diff --git a/src/installer/tests/Assets/TestProjects/LightupClient/LightupClient.csproj b/src/installer/tests/Assets/TestProjects/LightupClient/LightupClient.csproj
deleted file mode 100644
index 06ac4b1d7256b9..00000000000000
--- a/src/installer/tests/Assets/TestProjects/LightupClient/LightupClient.csproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- $(NetCoreAppCurrent)
- Exe
- $(MNAVersion)
- true
diff --git a/src/installer/tests/Assets/TestProjects/LightupClient/Program.cs b/src/installer/tests/Assets/TestProjects/LightupClient/Program.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 131198bd890d2f..00000000000000
--- a/src/installer/tests/Assets/TestProjects/LightupClient/Program.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
-// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
-using System;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Reflection;
-namespace LightupClient
- public static class Program
- {
- public static int Main(string[] args)
- {
- Assembly asmGreet = null;
- int iRetVal = 0;
- try
- {
- asmGreet = Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName("LightupLib"));
- // Get reference to the method that we wish to invoke
- Type type = asmGreet.GetType("LightupLib.Greet");
- var method = System.Reflection.TypeExtensions.GetMethod(type, "Hello");
- // Invoke it
- string greeting = (string)method.Invoke(null, new object[] {"LightupClient"});
- Console.WriteLine("{0}", greeting);
- }
- catch(FileNotFoundException ex)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Exception: Failed to load the lightup assembly!");
- Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString());
- iRetVal = -1;
- }
- return iRetVal;
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/installer/tests/Assets/TestProjects/LightupLib/LightupLib.csproj b/src/installer/tests/Assets/TestProjects/LightupLib/LightupLib.csproj
deleted file mode 100644
index 976a8423304a08..00000000000000
--- a/src/installer/tests/Assets/TestProjects/LightupLib/LightupLib.csproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- $(NetCoreAppCurrent)
- Library
- $(MNAVersion)
diff --git a/src/installer/tests/Assets/TestProjects/LightupLib/Program.cs b/src/installer/tests/Assets/TestProjects/LightupLib/Program.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b70d4fea43b8b..00000000000000
--- a/src/installer/tests/Assets/TestProjects/LightupLib/Program.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
-// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
-using System;
-using System.Reflection;
-namespace LightupLib
- public class Greet
- {
- public static string Hello(string name)
- {
- // Load a dependency of LightupLib
- var t = typeof(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader);
- if (t != null)
- return "Hello "+name;
- else
- return "Failed to load LibDependency";
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/installer/tests/HostActivation.Tests/DependencyResolution/AdditionalDeps.cs b/src/installer/tests/HostActivation.Tests/DependencyResolution/AdditionalDeps.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..f97c7c8c597027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/installer/tests/HostActivation.Tests/DependencyResolution/AdditionalDeps.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Build;
+using Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Build.Framework;
+using Xunit;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.CoreSetup.Test.HostActivation.DependencyResolution
+ public class AdditionalDeps : DependencyResolutionBase, IClassFixture
+ {
+ private SharedTestState SharedState { get; }
+ // Shared state has a NetCoreApp with the two versions below
+ public const string NetCoreAppVersion = "4.1.1";
+ public const string NetCoreAppVersionPreview = "4.1.2-preview.2";
+ public AdditionalDeps(SharedTestState sharedState)
+ {
+ SharedState = sharedState;
+ }
+ // Additional deps can point to a directory. The host looks for deps.json files in:
+ // /shared//
+ // It uses the version closest to the framework version with a matching major/minor
+ // and equal or lesser patch, release or pre-release.
+ [Theory]
+ // exact match
+ [InlineData("4.1.1", new string[] { "4.1.0", "4.1.1" }, "4.1.1")]
+ [InlineData("4.1.2-preview.2", new string[] { "4.1.1", "4.1.2-preview.2" }, "4.1.2-preview.2")]
+ // lower patch version
+ [InlineData("4.1.1", new string[] { "4.1.0", "4.1.2-preview.1" }, "4.1.0")]
+ [InlineData("4.1.2-preview.2", new string[] { "4.1.1", "4.1.2" }, "4.1.1")]
+ // lower prerelease
+ [InlineData("4.1.1", new string[] { "4.1.0", "4.1.1-preview.1" }, "4.1.1-preview.1")]
+ [InlineData("4.1.2-preview.2", new string[] { "4.1.1", "4.1.2-preview.1" }, "4.1.2-preview.1")]
+ // no match
+ [InlineData("4.1.1", new string[] { "4.0.0", "4.1.2", "4.2.0" }, null)]
+ [InlineData("4.1.2-preview.2", new string[] { "4.0.0", "4.1.2", "4.2.0" }, null)]
+ public void DepsDirectory(string fxVersion, string[] versions, string usedVersion)
+ {
+ string additionalDepsDirectory = SharedFramework.CalculateUniqueTestDirectory(Path.Combine(SharedState.Location, "additionalDeps"));
+ using (TestArtifact artifact = new TestArtifact(additionalDepsDirectory))
+ {
+ string depsJsonName = Path.GetFileName(SharedState.AdditionalDepsComponent.DepsJson);
+ foreach (string version in versions)
+ {
+ string path = Path.Combine(additionalDepsDirectory, "shared", MicrosoftNETCoreApp, version);
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
+ File.Copy(
+ SharedState.AdditionalDepsComponent.DepsJson,
+ Path.Combine(path, depsJsonName),
+ true);
+ }
+ TestApp app = SharedState.FrameworkReferenceApp;
+ if (fxVersion != NetCoreAppVersion)
+ {
+ // Make a copy of the app and update its framework version
+ app = SharedState.FrameworkReferenceApp.Copy();
+ RuntimeConfig.FromFile(app.RuntimeConfigJson)
+ .RemoveFramework(MicrosoftNETCoreApp)
+ .WithFramework(MicrosoftNETCoreApp, fxVersion)
