From 2cec25d74f46356293075a009d617eace51c6650 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2022 15:57:26 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 679: Build ID 2017800 --- .../Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 34 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 34 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 34 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 34 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 34 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 34 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 34 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 34 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 34 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 34 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 34 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 34 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 34 +++++++++---------- 13 files changed, 221 insertions(+), 221 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index a96bb0372aaf08..28ada6b8c6ead8 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -4,37 +4,37 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Zdrojem generovaná volání P/Invokes budou ignorovat všechny nepodporované konfigurace. + Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - Konfiguraci {0} nepodporují zdrojem generovaná volání P/Invokes. Pokud je určená konfigurace povinná, použijte místo ní normální DllImport. + The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - Určenou konfiguraci zařazování nepodporují zdrojem generovaná volání P/Invokes. {0}. + The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - Určená konfigurace {0} pro parametr {1} není podporována voláním P/Invokes. Pokud je určená konfigurace povinná, použijte místo ní normální DllImport. + The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - Určenou konfiguraci {0} návratové hodnoty metody {1} nepodporují zdrojem generovaná volání P/Invokes. Pokud je určená konfigurace povinná, použijte místo ní normální Dllimport. + The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - Určená hodnota {0} pro {1} se nepodporuje u zdrojem generovaných volání P/Invokes. Pokud je určená konfigurace povinná, použijte místo ní normální Dllimport. + The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - Určenou konfiguraci nepodporují zdrojem generovaná volání P/Invokes. + Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. @@ -59,54 +59,54 @@ The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - Konfigurace StringMarshalling a StringMarshallingCustomType je neplatná. + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - Konfigurace StringMarshalling a StringMarshallingCustomType u metody {0} je neplatná. {1} + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - StringMarshallingCustomType musí být určený, pokud je StringMarshalling nastavený na StringMarshalling.Custom. + 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - StringMarshalling by měl být nastavený na StringMarshalling.Custom, když je pokud je určený StringMarshallingCustomType. + 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - U typů, které nejsou podporovány zdrojem generovanými voláními P/Invoke, bude výsledné volání P/Invoke záviset na podkladovém modulu runtime, aby určený typ zařadil. + For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - Typ {0} nepodporují zdrojem generovaná volání P/Invokes. Vygenerovaný zdroj nebude zpracovávat zařazování parametru {1}. + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} Generovaný zdroj nebude zpracovávat zařazování parametru {1}. + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - Typ {0} nepodporují zdrojem generovaná volání P/Invokes. Vygenerovaný zdroj nebude zpracovávat zařazování návratové hodnoty metody {1}. + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} Generovaný zdroj nebude zpracovávat zařazování návratové hodnoty metody {1}. + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Určený typ nepodporují zdrojem generovaná volání P/Invokes. + Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ index bf465c7641a917..2e34d6cb398063 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,37 +4,37 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Quellgenerierte P/Invokes ignorieren alle Konfigurationen, die nicht unterstützt werden. + Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - Die Konfiguration \"{0}\" wird von quellgenerierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt. Wenn die angegebene Konfiguration erforderlich ist, verwenden Sie stattdessen einen regulären DllImport. + The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - Die angegebene Marshallingkonfiguration wird von quellgenerierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt. {0}. + The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - Die angegebene Konfiguration \"{0}\" für den Parameter \"{1}\" wird von quellgenerierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt. Wenn die angegebene Konfiguration erforderlich ist, verwenden Sie stattdessen einen regulären \"DllImport\". + The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - Die angegebene Konfiguration \"{0}\" für den Rückgabewert der Methode \"{1}\" wird von quellgenerierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt. Wenn die angegebene Konfiguration erforderlich ist, verwenden Sie stattdessen einen regulären DllImport. + The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - Der angegebene Wert \"{0}\" für \"{1}\" wird von quellgenerierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt. Wenn die angegebene Konfiguration erforderlich ist, verwenden Sie stattdessen einen regulären \"DllImport\". + The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - Die angegebene Konfiguration wird von quellgenerierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt. + Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. @@ -59,54 +59,54 @@ The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - Die Konfiguration von \"StringMarshalling\" und \"StringMarshallingCustomType\" ist ungültig. + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - Die Konfiguration von \"StringMarshalling\" und \"StringMarshallingCustomType\" für die Methode \"{0}\" ist ungültig. {1} + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - \"StringMarshallingCustomType\" muss angegeben werden, wenn \"StringMarshalling\" auf \"StringMarshalling.Custom\" festgelegt ist. + 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - \"StringMarshalling\" muss auf \"StringMarshalling.Custom\" festgelegt werden, wenn \"StringMarshallingCustomType\" angegeben ist. + 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - Bei Typen, die von dquellgenerierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt werden, basiert der resultierende P/Invoke auf der zugrunde liegenden Laufzeit, um den angegebenen Typ zu marshallen. + For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - Der Typ \"{0}\" wird von vom Quellcode generierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt. Die generierte Quelle verarbeitet das Marshalling des Parameters \"{1}\" nicht. + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} Die generierte Quelle verarbeitet das Marshalling des Parameters \"{1}\" nicht. + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - Der Typ \"{0}\" wird von vom Quellcode generierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt. Die generierte Quelle verarbeitet das Marshalling des Rückgabewerts der Methode \"{1}\" nicht. + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} Die generierte Quelle verarbeitet das Marshalling des Rückgabewerts der Methode \"{1}\" nicht. + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Der angegebene Typ wird von quellgenerierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt. + Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ index 3f3ce2505f8a89..25fb2cc7376689 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,37 +4,37 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Los P/Invoke de un generador de código fuente omitirán cualquier configuración que no esté admitida. + Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - La configuración de “{0}” no está admitida por P/Invokes de un generador de código fuente. Si se requiere la configuración, use un “DllImport” normal en su lugar. + The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - La configuración de serialización especificada no está admitida por P/Invokes de un generador de código fuente. {0}. + The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - La configuración de “{0}” especificada para el parámetro “{1}” no es compatible con P/Invokes de un generador de código fuente. Si se requiere la configuración especificada, use un “DllImport” normal en su lugar. + The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - La configuración de “{0}” especificada para el valor devuelto del método “{1}” no es compatible con P/Invokes generados por origen. Si se requiere la configuración especificada, use un “DllImport” normal en su lugar. + The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - El valor especificado de “{0}” para “{1}” no es compatible con P/Invokes de un generador de código fuente. Si se requiere la configuración especificada, use un “DllImport” normal en su lugar. + The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - La configuración especificada no está admitida por P/Invokes de un generador de código fuente. + Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. @@ -59,54 +59,54 @@ The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - La configuración de “StringMarshalling” y “StringMarshallingCustomType” no es válida. + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - La configuración de “StringMarshalling” y “StringMarshallingCustomType” en el método “{0}” no es válida. {1} + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - Se debe especificar “StringMarshallingCustomType” cuando “StringMarshalling” esté establecido en “StringMarshalling.Custom”. + 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - “StringMarshalling” debe establecerse en “StringMarshalling.Custom” cuando “StringMarshallingCustomType” esté especificado. + 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - Para los tipos que no son compatibles con P/Invokes de un generador de código fuente, el P/Invoke resultante se basará en el entorno de ejecución subyacente para serializar las referencias del tipo especificado. + For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - El tipo “{0}” no es compatible con P/Invokes de un generador de código fuente. El código fuente generado no controlará la serialización del parámetro “{1}”. + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} El origen generado no controlará la serialización del parámetro “{1}”. + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - El tipo “{0}” no es compatible con P/Invokes de un generador de código fuente. El código fuente generado no controlará la serialización del valor devuelto del método “{1}”. + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} El código fuente generado no controlará la serialización del valor devuelto del método “{1}”. + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - El tipo especificado no está admitido por P/Invokes de un generador de código fuente + Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ index 7a10a0812a8638..addddf2de8cd04 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,37 +4,37 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Les P/Invokes générés par la source ignorent toute configuration qui n’est pas prise en charge. + Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - La configuration de « {0} » n’est pas prise en charge par les P/Invok générés par la source. Si