ngCordova is obsolete and is no longer maintained.
Please move to our new native plugin library, Ionic Native. See this issue for more information: #1452
ngCordova gives you simple AngularJS wrappers for a massive amount of Cordova plugins. Check out the list below for all of the available plugins, and create an issue for a new request.
Created by the Ionic Framework team and the community.
Website | |
Docs | |
Requirements | AngularJS, Cordova |
Install | bower install ngCordova or download zip file |
Custom build | |
Install manually, or from bower:
$ bower install ngCordova
- Action Sheet
- AdMob (:warning: share % Ad revenue)
- App Availability
- App Rate
- App Version
- Background Geolocation
- Badge
- Barcode Scanner
- Battery Status *
- Beacon
- Bluetooth Low Energy
- Bluetooth Serial
- Brightness
- Calendar
- Camera *
- Clipboard
- Console *
- Contacts *
- Date Picker
- Device Motion *
- Device Orientation *
- Device *
- Dialogs *
- Email Composer
- Facebook Connect
- Facebook AudienceNetwork Ads (:warning: share % Ad revenue)
- File *
- File Transfer *
- Flashlight
- Flurry Ads (:warning: share % Ad revenue)
- Geolocation *
- Globalization *
- Google Ads (:warning: share % Ad revenue)
- Google Analytics
- Google Plus
- HealthKit for iOS
- Httpd (Web Server)
- Apple iAd (:warning: share % Ad revenue)
- Image Picker
- InAppBrowser*
- Keyboard
- Keychain
- Launch Navigator
- Local Notifications
- Media Capture
- Media *
- MillennialMedia Ads (:warning: share % Ad revenue)
- MobFox Ads (:warning: share % Ad revenue)
- MoPub Ads (:warning: share % Ad revenue)
- Native Audio
- Network Information *
- Oauth (available separately)
- Pin Dialog
- Preferences
- Printer
- Progress Indicator
- Push Notifications (deprecated - Will be removed in future release)
- [Push Notifications - V5] (
- Screenshots
- Serial
- Social Sharing
- Spinner Dialog
- Splashscreen *
- SQLite
- StatusBar *
- Toast
- Touchid
- Vibration *
- Video Capture Plus *
- Zip
* official Apache Cordova Plugin
ngCordova is licensed under the MIT Open Source license. For more information, see the LICENSE file in this repository.