Gene Age Inference is the foundation of most Evolutionary Transcriptomics studies. The concept behind Evolutionary Transcriptomics is to combine these gene age estimates with gene expression data to quantify the average transcriptome age within a biological process of interest (Drost et al., 2018, Bioinformatics).
In particular, this approach allowed the quantification of transcriptome conservation of animal and plant embryos passing through embryogenesis by first individually estimating the gene ages of specific animal and plant genomes and combining these gene age estimates with transcriptome data covering several stages of embryo development (Domazet-Loso and Tautz, 2010 Nature ; Quint, Drost et al., 2012 Nature ; Drost et al., 2015 Mol. Biol. Evol. ; Drost et al., 2016 Mol. Biol. Evol.).
However, as intensely discussed in the past years (Capra et al., 2013; Altenhoff et al., 2016; Liebeskind et al., 2016), gene age inference is not a trivial task and might be biased in some currently existing approaches (Liebeskind et al., 2016).
In particular, Moyers & Zhang argue that genomic phylostratigraphy (a prominent BLAST based gene age inference method) 1) underestimates gene age for a considerable fraction of genes, 2) is biased for rapidly evolving proteins which are short, and/or their most conserved block of sites is small, and 3) these biases create spurious nonuniform distributions of various gene properties among age groups, many of which cannot be predicted a priori (Moyers & Zhang, 2015; Moyers & Zhang, 2016; Liebeskind et al., 2016). However, these arguments were based on simulated data and were inconclusive due to errors in their analyses. Furthermore, Domazet-Loso et al., 2016 provide convincing evidence that there is no phylostratigraphic bias. In general, however, an objective benchmarking set representing the tree of life is still missing and therefore any procedure aiming to quantify gene ages will be biased to some degree.
Based on this debate Liebeskind et al., 2016 suggest to perform gene age inference by combining thirteen common orthology inference algorithms to create gene age datasets and then characterize the error around each age-call on a per-gene and per-algorithm basis. Using this approach systematic error was found to be a large factor in estimating gene age, suggesting that simple consensus algorithms are not enough to give a reliable point estimate. However, by generating a consensus gene age and quantifying the possible error in each workflow step, Liebeskind et al., 2016 provide a very useful database of consensus gene ages for a variety of genomes.
Alternatively, Stephen Smith, 2016 argues that de novo gene birth/death and gene family expansion/contraction studies should avoid drawing direct inferences of evolutionary relatedness from measures of sequence similarity alone, and should instead, where possible, use more rigorous phylogeny-based methods. For this purpose, I recommend researchers to consult the phylomedb database to retrieve phylogeny-based gene orthology relationships and use these age estimates in combination with myTAI.
In addition, Weisman et al., 2020 test and discuss the issue of homology detection failure, i.e., the inability of pairwise local aligners to trace back distantly related homologs only due to neutral sequence divergence which results in spurious patterns of TRG birth (as also discussed in Barrera-Redondo et al., 2023). Homology detection failure can cause especially small and fast-evolving genes to be wrongly annotated as young genes.
A recent publication by Barrera-Redondo et al., 2023 has sought to overcome this limitation and increase the speed and scalability of gene age inference using DIAMOND
instead of blast for local pairwise sequence alignment. The effects of horizontal gene transfer and database contaminations are also mitigated with the taxonomic representativeness thresholds. Furthermore, Barrera-Redondo et al., 2023 have examined the effect of other alignment approaches such as protein structure alignment for gene age inference.
The myTAI package aims to provide a standard tool for Evolutionary Transcriptomics studies and relies
on gene age estimate tables as input. Hence, I recommend to follow the active discussion on gene age inference and to consult all available resources to robustly estimate gene age (for ex. use the consensus gene age estimates provided by
Liebeskind et al., 2016 and phylostratigraphic maps generated by phylostratigraphy to quantify transcriptome age with myTAI
In case researchers would like to perform genomic phylostratigraphy, GenEra has recently been released and can be used to generate high quality phylostratigraphic maps. Instructions for using GenEra
is provided here.
Previous tools for genomic phylostratigraphy include ORFanFinder.
Evidently, these advancements in gene age research are very recent and gene age inference is a very young and active field of genomic research. Therefore, many more studies need to address the robust and realistic inference of gene age and a community standard is still missing.
To provide a comprehensive resource of gene ages, I accumulated all phylostratigraphic maps or sequence divergence maps that have been published to date and they might nevertheless be useful to study global patterns of transcriptome conservation in biological processes.
However, future Evolutionary Transcriptomics studies (this will include my own research) should consider these new advancements in gene age inference methods and concepts, because they will allow researchers to quantify transcriptome conservation or estimate the average transcriptome age with myTAI more accurately and more robustly.
If your study recently published a phylostratigraphic map or sequence divergence map, please contact me ( and I will gladly reference you and include your study in the following list.
The following studies include published Phylostratigraphic Maps
and Divergence Maps
based on similar approaches, but using different parameter sets.
This collection aims to store all published maps and furthermore, provides scripts for easy data retrieval to be able to integrate corresponding maps into a phylostranscriptomics workflow with myTAI.
The Introduction to Phylotranscriptomics Vignette introduces the integration of the following Phylostratigraphic Maps
and Divergence Maps
to perform custom phylotranscriptomic analyses.
Note: some of the phylostratigraphic maps are now retrievable via the R data package, phylomapr
. More will be added in the near future.
Please be aware that GeneIDs present in the respective phylomaps may not match the IDs of your corresponding gene expression dataset. If this is the case, you can try to convert IDs using biomartr and following this tutorial (please see also conversion example for unpublished Human phylomap).