+ .Save();
+ }
+ CommandResult result = SharedState.DotNetWithNetCoreApp.Exec(Constants.AdditionalDeps.CommandLineArgument, additionalDepsDirectory, app.AppDll)
+ .EnableTracingAndCaptureOutputs()
+ .Execute();
+ result.Should().Pass();
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(usedVersion))
+ {
+ result.Should().HaveStdErrContaining($"No additional deps directory less than or equal to [{fxVersion}] found with same major and minor version.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result.Should().HaveUsedAdditionalDeps(Path.Combine(additionalDepsDirectory, "shared", MicrosoftNETCoreApp, usedVersion, depsJsonName));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ [Theory]
+ [InlineData(true)]
+ [InlineData(false)]
+ public void DepsFile(bool dependencyExists)
+ {
+ string additionalLibName = SharedState.AdditionalDepsComponent.AssemblyName;
+ string additionalDepsFile = SharedState.AdditionalDepsComponent.DepsJson;
+ TestApp app = SharedState.FrameworkReferenceApp;
+ if (!dependencyExists)
+ {
+ // Make a copy of the app and delete the app-local dependency
+ app = SharedState.FrameworkReferenceApp.Copy();
+ File.Delete(Path.Combine(app.Location, $"{additionalLibName}.dll"));
+ }
+ CommandResult result = SharedState.DotNetWithNetCoreApp.Exec(Constants.AdditionalDeps.CommandLineArgument, additionalDepsFile, app.AppDll)
+ .EnableTracingAndCaptureOutputs()
+ .Execute(expectedToFail: !dependencyExists);
+ result.Should().HaveUsedAdditionalDeps(additionalDepsFile);
+ if (dependencyExists)
+ {
+ result.Should().Pass()
+ .And.HaveResolvedAssembly(Path.Combine(app.Location, $"{additionalLibName}.dll"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result.Should().Fail()
+ .And.HaveStdErrContaining(
+ $"Error:{Environment.NewLine}" +
+ $" An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest ({additionalLibName}.deps.json) was not found:" + Environment.NewLine +
+ $" package: \'{additionalLibName}\', version: \'1.0.0\'" + Environment.NewLine +
+ $" path: \'{additionalLibName}.dll\'");
+ }
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public void InvalidJson()
+ {
+ string invalidDepsFile = Path.Combine(SharedState.Location, "invalid.deps.json");
+ try
+ {
+ File.WriteAllText(invalidDepsFile, "{");
+ SharedState.DotNetWithNetCoreApp.Exec(Constants.AdditionalDeps.CommandLineArgument, invalidDepsFile, SharedState.FrameworkReferenceApp.AppDll)
+ .EnableTracingAndCaptureOutputs()
+ .Execute(expectedToFail: true)
+ .Should().Fail()
+ .And.HaveUsedAdditionalDeps(invalidDepsFile)
+ .And.HaveStdErrContaining($"Error initializing the dependency resolver: An error occurred while parsing: {invalidDepsFile}");
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ FileUtils.DeleteFileIfPossible(invalidDepsFile);
+ }
+ }
+ public class SharedTestState : DependencyResolutionBase.SharedTestStateBase
+ {
+ public DotNetCli DotNetWithNetCoreApp { get; }
+ public TestApp FrameworkReferenceApp { get; }
+ public TestApp AdditionalDepsComponent { get; }
+ public SharedTestState()
+ {
+ DotNetWithNetCoreApp = DotNet("WithNetCoreApp")
+ .AddMicrosoftNETCoreAppFrameworkMockCoreClr(NetCoreAppVersion)
+ .AddMicrosoftNETCoreAppFrameworkMockCoreClr(NetCoreAppVersionPreview)
+ .Build();
+ AdditionalDepsComponent = CreateComponentWithNoDependencies();
+ TestApp app = CreateFrameworkReferenceApp(MicrosoftNETCoreApp, NetCoreAppVersion);
+ FrameworkReferenceApp = NetCoreAppBuilder.PortableForNETCoreApp(app)
+ .WithProject(p => p.WithAssemblyGroup(null, g => g.WithMainAssembly()))
+ .Build(app);
+ // Copy dependency next to app
+ File.Copy(AdditionalDepsComponent.AppDll, Path.Combine(FrameworkReferenceApp.Location, $"{AdditionalDepsComponent.AssemblyName}.dll"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/installer/tests/HostActivation.Tests/DependencyResolution/DependencyResolutionCommandResultExtensions.cs b/src/installer/tests/HostActivation.Tests/DependencyResolution/DependencyResolutionCommandResultExtensions.cs
index a4e5d55fd028f6..14b44a1628f660 100644
--- a/src/installer/tests/HostActivation.Tests/DependencyResolution/DependencyResolutionCommandResultExtensions.cs
+++ b/src/installer/tests/HostActivation.Tests/DependencyResolution/DependencyResolutionCommandResultExtensions.cs
@@ -142,6 +142,10 @@ public static AndConstraint NotHaveResolvedComponentDep
return assertion.NotHaveResolvedComponentDependencyContaining(native_search_paths, RelativePathsToAbsoluteAppPaths(path, app));
+ public static AndConstraint HaveUsedAdditionalDeps(this CommandResultAssertions assertion, string depsFilePath)
+ {
+ return assertion.HaveStdErrContaining($"Using specified additional deps.json: '{depsFilePath}'");
+ }
private static string GetAppMockPropertyValue(CommandResultAssertions assertion, string propertyName) =>
GetMockPropertyValue(assertion, $"mock property[{propertyName}] = ");
diff --git a/src/installer/tests/HostActivation.Tests/DependencyResolution/PerAssemblyVersionResolution.cs b/src/installer/tests/HostActivation.Tests/DependencyResolution/PerAssemblyVersionResolution.cs
index 5140a572c7a640..074ff81f6ea5c8 100644
--- a/src/installer/tests/HostActivation.Tests/DependencyResolution/PerAssemblyVersionResolution.cs
+++ b/src/installer/tests/HostActivation.Tests/DependencyResolution/PerAssemblyVersionResolution.cs
@@ -119,6 +119,46 @@ protected override void RunTest(string testAssemblyName, string appAsmVersion, s
+ public class AdditionalDepsPerAssemblyVersionResolution :
+ PerAssemblyVersionResolutionBase,
+ IClassFixture
+ {
+ public AdditionalDepsPerAssemblyVersionResolution(SharedTestState sharedState)
+ : base(sharedState)
+ {
+ }
+ protected override void RunTest(string testAssemblyName, string appAsmVersion, string appFileVersion, bool appWins)
+ {
+ using (TestApp additionalDependency = TestApp.CreateEmpty("additionalDeps"))
+ {
+ // Additional deps are treated as part of app dependencies.
