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Commit 0041797

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vimdiff: new implementation with layout support
When running 'git mergetool -t vimdiff', a new configuration option ('mergetool.vimdiff.layout') can now be used to select how the user wants the different windows, tabs and buffers to be displayed. If the option is not provided, the layout will be the same one that was being used before this commit (ie. two rows with LOCAL, BASE and COMMIT in the top one and MERGED in the bottom one). The 'vimdiff' variants ('vimdiff{1,2,3}') still work but, because they represented nothing else than different layouts, are now internally implemented as a subcase of 'vimdiff' with the corresponding pre-configured 'layout'. Again, if you don't set "mergetool.vimdiff.layout" everything will work the same as before *but* the arguments used to call {n,g,}vim will be others (even if you don't/shouldn't notice it): - git mergetool -t vimdiff > Before this commit: {n,g,}vim -f -d -c '4wincmd w | wincmd J' $LOCAL $BASE $REMOTE $MERGED > After this commit: {n,g,}vim -f -c "echo | split | vertical split | 1b | wincmd l | vertical split | 2b | wincmd l | 3b | wincmd j | 4b | tabdo windo diffthis" -c "tabfirst" $LOCAL $BASE $REMOTE $MERGED - git mergetool -t vimdiff1 > Before this commit: {n,g,}vim -f -d -c 'echon "..."' $LOCAL $REMOTE > After this commit: {n,g,}vim -f -c "echo | vertical split | 1b | wincmd l | 3b | tabdo windo diffthis" -c "tabfirst" $LOCAL $BASE $REMOTE $MERGED - git mergetool -t vimdiff2 > Before this commit: {n,g,}vim -f -d -c 'wincmd l' $LOCAL $MERGED $REMOTE > After this commit: {n,g,}vim -f -c "echo | vertical split | 1b | wincmd l | vertical split | 4b | wincmd l | 3b | tabdo windo diffthis" -c "tabfirst" $LOCAL $BASE $REMOTE $MERGED - git mergetool -t vimdiff3 > Before this commit: {n,g,}vim -f -d -c 'hid | hid | hid' $LOCAL $REMOTE $BASE $MERGED > After this commit: {n,g,}vim -f -c "echo | 4b | bufdo diffthis" -c "tabfirst" $LOCAL $BASE $REMOTE $MERGED Despite being different, I have manually verified that they generate the same layout as before. Signed-off-by: Fernando Ramos <[email protected]> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <[email protected]>
1 parent f01e51a commit 0041797

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