Mifos Initiative: Android Field Operations App Version 4
László Karsai
Who am I? What do I study? Interests
I am László Karsai from Budapest, Hungary. I attend Budapest University of Technology and Economics where I study Mechatronics. This field of technology collect and use the advantages of three individual fields: computer science/informatics, mechanics and electronics. As for me, the biggest impression has been caused by the computer science ever since I wrote my first working program. I thought to myself "How great it is that I can see the result of my work on the screen". I started to write codes in C/C++ but a little time later I began to use Java program language. When I got my first smartphone, I started to think about how the programs which I run are built and structured, and how the program codes of them look like. I had opportunity to participate in an Android software development course in the university. I liked it so much and I was excited to create my first application. This was the point when I knew that I would have to become a software developer. Besides my home-made projects being coded in C/C++, Java and Android program languages, I started to work as a software developer in the aviation industry where I managed to extend my experiences with python, bash and MySQL. I have always liked being challenged because it is such a good feeling to solve issues. I am here to continue to gain experiences and to make the MifosXDroid application better and better so as to help people who use it.
Contact information and preferred method of contact
Email address: [email protected]
Gitter ID: karsai1993
Skype ID: karsai1993
Telephone number: +36 30 484 2239
Time zone: CEST
My preferred method of contact is email but if we schedule a time period, we can get in contact via telephone or skype.
Project idea and goals
Several versions of the application were released for field officers to go out in the field to process transactions, create clients, etc. The release of version 3 contains offline synchronization for clients and groups, functionalities regarding client onboarding, loan and savings collection and GIS-based location tracking.The goal of my work is to release the version 4 of the application extended with some exciting features and modifications. I write a short description about some major examples of them in the followings:
Tracking of attendance - According to my understanding, this feature would aim to record how much time a user spends using the application. This would give opportunity for the organization members to check the application usage tendency.
Notification integration - It could be connected to the path tracker and alerts if your are in a new position and asks you if you want to give a comment to that place in your app. It is sounds very challenging for me. It is a good way to make the application smarter so I would make more work on focusing what else could be built-in into the notification system.
SMS communication - The details and the target, exact operation should be discussed in the community bonding period. However, it sounds very challenging for me and I think it would be optional if the user could create groups, centers or clients, and maybe operations with savings or loans. I have to create a plan how to test it.
Extending offline support - The parts of the application which are required to have offline synchronization process should be discussed.
Improving data scoping and role-based permissioning - The expectations of this feature should be discussed in the community bonding period. However, I think it does not have blockers and I would create a data scoping in which there is a period e.g: 2 months and if a certain user input is older than this, it would be neglected(deleted). I would check all the inputs dates when the application starts. In connection with the role-based permissioning, I think it would be worth clarifying what a single user should be able to do. When it is clear, the role-based permissioning can be done according to a certain attribute of the user(s).
Unit and integration test - It should fluently be performed besides coding, but before the final evaluation, it is important to test the whole concept of the application because it is very important for every part of it to work fine and to be ready for the release of the version 4.
Time schedule of implementation
In this schedule, I write about my plans for the community bonding period and my workflow in the coding period. My workflow would be divided into three parts according to the evaluations. My work would include high quality User Experience based on the Android Style. My time schedule can be seen below.
- Before the coding period (community bonding period)
In this period, all the questionnary parts should be well-defined and discussed to be aware of all the coding relevant information to perform the goals of the project. And of course, this period would give me opportunity to get to know the mentors I would work with during the summer and the application deeply focusing on parts where my goals can be implemented.
Deliverables: Definition of the questionnary parts regarding target features and modifications
- Before the first evaluation
May 30 - June 11: Creating a feature to track the attendance. I think it is challenging but I think I can handle it by creating a time shared preference which stores all the dates when the application gets started.
June 12 - June 19: Creating a monitoring collection sheet where bulk amount of savings and loans can be shown. I think it in this case there is no blocker as I would add all the available savings and loans into one list by using an adapter.
June 19 - June 26: Implementing feature to store the previously entered search queries to help the user make the searching process faster and the workflow easier. I think it is challenging but I think it would a usable solution if I create a shared preference containing the previously entered input data and list those which start the same way as the input. It would get refreshed after typing each letter.
Here is a mockup what I think of:
June 27 - June 30: Period of closing this section (final tests and starting documentation) and submitting Phase 1 evaluation.
Deliverables: tracking the attendance, collection sheet and feature to remember all the previously entered queries.
- Before the second evaluation
June 30 - July 9: Enabling views for task list and reports. I think there is no blockers in this case because in this case, I only need to implement some activities where the task list and reports can be viewed.
July 10 - July 17: Integrating notifications into the smart phone regarding to the application.
July 18 - July 24: Integrating SMS communications.
July 25 - July 28: Period of closing this section (final tests and continuing documentation) and submitting Phase 2 evaluation.