+ // The result for whether the app wins should be the same whether the dependency is
+ // specified via additional deps or by the app itself.
+ NetCoreAppBuilder builder = NetCoreAppBuilder.PortableForNETCoreApp(additionalDependency)
+ .WithPackage(TestVersionsPackage, "1.0.0", lib => lib
+ .WithAssemblyGroup(null, g => g
+ .WithAsset(testAssemblyName + ".dll", rf => rf
+ .WithVersion(appAsmVersion, appFileVersion))));
+ builder.Build(additionalDependency);
+ TestApp app = SharedState.FrameworkReferenceApp.Copy();
+ string appTestAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(app.Location, $"{testAssemblyName}.dll");
+ File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(app.Location, $"{testAssemblyName}.dll"), null);
+ string expectedTestAssemblyPath = appWins
+ ? appTestAssemblyPath
+ : Path.Combine(SharedState.DotNetWithNetCoreApp.GreatestVersionSharedFxPath, $"{testAssemblyName}.dll");
+ SharedState.DotNetWithNetCoreApp.Exec(Constants.AdditionalDeps.CommandLineArgument, additionalDependency.DepsJson, app.AppDll)
+ .EnableTracingAndCaptureOutputs()
+ .Execute()
+ .Should().Pass()
+ .And.HaveUsedAdditionalDeps(additionalDependency.DepsJson)
+ .And.HaveResolvedAssembly(expectedTestAssemblyPath);
+ }
+ }
+ }
public class ComponentPerAssemblyVersionResolution :
diff --git a/src/installer/tests/HostActivation.Tests/LightupAppActivation.cs b/src/installer/tests/HostActivation.Tests/LightupAppActivation.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index acab6db71289ed..00000000000000
--- a/src/installer/tests/HostActivation.Tests/LightupAppActivation.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
-// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
-using System;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
-using Xunit;
-namespace Microsoft.DotNet.CoreSetup.Test.HostActivation
- public class LightupAppActivation : IClassFixture, IDisposable
- {
- private SharedTestState sharedTestState;
- private const string SystemCollectionsImmutableFileVersion = "";
- private const string SystemCollectionsImmutableAssemblyVersion = "";
- private readonly TestArtifact _baseDirArtifact;
- private readonly string _builtSharedFxDir;
- private readonly string _builtSharedUberFxDir;
- private readonly string _fxBaseDir;
- private readonly string _uberFxBaseDir;
- private TestProjectFixture GlobalLightupClientFixture;
- public LightupAppActivation(LightupAppActivation.SharedTestState fixture)
- {
- sharedTestState = fixture;
- // From the artifacts dir, it's possible to find where the sharedFrameworkPublish folder is. We need
- // to locate it because we'll copy its contents into other folders
- string artifactsDir = new RepoDirectoriesProvider().GetTestContextVariable("TEST_ARTIFACTS");
- string builtDotnet = Path.Combine(artifactsDir, "sharedFrameworkPublish");
- // The dotnetLightupSharedFxLookup dir will contain some folders and files that will be necessary to perform the tests
- string sharedLookupDir = Path.Combine(artifactsDir, "dotnetLightupSharedFxLookup");
- _baseDirArtifact = new TestArtifact(SharedFramework.CalculateUniqueTestDirectory(sharedLookupDir));
- _fxBaseDir = Path.Combine(_baseDirArtifact.Location, "shared", "Microsoft.NETCore.App");
- _uberFxBaseDir = Path.Combine(_baseDirArtifact.Location, "shared", "Microsoft.UberFramework");
- SharedFramework.CopyDirectory(builtDotnet, _baseDirArtifact.Location);
- var repoDirectories = new RepoDirectoriesProvider(builtDotnet: _baseDirArtifact.Location);
- GlobalLightupClientFixture = new TestProjectFixture("LightupClient", repoDirectories)
- .EnsureRestored()
- .BuildProject();
- string greatestVersionSharedFxPath = sharedTestState.LightupLibFixture_Built.BuiltDotnet.GreatestVersionSharedFxPath;
- string sharedFxVersion = (new DirectoryInfo(greatestVersionSharedFxPath)).Name;
- _builtSharedFxDir = Path.Combine(builtDotnet, "shared", "Microsoft.NETCore.App", sharedFxVersion);
- _builtSharedUberFxDir = Path.Combine(builtDotnet, "shared", "Microsoft.UberFramework", sharedFxVersion);
- SharedFramework.CreateUberFrameworkArtifacts(_builtSharedFxDir, _builtSharedUberFxDir, SystemCollectionsImmutableAssemblyVersion, SystemCollectionsImmutableFileVersion);
- }
- public void Dispose()
- {
- GlobalLightupClientFixture.Dispose();
- _baseDirArtifact.Dispose();
- }
- // Attempt to run the app with lightup deps.json specified but lightup library missing in the expected
- // probe locations.
