Releases: dtp2-tpg-am/cmssw
Releases · dtp2-tpg-am/cmssw
Solved some issue with the confirmed MPs
Solve some small issue with confirmed mps
Merge pull request #63 from dtp2-tpg-am/debugSLassign Changing index assignment from whole chamber to chamber and BX
Merge pull request #62 from dtp2-tpg-am/debugSLassign Removing the useless hit in Q1,2
Changed the SL assignment in the confirmed MPs.
Tag after unification with Slice Test version. Little change of cousins filter. Added minimum precision in local variables.
Added new Correlation Quality Filters
2 corMPs that share a fit with different qualities, only the one with biggest quality remains.
2 corMPs that share a fit with same quality but different chi2, only the one with smallest chi2 remains.
corMP + confMP/notConfMP which share a hit-> corMP remains
confMP + notConfMP which share a hit -> confMP remains
small bug fix for MB3 and MB4
AM stable tag
AM stable tag
v1.0_AM_106X ready for integration
v1.0_AM_106X ready for integration