la configuration spécifiée est requise, utilisez plutôt un « DllImport » normal. + The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - La configuration de marshaling spécifiée n’est pas prise en charge par les P/Invokes générés par la source. {0}. + The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - La configuration de « {0} » spécifiée pour le paramètre « {1} » n’est pas prise en charge par les P/Invok générés par la source. Si la configuration spécifiée est requise, utilisez plutôt un « DllImport » normal. + The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - La configuration de « {0} » spécifiée pour la valeur renvoyée de la méthode « {1} » n’est pas prise en charge par les P/Invok générés par la source. Si la configuration spécifiée est requise, utilisez plutôt un « DllImport » normal. + The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - La valeur de « {0} » spécifiée pour « {1} » n’est pas prise en charge par les P/Invok générés par la source. Si la configuration spécifiée est requise, utilisez plutôt un « DllImport » normal. + The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - La configuration spécifiée n’est pas prise en charge par les P/Invokes générés par la source. + Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. @@ -59,54 +59,54 @@ The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - La configuration de « StringMarshalling » et de « StringMarshallingCustomType » n’est pas valide. + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - La configuration de « StringMarshalling » et de « StringMarshallingCustomType » n’est sur la méthode « {0} » pas valide. {1} + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - « StringMarshallingCustomType » doit être spécifié quand « StringMarshalling » a la valeur « StringMarshalling.Custom ». + 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - « StringMarshalling » doit être défini sur « StringMarshalling.Custom » quand « StringMarshallingCustomType » est spécifié. + 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - Pour les types qui ne sont pas pris en charge par les P/Invok générés par la source, le P/Invoke résultant se base sur le runtime sous-jacent pour marshaler le type spécifié. + For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - Le type « {0} » n’est pas pris en charge par les P/Invokes générés par la source. La source générée ne gère pas le marshaling du paramètre « {1} ». + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} La source générée ne gère pas le marshaling du paramètre « {1} ». + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - Le type « {0} » n’est pas pris en charge par les P/Invokes générés par la source. La source générée ne gère pas le marshaling de la valeur de retour de la méthode « {1} ». + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} La source générée ne gère pas le marshaling de la valeur de retour de la méthode « {1} ». + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Le type spécifié n’est pas prise en charge par les P/Invokes générés par la source. + Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ index be3a16f70670cd..1a9aa378a08006 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,37 +4,37 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - I P/Invoke generati dall'origine ignoreranno qualsiasi configurazione non supportata. + Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - La configurazione '{0}' non è supportata dai P/Invoke generati dall'origine. Se la configurazione specificata è obbligatoria, usare un attributo `DllImport` normale. + The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - La configurazione di marshalling specificata non è supportata dai P/Invoke generati dall'origine. {0}. + The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - La configurazione '{0}' specificata per il parametro '{1}' non è supportata dai P/Invoke generati dall'origine. Se la configurazione specificata è obbligatoria, usare un attributo `DllImport` normale. + The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - La configurazione '{0}' specificata per il valore restituito del metodo '{1}' non è supportata dai P/Invoke generati dall'origine. Se la configurazione specificata è obbligatoria, usare un attributo `DllImport` normale. + The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - Il valore '{0}' specificato per '{1}' non è supportato dai P/Invoke generati dall'origine. Se la configurazione specificata è obbligatoria, usare un attributo `DllImport` normale. + The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - La configurazione specificata non è supportata dai P/Invoke generati dall'origine. + Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. @@ -59,54 +59,54 @@ The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - La configurazione di 'StringMarshalling' e 'StringMarshallingCustomType' non è valida. + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - La configurazione di 'StringMarshalling' e 'StringMarshallingCustomType' nel metodo '{0}' non è valida. {1} + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - È necessario specificare 'StringMarshallingCustomType' quando 'StringMarshalling' è impostato su 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. + 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 'StringMarshalling' deve essere impostato su 'StringMarshalling.Custom' quando è specificato 'StringMarshallingCustomType'. + 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - Per i tipi non supportati da P/Invoke generati dall'origine, il P/Invoke risultante si baserà sul runtime sottostante per effettuare il marshalling del tipo specificato. + For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - Il tipo '{0}' non è supportato dai P/Invoke generati dall'origine. L'origine generata non gestirà il marshalling del parametro '{1}'. + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} L'origine generata non gestirà il marshalling del parametro '{1}'. + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - Il tipo '{0}' non è supportato dai P/Invoke generati dall'origine. L'origine generata non gestirà il marshalling del valore restituito del metodo '{1}'. + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} L'origine generata non gestirà il marshalling del valore restituito del metodo '{1}'. + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Il tipo specificato non è supportato dai P/Invoke generati dall'origine + Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index f349a06cba61d6..cb4165a990c0f1 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -4,37 +4,37 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - ソース生成済みの P/Invoke は、サポートされていない構成を無視します。 + Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - '{0}' 構成は、ソース生成済みの P/Invoke ではサポートされていません。指定された構成が必要な場合は、代わりに通常の 'DllImport' を使用します。 + The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - 指定されたマーシャリング構成は、ソースで生成された P/Invoke ではサポートされていません。{0}。 + The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - パラメーター '{1}' 向けに指定された '{0}' 構成は、ソース生成済みの P/Invoke ではサポートされていません。指定された構成が必要な場合は、代わりに通常の 'DllImport' を使用します。 + The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - メソッド '{1}' の戻り値向けに指定された '{0}' 構成は、ソース生成済みの P/Invoke ではサポートされていません。指定された構成が必要な場合は、代わりに通常の 'DllImport' を使用します。 + The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - '{1}' 向けに指定された値 '{0}' は、ソース生成済みの P/Invoke ではサポートされていません。指定された構成が必要な場合は、代わりに通常の 'DllImport' を使用します。 + The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - 指定された構成は、ソースで生成された P/Invoke ではサポートされていません。 + Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. @@ -59,54 +59,54 @@ The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - 'StringMarshalling' と 'StringMarshallingCustomType' の構成が無効です。 + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - メソッド '{0}' の 'StringMarshalling' と 'StringMarshallingCustomType' の構成が無効です。{1} + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 'StringMarshalling' が 'StringMarshalling.Custom' に設定されている場合は、'StringMarshallingCustomType' を指定する必要があります。 + 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 'StringMarshallingCustomType' が指定されている場合、'StringMarshalling' を 'StringMarshalling.Custom' に設定する必要があります。 + 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - ソース生成済みの P/Invoke でサポートされていない型である場合、生成された P/Invoke は、基礎となるなるランタイムに依存して、指定された型をマーシャリングします。 + For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - 型 '{0}' は、ソース生成済みの P/Invoke ではサポートされていません。生成されたソースは、パラメーター '{1}' のマーシャリングを処理しません。 + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} 生成されたソースはパラメーター '{1}' のマーシャリングを処理しません。 + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - 型 '{0}' は、ソース生成済みの P/Invoke ではサポートされていません。生成されたソースは、メソッド '{1}' の戻り値のマーシャリングを処理しません。 + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} 生成されたソースは、メソッド '{1}' の戻り値のマーシャリングを処理しません。 + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - 指定された型は、ソースで生成された P/Invoke ではサポートされていません + Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 53bb45e12ef652..3abb2a0b64d1f1 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -4,37 +4,37 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - 소스 생성 P/Invoke는 지원되지 않는 구성을 무시합니다. + Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - '{0}' 구성은 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원되지 않습니다. 지정된 구성이 필요한 경우 일반 'DllImport'를 대신 사용하세요. + The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - 지정된 마샬링 구성은 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원되지 않습니다. {0}. + The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - 매개 변수 '{1}'에 대해 지정된 '{0}' 구성이 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원되지 않습니다. 지정된 구성이 필요한 경우 일반 'DllImport'를 대신 사용하세요. + The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - 메서드 '{1}'의 반환 값에 대해 지정된 '{0}' 구성은 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원되지 않습니다. 지정된 구성이 필요한 경우 일반 'DllImport'를 대신 사용하세요. + The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - '{1}'에 대해 지정된 값 '{0}'은(는) 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원되지 않습니다. 지정된 구성이 필요한 경우 일반 'DllImport'를 대신 사용하세요. + The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - 지정된 구성은 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원되지 않습니다. + Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. @@ -59,54 +59,54 @@ The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - 'StringMarshalling' 및 'StringMarshallingCustomType'의 구성이 잘못되었습니다. + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - '{0}' 메서드의 'StringMarshalling' 및 'StringMarshallingCustomType' 구성이 잘못되었습니다. {1} + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 'StringMarshalling'이 'StringMarshalling.Custom'으로 설정된 경우 'StringMarshallingCustomType'을 지정해야 합니다. + 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 'StringMarshallingCustomType'이 지정된 경우 'StringMarshalling'은 'StringMarshalling.Custom'으로 설정되어야 합니다. + 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원하지 않는 형식의 경우 결과 P/Invoke는 기본 런타임에 의존하여 지정된 형식을 마샬링합니다. + For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - 형식 '{0}'은(는) 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원되지 않습니다. 생성된 소스는 '{1}' 매개 변수의 마샬링을 처리하지 않습니다. + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} 생성된 소스는 '{1}' 매개 변수의 마샬링을 처리하지 않습니다. + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - 형식 '{0}'은(는) 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원되지 않습니다. 