- [Fact]
- public void Muxer_activation_of_LightupApp_NoLightupLib_Fails()
- {
- var fixtureLib = sharedTestState.LightupLibFixture_Built
- .Copy();
- var fixtureApp = sharedTestState.LightupClientFixture
- .Copy();
- var dotnet = fixtureApp.BuiltDotnet;
- var appDll = fixtureApp.TestProject.AppDll;
- var libDepsJson = fixtureLib.TestProject.DepsJson;
- dotnet.Exec("exec", "--additional-deps", libDepsJson, appDll)
- .CaptureStdErr()
- .CaptureStdOut()
- .Execute(expectedToFail: true)
- .Should().Fail()
- .And.HaveStdErrContaining(
- "Error:" + Environment.NewLine +
- " An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (LightupLib.deps.json) was not found:" + Environment.NewLine +
- " package: \'LightupLib\', version: \'1.0.0\'" + Environment.NewLine +
- " path: \'LightupLib.dll\'");
- }
- // Attempt to run the app with lightup deps.json specified and lightup library present in the expected
- // probe locations.
- [Fact]
- public void Muxer_activation_of_LightupApp_WithLightupLib_Succeeds()
- {
- var fixtureLib = sharedTestState.LightupLibFixture_Published
- .Copy();
- var fixtureApp = sharedTestState.LightupClientFixture
- .Copy();
- var dotnet = fixtureApp.BuiltDotnet;
- var appDll = fixtureApp.TestProject.AppDll;
- var libDll = fixtureLib.TestProject.AppDll;
- // Get the version number of the SharedFX we just built since that is the version
- // going to be specified in the test's runtimeconfig.json.
- var builtSharedFXVersion = Path.GetFileName(dotnet.GreatestVersionSharedFxPath);
- // Create the M.N.App specific folder where lightup.deps.json can be found.
- var baseDir = fixtureApp.TestProject.ProjectDirectory;
- var customLightupPath = Path.Combine(baseDir, "shared");
- // Delete any existing artifacts
- if (Directory.Exists(customLightupPath))
- {
- Directory.Delete(customLightupPath, true);
- }
- customLightupPath = Path.Combine(customLightupPath, "Microsoft.NETCore.App");
- customLightupPath = Path.Combine(customLightupPath, builtSharedFXVersion);
- // Create the folder to which lightup.deps.json will be copied to.
- Directory.CreateDirectory(customLightupPath);
- // Copy the lightup.deps.json
- var libDepsJson = fixtureLib.TestProject.DepsJson;
- File.Copy(libDepsJson, Path.Combine(customLightupPath, Path.GetFileName(libDepsJson)));
- // Copy the library to the location of the lightup app (app-local)
- var destLibPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(appDll), Path.GetFileName(libDll));
- File.Copy(libDll, destLibPath);
- // Execute the test using the custom lightup path where lightup.deps.json can be found.
- dotnet.Exec("exec", "--additional-deps", baseDir, appDll)
- .CaptureStdErr()
- .CaptureStdOut()
- .Execute()
- .Should().Pass()
- .And.HaveStdOutContaining("Hello LightupClient");
- }
- [Fact]
- public void Muxer_activation_of_LightupApp_WithLightupLib_and_Roll_Backwards_From_Release_To_Release_Succeeds()
- {
- var fixtureLib = sharedTestState.LightupLibFixture_Published
- .Copy();
- var fixtureApp = GlobalLightupClientFixture
- .Copy();
- var dotnet = fixtureApp.BuiltDotnet;
- var appDll = fixtureApp.TestProject.AppDll;
- var libDepsJson = fixtureLib.TestProject.DepsJson;
- // Set desired version = 8888.0.0
- string runtimeConfig = Path.Combine(fixtureApp.TestProject.OutputDirectory, "LightupClient.runtimeconfig.json");
- SharedFramework.SetRuntimeConfigJson(runtimeConfig, "8888.0.0");
- // Add versions in the exe folder
- SharedFramework.AddAvailableSharedFxVersions(_builtSharedFxDir, _fxBaseDir, "8888.0.5");
- CopyLightupLib(fixtureApp, fixtureLib);
- // Create the M.N.App specific folder where lightup.deps.json can be found.
- var baseDir = fixtureApp.TestProject.ProjectDirectory;
- var customLightupPath = Path.Combine(baseDir, "shared");
- // Delete any existing artifacts
- if (Directory.Exists(customLightupPath))
- {
- Directory.Delete(customLightupPath, true);
- }
- customLightupPath = Path.Combine(customLightupPath, "Microsoft.NETCore.App");
- CreateLightupFolder(customLightupPath, $"8887.0.0", libDepsJson);
- CreateLightupFolder(customLightupPath, $"8888.0.0", libDepsJson);
- CreateLightupFolder(customLightupPath, $"8888.0.4-preview", libDepsJson);
- // Closest backwards patch version (selected)
- CreateLightupFolder(customLightupPath, $"8888.0.4", libDepsJson);
- string selectedLightupPath = Path.Combine(customLightupPath, "8888.0.4");
- CreateLightupFolder(customLightupPath, $"8888.0.9", libDepsJson);
- CreateLightupFolder(customLightupPath, $"8889.0.0", libDepsJson);
- // Version targeted: NetCoreApp 8888.0.0
- // Version existing: NetCoreApp 8888.0.5
- // Lightup folders: 8887.0.0
- // 8888.0.0
- // 8888.0.4-preview
- // 8888.0.4
- // 8888.0.9
- // 8889.0.0
- // Expected: 8888.0.4
- dotnet.Exec("exec", "--additional-deps", baseDir, appDll)
- .EnableTracingAndCaptureOutputs()
- .Execute()
- .Should().Pass()
- .And.HaveStdOutContaining("Hello LightupClient")
- .And.HaveStdErrContaining($"Using specified additional deps.json: '{selectedLightupPath}");
- }
- [Fact]
- public void Muxer_activation_of_LightupApp_WithLightupLib_and_Roll_Backwards_From_Prerelease_To_Release_Succeeds()
- {
- var fixtureLib = sharedTestState.LightupLibFixture_Published
- .Copy();
- var fixtureApp = GlobalLightupClientFixture
- .Copy();
- var dotnet = fixtureApp.BuiltDotnet;
- var appDll = fixtureApp.TestProject.AppDll;
- var libDepsJson = fixtureLib.TestProject.DepsJson;
- // Set desired version = 8888.0.0
- string runtimeConfig = Path.Combine(fixtureApp.TestProject.OutputDirectory, "LightupClient.runtimeconfig.json");
- SharedFramework.SetRuntimeConfigJson(runtimeConfig, "8888.0.5-preview1");
- // Add versions in the exe folder
- SharedFramework.AddAvailableSharedFxVersions(_builtSharedFxDir, _fxBaseDir, "8888.0.5-preview2");
- CopyLightupLib(fixtureApp, fixtureLib);
- // Create the M.N.App specific folder where lightup.deps.json can be found.
