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Getting Started (Java)

Drew Noakes edited this page Sep 15, 2017 · 1 revision

metadata-extractor is available via Maven, or via a download from the releases page.

Ensure both JAR files are available on your classpath: metadata-extractor-x.x.x.jar and xmpcore-x.x.x.jar (where x.x.x represents the version you're using).

Using this library is straightforward. Conceptually there are two steps to its usage:

  1. Read a Metadata object from an image
  2. Query the Metadata object to retrieve one or more values


  • These examples are based upon version 2.7.2 of the API. Earlier versions may differ slightly.
  • import statements and exception handling code have been omitted for clarity.
  • Fully-featured sample classes are available in the source distribution.

1. Read Metadata

The simplest way to read metadata is to use ImageMetadataReader.

If you know the type of file, you can replace ImageMetadataReader with the specific reader, for example JpegMetadataReader. Using ImageMetadataReader is often safer as it uses FileTypeDetector to inspect the file's contents in order to determine which decoding method to use and incurs very little overhead.

From a File

For an image file of any supported type, use:

File jpegFile = new File("myImage.jpg");
Metadata metadata = ImageMetadataReader.readMetadata(jpegFile);

From a stream

Reading from a stream is much the same:

Metadata metadata = ImageMetadataReader.readMetadata(stream);

2. Query Tags

A Metadata object contains zero or more Directory objects. These in turn contain zero or more Tag objects. Tags hold values representing the metadata for the source image.

Print out all Tag values

for (Directory directory : metadata.getDirectories()) {
    for (Tag tag : directory.getTags()) {

Query the raw value of a specific Tag

// obtain the Exif directory
ExifSubIFDDirectory directory
    = metadata.getFirstDirectoryOfType(ExifSubIFDDirectory.class);

// query the tag's value
Date date
    = directory.getDate(ExifSubIFDDirectory.TAG_DATETIME_ORIGINAL);

Note that tag values have specific data types. Attempts will be made to convert to the type you request, but this is not always possible.

Query a decoded description of a specific Tag

If you only wish to display a friendly string version of the tag's value, simply call Tag.toString(). Alternatively, you can wrap the directory with a Descriptor and have strongly-typed access with descriptive method names:

// obtain a specific directory
Directory directory
    = metadata.getFirstDirectoryOfType(ExifSubIFDDirectory.class);

// create a descriptor
ExifSubIFDDescriptor descriptor
    = new ExifSubIFDDescriptor(directory);

// get tag description
String program = descriptor.getExposureProgramDescription();

In the above example, program would contain a detailed string such as "Manual control" or "Aperture Priority", whereas the raw tag value is actually an integer. Descriptors not only decode enum values, but also prepend/append units ("-1 EV", "f/2.8") and provide methods that calculate derived properties for convenience.

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