- Homo sapiens
- Drosophila melanogaster
Click here to see more animals
- Danio rerio
- Mus musculus (mouse)
- Gasterosteus aculeatus (three-spined stickleback)
- Crassostrea gigas (Pacific oyster)
- Haliotis discus (Pacific abalone)
- Perinereis aibuhitensis (sand worm)
- Caenorhabditis elegans
- Pristionchus pacificus
- Echinococcus granulosus
- Octopus vulgaris
- Capitella teleta
- Apostichopus japonicus
- Nematostella vectensis
- Trichoplax adhaerens
- Amphimedon queenslandica
- Arabidopsis thaliana
- Glycine max
Click here to see more plants
- Solanum lycopersicum
- Oryza sativa
- Vanilla planifolia
- Musa acuminata
- Picea glauca
- Selaginella moellendorffii
- Physcomitrella patens
- Marchantia polymorpha
- Coprinopsis cinerea (gray shag)
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Click here to see more fungi
- Schizosaccharomyces pombe
- Aspergillus niger
- Morchella conica
- Cryptococcus neoformans
- Kwoniella mangroviensis
- Agaricus bisporus
- Tremella mesenterica
- Mucor circinelloides
- Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
- Rhizophagus irregularis
- Geosiphon pyriformis
- Gigaspora margarita
- Dissophora decumbens
- Mortierella elongata
- Radiomyces spectabilis
- Phycomyces blakesleeanus
Open here
Title: A phylostratigraphy approach to uncover the genomic history of major adaptations in metazoan lineages
This study introduced Phylostratigraphy
as computational method to quantify gene age in terms of sequence homology resulting in an organism specific Phylostratigraphic Map
Published Phylostratigraphic Map
- Organisms: Drosophila melanogaster (fly)
- E-value cutoff: 1E-3 (blastp; protein sequences) and 1E-15 (tblastn; ESTs)
- Sequence type: Protein Sequences and ESTs
- Reference data bases: NCBI nr (protein); trace and EST archives (EST)
Data sets are not available as Supplementary Tables.
Open here
Title: An Ancient Evolutionary Origin of Genes Associated with Human Genetic Diseases
Published Phylostratigraphic Map
- Organisms: Homo sapiens (human); ENSEMBL version 45
- E-value cutoff: 1E-3 (blastp; protein sequences) and 1E-15 (tblastn; ESTs)
- Sequence type: Protein Sequences and ESTs
- Reference data bases: NCBI nr (protein); trace and EST archives (EST)
- Splice variants: always using the longest splice variant
Download Map using R:
# download the Phylostratigraphic Map of Homo sapiens
# from Tomislav Domazet-Lošo and Diethard Tautz, 2008
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "")
utils::unzip( zipfile = "",
files = "mbe-08-0522-File008_msn214.xls")
HomoSapiensPhyloMap.MBE <- read_excel("mbe-08-0522-File008_msn214.xls", sheet = 1, skip = 1)
Read the *.xls
file storing the Phylostratigraphic Map
of Homo sapiens and format it for the use with myTAI:
# install the readxl package
# load package readxl
# read the excel file
HomoSapiensPhyloMap.MBE <- read_excel("MBE_2008_Homo_Sapiens_PhyloMap.xls", sheet = 1, skip = 1)
# format Phylostratigraphic Map for use with myTAI
HomoSapiens.PhyloMap <- HomoSapiensPhyloMap.MBE[ , c("Phylostratum","Gene_ID")]
# have a look at the final format
Phylostratum Gene_ID
1 1 ENSG00000100053
2 1 ENSG00000100058
3 1 ENSG00000206066
4 1 ENSG00000100068
5 1 ENSG00000100077
6 1 ENSG00000133454
Now you can use the MatchMap()
function implemented in myTAI to match the Phylostratigraphic Map
of Homo sapiens from Domazet-Lošo and Tautz, 2008 to any gene expression set of your interest (see Introduction to Phylotranscriptomics for details).
Open here
Title: Phylostratigraphic tracking of cancer genes suggests a link to the emergence of multicellularity in metazoa
Published Phylostratigraphic Map
- Organisms: Homo sapiens (human); based on 20,259 unique proteins published here
- E-value cutoff: 1E-3 (blastp; protein sequences) and 1E-15 (tblastn; ESTs)
- Sequence type: Protein Sequences and ESTs
- Reference data bases: NCBI nr (protein); trace and EST archives (EST)
- Splice variants: always using the longest splice variant
Download Map using R:
# download the Phylostratigraphic Map of Homo sapiens
# from Domazet-Lošo and Tautz, 2010
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "BMCBiology_2010_Homo_Sapiens_PhyloMap.xls" )
Read the *.xls
file storing the Phylostratigraphic Map
of Homo sapiens and format it for the use with myTAI:
# install the readxl package
# load package readxl
# read the excel file
HomoSapiensPhyloMap.BMCBiology <- read_excel("BMCBiology_2010_Homo_Sapiens_PhyloMap.xls", sheet = 1, skip = 3, col_names = FALSE)
colnames(HomoSapiensPhyloMap.BMCBiology)[1:2] <- c("Gene_ID","Phylostratum")
# format Phylostratigraphic Map for use with myTAI
HomoSapiens.PhyloMap <- HomoSapiensPhyloMap.BMCBiology[ , c("Phylostratum","Gene_ID")]
# have a look at the final format
Phylostratum Gene_ID
1 1 15E1.2
2 1 3'HEXO
4 1 A2BP1
5 1 A2M
6 1 A3GALT2
Now you can use the MatchMap()
function implemented in myTAI to match the Phylostratigraphic Map
of Homo sapiens from Domazet-Lošo and Tautz, 2010 to any gene expression set of your interest (see Introduction to Phylotranscriptomics for details).