- var baseDir = fixtureApp.TestProject.ProjectDirectory;
- var customLightupPath = Path.Combine(baseDir, "shared");
- // Delete any existing artifacts
- if (Directory.Exists(customLightupPath))
- {
- Directory.Delete(customLightupPath, true);
- }
- customLightupPath = Path.Combine(customLightupPath, "Microsoft.NETCore.App");
- CreateLightupFolder(customLightupPath, $"8888.0.0", libDepsJson);
- CreateLightupFolder(customLightupPath, $"8888.0.4-preview", libDepsJson);
- // Closest backwards patch version (selected)
- CreateLightupFolder(customLightupPath, $"8888.0.4", libDepsJson);
- string selectedLightupPath = Path.Combine(customLightupPath, "8888.0.4");
- CreateLightupFolder(customLightupPath, $"8888.0.5", libDepsJson);
- // Version targeted: NetCoreApp 8888.0.0-preview1
- // Version existing: NetCoreApp 8888.0.5-preview2
- // Lightup folders: 8888.0.0
- // 8888.0.4-preview
- // 8888.0.4
- // 8888.0.5
- // Expected: 8888.0.4
- dotnet.Exec("exec", "--additional-deps", baseDir, appDll)
- .EnableTracingAndCaptureOutputs()
- .Execute()
- .Should().Pass()
- .And.HaveStdOutContaining("Hello LightupClient")
- .And.HaveStdErrContaining($"Using specified additional deps.json: '{selectedLightupPath}");
- }
- [Fact]
- public void Muxer_activation_of_LightupApp_WithLightupLib_and_Roll_Backwards_Fails()
- {
- var fixtureLib = sharedTestState.LightupLibFixture_Published
- .Copy();
- var fixtureApp = GlobalLightupClientFixture
- .Copy();
- var dotnet = fixtureApp.BuiltDotnet;
- var appDll = fixtureApp.TestProject.AppDll;
- var libDepsJson = fixtureLib.TestProject.DepsJson;
- // Set desired version = 8888.0.0
- string runtimeConfig = Path.Combine(fixtureApp.TestProject.OutputDirectory, "LightupClient.runtimeconfig.json");
- SharedFramework.SetRuntimeConfigJson(runtimeConfig, "8888.0.0");
- // Add versions in the exe folder
- SharedFramework.AddAvailableSharedFxVersions(_builtSharedFxDir, _fxBaseDir, "8888.0.1");
- CopyLightupLib(fixtureApp, fixtureLib);
- // Create the M.N.App specific folder where lightup.deps.json can be found.
- var baseDir = fixtureApp.TestProject.ProjectDirectory;
- var customLightupPath = Path.Combine(baseDir, "shared");
- // Delete any existing artifacts
- if (Directory.Exists(customLightupPath))
- {
- Directory.Delete(customLightupPath, true);
- }
- customLightupPath = Path.Combine(customLightupPath, "Microsoft.NETCore.App");
- CreateLightupFolder(customLightupPath, $"8887.0.0", libDepsJson);
- CreateLightupFolder(customLightupPath, $"8889.0.0", libDepsJson);
- // Version targeted: NetCoreApp 8888.0.0
- // Version existing: NetCoreApp 8888.0.1
- // Lightup folders: 8887.0.0
- // 8889.0.0
- // Expected: fail since we only roll backward on patch, not minor
- dotnet.Exec("exec", "--additional-deps", baseDir, appDll)
- .EnableTracingAndCaptureOutputs()
- .Execute(expectedToFail: true)
- .Should().Fail()
- .And.HaveStdErrContaining($"No additional deps directory less than or equal to [8888.0.1] found with same major and minor version.");
- }
- // Attempt to run the app without lightup deps.json specified but lightup library present in the expected
- // probe location (of being app-local).
- [Fact]
- public void Muxer_activation_of_LightupApp_WithLightupLib_NoLightupDepsJson_Fails()
- {
- var fixtureLib = sharedTestState.LightupLibFixture_Built
- .Copy();
- var fixtureApp = sharedTestState.LightupClientFixture
- .Copy();
- var dotnet = fixtureApp.BuiltDotnet;
- var appDll = fixtureApp.TestProject.AppDll;
- var libDll = fixtureLib.TestProject.AppDll;
- var destLibPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(appDll), Path.GetFileName(libDll));
- // Copy the library to the location of the lightup app
- File.Copy(libDll, destLibPath);
- dotnet.Exec("exec", appDll)
- .CaptureStdErr()
- .CaptureStdOut()
- .Execute(expectedToFail: true)
- .Should().Fail()
- .And.HaveStdOutContaining("Exception: Failed to load the lightup assembly!");
- }
- [Fact]
- public void Additional_Deps_Lightup_Folder_With_Bad_JsonFile()
- {
- var fixture = GlobalLightupClientFixture
- .Copy();
- var fixtureLib = sharedTestState.LightupLibFixture_Published
- .Copy();
- CopyLightupLib(fixture, fixtureLib);
- var dotnet = fixture.BuiltDotnet;
- var appDll = fixture.TestProject.AppDll;
- // Add version in the exe folder
- SharedFramework.AddAvailableSharedFxVersions(_builtSharedFxDir, _fxBaseDir, "9999.0.0");
- // Set desired version = 9999.0.0
- string runtimeConfig = Path.Combine(fixture.TestProject.OutputDirectory, "LightupClient.runtimeconfig.json");
- SharedFramework.SetRuntimeConfigJson(runtimeConfig, "9999.0.0");
- string additionalDepsRootPath = Path.Combine(_fxBaseDir, "additionalDeps");
- // Create a deps.json file in the folder "additionalDeps\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\9999.0.0"
- string additionalDepsPath = Path.Combine(additionalDepsRootPath, "shared", "Microsoft.NETCore.App", "9999.0.0", "myAdditionalDeps.deps.json");
- FileInfo additionalDepsFile = new FileInfo(additionalDepsPath);
- additionalDepsFile.Directory.Create();
- File.WriteAllText(additionalDepsFile.FullName, "THIS IS A BAD JSON FILE");
- // Expected: a parsing error since the json file is bad.
