- [docs] Updated README.rst.
- [breaking] Removed subscriber module. Added 'listener'. This will simplify how customers run our code. No longer will they be creating the subscription and consuming it. Instead they will just consume an already existing subscription.
- [Tests] Updated tests to use listener. Updated tests to use new name for sample credentials file. Deleted old subscriber test.
- [docs] Updated README.rst
- [breaking] Replaced references 'DOW_JONES_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS' envinronmental variable for 'DOW_JONES_DNA_JSON_PATH'.
- [breaking] Replaced system's filename expectation for 'dowJonesApplicationCredentials.json' to 'DowJonesDNA.json':
- [Tests] Updated test to use the changes described above.
- [docs] Updated README.rst
- [breaking] - No longer using 'DowJonesDNA.json' file.
- [changed] - Added customer_config.json file. See README.rst for usage explanation.
- [changed] - Get the user's credentials information by making a REST call to Dow Jones extraction API service.
- [Tests] Updated tests to use the changes described above.
- [breaking] Removed ability to consume more than one stream at a time.
- [tests] Updated tests.
- [docs] Updated README.
- [changed] - Reduced the listed dependencies in requirements.txt and setup.py.
- [changed] - Corrected URI in setup.py.
- [tests] - Fixed 2 broken tests in test_config.py.
- [docs] - Updated README with more complete instructions.
- [changed] - Changed default PROD URI.
- [docs] - Updated README. Git project pip install should use 'https'.
- [changed] - Added Google API Extension (GaxError) error handling. Adding a logging file that will catch logged information. Log name is 'logs/dj-dna-streaming-python.log'.
- [docs] - Updated README with information about logs.
- [changed] - Fixed how we handle GaxErrors
- [changed] - Added tox tests to test against python2 and python3.
- [changed] - Made some python3 compatibility changes.
- [changed] - Refactored how we do pull and acknowledge messages to be more clear.
- [changed] - Created a Dockerfile for demo purposes.
- [docs] - Updated README.
- [changed] - Dependency now pulls in entire GCloud library due to compatibility concerns. Will revert back to more focused dependency list in the future.
- [changed] - Upgraded Google Cloud dependency version to fix incompatibility with Google language module in a related project.
- [changed] - Updated authentication to use new service account flow (while still supporting old account ID flow for backwards compatibility)
- [changed] - Updated demo code to accept environment variable that, when used, reduces the output volume.
- [changed] - Removed maximum messages parameter in listen call. It was unnecessary.
- [changed] - Added test shell script './dnaStreaming/test/test_run_docker.sh' for testing Docker and streams; to be used only with DNA Engineering assistance.
- [changed] - Removed support for Python 2, due to near end of life.
- [changed] - Updated all dependencies to latest ones.
- [docs] - Minor improvements.
- [changed] - Message format provided by the listener.
- [changed] - Default logging level (still hardcoded)
- [changed] - Demo files output, to be more explicit on current actions.
- [added] - Demo file that push messages to GCP Pub/Sub
- [docs] - Minor improvements.
- [changed] Phased out Python 2.7 support in preparation for PyPi publication
- [changed] Messages from the listener are parsed and returned, instead of requiring the user to access the JSON
- [docs] - Minor improvements.
- [changed] Updated dependencies and required versions of pubsub
- [changed] - Removed references to depreciated Extraction API service, now you may manually specify your API host by exporting API_HOST instead of EXTRACTION_API_HOST
- [changed] - Updated all GCP dependencies in requirements and setup.
- [changed] - Optimized for installation via PIP. Setup.py is deprecated.
- [changed] - Adapted Pub/Sub operations as per new library requirements.
- [docs] - Changed README removing legacy references and updated the running demo steps.
- [changed] - Updated all dependencies in requirements and setup.