Marcel Quint, Hajk-Georg Drost, Alexander Gabel, Kristian Karsten Ullrich, Markus Boenn, Ivo Grosse, 2012
Open here
Title: A transcriptomic hourglass in plant embryogenesis
Published Phylostratigraphic Map
- Organisms: Arabidopsis thaliana
- E-value cutoff: 1E-5 (blastp; protein sequences)
- Sequence type: Protein Sequences
- Reference data bases: NCBI nr + additional plant genomes (phytozome)
- Splice variants: always using the longest splice variant
Published KaKs Maps
- Organisms: Arabidopsis thaliana versus Arabidopsis lyrata; Arabidopsis thaliana versus Brassica rapa; Arabidopsis thaliana versus Capsella rubella; Arabidopsis thaliana versus Thelungiella halophila
- E-value cutoff: 1E-5 (blastp - best hit; protein sequences)
- Sequence type: CDS + Protein Sequences
Download Phylostratigraphic Map
using R:
# download the Phylostratigraphic Map of Arabidopsis thaliana
# from Quint et al., 2012
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "Nature_2012_Arabidopsis_thaliana_PhyloMap.xls" )
Read the *.xls
file storing the Phylostratigraphic Map
of Arabidopsis thaliana and format it for the use with myTAI:
# install the readxl package
# load package readxl
# read the excel file
ArabidopsisThalianaPhyloMap.Nature <- read_excel("Nature_2012_Arabidopsis_thaliana_PhyloMap.xls", sheet = 1)
# format Phylostratigraphic Map of Arabidopsis thaliana for use with myTAI
ArabidopsisThaliana.PhyloMap <- ArabidopsisThalianaPhyloMap.Nature[ , 1:2]
# have a look at the final format
Phylostratum Gene
1 13 At5g15420
2 13 At2g07719
3 13 At3g43940
4 13 At5g45095
5 13 At5g60260
6 13 At1g54420
Download KaKs Maps
using R:
# download the KaKs Maps of Arabidopsis thaliana
# from Quint et al., 2012
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "Nature_2012_Arabidopsis_thaliana_KaKsMaps.xls" )
# install the readxl package
# load package readxl
# read the excel file
Ath_vs_Aly_KaKsMap.Nature <- read_excel("Nature_2012_Arabidopsis_thaliana_KaKsMaps.xls", sheet = 1)
# format KaKs Map of Arabidopsis thaliana versus Arabidopsis lyrata for use with myTAI
Ath_vs_Aly.KaKsMap <- Ath_vs_Aly_KaKsMap.Nature[ , 1:2]
# have a look at the final format
KaKs Gene
1 0.18560 At5g53110
2 0.58980 At2g02320
3 0.07699 At5g14980
4 0.60110 At2g26050
5 0.08910 At4g17650
6 0.23650 At5g20040
# install the readxl package
# load package readxl
# read the excel file
Ath_vs_Bra_KaKsMap.Nature <- read_excel("Nature_2012_Arabidopsis_thaliana_KaKsMaps.xls", sheet = 2)
# format KaKs Map of Arabidopsis thaliana versus Brassica rapa for use with myTAI
Ath_vs_Bra.KaKsMap <- Ath_vs_Bra_KaKsMap.Nature[ , 1:2]
# have a look at the final format
KaKs Gene
1 0.22660 At5g53110
2 0.08425 At5g14980
3 0.32040 At2g26050
4 0.24060 At4g17650
5 0.29970 At5g20040
6 0.43220 At4g19750
# install the readxl package
# load package readxl
# read the excel file
Ath_vs_Crub_KaKsMap.Nature <- read_excel("Nature_2012_Arabidopsis_thaliana_KaKsMaps.xls", sheet = 3)
# format KaKs Map of Arabidopsis thaliana versus Capsella rubella for use with myTAI
Ath_vs_Crub.KaKsMap <- Ath_vs_Crub_KaKsMap.Nature[ , 1:2]
# have a look at the final format
KaKs Gene
1 0.41030 At1g01010
2 0.50510 At1g01020
3 0.13300 At1g01030
4 0.10300 At1g01040
5 0.04453 At1g01050
6 0.27210 At1g01060
# install the readxl package
# load package readxl
# read the excel file
Ath_vs_Thal_KaKsMap.Nature <- read_excel("Nature_2012_Arabidopsis_thaliana_KaKsMaps.xls", sheet = 4)
# format KaKs Map of Arabidopsis thaliana versus Thelungiella halophila for use with myTAI
Ath_vs_Thal.KaKsMap <- Ath_vs_Thal_KaKsMap.Nature[ , 1:2]
# have a look at the final format
KaKs Gene
1 0.54110 At1g01010
2 0.37860 At1g01020
3 0.10400 At1g01030
4 0.11070 At1g01040
5 0.01867 At1g01050
6 0.36660 At1g01060
Now you can use the MatchMap()
function implemented in myTAI to match the Phylostratigraphic Map
and KaKs Maps
of Arabidopsis thaliana from Quint et al., 2012 to any gene expression set of your interest (see Introduction to Phylotranscriptomics for details).