- dotnet.Exec("exec", "--additional-deps", additionalDepsRootPath, appDll)
- .EnableTracingAndCaptureOutputs()
- .Execute(expectedToFail: true)
- .Should().Fail()
- .And.HaveStdErrContaining($"Error initializing the dependency resolver: An error occurred while parsing: {additionalDepsPath}");
- }
- [Fact]
- public void SharedFx_With_Higher_Version_Wins_Against_Additional_Deps()
- {
- var fixture = GlobalLightupClientFixture
- .Copy();
- var fixtureLib = sharedTestState.LightupLibFixture_Published
- .Copy();
- CopyLightupLib(fixture, fixtureLib);
- var dotnet = fixture.BuiltDotnet;
- var appDll = fixture.TestProject.AppDll;
- // Set desired version = 7777.0.0
- string runtimeConfig = Path.Combine(fixture.TestProject.OutputDirectory, "LightupClient.runtimeconfig.json");
- SharedFramework.SetRuntimeConfigJson(runtimeConfig, "7777.0.0", null, useUberFramework: true);
- // Add versions in the exe folder
- SharedFramework.AddAvailableSharedFxVersions(_builtSharedFxDir, _fxBaseDir, "9999.0.0");
- SharedFramework.AddAvailableSharedUberFxVersions(_builtSharedUberFxDir, _uberFxBaseDir, "9999.0.0", "7777.0.0");
- // Copy NetCoreApp's copy of the assembly to the app location
- string netcoreAssembly = Path.Combine(_fxBaseDir, "9999.0.0", "System.Collections.Immutable.dll");
- string appAssembly = Path.Combine(fixture.TestProject.OutputDirectory, "System.Collections.Immutable.dll");
- File.Copy(netcoreAssembly, appAssembly);
- // Create a deps.json file in the folder "additionalDeps\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\9999.0.0"
- string additionalDepsRootPath = Path.Combine(_fxBaseDir, "additionalDeps");
- JsonObject versionInfo = new JsonObject
- {
- ["assemblyVersion"] = "",
- ["fileVersion"] = ""
- };
- string additionalDepsPath = CreateAdditionalDeps(additionalDepsRootPath, versionInfo);
- // Version: NetCoreApp 9999.0.0
- // UberFramework 7777.0.0
- // Existing:NetCoreApp 9999.0.0
- // UberFramework 7777.0.0
- // Expected: 9999.0.0
- // 7777.0.0
- // Expected: the uber framework's version of System.Collections.Immutable is used instead of the additional-deps
- string uberAssembly = Path.Combine(_uberFxBaseDir, "7777.0.0", "System.Collections.Immutable.dll");
- dotnet.Exec("exec", "--additional-deps", additionalDepsPath, appDll)
- .EnableTracingAndCaptureOutputs()
- .Execute()
- .Should().Pass()
- .And.HaveStdErrContaining($"Using specified additional deps.json: '{additionalDepsPath}'")
- .And.HaveStdErrContaining($"Adding tpa entry: {uberAssembly}")
- .And.HaveStdErrContaining($"Adding tpa entry: {appAssembly}")
- .And.HaveStdErrContaining($"Replacing deps entry [{appAssembly}")
- .And.HaveStdErrContaining($"with [{uberAssembly}, AssemblyVersion:{SystemCollectionsImmutableAssemblyVersion}, FileVersion:{SystemCollectionsImmutableFileVersion}]")
- // Verify final selection in TRUSTED_PLATFORM_ASSEMBLIES
- .And.HaveStdErrContaining($"{uberAssembly}{Path.PathSeparator}")
- .And.NotHaveStdErrContaining($"{appAssembly}{Path.PathSeparator}");
- }
- [Fact]
- public void SharedFx_With_Lower_Version_Loses_Against_Additional_Deps()
- {
- var fixture = GlobalLightupClientFixture
- .Copy();
- var fixtureLib = sharedTestState.LightupLibFixture_Published
- .Copy();
- CopyLightupLib(fixture, fixtureLib);
- var dotnet = fixture.BuiltDotnet;
- var appDll = fixture.TestProject.AppDll;
- // Set desired version = 7777.0.0
- string runtimeConfig = Path.Combine(fixture.TestProject.OutputDirectory, "LightupClient.runtimeconfig.json");
- SharedFramework.SetRuntimeConfigJson(runtimeConfig, "7777.0.0", null, useUberFramework: true);
- // Add versions in the exe folder
- SharedFramework.AddAvailableSharedFxVersions(_builtSharedFxDir, _fxBaseDir, "9999.0.0");
- SharedFramework.AddAvailableSharedUberFxVersions(_builtSharedUberFxDir, _uberFxBaseDir, "9999.0.0", "7777.0.0");
- // Copy NetCoreApp's copy of the assembly to the app location
- string netcoreAssembly = Path.Combine(_fxBaseDir, "9999.0.0", "System.Collections.Immutable.dll");
- string appAssembly = Path.Combine(fixture.TestProject.OutputDirectory, "System.Collections.Immutable.dll");
- File.Copy(netcoreAssembly, appAssembly);
- // Create a deps.json file in the folder "additionalDeps\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\9999.0.0"
- string additionalDepsRootPath = Path.Combine(_fxBaseDir, "additionalDeps");
- JsonObject versionInfo = new JsonObject
- {
- // Use Higher version numbers to win
- ["assemblyVersion"] = "",
- ["fileVersion"] = ""
- };
- string additionalDepsPath = CreateAdditionalDeps(additionalDepsRootPath, versionInfo);
- // Version: NetCoreApp 9999.0.0
- // UberFramework 7777.0.0
- // Existing:NetCoreApp 9999.0.0
- // UberFramework 7777.0.0
- // Expected: 9999.0.0
- // 7777.0.0
- // Expected: the additional dep's version of System.Collections.Immutable is used instead of the uber's assembly
- string uberAssembly = Path.Combine(_uberFxBaseDir, "7777.0.0", "System.Collections.Immutable.dll");
- dotnet.Exec("exec", "--additional-deps", additionalDepsPath, appDll)
- .EnableTracingAndCaptureOutputs()
- .Execute()
- .Should().Pass()
- .And.HaveStdErrContaining($"Using specified additional deps.json: '{additionalDepsPath}'")
- .And.HaveStdErrContaining($"Adding tpa entry: {appAssembly}, AssemblyVersion:, FileVersion:")
- // Verify final selection in TRUSTED_PLATFORM_ASSEMBLIES
- .And.HaveStdErrContaining($"{appAssembly}{Path.PathSeparator}")
- .And.NotHaveStdErrContaining($"{uberAssembly}{Path.PathSeparator}");
- }
- private static void CreateLightupFolder(string customLightupPath, string version, string libDepsJson)
- {
- customLightupPath = Path.Combine(customLightupPath, version);
- // Create the folder to which lightup.deps.json will be copied to.