생성된 소스는 '{1}' 메서드의 반환 값 마샬링을 처리하지 않습니다. + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} 생성된 소스는 '{1}' 메서드의 반환 값 마샬링을 처리하지 않습니다. + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - 지정된 형식은 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원되지 않습니다. + Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ index 283a271d108ec4..f766863fd452c3 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,37 +4,37 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Funkcja P/Invokes generowana przez źródło zignoruje każdą nieobsługiwaną konfigurację. + Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - Konfiguracja {0} nie jest obsługiwana przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło. Jeśli określona konfiguracja jest wymagana, użyj zamiast tego zwykłego elementu „DllImport”. + The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - Określona konfiguracja skierowania nie jest obsługiwana przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło. {0}. + The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - Określona konfiguracja „{0}” dla parametru „{1}” nie jest obsługiwana przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło. Jeśli określona konfiguracja jest wymagana, użyj zamiast tego zwykłego elementu „DllImport”. + The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - Określona konfiguracja „{0}” dla wartości zwracanej przez metodę „{1}” nie jest obsługiwana przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło. Jeśli określona konfiguracja jest wymagana, użyj zamiast tego zwykłego elementu „DllImport”. + The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - Określona wartość „{0}” dla parametru „{1}” nie jest obsługiwana przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło. Jeśli określona konfiguracja jest wymagana, użyj zamiast tego zwykłego elementu „DllImport”. + The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - Określona konfiguracja nie jest obsługiwana przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło. + Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. @@ -59,54 +59,54 @@ The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - Konfiguracja elementów „StringMarshalling” i „StringMarshallingCustomType” jest nieprawidłowa. + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - Konfiguracja elementów „StringMarshalling” i „StringMarshallingCustomType” w metodzie „{0}” jest nieprawidłowa. {1} + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - Element „StringMarshallingCustomType” należy określić, gdy element „StringMarshalling” ma wartość „StringMarshalling.Custom”. + 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - Element „StringMarshalling” należy ustawić na wartość „StringMarshalling.Custom”, gdy określono element „StringMarshallingCustomType”. + 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - W przypadku typów, które nie są obsługiwane przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło, wynikowa funkcja P/Invoke będzie polegać na bazowym środowisku uruchomieniowym, aby skierować określony typ. + For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - Typ „{0}” nie jest obsługiwany przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło. Wygenerowane źródło nie obsługuje skierowania parametru „{1}”. + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} Wygenerowane źródło nie obsługuje skierowania parametru „{1}”. + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - Typ „{0}” nie jest obsługiwany przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło. Wygenerowane źródło nie obsługuje skierowania wartości zwracanej przez metodę „{1}”. + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0}Wygenerowane źródło nie obsługuje skierowania wartości zwracanej przez metodę „{1}”. + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Określony typ nie jest obsługiwany przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło + Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ index 8fecda2e4234ad..cf939b22a9f364 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,37 +4,37 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - P/Invokes gerados pela origem ignorarão qualquer configuração sem suporte. + Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - A configuração '{0}' não é suportada por P/Invokes gerados pela origem. Se a configuração especificada for necessária, use um 'DllImport' regular. + The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - Não há suporte para a configuração de marshaling especificada por P/Invokes gerados pela origem. {0}. + The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - A configuração '{0}' especificada para o parâmetro '{1}' não é suportada por P/Invokes gerados pela origem. Se a configuração especificada for necessária, use um 'DllImport' regular. + The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - A configuração '{0}' especificada para o valor retornado do método '{1}' não é suportada por P/Invokes gerados pela origem. Se a configuração especificada for necessária, use um 'DllImport' regular. + The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - O valor '{0}' especificado para '{1}' não é suportada por P/Invokes gerados pela origem. Se a configuração especificada for necessária, use um 'DllImport' regular. + The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - A configuração especificada não tem suporte de P/Invokes gerados pela origem. + Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. @@ -59,54 +59,54 @@ The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - A configuração de 'StringMarshalling' e 'StringMarshallingCustomType' é inválida. + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - A configuração de 'StringMarshalling' e 'StringMarshallingCustomType' no método '{0}' é inválida. {1} + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 'StringMarshallingCustomType' deve ser especificado quando 'StringMarshalling' está definido como 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. + 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 'StringMarshalling' deve ser definido como 'StringMarshalling.Custom' quando 'StringMarshallingCustomType' for especificado. + 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - Para tipos sem suporte por P/Invokes gerados pela origem, o P/Invoke resultante dependerá do tempo de execução subjacente para realizar marshaling no tipo especificado. + For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - O tipo '{0}' não é suportado por P/Invokes gerados pela origem. A origem gerada não manipulará o marshalling do parâmetro '{1}'. + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} A origem gerada não manipulará o marshalling do parâmetro '{1}'. + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - O tipo '{0}' não é suportado por P/Invokes gerados pela origem. A origem gerada não tratará marshaling do valor de retorno do método '{1}'. + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} A origem gerada não manipulará o marshalling do valor retornado do método '{1}'. + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - O tipo especificado não tem suporte de P/Invokes gerados pela origem. + Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ index 9503e52e57f523..f1848766a527c8 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,37 +4,37 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - P/Invoke с созданием источника будут игнорировать все неподдерживаемые конфигурации. + Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - Конфигурация \"{0}\" не поддерживается в P/Invoke с созданием источника. Если указанная конфигурация обязательна, используйте обычный метод \"DllImport\". + The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - Указанная конфигурация маршализации не поддерживается в P/Invoke с созданием источника. {0}. + The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - Указанная конфигурация \"{0}\" для параметра \"{1}\" не поддерживается в P/Invoke с созданием источника. Если указанная конфигурация обязательна, используйте обычный метод \"DllImport\". + The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - Указанная конфигурация \"{0}\" для возвращаемого значения метода \"{1}\" не поддерживается в P/Invoke с созданием источника. Если указанная конфигурация обязательна, используйте обычный метод \"DllImport\". + The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - Указанное значение “{0}” для “{1}” не поддерживается в P/Invoke с созданием источника. Если указанная конфигурация обязательна, используйте обычный метод “DllImport”. + The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - Указанная конфигурация не поддерживается в P/Invoke с созданием источника. + Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. @@ -59,54 +59,54 @@ The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - Конфигурация \"StringMarshalling\" и \"StringMarshallingCustomType\" недопустима. + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - Конфигурация \"StringMarshalling\" и \"StringMarshallingCustomType\" в методе \"{0}\" недопустима. {1} + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - Если для \"StringMarshalling\" задано значение \"StringMarshalling.Custom\", необходимо указать \"StringMarshallingCustomType\". + 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - Если указано \"StringMarshallingCustomType\", для \"StringMarshalling\" следует задать значение \"StringMarshalling.Custom\". + 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - Для типов, которые не поддерживаются в P/Invoke с созданием источника, в полученном P/Invoke для маршализации указанного типа будет использоваться среда выполнения. + For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - Тип \"{0}\" не поддерживается в P/Invoke с созданием источника. Созданный источник не будет обрабатывать маршализацию параметра \"{1}\". + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} Созданный источник не будет обрабатывать маршализацию параметра \"{1}\". + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - Тип \"{0}\" не поддерживается в P/Invoke с созданием источника. Созданный источник не будет обрабатывать маршализацию возвращаемого значения метода \"{1}\". + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} Созданный источник не будет обрабатывать маршализацию возвращаемого значения метода \"{1}\". + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Указанный тип не поддерживается в P/Invoke с созданием источника. + Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ index 305afacff29768..4ec2f85beafcbd 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,37 +4,37 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes desteklenmeyen yapılandırmaları yok sayar. + Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - '{0}' yapılandırması, kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmiyor. Belirtilen yapılandırma gerekli ise, bunun yerine normal bir 'DllImport' kullanın. + The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - Belirtilen sıralama yapılandırması, kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmiyor. {0}. + The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - '{1}' parametresi için belirtilen '{0}' yapılandırması, kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmiyor. Belirtilen yapılandırma gerekli ise, bunun yerine normal bir 'DllImport' kullanın. + The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - '{1}' metodunun dönüş değeri için belirtilen '{0}' yapılandırması, kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmiyor. Belirtilen yapılandırma gerekli ise, bunun yerine normal bir 'DllImport' kullanın. + The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - '{1}' için belirtilen '{0}' değeri, kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmiyor. Belirtilen yapılandırma gerekli ise, bunun yerine normal bir 'DllImport' kullanın. + The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - Belirtilen yapılandırma, kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmiyor. + Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. @@ -59,54 +59,54 @@ The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - 'StringMarshalling' ve 'StringMarshallingCustomType' yapılandırması geçersiz. + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - '{0}' metodundaki 'StringMarshalling' ve 'StringMarshallingCustomType' yapılandırması geçersiz. {1} + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 'StringMarshalling' 'StringMarshalling.Custom' olarak ayarlandığında 'StringMarshallingCustomType' belirtilmelidir. + 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 'StringMarshallingCustomType' belirtilirken 'StringMarshalling', 'StringMarshalling.Custom' olarak ayarlanmalıdır. + 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - Kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmeyen türler için, elde edilen P/Invoke, belirtilen türü sıralamak için temel alınan çalışma zamanını kullanır. + For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - '{0}' türü, kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmiyor. Oluşturulan kaynak, '{1}' parametresinin sıralamasını işlemez. + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} Oluşturulan kaynak '{1}' parametresinin sıralamasını işlemez. + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - '{0}' türü, kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmiyor. Oluşturulan kaynak, '{1}' metodunun dönüş değerinin sıralamasını işlemez. + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} Oluşturulan kaynak, '{1}' metodunun dönüş değerinin sıralamasını işlemez. + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Belirtilen tür, kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmiyor + Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index bf58dc9b6290af..dfcea684fcac0d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,37 +4,37 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - 源生成的 P/Invoke 将忽略任何不受支持的配置。 + Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - 源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持“{0}”配置。如果需要指定的配置,请改用常规的 “DllImport”。 + The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - 源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持指定的封送配置。{0}。 + The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - 源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持为参数“{1}”指定的“{0}”配置。如果需要指定的配置,请改用常规的 `DllImport`。 + The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - 源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持为方法“{1}”的返回值指定的“{0}”配置。如果需要指定的配置,请改用常规的 “DllImport”。 + The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - 源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持为“{1}”指定的值“{0}”。如果需要指定的配置,请改用常规的 “DllImport”。 + The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - 源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持指定的配置。 + Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. @@ -59,54 +59,54 @@ The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - “StringMarshalling” 和 “StringMarshallingCustomType” 的配置无效。 + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - 方法“{0}”上的 “StringMarshalling” 和 “StringMarshallingCustomType” 的配置无效。{1} + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 在 “StringMarshalling” 设置为 “StringMarshalling.Custom” 时,必须指定 “StringMarshallingCustomType”。 + 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 在指定 “StringMarshallingCustomType” 时,应将 “StringMarshalling” 设置为 “StringMarshalling.Custom”。 + 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - 对于源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持的类型,生成的 P/Invoke 将依赖基础运行时来封送指定的类型。 + For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - 源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持“{0}”类型。生成的源将不处理参数“{1}”的封送。 + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} 生成的源将不处理参数“{1}”的封送。 + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - 源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持“{0}”类型。生成的源将不处理方法“{1}”的返回值的封送。 + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} 生成的源将不处理方法“{1}”的返回值的封送。 + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - 源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持指定的类型 + Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 9060dc388da016..49023bea0a25c0 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,37 +4,37 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - 来源產生的 P/Invokes 將會忽略任何不支援的設定。 + Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - 来源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援為'{0}'設定。如果需要指定的設定,請改用一般 'DllImport'。 + The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - 来源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援指定的排列設定。{0}。 + The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - 来源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援为参數 '{0}' 指定的'{1}'設定。如果需要指定的設定,請改用一般 'DllImport'。 + The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - 来源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援為方法 '{0}' 的傳回值指定的 '{1}' 設定。如果需要指定的設定,請改用一般 'DllImport'。 + The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - 来源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援為'{0}'指定的值 '{1}'。如果需要指定的設定,請改用一般 'DllImport'。 + The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - 来源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援指定的設定。 + Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. @@ -59,54 +59,54 @@ The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - 'StringMarshalling' 和 'StringMarshallingCustomType' 的設定無效。 + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - 方法 '{0}' 上的 'StringMarshalling' 和 'StringMarshallingCustomType' 設定無效。{1} + The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 當 'StringMarshalling' 設定為 'StringMarshalling.Custom' 時,必須指定 'StringMarshallingCustomType'。 + 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 指定 'StringMarshallingCustomType' 時,'StringMarshalling' 應設定為 'StringMarshalling.Custom'。 + 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - 對於來源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援的類型,產生的 P/Invoke 將依賴基礎運行時間來封送指定的類型。 + For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - 来源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援類型 '{0}'。產生的来源將不會處理參數 '{1}' 的排列。 + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} 產生的来源将不會處理參數 '{1}' 的排列。 + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - 来源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援類型 '{0}'。產生的來源將不會處理方法 '{1}' 的傳回值排列。 + The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} 產生的來源將不會處理方法 '{1}' 之傳回值的排列。 + {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - 来源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援指定的類型。 + Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes From d1b8fd34f69bbee10f783f5781fdf438e7cdaf66 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2022 14:46:55 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 679: Build ID 2020266 --- .../Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 42 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 42 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 42 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 42 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 42 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 42 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 42 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 42 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 42 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 42 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 42 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 42 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 42 +++++++++---------- 13 files changed, 273 insertions(+), 273 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 28ada6b8c6ead8..75329fe10be3e3 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -4,109 +4,109 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. + Zdrojem generovaná volání P/Invokes budou ignorovat všechny nepodporované konfigurace. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + Konfiguraci {0} nepodporují zdrojem generovaná volání P/Invokes. Pokud je určená konfigurace povinná, použijte místo ní normální DllImport. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. + Určenou konfiguraci zařazování nepodporují zdrojem generovaná volání P/Invokes. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + Určená konfigurace {0} pro parametr {1} není podporována voláním P/Invokes. Pokud je určená konfigurace povinná, použijte místo ní normální DllImport. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + Určenou konfiguraci {0} návratové hodnoty metody {1} nepodporují zdrojem generovaná volání P/Invokes. Pokud je určená konfigurace povinná, použijte místo ní normální Dllimport. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + Určená hodnota {0} pro {1} se nepodporuje u zdrojem generovaných volání P/Invokes. Pokud je určená konfigurace povinná, použijte místo ní normální Dllimport. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. + Určenou konfiguraci nepodporují zdrojem generovaná volání P/Invokes. Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + Metoda {0} je obsažena v typu {1}, který není označen jako „partial“. Generování zdrojů volání P/Invoke bude metodu {0} ignorovat. Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. - Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. + Metody označené atributem LibraryImportAttribute by měly být typu „static“, „partial“ a non-generic. Generování zdrojů volání P/Invoke bude ignorovat metody typu non-„static“, non-„partial“ a generic. Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + Metoda {0} by měla mít vlastnost „static“, „partial“ a non-generic, když je označena atributem LibraryImportAttribute. Generování zdroje voláním P/Invoke bude metodu {0} ignorovat. Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage - Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage + Neplatné použití LibraryImportAttribute The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. + Konfigurace StringMarshalling a StringMarshallingCustomType je neplatná. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} + Konfigurace StringMarshalling a StringMarshallingCustomType u metody {0} je neplatná. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. + StringMarshallingCustomType musí být určený, pokud je StringMarshalling nastavený na StringMarshalling.Custom. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. + StringMarshalling by měl být nastavený na StringMarshalling.Custom, když je pokud je určený StringMarshallingCustomType. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. + U typů, které nejsou podporovány zdrojem generovanými voláními P/Invoke, bude výsledné volání P/Invoke záviset na podkladovém modulu runtime, aby určený typ zařadil. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + Typ {0} nepodporují zdrojem generovaná volání P/Invokes. Vygenerovaný zdroj nebude zpracovávat zařazování parametru {1}. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + {0} Generovaný zdroj nebude zpracovávat zařazování parametru {1}. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + Typ {0} nepodporují zdrojem generovaná volání P/Invokes. Vygenerovaný zdroj nebude zpracovávat zařazování návratové hodnoty metody {1}. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + {0} Generovaný zdroj nebude zpracovávat zařazování návratové hodnoty metody {1}. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes + Určený typ nepodporují zdrojem generovaná volání P/Invokes. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ index 2e34d6cb398063..dc1e3db6a4dee1 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,109 +4,109 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. + Quellgenerierte P/Invokes ignorieren alle Konfigurationen, die nicht unterstützt werden. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + Die Konfiguration \"{0}\" wird von quellgenerierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt. Wenn die angegebene Konfiguration erforderlich ist, verwenden Sie stattdessen einen regulären DllImport. