File tree
14,158 files changed
lines changed- .devcontainer
- .github
- policies
- .vscode
- docs
- compilers
- CSharp
- Design
- Visual Basic
- images
- contributing
- features
- ide
- specs
- infrastructure
- wiki
- eng
- common
- BuildConfiguration
- cross
- arm
- arm64
- armel
- tizen
- riscv64
- x64
- tizen
- x86
- loc
- native
- post-build
- sdl
- templates
- job
- jobs
- post-build
- steps
- variables
- templates-official
- job
- jobs
- post-build
- steps
- variables
- config
- globalconfigs
- pipelines
- targets
- scripts
- GenerateSdkPackages
- src
- Analyzers
- CSharp
- Analyzers
- AddAccessibilityModifiers
- AddBraces
- AddRequiredParentheses
- CodeStyle
- ConvertNamespace
- ConvertProgram
- ConvertSwitchStatementToExpression
- ConvertTypeofToNameof
- FileHeaders
- ForEachCast
- Formatting
- InlineDeclaration
- InvokeDelegateWithConditionalAccess
- MakeFieldReadonly
- MakeLocalFunctionStatic
- MakeStructFieldsWritable
- MakeStructMemberReadOnly
- MakeStructReadOnly
- MatchFolderAndNamespace
- MisplacedUsingDirectives
- NamingStyle
- NewLines
- ArrowExpressionClausePlacement
- ConditionalExpressionPlacement
- ConsecutiveBracePlacement
- ConsecutiveStatementPlacement
- ConstructorInitializerPlacement
- EmbeddedStatementPlacement
- MultipleBlankLines
- OrderModifiers
- PopulateSwitch
- QualifyMemberAccess
- RemoveConfusingSuppression
- RemoveRedundantEquality
- RemoveUnnecessaryCast
- RemoveUnnecessaryDiscardDesignation
- RemoveUnnecessaryImports
- RemoveUnnecessaryLambdaExpression
- RemoveUnnecessaryNullableDirective
- RemoveUnnecessaryParentheses
- RemoveUnnecessarySuppressions
- RemoveUnreachableCode
- RemoveUnusedMembers
- RemoveUnusedParametersAndValues
- SimplifyBooleanExpression
- SimplifyInterpolation
- SimplifyLinqExpression
- SimplifyPropertyPattern
- UseAutoProperty
- UseCoalesceExpression
- UseCollectionExpression
- UseCollectionInitializer
- UseCompoundAssignment
- UseConditionalExpression
- UseDeconstruction
- UseDefaultLiteral
- UseExpressionBody
- Helpers
- UseExpressionBodyForLambda
- UseImplicitObjectCreation
- UseImplicitOrExplicitType
- UseIndexOrRangeOperator
- UseInferredMemberName
- UseIsNullCheck
- UseLocalFunction
- UseNameofInNullableAttribute
- UseNullPropagation
- UseObjectInitializer
- UsePatternCombinators
- UsePatternMatching
- UsePrimaryConstructor
- UseSimpleUsingStatement
- UseThrowExpression
- UseTupleSwap
- UseUtf8StringLiteral
- ValidateFormatString
- xlf
- CodeFixes
- AddAccessibilityModifiers
- AddAnonymousTypeMemberName
- AddBraces
- AddExplicitCast
- AddInheritdoc
- AddObsoleteAttribute
- AddParameter
- AliasAmbiguousType
- AssignOutParameters
- ConditionalExpressionInStringInterpolation
- ConflictMarkerResolution
- ConvertNamespace
- ConvertSwitchStatementToExpression
- ConvertToAsync
- ConvertToRecord
- ConvertTypeOfToNameOf
- DisambiguateSameVariable
- DocumentationComments
- FileHeaders
- FixIncorrectConstraint
- FixReturnType
- ForEachCast
- Formatting
- GenerateConstructor
- HideBase
- InlineDeclaration
- InvokeDelegateWithConditionalAccess
- Iterator
- MakeFieldReadonly
- MakeLocalFunctionStatic
- MakeMemberRequired
- MakeMemberStatic
- MakeMethodAsynchronous
- MakeMethodSynchronous
- MakeRefStruct
- MakeStatementAsynchronous
- MakeStructFieldsWritable
- MakeStructMemberReadOnly
- MakeStructReadOnly
- MakeTypeAbstract
- MakeTypePartial
- MatchFolderAndNamespace
- MisplacedUsingDirectives
- NewLines
- ArrowExpressionClausePlacement
- ConditionalExpressionPlacement
- ConsecutiveBracePlacement
- ConstructorInitializerPlacement
- EmbeddedStatementPlacement
- Nullable
- OrderModifiers
- PopulateSwitch
- QualifyMemberAccess
- RemoveAsyncModifier
- RemoveConfusingSuppression
- RemoveInKeyword
- RemoveNewModifier
- RemoveUnnecessaryCast