- Directory.CreateDirectory(customLightupPath);
- // Copy the lightup.deps.json
- File.Copy(libDepsJson, Path.Combine(customLightupPath, Path.GetFileName(libDepsJson)));
- }
- private static string CreateAdditionalDeps(string destDir, JsonObject immutableCollectionVersionInfo)
- {
- DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(destDir);
- if (dir.Exists)
- {
- dir.Delete(true);
- }
- dir.Create();
- JsonObject depsjson = SharedFramework.CreateDepsJson("Microsoft.NETCore.App", "LightupLib/1.0.0", "LightupLib");
- string depsFile = Path.Combine(destDir, "My.deps.json");
- File.WriteAllText(depsFile, depsjson.ToString());
- SharedFramework.AddReferenceToDepsJson(depsFile, "LightupLib/1.0.0", "System.Collections.Immutable", "1.0.0", immutableCollectionVersionInfo);
- SharedFramework.AddReferenceToDepsJson(depsFile, "LightupLib/1.0.0", "Newtonsoft.Json", "13.0.1");
- return depsFile;
- }
- private static void CopyLightupLib(TestProjectFixture fixtureApp, TestProjectFixture fixtureLib)
- {
- var appDll = fixtureApp.TestProject.AppDll;
- var libDll = fixtureLib.TestProject.AppDll;
- // Copy the library to the location of the lightup app (app-local)
- var destLibPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(appDll), Path.GetFileName(libDll));
- File.Copy(libDll, destLibPath);
- // Copy the newtonsoft dependency to the location of the lightup app (app-local)
- var srcNewtonsoftPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(libDll), "Newtonsoft.Json.dll");
- var destNewtonsoftPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(appDll), "Newtonsoft.Json.dll");
- File.Copy(srcNewtonsoftPath, destNewtonsoftPath);
- }
- public class SharedTestState : IDisposable
- {
- public TestProjectFixture LightupLibFixture_Built { get; }
- public TestProjectFixture LightupLibFixture_Published { get; }
- public TestProjectFixture LightupClientFixture { get; }
- public RepoDirectoriesProvider RepoDirectories { get; }
- public SharedTestState()
- {
- RepoDirectories = new RepoDirectoriesProvider();
- LightupLibFixture_Built = new TestProjectFixture("LightupLib", RepoDirectories)
- .EnsureRestored()
- .BuildProject();
- LightupLibFixture_Published = new TestProjectFixture("LightupLib", RepoDirectories)
- .EnsureRestored()
- .PublishProject();
- LightupClientFixture = new TestProjectFixture("LightupClient", RepoDirectories)
- .EnsureRestored()
- .BuildProject();
- }
- public void Dispose()
- {
- LightupLibFixture_Built.Dispose();
- LightupLibFixture_Published.Dispose();
- LightupClientFixture.Dispose();
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/installer/tests/TestUtils/Constants.cs b/src/installer/tests/TestUtils/Constants.cs
index 78fe3e6ea118d2..f7c8cbe391c963 100644
--- a/src/installer/tests/TestUtils/Constants.cs
+++ b/src/installer/tests/TestUtils/Constants.cs
@@ -45,6 +45,11 @@ public static class FxVersion
public const string CommandLineArgument = "--fx-version";
+ public static class AdditionalDeps
+ {
+ public const string CommandLineArgument = "--additional-deps";
+ }
public static class RollForwardToPreRelease
public const string EnvironmentVariable = "DOTNET_ROLL_FORWARD_TO_PRERELEASE";
diff --git a/src/installer/tests/TestUtils/SharedFramework.cs b/src/installer/tests/TestUtils/SharedFramework.cs
index f30fa8fa578e71..927389feec4638 100644
--- a/src/installer/tests/TestUtils/SharedFramework.cs
+++ b/src/installer/tests/TestUtils/SharedFramework.cs
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
-using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using System.Threading;
@@ -36,97 +35,6 @@ public static string CalculateUniqueTestDirectory(string baseDir)
return dir;
- // This method adds a list of new framework version folders in the specified
- // sharedFxBaseDir. The files are copied from the _buildSharedFxDir.
- // Remarks:
- // - If the sharedFxBaseDir does not exist, then a DirectoryNotFoundException
- // is thrown.
- // - If a specified version folder already exists, then it is deleted and replaced
- // with the contents of the _builtSharedFxDir.