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. + Die angegebene Marshallingkonfiguration wird von quellgenerierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + Die angegebene Konfiguration \"{0}\" für den Parameter \"{1}\" wird von quellgenerierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt. Wenn die angegebene Konfiguration erforderlich ist, verwenden Sie stattdessen einen regulären \"DllImport\". The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + Die angegebene Konfiguration \"{0}\" für den Rückgabewert der Methode \"{1}\" wird von quellgenerierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt. Wenn die angegebene Konfiguration erforderlich ist, verwenden Sie stattdessen einen regulären DllImport. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + Der angegebene Wert \"{0}\" für \"{1}\" wird von quellgenerierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt. Wenn die angegebene Konfiguration erforderlich ist, verwenden Sie stattdessen einen regulären \"DllImport\". Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. + Die angegebene Konfiguration wird von quellgenerierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt. Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + Die Methode \"{0}\" ist in einem Typ \"{1}\" enthalten, der nicht als \"partiell\" gekennzeichnet ist. Die P/Invoke-Quellgenerierung ignoriert die Methode \"{0}\". Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. - Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. + Methoden, die mit \"LibraryImportAttribute\" gekennzeichnet sind, sollten \"statisch\", \"partiell\" und nicht generisch sein. Die P/Invoke-Quellgenerierung ignoriert Methoden, die nicht \"statisch\", nicht \"partiell\" oder generisch sind. Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + Die Methode \"{0}\" muss \"statisch\", \"partiell\" und nicht generisch sein, wenn sie mit \"LibraryImportAttribute\" markiert ist. Die P/Invoke-Quellgenerierung ignoriert die Methode \"{0}\". Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage - Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage + Ungültige Verwendung von \"LibraryImportAttribute\" The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. + Die Konfiguration von \"StringMarshalling\" und \"StringMarshallingCustomType\" ist ungültig. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} + Die Konfiguration von \"StringMarshalling\" und \"StringMarshallingCustomType\" für die Methode \"{0}\" ist ungültig. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. + \"StringMarshallingCustomType\" muss angegeben werden, wenn \"StringMarshalling\" auf \"StringMarshalling.Custom\" festgelegt ist. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. + \"StringMarshalling\" muss auf \"StringMarshalling.Custom\" festgelegt werden, wenn \"StringMarshallingCustomType\" angegeben ist. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. + Bei Typen, die von dquellgenerierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt werden, basiert der resultierende P/Invoke auf der zugrunde liegenden Laufzeit, um den angegebenen Typ zu marshallen. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + Der Typ \"{0}\" wird von vom Quellcode generierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt. Die generierte Quelle verarbeitet das Marshalling des Parameters \"{1}\" nicht. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + {0} Die generierte Quelle verarbeitet das Marshalling des Parameters \"{1}\" nicht. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + Der Typ \"{0}\" wird von vom Quellcode generierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt. Die generierte Quelle verarbeitet das Marshalling des Rückgabewerts der Methode \"{1}\" nicht. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + {0} Die generierte Quelle verarbeitet das Marshalling des Rückgabewerts der Methode \"{1}\" nicht. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes + Der angegebene Typ wird von quellgenerierten P/Invokes nicht unterstützt. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ index 25fb2cc7376689..5644aa84e676ab 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,109 +4,109 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. + Los P/Invoke de un generador de código fuente omitirán cualquier configuración que no esté admitida. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + La configuración de “{0}” no está admitida por P/Invokes de un generador de código fuente. Si se requiere la configuración, use un “DllImport” normal en su lugar. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. + La configuración de serialización especificada no está admitida por P/Invokes de un generador de código fuente. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + La configuración de “{0}” especificada para el parámetro “{1}” no es compatible con P/Invokes de un generador de código fuente. Si se requiere la configuración especificada, use un “DllImport” normal en su lugar. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + La configuración de “{0}” especificada para el valor devuelto del método “{1}” no es compatible con P/Invokes generados por origen. Si se requiere la configuración especificada, use un “DllImport” normal en su lugar. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + El valor especificado de “{0}” para “{1}” no es compatible con P/Invokes de un generador de código fuente. Si se requiere la configuración especificada, use un “DllImport” normal en su lugar. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. + La configuración especificada no está admitida por P/Invokes de un generador de código fuente. Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + El método “{0}” está contenido en un tipo “{1}” que no está marcado como “partial”. La generación de código fuente P/Invoke omitirá el método “{0}”. Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. - Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. + Los métodos marcados con “LibraryImportAttribute” deben ser “static”, “partial” y no genéricos. La generación de código fuente P/Invoke omitirá los métodos que no sean “static”, “partial” ni genéricos. Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + El método “{0}” debe ser “static”, “partial”, y no genérico cuando está marcado con “LibraryImportAttribute”. La generación del código fuente P/Invoke omitirá el método “{0}”. Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage - Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage + Uso de “LibraryImportAttribute” no válido The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. + La configuración de “StringMarshalling” y “StringMarshallingCustomType” no es válida. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} + La configuración de “StringMarshalling” y “StringMarshallingCustomType” en el método “{0}” no es válida. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. + Se debe especificar “StringMarshallingCustomType” cuando “StringMarshalling” esté establecido en “StringMarshalling.Custom”. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. + “StringMarshalling” debe establecerse en “StringMarshalling.Custom” cuando “StringMarshallingCustomType” esté especificado. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. + Para los tipos que no son compatibles con P/Invokes de un generador de código fuente, el P/Invoke resultante se basará en el entorno de ejecución subyacente para serializar las referencias del tipo especificado. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + El tipo “{0}” no es compatible con P/Invokes de un generador de código fuente. El código fuente generado no controlará la serialización del parámetro “{1}”. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + {0} El origen generado no controlará la serialización del parámetro “{1}”. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + El tipo “{0}” no es compatible con P/Invokes de un generador de código fuente. El código fuente generado no controlará la serialización del valor devuelto del método “{1}”. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + {0} El código fuente generado no controlará la serialización del valor devuelto del método “{1}”. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes + El tipo especificado no está admitido por P/Invokes de un generador de código fuente diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ index addddf2de8cd04..a24635877162b7 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,109 +4,109 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. + Les P/Invokes générés par la source ignorent toute configuration qui n’est pas prise en charge. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + La configuration de « {0} » n’est pas prise en charge par les P/Invok générés par la source. Si la configuration spécifiée est requise, utilisez plutôt un « DllImport » normal. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. + La configuration de marshaling spécifiée n’est pas prise en charge par les P/Invokes générés par la source. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + La configuration de « {0} » spécifiée pour le paramètre « {1} » n’est pas prise en charge par les P/Invok générés par la source. Si la configuration spécifiée est requise, utilisez plutôt un « DllImport » normal. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + La configuration de « {0} » spécifiée pour la valeur renvoyée de la méthode « {1} » n’est pas prise en charge par les P/Invok générés par la source. Si la configuration spécifiée est requise, utilisez plutôt un « DllImport » normal. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + La valeur de « {0} » spécifiée pour « {1} » n’est pas prise en charge par les P/Invok générés par la source. Si la configuration spécifiée est requise, utilisez plutôt un « DllImport » normal. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. + La configuration spécifiée n’est pas prise en charge par les P/Invokes générés par la source. Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + La méthode « {0} » est contenue dans un type « {1} » qui n’est pas marqué comme étant « partial ». La génération source P/Invoke ignore la méthode « {0} ». Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. - Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. + Les méthodes marquées avec « LibraryImportAttribute » doivent être « static », « partial » et non génériques. La génération de source P/Invoke ignore les méthodes qui ne sont pas statiques, non partielles ou génériques. Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + La méthode « {0} » doit être « static », « partial » et non générique quand elle est marquée avec « LibraryImportAttribute ». La génération source P/Invoke ignore la méthode « {0} ». Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage - Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage + Utilisation de « LibraryImportAttribute » non valide The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. + La configuration de « StringMarshalling » et de « StringMarshallingCustomType » n’est pas valide. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} + La configuration de « StringMarshalling » et de « StringMarshallingCustomType » n’est sur la méthode « {0} » pas valide. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. + « StringMarshallingCustomType » doit être spécifié quand « StringMarshalling » a la valeur « StringMarshalling.Custom ». 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. + « StringMarshalling » doit être défini sur « StringMarshalling.Custom » quand « StringMarshallingCustomType » est spécifié. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. + Pour les types qui ne sont pas pris en charge par les P/Invok générés par la source, le P/Invoke résultant se base sur le runtime sous-jacent pour marshaler le type spécifié. