runs this code for safety.
-For a more detailed sample, please check out the code changes in [this pull request](https://github.com/cosmos/ibc-go/pull/1527).
+For a more detailed sample, please check out the code changes in [this pull request](https://github.com/cosmos/ibc-go/pull/1680).
 ### Genesis Migration
diff --git a/modules/apps/transfer/keeper/migrations.go b/modules/apps/transfer/keeper/migrations.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2ce3d13fcb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/apps/transfer/keeper/migrations.go
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+package keeper
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	sdk "github.com/line/lbm-sdk/types"
+	"github.com/line/ibc-go/v3/modules/apps/transfer/types"
+// Migrator is a struct for handling in-place store migrations.
+type Migrator struct {
+	keeper Keeper
+// NewMigrator returns a new Migrator.
+func NewMigrator(keeper Keeper) Migrator {
+	return Migrator{keeper: keeper}
+// MigrateTraces migrates the DenomTraces to the correct format, accounting for slashes in the BaseDenom.
+func (m Migrator) MigrateTraces(ctx sdk.Context) error {
+	// list of traces that must replace the old traces in store
+	var newTraces []types.DenomTrace
+	m.keeper.IterateDenomTraces(ctx,
+		func(dt types.DenomTrace) (stop bool) {
+			// check if the new way of splitting FullDenom
+			// is the same as the current DenomTrace.
+			// If it isn't then store the new DenomTrace in the list of new traces.
+			newTrace := types.ParseDenomTrace(dt.GetFullDenomPath())
+			err := newTrace.Validate()
+			if err != nil {
+				panic(err)
+			}
+			if dt.IBCDenom() != newTrace.IBCDenom() {
+				// The new form of parsing will result in a token denomination change.
+				// A bank migration is required. A panic should occur to prevent the
+				// chain from using corrupted state.
+				panic(fmt.Sprintf("migration will result in corrupted state. Previous IBC token (%s) requires a bank migration. Expected denom trace (%s)", dt, newTrace))
+			}
+			if !equalTraces(newTrace, dt) {
+				newTraces = append(newTraces, newTrace)
+			}
+			return false
+		})
+	// replace the outdated traces with the new trace information
+	for _, nt := range newTraces {
+		m.keeper.SetDenomTrace(ctx, nt)
+	}
+	return nil
+func equalTraces(dtA, dtB types.DenomTrace) bool {
+	return dtA.BaseDenom == dtB.BaseDenom && dtA.Path == dtB.Path
diff --git a/modules/apps/transfer/keeper/migrations_test.go b/modules/apps/transfer/keeper/migrations_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3834625446c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/apps/transfer/keeper/migrations_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+package keeper_test
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	transferkeeper "github.com/line/ibc-go/v3/modules/apps/transfer/keeper"
+	transfertypes "github.com/line/ibc-go/v3/modules/apps/transfer/types"
+func (suite *KeeperTestSuite) TestMigratorMigrateTraces() {
+	testCases := []struct {
+		msg            string
+		malleate       func()
+		expectedTraces transfertypes.Traces
+	}{
+		{
+			"success: two slashes in base denom",
+			func() {
+				suite.chainA.GetSimApp().TransferKeeper.SetDenomTrace(
+					suite.chainA.GetContext(),
+					transfertypes.DenomTrace{
+						BaseDenom: "pool/1", Path: "transfer/channel-0/gamm",
+					})
+			},
+			transfertypes.Traces{
+				{
+					BaseDenom: "gamm/pool/1", Path: "transfer/channel-0",
+				},
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			"success: one slash in base denom",
+			func() {
+				suite.chainA.GetSimApp().TransferKeeper.SetDenomTrace(
+					suite.chainA.GetContext(),