- RemoveUnnecessaryDiscardDesignation
- RemoveUnnecessaryImports
- RemoveUnnecessaryLambdaExpression
- RemoveUnnecessaryNullableDirective
- RemoveUnnecessaryParentheses
- RemoveUnreachableCode
- RemoveUnusedLocalFunction
- RemoveUnusedMembers
- RemoveUnusedParametersAndValues
- ReplaceDefaultLiteral
- SimplifyInterpolation
- SimplifyLinqExpression
- SimplifyPropertyPattern
- TransposeRecordKeyword
- UnsealClass
- UpdateProjectToAllowUnsafe
- UpgradeProject
- UseCollectionExpression
- UseCollectionInitializer
- UseCompoundAssignment
- UseConditionalExpression
- UseDeconstruction
- UseDefaultLiteral
- UseExplicitTypeForConst
- UseExpressionBody
- UseExpressionBodyForLambda
- UseImplicitObjectCreation
- UseImplicitOrExplicitType
- UseIndexOrRangeOperator
- UseInferredMemberName
- UseInterpolatedVerbatimString
- UseIsNullCheck
- UseLocalFunction
- UseNameofInAttribute
- UseNullPropagation
- UseObjectInitializer
- UsePatternCombinators
- UsePatternMatching
- UsePrimaryConstructor
- UseSimpleUsingStatement
- UseThrowExpression
- UseTupleSwap
- UseUtf8StringLiteral
- xlf
- Tests
- AddAccessibilityModifiers
- AddAnonymousTypeMemberName
- AddBraces
- AddExplicitCast
- AddInheritdoc
- AddObsoleteAttribute
- AddParameter
- AddRequiredParentheses
- AliasAmbiguousType
- AssignOutParameters
- ConditionalExpressionInStringInterpolation
- ConflictMarkerResolution
- ConvertNamespace
- ConvertSwitchStatementToExpression
- ConvertToAsync
- ConvertToRecord
- ConvertTypeOfToNameOf
- DisambiguateSameVariable
- DocumentationComments
- FileHeaders
- FixIncorrectConstraint
- FixReturnType
- ForEachCast
- Formatting
- HideBase
- InlineDeclaration
- InvokeDelegateWithConditionalAccess
- Iterator
- MakeFieldReadonly
- MakeLocalFunctionStatic
- MakeMemberRequired
- MakeMemberStatic
- MakeMethodAsynchronous
- MakeMethodSynchronous
- MakeRefStruct
- MakeStatementAsynchronous
- MakeStructFieldsWritable
- MakeStructMemberReadOnly
- MakeStructReadOnly
- MakeTypeAbstract
- MakeTypePartial
- MatchFolderAndNamespace
- MisplacedUsingDirectives
- NamingStyles
- NewLines
- ArrowExpressionClausePlacement
- ConditionalExpressionPlacement
- ConsecutiveBracePlacement
- ConsecutiveStatementPlacement
- ConstructorInitializerPlacement
- EmbeddedStatementPlacement
- MultipleBlankLines
- Nullable
- OrderModifiers
- PopulateSwitch
- QualifyMemberAccess
- RemoveAsyncModifier
- RemoveConfusingSuppression
- RemoveInKeyword
- RemoveNewModifier
- RemoveRedundantEquality
- RemoveUnnecessaryCast
- RemoveUnnecessaryDiscardDesignation
- RemoveUnnecessaryImports
- RemoveUnnecessaryLambdaExpression
- RemoveUnnecessaryNullableDirective
- RemoveUnnecessaryParentheses
- RemoveUnnecessarySuppressions
- RemoveUnreachableCode
- RemoveUnusedLocalFunction
- RemoveUnusedMembers
- RemoveUnusedParametersAndValues
- ReplaceDefaultLiteral
- SimplifyBooleanExpression
- SimplifyInterpolation
- SimplifyLinqExpression
- TransposeRecordKeyword
- UnsealClass
- UpdateLegacySuppressions
- UpdateProjectToAllowUnsafe
- UpgradeProject
- UseAutoProperty
- UseCoalesceExpression
- UseCollectionExpression
- UseCollectionInitializer
- UseCompoundAssignment
- UseConditionalExpression
- UseDeconstruction
- UseDefaultLiteral
- UseExplicitTupleName
- UseExplicitTypeForConst
- UseExpressionBody
- UseExpressionBodyForLambda
- UseImplicitObjectCreation
- UseImplicitOrExplicitType
- UseIndexOrRangeOperator
- UseInferredMemberName
- UseInterpolatedVerbatimString
- UseIsNullCheck
- UseLocalFunction
- UseNullPropagation
- UseObjectInitializer
- UsePatternMatching
- UsePrimaryConstructor
- UseSimpleUsingStatement
- UseSystemHashCode
- UseThrowExpression
- UseTupleSwap
- UseUtf8StringLiteral
- ValidateFormatString
- Core
- Analyzers
- AddAccessibilityModifiers