- public static void AddAvailableSharedFxVersions(string sharedFxDir, string sharedFxBaseDir, params string[] availableVersions)
- {
- DirectoryInfo sharedFxBaseDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(sharedFxBaseDir);
- if (!sharedFxBaseDirInfo.Exists)
- {
- throw new DirectoryNotFoundException();
- }
- foreach (string version in availableVersions)
- {
- string newSharedFxDir = Path.Combine(sharedFxBaseDir, version);
- CopyDirectory(sharedFxDir, newSharedFxDir);
- }
- }
- // This method adds a list of new framework version folders in the specified
- // sharedFxUberBaseDir. A runtimeconfig file is created that references
- // Microsoft.NETCore.App version=sharedFxBaseVersion
- public static void AddAvailableSharedUberFxVersions(string sharedFxDir, string sharedUberFxBaseDir, string sharedFxBaseVersion, params string[] availableUberVersions)
- {
- DirectoryInfo sharedFxUberBaseDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(sharedUberFxBaseDir);
- if (!sharedFxUberBaseDirInfo.Exists)
- {
- sharedFxUberBaseDirInfo.Create();
- }
- foreach (string version in availableUberVersions)
- {
- string newSharedFxDir = Path.Combine(sharedUberFxBaseDir, version);
- CopyDirectory(sharedFxDir, newSharedFxDir);
- string runtimeBaseConfig = Path.Combine(newSharedFxDir, "Microsoft.UberFramework.runtimeconfig.json");
- SharedFramework.SetRuntimeConfigJson(runtimeBaseConfig, sharedFxBaseVersion, null);
- }
- }
- // Generated json file:
- /*
- * {
- * "runtimeOptions": {
- * "framework": {
- * "name": "Microsoft.NETCore.App",
- * "version": {version}
- * },
- * "rollForwardOnNoCandidateFx": {rollFwdOnNoCandidateFx} <-- only if rollFwdOnNoCandidateFx is defined
- * }
- * }
- */
- public static void SetRuntimeConfigJson(string destFile, string version, int? rollFwdOnNoCandidateFx = null, bool? useUberFramework = false, JsonArray frameworks = null)
- {
- string name = useUberFramework.HasValue && useUberFramework.Value ? "Microsoft.UberFramework" : "Microsoft.NETCore.App";
- JsonObject runtimeOptions = new JsonObject
- {
- ["framework"] = new JsonObject
- {
- ["name"] = name,
- ["version"] = version
- }
- };
- if (rollFwdOnNoCandidateFx.HasValue)
- {
- runtimeOptions.Add("rollForwardOnNoCandidateFx", rollFwdOnNoCandidateFx);
- }
- if (frameworks != null)
- {
- runtimeOptions.Add("frameworks", frameworks);
- }
- FileInfo file = new FileInfo(destFile);
- if (!file.Directory.Exists)
- {
- file.Directory.Create();
- }
- JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
- json.Add("runtimeOptions", runtimeOptions);
- File.WriteAllText(destFile, json.ToString());
- }
// CopyDirectory recursively copies a directory
// Remarks:
// - If the dest dir does not exist, then it is created.
@@ -165,109 +73,11 @@ public static void CopyDirectory(string srcDir, string dstDir)
- public static void CreateUberFrameworkArtifacts(string builtSharedFxDir, string builtSharedUberFxDir, string assemblyVersion = null, string fileVersion = null)
- {
- DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(builtSharedUberFxDir);
- if (dir.Exists)
- {
- dir.Delete(true);
- }
- dir.Create();
- JsonObject versionInfo = new JsonObject();
- if (assemblyVersion != null)
- {
- versionInfo.Add("assemblyVersion", (JsonNode)assemblyVersion);
- }
- if (fileVersion != null)
- {
- versionInfo.Add("fileVersion", (JsonNode)fileVersion);
- }
- JsonObject depsjson = CreateDepsJson("UberFx", "System.Collections.Immutable/1.0.0", "System.Collections.Immutable", versionInfo);
- string depsFile = Path.Combine(builtSharedUberFxDir, "Microsoft.UberFramework.deps.json");
- File.WriteAllText(depsFile, depsjson.ToString());
- // Copy the test assembly
- string fileSource = Path.Combine(builtSharedFxDir, "System.Collections.Immutable.dll");
- string fileDest = Path.Combine(builtSharedUberFxDir, "System.Collections.Immutable.dll");
- File.Copy(fileSource, fileDest);
- }
- public static JsonObject CreateDepsJson(string fxName, string testPackage, string testAssembly, JsonObject versionInfo = null)
- {
- // Create the deps.json. Generated file (example)
- /*
- {
- "runtimeTarget": {
- "name": "UberFx"
- },
- "targets": {
- "UberFx": {
- "System.Collections.Immutable/1.0.0": {
- "dependencies": {}
- "runtime": {
- "System.Collections.Immutable.dll": {}
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "libraries": {
- "System.Collections.Immutable/1.0.0": {
- "type": "assemblyreference",
- "serviceable": false,
- "sha512": ""
- }
- }
- }
- */
- if (versionInfo == null)
- {
- versionInfo = new JsonObject();
- }
- JsonObject depsjson = new JsonObject
- {
- ["runtimeTarget"] = new JsonObject
- {
- ["name"] = fxName
- },
- ["targets"] = new JsonObject
- {
- [fxName] = new JsonObject
- {
- [testPackage] = new JsonObject
- {
- ["dependencies"] = new JsonObject(),
- ["runtime"] = new JsonObject
- {
- [testAssembly + ".dll"] = versionInfo
- }
- }
- }
- },
- ["libraries"] = new JsonObject
- {
- [testPackage] = new JsonObject
- {
- ["type"] = "assemblyreference",
- ["serviceable"] = false,
- ["sha512"] = ""
- }
- }
- };
- return depsjson;
- }
public static void AddReferenceToDepsJson(
- string jsonFile,
- string fxNameWithVersion,
- string testPackage,
- string testPackageVersion,
+ string jsonFile,
+ string fxNameWithVersion,
+ string testPackage,
+ string testPackageVersion,
JsonObject testAssemblyVersionInfo = null,
string testAssembly = null)