+					transfertypes.DenomTrace{
+						BaseDenom: "0x85bcBCd7e79Ec36f4fBBDc54F90C643d921151AA", Path: "transfer/channel-149/erc",
+					})
+			},
+			transfertypes.Traces{
+				{
+					BaseDenom: "erc/0x85bcBCd7e79Ec36f4fBBDc54F90C643d921151AA", Path: "transfer/channel-149",
+				},
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			"success: multiple slashes in a row in base denom",
+			func() {
+				suite.chainA.GetSimApp().TransferKeeper.SetDenomTrace(
+					suite.chainA.GetContext(),
+					transfertypes.DenomTrace{
+						BaseDenom: "1", Path: "transfer/channel-5/gamm//pool",
+					})
+			},
+			transfertypes.Traces{
+				{
+					BaseDenom: "gamm//pool/1", Path: "transfer/channel-5",
+				},
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			"success: multihop base denom",
+			func() {
+				suite.chainA.GetSimApp().TransferKeeper.SetDenomTrace(
+					suite.chainA.GetContext(),
+					transfertypes.DenomTrace{
+						BaseDenom: "transfer/channel-1/uatom", Path: "transfer/channel-0",
+					})
+			},
+			transfertypes.Traces{
+				{
+					BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/channel-0/transfer/channel-1",
+				},
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			"success: non-standard port",
+			func() {
+				suite.chainA.GetSimApp().TransferKeeper.SetDenomTrace(
+					suite.chainA.GetContext(),
+					transfertypes.DenomTrace{
+						BaseDenom: "customport/channel-7/uatom", Path: "transfer/channel-0/transfer/channel-1",
+					})
+			},
+			transfertypes.Traces{
+				{
+					BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/channel-0/transfer/channel-1/customport/channel-7",
+				},
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tc := range testCases {
+		suite.Run(fmt.Sprintf("case %s", tc.msg), func() {
+			suite.SetupTest() // reset
+			tc.malleate() // explicitly set up denom traces
+			migrator := transferkeeper.NewMigrator(suite.chainA.GetSimApp().TransferKeeper)
+			err := migrator.MigrateTraces(suite.chainA.GetContext())
+			suite.Require().NoError(err)
+			traces := suite.chainA.GetSimApp().TransferKeeper.GetAllDenomTraces(suite.chainA.GetContext())
+			suite.Require().Equal(tc.expectedTraces, traces)
+		})
+	}
+func (suite *KeeperTestSuite) TestMigratorMigrateTracesCorruptionDetection() {
+	// IBCDenom() previously would return "customport/channel-0/uatom", but now should return ibc/{hash}
+	corruptedDenomTrace := transfertypes.DenomTrace{
+		BaseDenom: "customport/channel-0/uatom",
+		Path:      "",
+	}
+	suite.chainA.GetSimApp().TransferKeeper.SetDenomTrace(suite.chainA.GetContext(), corruptedDenomTrace)
+	migrator := transferkeeper.NewMigrator(suite.chainA.GetSimApp().TransferKeeper)
+	suite.Panics(func() {
+		migrator.MigrateTraces(suite.chainA.GetContext())
+	})
diff --git a/modules/apps/transfer/module.go b/modules/apps/transfer/module.go
index 541130db9d0..bc9021e1ccf 100644
--- a/modules/apps/transfer/module.go
+++ b/modules/apps/transfer/module.go
@@ -118,6 +118,11 @@ func (am AppModule) LegacyQuerierHandler(*codec.LegacyAmino) sdk.Querier {
 func (am AppModule) RegisterServices(cfg module.Configurator) {
 	types.RegisterMsgServer(cfg.MsgServer(), am.keeper)
 	types.RegisterQueryServer(cfg.QueryServer(), am.keeper)
+	m := keeper.NewMigrator(am.keeper)
+	if err := cfg.RegisterMigration(types.ModuleName, 1, m.MigrateTraces); err != nil {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to migrate transfer app from version 1 to 2: %v", err))
+	}
 // InitGenesis performs genesis initialization for the ibc-transfer module. It returns
@@ -137,7 +142,7 @@ func (am AppModule) ExportGenesis(ctx sdk.Context, cdc codec.JSONCodec) json.Raw
 // ConsensusVersion implements AppModule/ConsensusVersion.