Open here
Title: Phylogenetic patterns of emergence of new genes support a model of frequent de novo evolution
Published Phylostratigraphic Map
- Organisms: Mus musculus (Ensembl v. 66), Homo sapiens (Ensembl v. 68), Danio rerio (Ensembl v. 68), Gasterosteus aculeatus (Ensembl v. 68)
- E-value cutoff: 1E-3 (blastp; protein sequences) and 1E-15 (tblastn; ESTs)
- Sequence type: Protein Sequences and ESTs
- Reference data bases: NCBI nr (protein); trace and EST archives (EST)
- Splice variants: always using the longest splice variant
Download Map using R:
# download the Phylostratigraphic Maps
# from Neme and Tautz, 2013
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "BMCGenomics_2013_species_PhyloMaps.xlsx" )
Read the *.xlsx
file storing the Phylostratigraphic Maps
of Mus musculus, Homo sapiens, Danio rerio, and Gasterosteus aculeatus and format it for the use with myTAI:
# install the readxl package
# load package readxl
# read the excel file: Mus musculus
MusMusculusPhyloMap.BMCGenomics <- read_excel("BMCGenomics_2013_species_PhyloMaps.xlsx", sheet = 1)
# format Phylostratigraphic Map of Mus musculus for use with myTAI
MusMusculus.PhyloMap <- MusMusculusPhyloMap.BMCGenomics[ , c(2,1)]
# have a look at the final format
Oldest Phylostratum Ensembl Gene ID
1 1 ENSMUSG00000074155
2 1 ENSMUSG00000086875
3 1 ENSMUSG00000006948
4 1 ENSMUSG00000079344
5 1 ENSMUSG00000055193
6 1 ENSMUSG00000004789
# read the excel file: Homo sapiens
HomoSapiensPhyloMap.BMCGenomics <- read_excel("BMCGenomics_2013_species_PhyloMaps.xlsx", sheet = 2)
# format Phylostratigraphic Map of Homo sapiens for use with myTAI
HomoSapiens.PhyloMap <- HomoSapiensPhyloMap.BMCGenomics[ , c(2,1)]
# have a look at the final format
Oldest Phylostratum Ensembl Gene ID
1 1 ENSG00000004059
2 1 ENSG00000004478
3 1 ENSG00000003137
4 1 ENSG00000003509
5 1 ENSG00000001036
6 1 ENSG00000002587
# read the excel file: Danio rerio
DanioRerioPhyloMap.BMCGenomics <- read_excel("BMCGenomics_2013_species_PhyloMaps.xlsx", sheet = 3)
# format Phylostratigraphic Map of Danio rerio for use with myTAI
DanioRerio.PhyloMap <- DanioRerioPhyloMap.BMCGenomics[ , c(2,1)]
# have a look at the final format
Oldest Phylostratum Ensembl Gene ID
1 1 ENSDARG00000033231
2 1 ENSDARG00000000102
3 1 ENSDARG00000000241
4 1 ENSDARG00000000370
5 1 ENSDARG00000000380
6 1 ENSDARG00000000472
# read the excel file: Gasterosteus aculeatus
GasterosteusAculeatusPhyloMap.BMCGenomics <- read_excel("BMCGenomics_2013_species_PhyloMaps.xlsx", sheet = 4)
# format Phylostratigraphic Map of Gasterosteus aculeatus for use with myTAI
GasterosteusAculeatus.PhyloMap <- GasterosteusAculeatusPhyloMap.BMCGenomics[ , c(2,1)]
# have a look at the final format
Oldest Phylostratum Ensembl Gene ID
1 1 ENSGACG00000000009
2 1 ENSGACG00000000017
3 1 ENSGACG00000000018
4 1 ENSGACG00000000019
5 1 ENSGACG00000000022
6 1 ENSGACG00000000027
Now you can use the MatchMap()
function implemented in myTAI to match the Phylostratigraphic Maps
of the aforementioned species from Neme and Tautz, 2013 to any gene expression set of your interest (see Introduction to Phylotranscriptomics for details).
Open here
Title: Phylostratigraphic Profiles in Zebrafish Uncover Chordate Origins of the Vertebrate Brain
Published Phylostratigraphic Map
- Organisms: Danio rerio (zebrafish) and Drosophila melanogaster
- E-value cutoff: 1E-3 (blastp; protein sequences) and 1E-15 (tblastn; ESTs)
- Sequence type: Protein Sequences and ESTs
- Reference data bases: NCBI nr (protein); trace and EST archives (EST)
- Splice variants: always using the longest splice variant
Download Map using R:
# download the Phylostratigraphic Map of Danio rerio
# from Šestak and Domazet-Lošo, 2015
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "")
utils::unzip( zipfile = "",
files = "TableS3-2.xlsx")
# download the Phylostratigraphic Map of Drosophila melanogaster
# from Šestak and Domazet-Lošo, 2015
utils::unzip( zipfile = "",
files = "TableS6.xlsx")
Read the *.xlsx
file storing the Phylostratigraphic Map
of D. rerio and D. melanogaster and format it for the use with myTAI:
# install the readxl package
# load package readxl
# read the excel file
DrerioPhyloMap.MBEa <- read_excel("TableS3-2.xlsx", sheet = 1, skip = 4)
# format Phylostratigraphic Map for use with myTAI
Drerio.PhyloMap <- DrerioPhyloMap.MBEa[ , 1:2]
# have a look at the final format
Phylostrata ZFIN_ID
1 1 ZDB-GENE-000208-13
2 1 ZDB-GENE-000208-17
3 1 ZDB-GENE-000208-18
4 1 ZDB-GENE-000208-23
5 1 ZDB-GENE-000209-3
6 1 ZDB-GENE-000209-4
# read the excel file
DmelanogasterPhyloMap.MBEa <- read_excel("TableS6.xlsx", sheet = 1, skip = 4)
# format Phylostratigraphic Map for use with myTAI
Dmelanogaster.PhyloMap <- DmelanogasterPhyloMap.MBEa[ , 1:2]
# have a look at the final format
Phylostrata FlyBase_Gene_ID
1 1 FBgn0000017
2 1 FBgn0000024
3 1 FBgn0000032
4 1 FBgn0000036
5 1 FBgn0000038
6 1 FBgn0000039
Now you can use the MatchMap()
function implemented in myTAI to match the Phylostratigraphic Maps
of the aforementioned species from Šestak and Domazet-Lošo, 2015 to any gene expression set of your interest (see Introduction to Phylotranscriptomics for details).