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + Le type « {0} » n’est pas pris en charge par les P/Invokes générés par la source. La source générée ne gère pas le marshaling du paramètre « {1} ». {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + {0} La source générée ne gère pas le marshaling du paramètre « {1} ». {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + Le type « {0} » n’est pas pris en charge par les P/Invokes générés par la source. La source générée ne gère pas le marshaling de la valeur de retour de la méthode « {1} ». {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + {0} La source générée ne gère pas le marshaling de la valeur de retour de la méthode « {1} ». {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes + Le type spécifié n’est pas prise en charge par les P/Invokes générés par la source. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ index 1a9aa378a08006..14a0b7206d3473 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,109 +4,109 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. + I P/Invoke generati dall'origine ignoreranno qualsiasi configurazione non supportata. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + La configurazione '{0}' non è supportata dai P/Invoke generati dall'origine. Se la configurazione specificata è obbligatoria, usare un attributo `DllImport` normale. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. + La configurazione di marshalling specificata non è supportata dai P/Invoke generati dall'origine. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + La configurazione '{0}' specificata per il parametro '{1}' non è supportata dai P/Invoke generati dall'origine. Se la configurazione specificata è obbligatoria, usare un attributo `DllImport` normale. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + La configurazione '{0}' specificata per il valore restituito del metodo '{1}' non è supportata dai P/Invoke generati dall'origine. Se la configurazione specificata è obbligatoria, usare un attributo `DllImport` normale. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + Il valore '{0}' specificato per '{1}' non è supportato dai P/Invoke generati dall'origine. Se la configurazione specificata è obbligatoria, usare un attributo `DllImport` normale. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. + La configurazione specificata non è supportata dai P/Invoke generati dall'origine. Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + Il metodo '{0}' è contenuto in un tipo '{1}' non contrassegnato come 'partial'. Durante la generazione dell'origine P/Invoke il metodo '{0}' verrà ignorato. Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. - Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. + I metodi contrassegnati con 'LibraryImportAttribute' devono essere 'static', 'partial' e non generici. Durante la generazione dell'origine P/Invoke i metodi non 'static', non 'partial' o generici verranno ignorati. Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + Il metodo '{0}' deve essere 'static', 'partial' e non generico quando è contrassegnato con 'LibraryImportAttribute'. Durante la generazione dell'origine P/Invoke il metodo '{0}' verrà ignorato. Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage - Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage + Utilizzo di 'LibraryImportAttribute' non valido The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. + La configurazione di 'StringMarshalling' e 'StringMarshallingCustomType' non è valida. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} + La configurazione di 'StringMarshalling' e 'StringMarshallingCustomType' nel metodo '{0}' non è valida. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. + È necessario specificare 'StringMarshallingCustomType' quando 'StringMarshalling' è impostato su 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. + 'StringMarshalling' deve essere impostato su 'StringMarshalling.Custom' quando è specificato 'StringMarshallingCustomType'. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. + Per i tipi non supportati da P/Invoke generati dall'origine, il P/Invoke risultante si baserà sul runtime sottostante per effettuare il marshalling del tipo specificato. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + Il tipo '{0}' non è supportato dai P/Invoke generati dall'origine. L'origine generata non gestirà il marshalling del parametro '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + {0} L'origine generata non gestirà il marshalling del parametro '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + Il tipo '{0}' non è supportato dai P/Invoke generati dall'origine. L'origine generata non gestirà il marshalling del valore restituito del metodo '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + {0} L'origine generata non gestirà il marshalling del valore restituito del metodo '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes + Il tipo specificato non è supportato dai P/Invoke generati dall'origine diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index cb4165a990c0f1..49fb2b656e2c8f 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -4,109 +4,109 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. + ソース生成済みの P/Invoke は、サポートされていない構成を無視します。 The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + '{0}' 構成は、ソース生成済みの P/Invoke ではサポートされていません。指定された構成が必要な場合は、代わりに通常の 'DllImport' を使用します。 The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. + 指定されたマーシャリング構成は、ソースで生成された P/Invoke ではサポートされていません。{0}。 The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + パラメーター '{1}' 向けに指定された '{0}' 構成は、ソース生成済みの P/Invoke ではサポートされていません。指定された構成が必要な場合は、代わりに通常の 'DllImport' を使用します。 The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + メソッド '{1}' の戻り値向けに指定された '{0}' 構成は、ソース生成済みの P/Invoke ではサポートされていません。指定された構成が必要な場合は、代わりに通常の 'DllImport' を使用します。 The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + '{1}' 向けに指定された値 '{0}' は、ソース生成済みの P/Invoke ではサポートされていません。指定された構成が必要な場合は、代わりに通常の 'DllImport' を使用します。 Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. + 指定された構成は、ソースで生成された P/Invoke ではサポートされていません。 Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + メソッド '{0}' は、'partial' とマークされていない型 '{1}' に含まれています。P/Invoke ソース生成はメソッド '{0}' を無視します。 Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. - Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. + 'LibraryImportAttribute' でマークされたメソッドは、'static'、'partial'、非ジェネリックである必要があります。P/Invoke ソース生成では、非 'static'、非 'partial'、ジェネリックであるメソッドは無視されます。 Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + 'LibraryImportAttribute' でマークされている場合、メソッド '{0}'は 'static'、'partial'、非ジェネリックである必要があります。P/Invoke ソース生成では、メソッド '{0}' は無視されます。 Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage - Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage + 'LibraryImportAttribute' の使用状況が無効です The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. + 'StringMarshalling' と 'StringMarshallingCustomType' の構成が無効です。 The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} + メソッド '{0}' の 'StringMarshalling' と 'StringMarshallingCustomType' の構成が無効です。{1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. + 'StringMarshalling' が 'StringMarshalling.Custom' に設定されている場合は、'StringMarshallingCustomType' を指定する必要があります。 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. + 'StringMarshallingCustomType' が指定されている場合、'StringMarshalling' を 'StringMarshalling.Custom' に設定する必要があります。 For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. + ソース生成済みの P/Invoke でサポートされていない型である場合、生成された P/Invoke は、基礎となるなるランタイムに依存して、指定された型をマーシャリングします。 The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + 型 '{0}' は、ソース生成済みの P/Invoke ではサポートされていません。生成されたソースは、パラメーター '{1}' のマーシャリングを処理しません。 {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + {0} 生成されたソースはパラメーター '{1}' のマーシャリングを処理しません。 {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + 型 '{0}' は、ソース生成済みの P/Invoke ではサポートされていません。生成されたソースは、メソッド '{1}' の戻り値のマーシャリングを処理しません。 {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + {0} 生成されたソースは、メソッド '{1}' の戻り値のマーシャリングを処理しません。 {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes + 指定された型は、ソースで生成された P/Invoke ではサポートされていません diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 3abb2a0b64d1f1..c74aa1b35c4f18 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -4,109 +4,109 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. + 소스 생성 P/Invoke는 지원되지 않는 구성을 무시합니다. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + '{0}' 구성은 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원되지 않습니다. 지정된 구성이 필요한 경우 일반 'DllImport'를 대신 사용하세요. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. + 지정된 마샬링 구성은 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원되지 않습니다. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + 매개 변수 '{1}'에 대해 지정된 '{0}' 구성이 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원되지 않습니다. 지정된 구성이 필요한 경우 일반 'DllImport'를 대신 사용하세요. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + 메서드 '{1}'의 반환 값에 대해 지정된 '{0}' 구성은 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원되지 않습니다. 지정된 구성이 필요한 경우 일반 'DllImport'를 대신 사용하세요. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + '{1}'에 대해 지정된 값 '{0}'은(는) 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원되지 않습니다. 지정된 구성이 필요한 경우 일반 'DllImport'를 대신 사용하세요. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. + 지정된 구성은 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원되지 않습니다. Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + 메서드 '{0}'은(는) 'partial'로 표시되지 않은 '{1}' 형식에 포함되어 있습니다. P/Invoke 소스 생성은 '{0}' 메서드를 무시합니다. Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. - Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. + 'LibraryImportAttribute'로 표시된 메소드는 'static', 'partial' 및 비제네릭이어야 합니다. P/Invoke 소스 생성은 'static'이 아니거나 'partial'이 아니거나 제네릭인 메서드를 무시합니다. Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + '{0}' 메서드는 'LibraryImportAttribute'로 표시된 경우 '정적', '부분적'이어야 하며 일반이 아니어야 합니다. P/Invoke 소스 생성은 '{0}' 메서드를 무시합니다. Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage - Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage + 잘못된 'LibraryImportAttribute' 사용 The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. + 'StringMarshalling' 및 'StringMarshallingCustomType'의 구성이 잘못되었습니다. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} + '{0}' 메서드의 'StringMarshalling' 및 'StringMarshallingCustomType' 구성이 잘못되었습니다. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. + 'StringMarshalling'이 'StringMarshalling.Custom'으로 설정된 경우 'StringMarshallingCustomType'을 지정해야 합니다. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. + 'StringMarshallingCustomType'이 지정된 경우 'StringMarshalling'은 'StringMarshalling.Custom'으로 설정되어야 합니다. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. + 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원하지 않는 형식의 경우 결과 P/Invoke는 기본 런타임에 의존하여 지정된 형식을 마샬링합니다. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + 형식 '{0}'은(는) 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원되지 않습니다. 생성된 소스는 '{1}' 매개 변수의 마샬링을 처리하지 않습니다. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + {0} 생성된 소스는 '{1}' 매개 변수의 마샬링을 처리하지 않습니다. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + 형식 '{0}'은(는) 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원되지 않습니다. 생성된 소스는 '{1}' 메서드의 반환 값 마샬링을 처리하지 않습니다. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + {0} 생성된 소스는 '{1}' 메서드의 반환 값 마샬링을 처리하지 않습니다. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes + 지정된 형식은 소스 생성 P/Invoke에서 지원되지 않습니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ index f766863fd452c3..66fc4ff550e996 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,109 +4,109 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. + Funkcja P/Invokes generowana przez źródło zignoruje każdą nieobsługiwaną konfigurację. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + Konfiguracja {0} nie jest obsługiwana przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło. Jeśli określona konfiguracja jest wymagana, użyj zamiast tego zwykłego elementu „DllImport”. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. + Określona konfiguracja skierowania nie jest obsługiwana przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + Określona konfiguracja „{0}” dla parametru „{1}” nie jest obsługiwana przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło. Jeśli określona konfiguracja jest wymagana, użyj zamiast tego zwykłego elementu „DllImport”. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + Określona konfiguracja „{0}” dla wartości zwracanej przez metodę „{1}” nie jest obsługiwana przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło. Jeśli określona konfiguracja jest wymagana, użyj zamiast tego zwykłego elementu „DllImport”. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + Określona wartość „{0}” dla parametru „{1}” nie jest obsługiwana przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło. Jeśli określona konfiguracja jest wymagana, użyj zamiast tego zwykłego elementu „DllImport”. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. + Określona konfiguracja nie jest obsługiwana przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło. Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + Metoda „{0}” jest zawarta w typie „{1}”, który nie jest oznaczony jako „częściowy”. Generowanie źródła funkcji P/Invoke zignoruje metodę „{0}”. Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. - Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. + Metody oznaczone jako atrybut „LibraryImportAttribute” powinny być „statyczne”, „częściowe” i nieogólne. Generowanie źródła funkcji P/Invoke zignoruje metody, które nie są „statyczne”, nie są „częściowe” lub ogólne. Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + Metoda „{0}” powinna być „statyczna”, „częściowa” i nieogólna, gdy jest oznaczona za pomocą atrybutu „LibraryImportAttribute”. Generowanie źródła funkcji P/Invoke zignoruje metodę „{0}”. Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage - Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage + Nieprawidłowe użycie parametru „LibraryImportAttribute” The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. + Konfiguracja elementów „StringMarshalling” i „StringMarshallingCustomType” jest nieprawidłowa. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} + Konfiguracja elementów „StringMarshalling” i „StringMarshallingCustomType” w metodzie „{0}” jest nieprawidłowa. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. + Element „StringMarshallingCustomType” należy określić, gdy element „StringMarshalling” ma wartość „StringMarshalling.Custom”. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. + Element „StringMarshalling” należy ustawić na wartość „StringMarshalling.Custom”, gdy określono element „StringMarshallingCustomType”. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. + W przypadku typów, które nie są obsługiwane przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło, wynikowa funkcja P/Invoke będzie polegać na bazowym środowisku uruchomieniowym, aby skierować określony typ. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + Typ „{0}” nie jest obsługiwany przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło. Wygenerowane źródło nie obsługuje skierowania parametru „{1}”. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + {0} Wygenerowane źródło nie obsługuje skierowania parametru „{1}”. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + Typ „{0}” nie jest obsługiwany przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło. Wygenerowane źródło nie obsługuje skierowania wartości zwracanej przez metodę „{1}”. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + {0}Wygenerowane źródło nie obsługuje skierowania wartości zwracanej przez metodę „{1}”. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes + Określony typ nie jest obsługiwany przez funkcję P/Invokes generowaną przez źródło diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ index cf939b22a9f364..301003d27d14b3 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,109 +4,109 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. + P/Invokes gerados pela origem ignorarão qualquer configuração sem suporte. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + A configuração '{0}' não é suportada por P/Invokes gerados pela origem. Se a configuração especificada for necessária, use um 'DllImport' regular. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. + Não há suporte para a configuração de marshaling especificada por P/Invokes gerados pela origem. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + A configuração '{0}' especificada para o parâmetro '{1}' não é suportada por P/Invokes gerados pela origem. Se a configuração especificada for necessária, use um 'DllImport' regular. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + A configuração '{0}' especificada para o valor retornado do método '{1}' não é suportada por P/Invokes gerados pela origem. Se a configuração especificada for necessária, use um 'DllImport' regular. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + O valor '{0}' especificado para '{1}' não é suportada por P/Invokes gerados pela origem. Se a configuração especificada for necessária, use um 'DllImport' regular. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. + A configuração especificada não tem suporte de P/Invokes gerados pela origem. Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + O '{0}' está contido em um tipo '{1}' que não está marcado como 'partial'. A geração de origem P/Invoke ignorará o método '{0}'. Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. - Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. + Os métodos marcados com 'LibraryImportAttribute' devem ser 'static', 'partial' e não genéricos. A geração de origem P/Invoke ignorará os métodos que não são 'static', não-'partial' ou genéricos. Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + O método '{0}' deve ser 'static', 'partial' e não genérico quando marcado com 'LibraryImportAttribute'. A geração de origem P/Invoke ignorará o método '{0}'. Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage - Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage + Uso 'LibraryImportAttribute' inválido The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. + A configuração de 'StringMarshalling' e 'StringMarshallingCustomType' é inválida. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} + A configuração de 'StringMarshalling' e 'StringMarshallingCustomType' no método '{0}' é inválida. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. + 'StringMarshallingCustomType' deve ser especificado quando 'StringMarshalling' está definido como 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. + 'StringMarshalling' deve ser definido como 'StringMarshalling.Custom' quando 'StringMarshallingCustomType' for especificado. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. + Para tipos sem suporte por P/Invokes gerados pela origem, o P/Invoke resultante dependerá do tempo de execução subjacente para realizar marshaling no tipo especificado. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + O tipo '{0}' não é suportado por P/Invokes gerados pela origem. A origem gerada não manipulará o marshalling do parâmetro '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + {0} A origem gerada não manipulará o marshalling do parâmetro '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + O tipo '{0}' não é suportado por P/Invokes gerados pela origem. A origem gerada não tratará marshaling do valor de retorno do método '{1}'. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + {0} A origem gerada não manipulará o marshalling do valor retornado do método '{1}'. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes + O tipo especificado não tem suporte de P/Invokes gerados pela origem. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ index f1848766a527c8..83b6ca55ebba0c 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,109 +4,109 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. + P/Invoke с созданием источника будут игнорировать все неподдерживаемые конфигурации. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + Конфигурация \"{0}\" не поддерживается в P/Invoke с созданием источника. Если указанная конфигурация обязательна, используйте обычный метод \"DllImport\". The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. + Указанная конфигурация маршализации не поддерживается в P/Invoke с созданием источника. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + Указанная конфигурация \"{0}\" для параметра \"{1}\" не поддерживается в P/Invoke с созданием источника. Если указанная конфигурация обязательна, используйте обычный метод \"DllImport\". The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + Указанная конфигурация \"{0}\" для возвращаемого значения метода \"{1}\" не поддерживается в P/Invoke с созданием источника. Если указанная конфигурация обязательна, используйте обычный метод \"DllImport\". The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + Указанное значение “{0}” для “{1}” не поддерживается в P/Invoke с созданием источника. Если указанная конфигурация обязательна, используйте обычный метод “DllImport”. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. + Указанная конфигурация не поддерживается в P/Invoke с созданием источника. Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + Метод \"{0}\" содержится в типе \"{1}\", который не помечен как \"partial\". Метод \"{0}\" будет игнорироваться при создании источника в P/Invoke. Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. - Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. + Методы, помеченные атрибутом \"LibraryImportAttribute\", должны быть \"static\", \"partial\" и неуниверсальными. При создании источника в P/Invoke будут игнорироваться методы, отличные от \"static\", \"partial\" или универсальные. Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + Метод \"{0}\" должен быть \"static\", \"partial\" и неуниверсальным, если он имеет атрибут \"LibraryImportAttribute\". При создании источника в P/Invoke метод \"{0}\" игнорируется. Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage - Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage + Недопустимое использование \"LibraryImportAttribute\" The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. + Конфигурация \"StringMarshalling\" и \"StringMarshallingCustomType\" недопустима. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} + Конфигурация \"StringMarshalling\" и \"StringMarshallingCustomType\" в методе \"{0}\" недопустима. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. + Если для \"StringMarshalling\" задано значение \"StringMarshalling.Custom\", необходимо указать \"StringMarshallingCustomType\". 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. + Если указано \"StringMarshallingCustomType\", для \"StringMarshalling\" следует задать значение \"StringMarshalling.Custom\". For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. + Для типов, которые не поддерживаются в P/Invoke с созданием источника, в полученном P/Invoke для маршализации указанного типа будет использоваться среда выполнения. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + Тип \"{0}\" не поддерживается в P/Invoke с созданием источника. Созданный источник не будет обрабатывать маршализацию параметра \"{1}\". {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + {0} Созданный источник не будет обрабатывать маршализацию параметра \"{1}\". {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + Тип \"{0}\" не поддерживается в P/Invoke с созданием источника. Созданный источник не будет обрабатывать маршализацию возвращаемого значения метода \"{1}\". {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + {0} Созданный источник не будет обрабатывать маршализацию возвращаемого значения метода \"{1}\". {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes + Указанный тип не поддерживается в P/Invoke с созданием источника. