#Find the directory this script is called from #DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" DIR=/home/jcorner1/Masters/met #Required #Directory that is the root of the compile #export TEST_BASE=$DIR/../ export TEST_BASE=/home/jcorner1/Masters/met/MET-11.0.0 #Required #Compiler options = gnu, intel, ics, ips, PrgEnv-intel, or pgi #Compiler+version can be used for machines using modules e.g. gnu_6.3.0 export COMPILER=gnu #Required #Root directory for creating/untaring met source code - usually same as TEST_BASE export MET_SUBDIR=${TEST_BASE} #Required #The name of the met tarbal usually downloaded with version from dtcenter.org and includes a version # example - met- #met.tar.gz is used for compiling from cloned github repo export MET_TARBALL=MET-11.0.0.tar.gz #Required #Specifiy if machine useds modules for loading software export USE_MODULES=FALSE #Root directory of your python install #export PYTHON_LOC="$(python3-config --prefix)" export PYTHON_LOC=/anaconda3 #Directory of your python executable #export MET_PYTHON=${PYTHON_LOC}/bin export MET_PYTHON=${PYTHON_LOC} #Python ldflags created using python3-config export MET_PYTHON_LD="$(python3-config --ldflags)" #Python cflags created using python3-config export MET_PYTHON_CC="$(python3-config --cflags)" #64 bit machine or not export SET_D64BIT=FALSE #General CFLAGS export CFLAGS="-Wall -g" #General CXXLAGS export CXXFLAGS="-Wall -g" #Normally should be omitted or set to TRUE - only used if building from github repo export USE_MET_TAR_FILE=FALSE #If you've already compiled these and don't need to compile them again, set the following export EXTERNAL_LIBS=${TEST_BASE}/external_libs export MET_GRIB2CLIB=${EXTERNAL_LIBS}/lib export MET_GRIB2CINC=${EXTERNAL_LIBS}/include export GRIB2CLIB_NAME=-lgrib2c export MET_BUFRLIB=${EXTERNAL_LIBS}/lib export BUFRLIB_NAME=-lbufr export MET_NETCDF=${EXTERNAL_LIBS}/lib # Also, don't forget to set the following options to zero within the compile script if you've already compiled those libraries as well: COMPILE_GSL, COMPILE_HDF, COMPILE_HDFEOS, COMPILE_CAIRO, COMPILE_FREETYPE