Open here
Title: Evidence for Active Maintenance of Phylotranscriptomic Hourglass Patterns in Animal and Plant Embryogenesis
Published Phylostratigraphic Map
- Organisms: Danio rerio (zebrafish), Drosophila melanogaster (fly), and Arabidopsis thaliana
- E-value cutoff: 1E-5 (blastp; protein sequences)
- Sequence type: Protein Sequences
- Reference data bases: NCBI nr (protein) + custom selection of genomes (phytozome, flybase)
- Splice variants: always using the longest splice variant
Published Divergence Maps
- Organisms: Arabidopsis thaliana versus Arabidopsis lyrata; Arabidopsis thaliana versus Brassica rapa; Arabidopsis thaliana versus Capsella rubella; Arabidopsis thaliana versus Thelungiella halophila; Danio rerio versus A. mexicanus ; Danio rerio versus F. rubripes; Danio rerio versus X. maculatus ; Danio rerio versus G. morhua ; Drosophila melanogaster versus D. simulans ; Drosophila melanogaster versus D. yakuba ; Drosophila melanogaster versus D. persimilis ; Drosophila melanogaster versus D. virilis ;
- E-value cutoff: 1E-5 (blastp - best reciprocal hit; protein sequences)
- Sequence type: CDS + Protein Sequences
Download Maps using R:
# download the Phylostratigraphic Maps
# from Drost et al., 2015
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "MBE_2015b_PhyloMaps.xls" )
# download the Divergence Maps
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "MBE_2015b_DivergenceMaps.xls" )
Read the *.xls
file storing the Phylostratigraphic Maps
and Divergence Maps
and format it for the use with myTAI:
# install the readxl package
# load package readxl
# read the excel file
DrerioPhyloMap.MBEb <- read_excel("MBE_2015b_PhyloMaps.xls", sheet = 1)
# have a look at the final format
Phylostratum GeneID
1 1 ENSDARG00000000002
2 1 ENSDARG00000000019
3 1 ENSDARG00000000102
4 1 ENSDARG00000000241
5 1 ENSDARG00000000324
6 1 ENSDARG00000000369
# load package readxl
# read the excel file
DmelanogasterPhyloMap.MBEb <- read_excel("MBE_2015b_PhyloMaps.xls", sheet = 2)
# have a look at the final format
Phylostratum GeneID
1 1 fbpp0070006
2 1 fbpp0070025
3 1 fbpp0070051
4 1 fbpp0070054
5 1 fbpp0070061
6 1 fbpp0070064
# load package readxl
# read the excel file
Athaliana.MBEb <- read_excel("MBE_2015b_PhyloMaps.xls", sheet = 3)
# have a look at the final format
Phylostratum GeneID
1 1 at1g01040.2
2 1 at1g01050.1
3 1 at1g01070.1
4 1 at1g01080.2
5 1 at1g01090.1
6 1 at1g01120.1
# load package readxl
# Danio rerio
# D. rerio vs. A. mexicanus
Drerio_vs_Amex_DivergenceExpressionSet <- read_excel("MBE_2015b_DivergenceMaps.xls",sheet = 9)
# D. rerio vs. F. rubripes
Drerio_vs_Frubripes_DivergenceExpressionSet <- read_excel("MBE_2015b_DivergenceMaps.xls",sheet = 10)
# D. rerio vs. X. maculatus
Drerio_vs_Xmac_DivergenceExpressionSet <- read_excel("MBE_2015b_DivergenceMaps.xls",sheet = 11)
# D. rerio vs. G. morhua
Drerio_vs_Gmor_DivergenceExpressionSet <- read_excel("MBE_2015b_DivergenceMaps.xls",sheet = 12)
# Drosophila melanogaster
# D. melanogaster vs. D. simulans
Dmel_Dsim_DivergenceExpressionSet <- read_excel("MBE_2015b_DivergenceMaps.xls",sheet = 1)
# D. melanogaster vs. D. yakuba
Dmel_Dyak_DivergenceExpressionSet <- read_excel("MBE_2015b_DivergenceMaps.xls",sheet = 2)
# D. melanogaster vs. D. persimilis
Dmel_Dper_DivergenceExpressionSet <- read_excel("MBE_2015b_DivergenceMaps.xls",sheet = 3)
# D. melanogaster vs. D. virilis
Dmel_Dvir_DivergenceExpressionSet <- read_excel("MBE_2015b_DivergenceMaps.xls",sheet = 4)
# Arabidopsis thaliana
# A. thaliana vs A. lyrata
Ath_Aly_DivergenceExpressionSet <- read_excel("MBE_2015b_DivergenceMaps.xls",sheet = 5)
# A thaliana vs. T. halophila
Ath_Brapa_DivergenceExpressionSet <- read_excel("MBE_2015b_DivergenceMaps.xls",sheet = 8)
# A thaliana vs. C. rubella
Ath_Crub_DivergenceExpressionSet <- read_excel("MBE_2015b_DivergenceMaps.xls",sheet = 7)
# A thaliana vs. C. papaya
Ath_Cpapaya_DivergenceExpressionSet <- read_excel("MBE_2015b_DivergenceMaps.xls",sheet = 6)
Now you can use the MatchMap()
function implemented in myTAI to match the Phylostratigraphic Maps
and Divergence Maps
of the aforementioned species from Drost et al., 2015 to any gene expression set of your interest (see Introduction to Phylotranscriptomics for details).