-func (AppModule) ConsensusVersion() uint64 { return 1 }
+func (AppModule) ConsensusVersion() uint64 { return 2 }
 // AppModuleSimulation functions
diff --git a/modules/apps/transfer/types/trace.go b/modules/apps/transfer/types/trace.go
index 76b3fce0e33..559f61a7877 100644
--- a/modules/apps/transfer/types/trace.go
+++ b/modules/apps/transfer/types/trace.go
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import (
 	ocbytes "github.com/line/ostracon/libs/bytes"
 	octypes "github.com/line/ostracon/types"
+	channeltypes "github.com/line/ibc-go/v3/modules/core/04-channel/types"
 	host "github.com/line/ibc-go/v3/modules/core/24-host"
@@ -20,9 +21,9 @@ import (
 // Examples:
-// - "transfer/channelidone/uatom" => DenomTrace{Path: "transfer/channelidone", BaseDenom: "uatom"}
-// - "transfer/channelidone/transfer/channelidtwo/uatom" => DenomTrace{Path: "transfer/channelidone/transfer/channelidtwo", BaseDenom: "uatom"}
-// - "transfer/channelidone/gamm/pool/1" => DenomTrace{Path: "transfer/channelidone", BaseDenom: "gamm/pool/1"}
+// - "portidone/channel-0/uatom" => DenomTrace{Path: "portidone/channel-0", BaseDenom: "uatom"}
+// - "portidone/channel-0/portidtwo/channel-1/uatom" => DenomTrace{Path: "portidone/channel-0/portidtwo/channel-1", BaseDenom: "uatom"}
+// - "portidone/channel-0/gamm/pool/1" => DenomTrace{Path: "portidone/channel-0", BaseDenom: "gamm/pool/1"}
 // - "gamm/pool/1" => DenomTrace{Path: "", BaseDenom: "gamm/pool/1"}
 // - "uatom" => DenomTrace{Path: "", BaseDenom: "uatom"}
 func ParseDenomTrace(rawDenom string) DenomTrace {
@@ -77,11 +78,23 @@ func (dt DenomTrace) GetFullDenomPath() string {
 // extractPathAndBaseFromFullDenom returns the trace path and the base denom from
 // the elements that constitute the complete denom.
 func extractPathAndBaseFromFullDenom(fullDenomItems []string) (string, string) {
-	var path []string
-	var baseDenom []string
+	var (
+		path      []string
+		baseDenom []string
+	)
 	length := len(fullDenomItems)
 	for i := 0; i < length; i = i + 2 {
-		if i < length-1 && length > 2 && fullDenomItems[i] == PortID {
+		// The IBC specification does not guarentee the expected format of the
+		// destination port or destination channel identifier. A short term solution
+		// to determine base denomination is to expect the channel identifier to be the
+		// one ibc-go specifies. A longer term solution is to separate the path and base
+		// denomination in the ICS20 packet. If an intermediate hop prefixes the full denom
+		// with a channel identifier format different from our own, the base denomination
+		// will be incorrectly parsed, but the token will continue to be treated correctly
+		// as an IBC denomination. The hash used to store the token internally on our chain
+		// will be the same value as the base denomination being correctly parsed.
+		if i < length-1 && length > 2 && channeltypes.IsValidChannelID(fullDenomItems[i+1]) {
 			path = append(path, fullDenomItems[i], fullDenomItems[i+1])
 		} else {
 			baseDenom = fullDenomItems[i:]
@@ -165,7 +178,7 @@ func (t Traces) Sort() Traces {
 // ValidatePrefixedDenom checks that the denomination for an IBC fungible token packet denom is correctly prefixed.
