source-scrubber --help
Usage: source-scrubber.rb [OPTIONS]
-f, --file [FILE] Scrub ONLY the given file.
Can be repeated for multiple files
(overrides -e & -d)
-e, --extension [EXT] Only report files with extension EXT (i.e. cpp).
Can provide multiple times
-x, --exclude [EXT] Exclude files with given extension EXT.
Can provide multiple times.
By default the following extensions are ignored:
.o .obj .bin .exe .a .lib .png .jpg .gif .jif .mpeg .docx .json <no extension>
-d, --directory [PATH] Search recursively from directory PATH.
(searchs from current directory otherwise)
--replace [STRING] DANGEROUS! After reporting invalid characers
replace them in the file with STRING
--[no-]clean-whitespaces If enabled: removes trailing whitespaces,
if disabled: suppresses reporting trailing whitespaces
--[no-]add-missing-newline If enabled: adds missing newline to EOF,
if disabled: suppresses reporting missing EOF newlines
-h, --help Print this dialog
-v, --version Show version
If --[no-]clean-whitespaces is not given, trailing whitespaces will be reported but files will not be changed.
If --[no-]add-missing-newline is not given, missing EOF newlines will be reported but files will not be changed.
# Remove trailing newlines and add missing EOF newlines in all .cpp and .h files under directory projects/
$ source-scrubber -d projects -e .cpp -e .h --clean-whitespaces --add-missing-newline