Open here
Title: A “Developmental Hourglass” in Fungi
Published Phylostratigraphic Map
- Organisms: Coprinopsis cinerea (fungi)
- E-value cutoff: 1E-3 (blastp; protein sequences)
- Sequence type: Protein Sequences
- Reference data bases: NCBI nr (protein) + custom selection of genomes
- Splice variants: always using the longest splice variant
Download Phylostratigraphic Map
and KaKsMaps
in R:
# download the Phylostratigraphic Map of Coprinopsis cinerea
# from Cheng et al., 2015
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "" )
utils::unzip( zipfile = "",
files = "Table_S9.xlsx")
Read the *.xls
file storing the Phylostratigraphic Maps
and Divergence Maps
and format it for the use with myTAI:
# load package readxl
# Coprinopsis cinerea Phylostratigraphic Map
CcinereaPhyloMap.MBEc <- read_excel("Table_S9.xlsx", sheet = 2)
Ccinerea.PhyloMap <- CcinereaPhyloMap.MBEc[ , c(4,1)]
colnames(Ccinerea.PhyloMap) <- c("Phylostratum", "GeneID")
# have a look at the final format
Phylostratum GeneID
1 10 CC1G_00004
2 4 CC1G_00007
3 3 CC1G_00011
4 2 CC1G_00012
5 3 CC1G_00013
6 2 CC1G_00014
# load package readxl
# Coprinopsis cinerea KaKs Maps
CcinereaKaKsMaps.MBEc <- read_excel("Table_S9.xlsx", sheet = 3, skip = 1)
# Coprinopsis cinerea versus Agaricus bisporus var bisporus H97
Ccin_vs_Abisp.KaKsMap <- CcinereaKaKsMaps.MBEc[ , c(2,1)]
# Coprinopsis cinerea versus Laccaria bicolor
Ccin_vs_Lbicol.KaKsMap <- CcinereaKaKsMaps.MBEc[ , c(5,1)]
# Coprinopsis cinerea versus Lentinula edodes
Ccin_vs_Ledodes.KaKsMap <- CcinereaKaKsMaps.MBEc[ , c(8,1)]
# Coprinopsis cinerea versus Schizophyllum commune
Ccin_vs_Scommune.KaKsMap <- CcinereaKaKsMaps.MBEc[ , c(11,1)]
# have a look at the final format: example -> Ccin_vs_Abisp.KaKsMap
dN/dS Gene_id
1 0.20669999999999999 CC1G_00007
2 7.6300000000000007E-2 CC1G_00011
3 0.15290000000000001 CC1G_00012
4 0.3362 CC1G_00013
5 2.7E-2 CC1G_00014
6 3.5700000000000003E-2 CC1G_00015
Now you can use the MatchMap()
function implemented in myTAI to match the Phylostratigraphic Maps
and KaKs Maps
of the aforementioned species from Cheng et al., 2015 to any gene expression set of your interest (see Introduction to Phylotranscriptomics for details).
Open here
Title: High expression of new genes in trochophore enlightening the ontogeny and evolution of trochozoans
Published Phylostratigraphic Map
- Organisms: oyster, abalone, sand worm
- E-value cutoff: E-value cutoff is not specified in the paper (blastp searches were conducted against the database using oyster proteins, while blastx searches were conducted using the unigenes of abalones and sand worms)
- Sequence type: Protein Sequences, Unigenes
- Reference data bases: NCBI nr (protein) + custom selection of genomes
- Splice variants: Not specified in the paper
Download Phylostratigraphic Maps
in R:
# download the Phylostratigraphic Maps of oyster, abalone, sand worm
# from Xu et al., 2016
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "Xu_2016_Maps.xls" )
Read the *.xls
file storing the Phylostratigraphic Maps
and format it for the use with myTAI:
# load package readxl
### Oyster1 Phylostratigraphic Map <- read_excel("Xu_2016_Maps.xls", sheet = 1)
Oyster1.PhyloMap <- dplyr::select(, age, GeneID)
colnames(Oyster1.PhyloMap) <- c("Phylostratum", "GeneID")
# have a look at the final format
### Oyster2 Phylostratigraphic Map <- read_excel("Xu_2016_Maps.xls", sheet = 2)
Oyster2.PhyloMap <- dplyr::select(, age, GeneID)
colnames(Oyster2.PhyloMap) <- c("Phylostratum", "GeneID")
# have a look at the final format
### Abalone Phylostratigraphic Map <- read_excel("Xu_2016_Maps.xls", sheet = 3)
Abalone.PhyloMap <- dplyr::select(, age, UnigeneID)
colnames(Abalone.PhyloMap) <- c("Phylostratum", "GeneID")
# have a look at the final format
### Sand worm Phylostratigraphic Map <- read_excel("Xu_2016_Maps.xls", sheet = 4)
Sandworm.PhyloMap <- dplyr::select(, age, UnigeneID)
colnames(Sandworm.PhyloMap) <- c("Phylostratum", "GeneID")
# have a look at the final format
Now you can use the MatchMap()
function implemented in myTAI to match the Phylostratigraphic Maps
of the aforementioned species from Xu et al., 2016 to any gene expression set of your interest (see Introduction to Phylotranscriptomics for details).
Open here
Title: Single worm transcriptomics identifies a developmental core network of oscillating genes with deep conservation across nematodes
Published Phylostratigraphic Map
- Organisms: Caenorhabditis elegans, Pristionchus pacificus
- E-value cutoff: 1E-3 (DIAMOND; protein sequences)
- Sequence type: Protein Sequences
- Reference data bases: WormBase (protein)
- Splice variants: longest isoform
Download Maps using R:
# download the Phylostratigraphic Maps
# from Sun et al., 2021
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "GenomeResearch_2021_PhyloMap_Pp.xlsx" )
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "GenomeResearch_2021_PhyloMap_Ce.xlsx" )
Read the *.xls
file storing the Phylostratigraphic Maps
and format it for the use with myTAI:
# install the readxl package
# load package readxl
# read the excel file
PpacificusPhyloMap <- read_excel("GenomeResearch_2021_PhyloMap_Pp.xlsx", sheet = 1, skip = 1)
colnames(PpacificusPhyloMap) <- c("GeneID", "Phylostratum")
PpacificusPhyloMap$Phylostratum <- gsub("unsign", "p00", PpacificusPhyloMap$Phylostratum)
PpacificusPhyloMap$Phylostratum <- as.numeric(gsub("p", "", PpacificusPhyloMap$Phylostratum))
# have a look at the final format
# load package readxl
# read the excel file
CelegansPhyloMap <- read_excel("GenomeResearch_2021_PhyloMap_Ce.xlsx", sheet = 1, skip = 1)
colnames(CelegansPhyloMap) <- c("GeneID", "TranscriptID", "Phylostratum")
CelegansPhyloMap$Phylostratum <- gsub("unsign", "c00", CelegansPhyloMap$Phylostratum)
CelegansPhyloMap$Phylostratum <- as.numeric(gsub("c", "", CelegansPhyloMap$Phylostratum))
# have a look at the final format
Now you can use the MatchMap()
function implemented in myTAI to match the Phylostratigraphic Maps
of the aforementioned species from Sun et al., 2021 to any gene expression set of your interest (see Introduction to Phylotranscriptomics for details).