 // The function will return no error if the given string follows one of the two formats:
-//   - Prefixed denomination: 'transfer/{channelIDN}/.../transfer/{channelID0}/baseDenom'
+//   - Prefixed denomination: '{portIDN}/{channelIDN}/.../{portID0}/{channelID0}/baseDenom'
 //   - Unprefixed denomination: 'baseDenom'
 // 'baseDenom' may or may not contain '/'s
diff --git a/modules/apps/transfer/types/trace_test.go b/modules/apps/transfer/types/trace_test.go
index 6526cbd952d..ba0690423bd 100644
--- a/modules/apps/transfer/types/trace_test.go
+++ b/modules/apps/transfer/types/trace_test.go
@@ -17,20 +17,23 @@ func TestParseDenomTrace(t *testing.T) {
 		{"base denom ending with '/'", "uatom/", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom/"}},
 		{"base denom with single '/'s", "gamm/pool/1", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "gamm/pool/1"}},
 		{"base denom with double '/'s", "gamm//pool//1", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "gamm//pool//1"}},
-		{"trace info", "transfer/channelToA/uatom", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/channelToA"}},
-		{"trace info with base denom ending in '/'", "transfer/channelToA/uatom/", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom/", Path: "transfer/channelToA"}},
-		{"trace info with single '/' in base denom", "transfer/channelToA/erc20/0x85bcBCd7e79Ec36f4fBBDc54F90C643d921151AA", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "erc20/0x85bcBCd7e79Ec36f4fBBDc54F90C643d921151AA", Path: "transfer/channelToA"}},
-		{"trace info with multiple '/'s in base denom", "transfer/channelToA/gamm/pool/1", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "gamm/pool/1", Path: "transfer/channelToA"}},
-		{"trace info with multiple double '/'s in base denom", "transfer/channelToA/gamm//pool//1", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "gamm//pool//1", Path: "transfer/channelToA"}},
-		{"trace info with multiple port/channel pairs", "transfer/channelToA/transfer/channelToB/uatom", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/channelToA/transfer/channelToB"}},
+		{"trace info", "transfer/channel-1/uatom", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/channel-1"}},
+		{"trace info with custom port", "customtransfer/channel-1/uatom", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "customtransfer/channel-1"}},
+		{"trace info with base denom ending in '/'", "transfer/channel-1/uatom/", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom/", Path: "transfer/channel-1"}},
+		{"trace info with single '/' in base denom", "transfer/channel-1/erc20/0x85bcBCd7e79Ec36f4fBBDc54F90C643d921151AA", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "erc20/0x85bcBCd7e79Ec36f4fBBDc54F90C643d921151AA", Path: "transfer/channel-1"}},
+		{"trace info with multiple '/'s in base denom", "transfer/channel-1/gamm/pool/1", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "gamm/pool/1", Path: "transfer/channel-1"}},
+		{"trace info with multiple double '/'s in base denom", "transfer/channel-1/gamm//pool//1", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "gamm//pool//1", Path: "transfer/channel-1"}},
+		{"trace info with multiple port/channel pairs", "transfer/channel-1/transfer/channel-2/uatom", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/channel-1/transfer/channel-2"}},
+		{"trace info with multiple custom ports", "customtransfer/channel-1/alternativetransfer/channel-2/uatom", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "customtransfer/channel-1/alternativetransfer/channel-2"}},
 		{"incomplete path", "transfer/uatom", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "transfer/uatom"}},
-		{"invalid path (1)", "transfer//uatom", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/"}},
-		{"invalid path (2)", "channelToA/transfer/uatom", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "channelToA/transfer/uatom"}},
+		{"invalid path (1)", "transfer//uatom", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "transfer//uatom", Path: ""}},
+		{"invalid path (2)", "channel-1/transfer/uatom", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "channel-1/transfer/uatom"}},
 		{"invalid path (3)", "uatom/transfer", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom/transfer"}},
-		{"invalid path (4)", "transfer/channelToA", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "transfer/channelToA"}},
-		{"invalid path (5)", "transfer/channelToA/", DenomTrace{Path: "transfer/channelToA"}},
-		{"invalid path (6)", "transfer/channelToA/transfer", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "transfer", Path: "transfer/channelToA"}},
-		{"invalid path (7)", "transfer/channelToA/transfer/channelToB", DenomTrace{Path: "transfer/channelToA/transfer/channelToB"}},
+		{"invalid path (4)", "transfer/channel-1", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "transfer/channel-1"}},