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ index 4ec2f85beafcbd..725c72d37f8a6c 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,109 +4,109 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. + Kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes desteklenmeyen yapılandırmaları yok sayar. The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + '{0}' yapılandırması, kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmiyor. Belirtilen yapılandırma gerekli ise, bunun yerine normal bir 'DllImport' kullanın. The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. + Belirtilen sıralama yapılandırması, kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmiyor. {0}. The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + '{1}' parametresi için belirtilen '{0}' yapılandırması, kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmiyor. Belirtilen yapılandırma gerekli ise, bunun yerine normal bir 'DllImport' kullanın. The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + '{1}' metodunun dönüş değeri için belirtilen '{0}' yapılandırması, kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmiyor. Belirtilen yapılandırma gerekli ise, bunun yerine normal bir 'DllImport' kullanın. The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + '{1}' için belirtilen '{0}' değeri, kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmiyor. Belirtilen yapılandırma gerekli ise, bunun yerine normal bir 'DllImport' kullanın. Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. + Belirtilen yapılandırma, kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmiyor. Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + '{0}'metodu, 'partial' olarak işaretlenmemiş olan bir '{1}' türünün içinde yer alıyor. P/Invoke kaynak oluşturma işlemi, '{0}' metodunu yok sayacak. Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. - Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. + 'LibraryImportAttribute' ile işaretlenmiş metotlar 'static', 'partial' ve genel olmayan özellikte olmalıdır. P/Invoke kaynak oluşturma 'static', 'partial' ve genel olmayan özellikteki metotlar dışında kalan metotları yok sayar. Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + 'LibraryImportAttribute' ile işaretlendiğinde '{0}' metodu 'static', 'partial' ve genel olmayan özellikte olmalıdır. P/Invoke kaynak oluşturma '{0}' metodunu yok sayar. Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage - Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage + Geçersiz 'LibraryImportAttribute' kullanımı The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. + 'StringMarshalling' ve 'StringMarshallingCustomType' yapılandırması geçersiz. The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} + '{0}' metodundaki 'StringMarshalling' ve 'StringMarshallingCustomType' yapılandırması geçersiz. {1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. + 'StringMarshalling' 'StringMarshalling.Custom' olarak ayarlandığında 'StringMarshallingCustomType' belirtilmelidir. 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. + 'StringMarshallingCustomType' belirtilirken 'StringMarshalling', 'StringMarshalling.Custom' olarak ayarlanmalıdır. For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. + Kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmeyen türler için, elde edilen P/Invoke, belirtilen türü sıralamak için temel alınan çalışma zamanını kullanır. The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + '{0}' türü, kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmiyor. Oluşturulan kaynak, '{1}' parametresinin sıralamasını işlemez. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + {0} Oluşturulan kaynak '{1}' parametresinin sıralamasını işlemez. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + '{0}' türü, kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmiyor. Oluşturulan kaynak, '{1}' metodunun dönüş değerinin sıralamasını işlemez. {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + {0} Oluşturulan kaynak, '{1}' metodunun dönüş değerinin sıralamasını işlemez. {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes + Belirtilen tür, kaynak tarafından oluşturulan P/Invokes tarafından desteklenmiyor diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index dfcea684fcac0d..2f9b9a433193e8 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,109 +4,109 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. + 源生成的 P/Invoke 将忽略任何不受支持的配置。 The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + 源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持“{0}”配置。如果需要指定的配置,请改用常规的 “DllImport”。 The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. + 源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持指定的封送配置。{0}。 The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + 源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持为参数“{1}”指定的“{0}”配置。如果需要指定的配置,请改用常规的 `DllImport`。 The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + 源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持为方法“{1}”的返回值指定的“{0}”配置。如果需要指定的配置,请改用常规的 “DllImport”。 The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + 源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持为“{1}”指定的值“{0}”。如果需要指定的配置,请改用常规的 “DllImport”。 Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. + 源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持指定的配置。 Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + 方法“{0}”包含在未标记为 “partial” 的类型“{1}”中。P/Invoke 源生成将忽略方法“{0}”。 Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. - Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. + 标记为 “LibraryImportAttribute” 的方法应为 “static”、“partial” 和非泛型。P/Invoke 源生成将忽略非“static”、“non--partial” 或泛型的方法。 Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + 在标记为 “LibraryImportAttribute” 时,方法“{0}”应为 “static”、“partial” 和非泛型。P/Invoke 源生成将忽略方法“{0}”。 Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage - Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage + “LibraryImportAttribute” 用法无效 The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. + “StringMarshalling” 和 “StringMarshallingCustomType” 的配置无效。 The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} + 方法“{0}”上的 “StringMarshalling” 和 “StringMarshallingCustomType” 的配置无效。{1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. + 在 “StringMarshalling” 设置为 “StringMarshalling.Custom” 时,必须指定 “StringMarshallingCustomType”。 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. + 在指定 “StringMarshallingCustomType” 时,应将 “StringMarshalling” 设置为 “StringMarshalling.Custom”。 For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. + 对于源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持的类型,生成的 P/Invoke 将依赖基础运行时来封送指定的类型。 The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + 源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持“{0}”类型。生成的源将不处理参数“{1}”的封送。 {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + {0} 生成的源将不处理参数“{1}”的封送。 {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + 源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持“{0}”类型。生成的源将不处理方法“{1}”的返回值的封送。 {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + {0} 生成的源将不处理方法“{1}”的返回值的封送。 {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes + 源生成的 P/Invoke 不支持指定的类型 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 49023bea0a25c0..ecdf60923d213d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/ComInterfaceGenerator/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,109 +4,109 @@ Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. - Source-generated P/Invokes will ignore any configuration that is not supported. + 来源產生的 P/Invokes 將會忽略任何不支援的設定。 The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The '{0}' configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + 来源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援為'{0}'設定。如果需要指定的設定,請改用一般 'DllImport'。 The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. - The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. {0}. + 来源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援指定的排列設定。{0}。 The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + 来源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援为参數 '{0}' 指定的'{1}'設定。如果需要指定的設定,請改用一般 'DllImport'。 The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified '{0}' configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + 来源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援為方法 '{0}' 的傳回值指定的 '{1}' 設定。如果需要指定的設定,請改用一般 'DllImport'。 The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. - The specified value '{0}' for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular `DllImport` instead. + 来源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援為'{0}'指定的值 '{1}'。如果需要指定的設定,請改用一般 'DllImport'。 Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. - Specified configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. + 来源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援指定的設定。 Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + 方法 '{0}' 包含在未標示為 'partial' 的類型'{1}'中。產生 P/Invoke 来源會忽略方法'{0}'。 Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. - Methods marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic. P/Invoke source generation will ignore methods that are non-'static', non-'partial', or generic. + 以 'LibraryImportAttribute' 標示的方法應該是 'static'、'partial' 和非泛型。產生 P/Invoke 来源會忽略非'static'、non-'partial' 或一般的方法。 Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. - Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'. + 以 'LibraryImportAttribute' 標示時,方法'{0}'應為 'static'、'partial' 和非泛型。產生 P/Invoke 来源會忽略方法'{0}'。 Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage - Invalid 'LibraryImportAttribute' usage + 'LibraryImportAttribute' 使用方式無效 The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is invalid. + 'StringMarshalling' 和 'StringMarshallingCustomType' 的設定無效。 The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} - The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid. {1} + 方法 '{0}' 上的 'StringMarshalling' 和 'StringMarshallingCustomType' 設定無效。{1} {1} is a message containing additional details about what is not valid 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. - 'StringMarshallingCustomType' must be specified when 'StringMarshalling' is set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom'. + 當 'StringMarshalling' 設定為 'StringMarshalling.Custom' 時,必須指定 'StringMarshallingCustomType'。 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. - 'StringMarshalling' should be set to 'StringMarshalling.Custom' when 'StringMarshallingCustomType' is specified. + 指定 'StringMarshallingCustomType' 時,'StringMarshalling' 應設定為 'StringMarshalling.Custom'。 For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. - For types that are not supported by source-generated P/Invokes, the resulting P/Invoke will rely on the underlying runtime to marshal the specified type. + 對於來源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援的類型,產生的 P/Invoke 將依賴基礎運行時間來封送指定的類型。 The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + 来源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援類型 '{0}'。產生的来源將不會處理參數 '{1}' 的排列。 {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'. + {0} 產生的来源将不會處理參數 '{1}' 的排列。 {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the parameter The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - The type '{0}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + 来源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援類型 '{0}'。產生的來源將不會處理方法 '{1}' 的傳回值排列。 {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. - {0} The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'. + {0} 產生的來源將不會處理方法 '{1}' 之傳回值的排列。 {0} is a message containing additional details about what is not supported {1} is the name of the method Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes - Specified type is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes + 来源產生的 P/Invokes 不支援指定的類型。