Open here
Title: Uncovering gene-family founder events during major evolutionary transitions in animals, plants and fungi using GenEra
Published Phylostratigraphic Map
- Organisms:
- Fungi: Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain S288C), Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Aspergillus niger (strain CBS 513.88), Morchella conica, Cryptococcus neoformans (var. neoformans strain JEC21), Kwoniella mangroviensis (strain CBS 8507), Agaricus bisporus (var. bisporus strain H97), Tremella mesenterica (strain DSM 1558), Mucor circinelloides, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (strain JAM81)
- Animals: Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, Echinococcus granulosus, Octopus vulgaris, Capitella teleta, Mus musculus, Apostichopus japonicus, Nematostella vectensis, Trichoplax adhaerens, Amphimedon queenslandica
- Plants: Arabidopsis thaliana, Glycine max, Solanum lycopersicum, Oryza sativa, Vanilla planifolia, Musa acuminata, Picea glauca, Selaginella moellendorffii, Physcomitrella patens, Marchantia polymorpha
- E-value cutoff: 1E-5 (DIAMOND; protein sequences; ultra-sensitive mode)
- Sequence type: Protein Sequences
- Reference data bases: NCBI nr (protein)
- Splice variants: always using the representative sequences from UniProt (under "Download one protein sequence per gene (FASTA)")
This study used GenEra for gene age inference (phylostratigraphy). The following NCBI Taxonomic-ID were used.
# Fungi
559292 Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C
4896 Schizosaccharomyces pombe
425011 Aspergillus niger CBS 513.88
5194 Morchella conica
214684 Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans JEC21
1296122 Kwoniella mangroviensis CBS 8507
936046 Agaricus bisporus var. bisporus H97
578456 Tremella mesenterica DSM 1558
36080 Mucor circinelloides
684364 Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis JAM81
# Animals
7227 Drosophila melanogaster
6239 Caenorhabditis elegans
6210 Echinococcus granulosus
6645 Octopus vulgaris
283909 Capitella teleta
10090 Mus musculus
307972 Apostichopus japonicus
45351 Nematostella vectensis
10228 Trichoplax adhaerens
400682 Amphimedon queenslandica
# Plants
3702 Arabidopsis thaliana
3847 Glycine max
4081 Solanum lycopersicum
39947 Oryza sativa
51239 Vanilla planifolia
214687 Musa acuminata
3330 Picea glauca
88036 Selaginella moellendorffii
3218 Physcomitrella patens
3197 Marchantia polymorpha
Download Phylostratigraphic Maps
in R:
# download the Phylostratigraphic Maps of 10 animals, 10 plants and/or 10 fungi.
# [Fungus] from Barrera-Redondo et al., 2023
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_fungus.xlsx" )
# [Animals] from Barrera-Redondo et al., 2023
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_animal.xlsx" )
# [Plants] from Barrera-Redondo et al., 2023
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_plant.xlsx" )
Read the *.xlsx
file storing the Phylostratigraphic Maps
and format it for use with myTAI:
# load package readxl
### Fungus Phylostratigraphic Maps
# Budding yeast <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_fungus.xlsx", sheet = "559292_gene_ages")
Saccharomyces_cerevisiae_S288C.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Fission yeast <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_fungus.xlsx", sheet = "4896_gene_ages")
Schizosaccharomyces_pombe.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Black mould fungus <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_fungus.xlsx", sheet = "425011_gene_ages")
Aspergillus_niger_CBS_513.88.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Black morels <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_fungus.xlsx", sheet = "5194_gene_ages")
Morchella_conica.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Cryptococcus neoformans <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_fungus.xlsx", sheet = "214684_gene_ages")
Cryptococcus_neoformans_var.neoformans_JEC21.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Kwoniella mangroviensis (or K. mangrovensis) <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_fungus.xlsx", sheet = "1296122_gene_ages")
Kwoniella_mangroviensis.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Portobello mushrooms <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_fungus.xlsx", sheet = "936046_gene_ages")
Agaricus_bisporus.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Yellow brain (or goldeb jelly fungus, yellow trembler, witches' butter) <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_fungus.xlsx", sheet = "578456_gene_ages")
Tremella_mesenterica.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Mucor circinelloides <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_fungus.xlsx", sheet = "36080_gene_ages")
Mucor_circinelloides.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Amphibian chytrid fungus <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_fungus.xlsx", sheet = "684364_gene_ages")
Batrachochytrium_dendrobatidis_JAM81.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
### Animal Phylostratigraphic Maps
# Fruit fly <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_animal.xlsx", sheet = "7227_gene_ages")
Drosophila_melanogaster.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Caenorhabditis elegans <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_animal.xlsx", sheet = "6239_gene_ages")
Caenorhabditis_elegans.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Hydatid worm <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_animal.xlsx", sheet = "6210_gene_ages")
Echinococcus_granulosus.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Common octopus <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_animal.xlsx", sheet = "6645_gene_ages")
Octopus_vulgaris.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Capitella teleta <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_animal.xlsx", sheet = "283909_gene_ages")
Capitella_teleta.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# House mouse <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_animal.xlsx", sheet = "10090_gene_ages")
Mus_musculus.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Converting UniProtKB ids into ENSEMBL gene ids
Mus_musculus.PhyloMap_ENSEMBL <- phylomapr::convertID(
phylomap = Mus_musculus.PhyloMap,
dataset = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl",
filters = "uniprot_gn_id"
# Japanese sea cucumber <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_animal.xlsx", sheet = "307972_gene_ages")
Apostichopus_japonicus.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Starlet sea anemone <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_animal.xlsx", sheet = "45351_gene_ages")