Deliverables: views for task list and reports, integrating notifiactions and SMS communication
- Before the final evaluation
July 28 - Aug. 6:** **Extending offline support for other areas of the application where it is not done, yet e.g.: for centers.
Aug. 7 - Aug. 13: Improving the user interface for capture of surveys. I think it is very challenging I would have to make these surveys clever enough so that the user could express their opinion fully. Then we should have them processed in a productive way.
Aug. 14 - Aug. 20: Improving data scoping and role-based permissioning.
Aug. 21 - Aug. 25: Unit and integration tests
Aug. 25 - Aug. 29: Period of closing the final section (finishing documentation) and submitting the final evaluation.
**Deliverables: Extending offline support, improving UI, data scoping and role-based permissioning **
I have always been willing to receive opportunities which inspire me to be a better software developer. During building the application and creating issues, I got more and more enthusiast about development for the Mifos Initiative open source organization because I felt excited during the my approaches of getting the application better and better. Since building and running the application for the first time, I have felt comfort and familiarity with it. I would like to continue my work in the summer as a GSoC participant. GSoC means for me an opportunity that I know I should not miss because ever since I read about it (last summer), I have known that it is the right commitment which makes me more project-orientated and gives me more knowledge about the process steps of the software development. As for Mifos organization, I really like the application and feel passion to improve it with demanded features.
Career goals
First of finishing the university with the most gained experiences which are available for me. After that I would like to go abroad to have international living and working experience. I have not pointed out a country where I would like to live so far. I would like to be a senior software developer. I think it is one of the best position because you have responsibility and opportunity to help others by sharing your knowledge with them.
Why I am the right person for this project
The most important fact that using the application and solving issues made me more inspired to continue to work on it during the summer and after that. I have reported issues and solutions daily since I found this project among the other ones. I got really familiar with this type of workflow and realized that it suits me well. I used to say that there are no problems, only opportunities for better solutions. I think I am hardworking enough to keep giving my best and reach my goals. Besides it, I have gained relevant coding experiences for 5-6 years in different languages, mostly Android and Java. Additionally, I like the challenges and being challenged because I can learn/work fast and efficiently and am willing to do so in order to fulfill the expectations against me.Last but not least, the UI of the applications, which I develop, are very important for me because a good UI would make me more productive as I can see that I have done so far fit in the application well.
Source code I have written
I started to write an application for Android smart phones to pay attention better on my expenses. The name of it is Expense Observer. Here is the link for my GitHub repository created for this project: https://github.com/karsai1993/expense_observer.
Contribution to open source projects
The open source projects I have contributed to:
- openMF/self-service-app (https://github.com/openMF/self-service-app)
As soon as I could run the application on my phone, I could realizes some issues, reported them. I have already solved all of them. I tried to explain the problems in each cases to make it understandable via text and/or screenshots. When I made a solution, I created screenshots to prove that the problem is gone. Pull request is created.
- openMF/android-client (https://github.com/openMF/android-client)
I have recognized issues and solved them on the same way as written above. My pull request was approved and merged. From that time, I reported some further issues.
k9mail/k-9 (https://github.com/k9mail/k-9)
I have reported some issues.
I have gained experience with:
Android - home made projects and open source organization
Java - working experience, home made projects, homeworks
bash - working experience
python - working experience
Javascript - final project in BSc
C/C++ - Arduino, home made projects, homeworks
MySQL - working experience, homeworks
Commitments in the summer
I have a part-time job in IT company being in the aviation industry. I think it does not sound well from your point of view but please, note the followings:
my working time is flexible, so I can work when I want
As I can work fast and efficiently, in the last two weeks, I had enough time to get deeply into the MifosXDroid and Self Service App applications, reporting issues, solving problems besides my job, so this would not be a problem in the summer, either.
I can work in this project at least 5 hours a day in the week and 8 hours a day in the weekend which is 41 hours.
Please note, that the Summer of Code would be my first priority in this summer because I think it is a significant opportunity to learn and get better.
Platform and reference User Interface
Yes, I have cloned the original one, I have not created a fork from either of them so far.
Submitting patches and source code to Mifos X
Yes, I have submitted several ones. Here is the list:
- openMF/android-client
- Fix: EditText hint text is fully readable
- Fix:Items in option menu are always shown,handled
- openMF/self-service-app
- Fix: Transaction option menu button is disabled
- Refactor: Improve UX and use thousands separators
- Refactor: Change colors of status of Approved and other
- Fix: Set the English language as default locale
- Refactor: Change code according to code style requirements
- Fix: Improve thousands separator process
Taking part in Google Summer of Code
Unfortunately, no, I have not participated in it so far.
Applying to multiple organization
Yes, I plan to apply to multiple ones. As of Mifos Initiative, I would like to apply to Self-Service - Android App Version 2.0 project, too. So in this organization, there are two projects which grabbed my attention.
Mifos Initiative is definitely my first choice. I am happy to have found it among a lot of organizations.