Mar has its own API to support data conversion to text.
A Printer is an object that accepts text and/or text operations to print. It must have the following methods:
alias PutResult = <return type for most functions, should have the "failed" member>;
static PutResult success();
PutResult flush();
PutResult put(const(char)[] str);
PutResult putc(const char c);
auto getTempBuffer(size_t size)();
auto tryGetTempBufferImpl(size_t size);
void commitBuffer(DefaultPrinterBuffer buf);
To allow an object to be converted to text, it must implement the print
function, i.e.
struct Point
int x;
int y;
auto print(P)(P printer) const
return printArgs(printer, x, ',', y);
// print args into dest buffer
char[] sprint(T...)(char[] dest, T args);
// use sprintJustReturnSize to just return the size printed in dest
// get print size by printing to a "no-op" printer and tracking the number of characters printed
size_t getPrintSize(T...)(T args);
// print and allocate a string for args
char[] sprintMallocNoSentinel(T...)(T args);
// print and allocate a string for args that is null-terminated
SentinelArray!char sprintMallocSentinel(T...)(T args);
By default the print
method will be used on an object, but you can support multiple formats, i.e.
static struct Point
int x;
int y;
auto print(P)(P printer) const
return printArgs(printer, x, ',', y);
auto formatHex() const
static struct Print
const(Point)* p;
auto print(P)(P printer) const
return printArgs(printer, "0x",
mar.print.formatHex(p.x), ",0x", .mar.print.formatHex(p.y));
return Print(&this);
auto p = Point(10, 18);
stdout.writeln(p); // prints "10,18"
stdout.writeln(p.formatHex); // prints "0xa,0x12"
If you have a large project and are concerned with the template bloat from having alot of print
combinations you can alleviate this by reducing the number of printers. You can reduce the number of printers by wrapping multiple kinds of printers with a common type. In fact, you could wrap all printers with a common interface which would cause only 1 print
method to be instantiated per object. This API allows applications to have full control over the balance between "code specialization" and "code bloat".