Nematostella_vectensis.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Trichoplax adhaerens <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_animal.xlsx", sheet = "10228_gene_ages")
Trichoplax_adhaerens.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Amphimedon queenslandica <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_animal.xlsx", sheet = "400682_gene_ages")
Amphimedon_queenslandica.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
### Plant Phylostratigraphic Maps
# Thale cress <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_plant.xlsx", sheet = "3702_gene_ages")
Arabidopsis_thaliana.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Soybean <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_plant.xlsx", sheet = "3847_gene_ages")
Glycine_max.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Tomato <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_plant.xlsx", sheet = "4081_gene_ages")
Solanum_lycopersicum.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Rice <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_plant.xlsx", sheet = "39947_gene_ages")
Oryza_sativa.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Flat-leaved vanilla <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_plant.xlsx", sheet = "51239_gene_ages")
Vanilla_planifolia.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Musa acuminata <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_plant.xlsx", sheet = "214687_gene_ages")
Musa_acuminata.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# White spruce <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_plant.xlsx", sheet = "3330_gene_ages")
Picea_glauca.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Selaginella moellendorffii <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_plant.xlsx", sheet = "88036_gene_ages")
Selaginella_moellendorffii.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Spreading earthmoss <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_plant.xlsx", sheet = "3218_gene_ages")
Physcomitrella_patens.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
# Marchantia polymorpha <-
read_excel("Barrera-Redondo_2023_Maps_plant.xlsx", sheet = "3197_gene_ages")
Marchantia_polymorpha.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Phylostratum = as.numeric(Phylostratum))
Bethan F Manley, Jaruwatana S Lotharukpong, Josué Barrera-Redondo, Theo Llewellyn, Gokalp Yildirir, Jana Sperschneider, Nicolas Corradi, Uta Paszkowski, Eric A Miska, Alexandra Dallaire, 2023
Open here
Title: A highly contiguous genome assembly reveals sources of genomic novelty in the symbiotic fungus Rhizophagus irregularis
Published Phylostratigraphic Map
- Organisms: Rhizophagus irregularis, Geosiphon pyriformis, Gigaspora margarita, Dissophora decumbens, Mortierella elongata, Radiomyces spectabilis, Phycomyces blakesleeanus
- E-value cutoff: 1E-5 (DIAMOND; protein sequences; ultra-sensitive mode)
- Sequence type: Protein Sequences
- Reference data bases: NCBI nr (protein)
- Splice variants: always using the longest isoform when available
This study used GenEra for gene age inference (phylostratigraphy). The following NCBI Taxonomic-ID were used.
50956 Geosiphon pyriformis
4874 Gigaspora margarita
1432141 Rhizophagus irregularis
101101 Dissophora decumbens
1314771 Mortierella elongata
64574 Radiomyces spectabilis
4837 Phycomyces blakesleeanus
Download Phylostratigraphic Maps
in R:
# download the Phylostratigraphic Maps from Manley et al., 2023
# Rhizophagus irregularis
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "Rhizophagus_irregularis_DAOM197198_1432141_phyloranks.tsv")
# Dissophora decumbens
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "Disdec1_101101_phyloranks.tsv")
# Geosiphon pyriformis
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "Geopyr1_50956_phyloranks.tsv")
# Gigaspora margarita
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "Gigmar1_4874_phyloranks.tsv")
# Mortierella elongata
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "Morel2_1314771_phyloranks.tsv")
# Phycomyces blakesleeanus
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "Phybl2_4837_phyloranks.tsv")
# Radiomyces spectabilis
download.file( url = "",
destfile = "Radspe1_64574_phyloranks.tsv")
Read the *.tsv
file storing the Phylostratigraphic Maps
and format it for the use with myTAI:
# load package readr
### Phylostratigraphic Maps
# Rhizophagus irregularis <-readr::read_tsv("Rhizophagus_irregularis_DAOM197198_1432141_phyloranks.tsv")
Rhizophagus_irregularis.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = PS,
# Dissophora decumbens <-readr::read_tsv("Disdec1_101101_phyloranks.tsv")
Dissophora_decumbens.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
# Geosiphon pyriformis <-readr::read_tsv("Geopyr1_50956_phyloranks.tsv")
Geosiphon_pyriformis.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
# Gigaspora margarita <-readr::read_tsv("Gigmar1_4874_phyloranks.tsv")
Gigaspora_margarita.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = `#gene`
# Mortierella elongata <-readr::read_tsv("Morel2_1314771_phyloranks.tsv")
Mortierella_elongata.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
GeneID = V1
# Phycomyces blakesleeanus <-readr::read_tsv("Phybl2_4837_phyloranks.tsv")
Phycomyces_blakesleeanus.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
# Radiomyces spectabilis <-readr::read_tsv("Radspe1_64574_phyloranks.tsv")
Radiomyces_spectabilis.PhyloMap <-
Phylostratum = rank,
Open here
Unpublished Phylostratigraphic Map
- Organisms: Homo sapiens
- E-value cutoff: 1E-5 (DIAMOND; protein sequences; sensitive mode)
- Sequence type: Protein Sequences
- Reference data bases: NCBI nr (protein)
- Splice variants: using the representative sequences from UniProt (under "Download one protein sequence per gene (FASTA)")
This study used GenEra for gene age inference (phylostratigraphy). The following NCBI Taxonomic-ID was used:
9606 Homo sapiens
# install phylomapr
# load package phylomapr
### Phylostratigraphic Maps
# Homo sapiens
Homo_sapiens.PhyloMap <- phylomapr::Homo_sapiens.PhyloMap
Users can also convert the UniProtKB
ids present in this human phylomap
to ENSEMBL gene ids using biomartr:
This can be done using phylomapr, where the function phylomapr::convertID()
wraps over biomartr::biomart
for this particular context.
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
Homo_sapiens.PhyloMap.ENSEMBL <- phylomapr::convertID(
phylomap = Homo_sapiens.PhyloMap,
dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl",
filters = "uniprot_gn_id"