+		{"invalid path (5)", "transfer/channel-1/", DenomTrace{Path: "transfer/channel-1"}},
+		{"invalid path (6)", "transfer/channel-1/transfer", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "transfer", Path: "transfer/channel-1"}},
+		{"invalid path (7)", "transfer/channel-1/transfer/channel-2", DenomTrace{Path: "transfer/channel-1/transfer/channel-2"}},
+		{"invalid path (8)", "transfer/channelToA/uatom", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "transfer/channelToA/uatom", Path: ""}},
 	for _, tc := range testCases {
@@ -46,7 +49,7 @@ func TestDenomTrace_IBCDenom(t *testing.T) {
 		expDenom string
 		{"base denom", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom"}, "uatom"},
-		{"trace info", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/channelToA"}, "ibc/7F1D3FCF4AE79E1554D670D1AD949A9BA4E4A3C76C63093E17E446A46061A7A2"},
+		{"trace info", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/channel-1"}, "ibc/C4CFF46FD6DE35CA4CF4CE031E643C8FDC9BA4B99AE598E9B0ED98FE3A2319F9"},
 	for _, tc := range testCases {
@@ -65,12 +68,12 @@ func TestDenomTrace_Validate(t *testing.T) {
 		{"base denom only with single '/'", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "erc20/0x85bcBCd7e79Ec36f4fBBDc54F90C643d921151AA"}, false},
 		{"base denom only with multiple '/'s", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "gamm/pool/1"}, false},
 		{"empty DenomTrace", DenomTrace{}, true},
-		{"valid single trace info", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/channelToA"}, false},
-		{"valid multiple trace info", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/channelToA/transfer/channelToB"}, false},
+		{"valid single trace info", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/channel-1"}, false},
+		{"valid multiple trace info", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/channel-1/transfer/channel-2"}, false},
 		{"single trace identifier", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer"}, true},
-		{"invalid port ID", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "(transfer)/channelToA"}, true},
-		{"invalid channel ID", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/(channelToA)"}, true},
-		{"empty base denom with trace", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "", Path: "transfer/channelToA"}, true},
+		{"invalid port ID", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "(transfer)/channel-1"}, true},
+		{"invalid channel ID", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/(channel-1)"}, true},
+		{"empty base denom with trace", DenomTrace{BaseDenom: "", Path: "transfer/channel-1"}, true},
 	for _, tc := range testCases {
@@ -90,16 +93,16 @@ func TestTraces_Validate(t *testing.T) {
 		expError bool
 		{"empty Traces", Traces{}, false},
-		{"valid multiple trace info", Traces{{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/channelToA/transfer/channelToB"}}, false},
+		{"valid multiple trace info", Traces{{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/channel-1/transfer/channel-2"}}, false},
 			"valid multiple trace info",
-				{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/channelToA/transfer/channelToB"},
-				{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/channelToA/transfer/channelToB"},
+				{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/channel-1/transfer/channel-2"},
+				{BaseDenom: "uatom", Path: "transfer/channel-1/transfer/channel-2"},
-		{"empty base denom with trace", Traces{{BaseDenom: "", Path: "transfer/channelToA"}}, true},
+		{"empty base denom with trace", Traces{{BaseDenom: "", Path: "transfer/channel-1"}}, true},
 	for _, tc := range testCases {
@@ -118,26 +121,25 @@ func TestValidatePrefixedDenom(t *testing.T) {
 		denom    string
 		expError bool
-		{"prefixed denom", "transfer/channelToA/uatom", false},
-		{"prefixed denom with '/'", "transfer/channelToA/gamm/pool/1", false},
+		{"prefixed denom", "transfer/channel-1/uatom", false},
+		{"prefixed denom with '/'", "transfer/channel-1/gamm/pool/1", false},
 		{"empty prefix", "/uatom", false},
 		{"empty identifiers", "//uatom", false},
 		{"base denom", "uatom", false},
 		{"base denom with single '/'", "erc20/0x85bcBCd7e79Ec36f4fBBDc54F90C643d921151AA", false},
 		{"base denom with multiple '/'s", "gamm/pool/1", false},
-		{"invalid port ID", "(transfer)/channelToA/uatom", false},
+		{"invalid port ID", "(transfer)/channel-1/uatom", true},
 		{"empty denom", "", true},
 		{"single trace identifier", "transfer/", true},
-		{"invalid channel ID", "transfer/(channelToA)/uatom", true},
 	for _, tc := range testCases {
 		err := ValidatePrefixedDenom(tc.denom)
 		if tc.expError {
 			require.Error(t, err, tc.name)
-			continue
+		} else {
+			require.NoError(t, err, tc.name)
-		require.NoError(t, err, tc.name)