- AddRequiredParentheses
- ConvertTypeofToNameof
- FileHeaders
- ForEachCast
- Formatting
- Helpers
- HashCodeAnalyzer
- MakeFieldReadonly
- MatchFolderAndNamespace
- NamingStyle
- NewLines
- ConsecutiveStatementPlacement
- MultipleBlankLines
- OrderModifiers
- PopulateSwitch
- QualifyMemberAccess
- RemoveRedundantEquality
- RemoveUnnecessaryCast
- RemoveUnnecessaryImports
- RemoveUnnecessaryParentheses
- RemoveUnnecessarySuppressions
- RemoveUnusedMembers
- RemoveUnusedParametersAndValues
- SimplifyBooleanExpression
- SimplifyInterpolation
- SimplifyLinqExpression
- SimplifyTypeNames
- UseAutoProperty
- UseCoalesceExpression
- UseCollectionInitializer
- UseCompoundAssignment
- UseConditionalExpression
- ForAssignment
- ForReturn
- UseExplicitTupleName
- UseInferredMemberName
- UseIsNullCheck
- UseNullPropagation
- UseObjectInitializer
- UseSystemHashCode
- UseThrowExpression
- ValidateFormatString
- xlf
- CodeFixes
- AddAccessibilityModifiers
- AddAnonymousTypeMemberName
- AddExplicitCast
- AddObsoleteAttribute
- AddParameter
- AddRequiredParentheses
- AliasAmbiguousType
- ConflictMarkerResolution
- ConvertToAsync
- ConvertTypeOfToNameOf
- DocumentationComments
- FileHeaders
- ForEachCast
- Formatting
- Iterator
- MakeFieldReadonly
- MakeMemberStatic
- MakeMethodAsynchronous
- MakeMethodSynchronous
- MakeTypeAbstract
- MakeTypePartial
- MatchFolderAndNamespace
- NamingStyle
- NewLines
- ConsecutiveStatementPlacement
- MultipleBlankLines
- OrderModifiers
- PopulateSwitch
- QualifyMemberAccess
- RemoveAsyncModifier
- RemoveRedundantEquality
- RemoveUnnecessaryImports
- RemoveUnnecessaryParentheses
- RemoveUnnecessarySuppressions
- RemoveUnusedMembers
- RemoveUnusedParametersAndValues
- SimplifyBooleanExpression
- SimplifyInterpolation
- SimplifyLinqExpression
- UnsealClass
- UpdateLegacySuppressions
- UpgradeProject
- UseCoalesceExpression
- UseCollectionExpression
- UseCollectionInitializer
- UseCompoundAssignment
- UseConditionalExpression
- ForAssignment
- ForReturn
- UseExplicitTupleName
- UseInferredMemberName
- UseIsNullCheck
- UseNullPropagation
- UseObjectInitializer
- UseSystemHashCode
- UseThrowExpression
- xlf
- VisualBasic
- Analyzers
- AddAccessibilityModifiers
- CodeStyle
- ConvertTypeofToNameof
- FileHeaders
- MakeFieldReadonly
- NewLines
- ConsecutiveStatementPlacement
- MultipleBlankLines
- OrderModifiers
- QualifyMemberAccess
- RemoveRedundantEquality
- RemoveUnnecessaryByVal
- RemoveUnnecessaryImports
- RemoveUnnecessaryParentheses
- RemoveUnnecessarySuppressions
- RemoveUnusedMembers
- RemoveUnusedParametersAndValues
- SimplifyBooleanExpression
- SimplifyInterpolation
- SimplifyLinqExpression
- SimplifyObjectCreation
- UseAutoProperty
- UseCoalesceExpression
- UseCollectionInitializer
- UseCompoundAssignment
- UseConditionalExpression
- UseInferredMemberName
- UseIsNotExpression
- UseIsNullCheck
- UseNullPropagation
- UseObjectInitializer
- ValidateFormatString
- CodeFixes
- AddAnonymousTypeMemberName
- AddExplicitCast
- AddObsoleteAttribute
- AddParameter
- ConflictMarkerResolution
- ConvertToAsync
- ConvertTypeOfToNameOf
- DocumentationComments
- GenerateConstructor
- MakeMethodAsynchronous
- MakeMethodSynchronous
- MakeTypePartial
- OrderModifiers
- RemoveAsyncModifier
- RemoveUnnecessaryCast
- RemoveUnnecessaryImports
- RemoveUnusedParametersAndValues
- SimplifyLinqExpression
- UseCollectionInitializer
- UseConditionalExpression
- UseNullPropagation
- UseObjectInitializer
- xlf
- Tests
- AddAccessibilityModifiers
- AddAnonymousTypeMemberName
- AddExplicitCast
- AddObsoleteAttribute
- AddParameter
- AddRequiredParentheses
- AliasAmbiguousType
- ConflictMarkerResolution
- ConvertGetTypeToNameOf
- ConvertToAsync
- DocumentationComments
- FileHeaders
- Iterator
- MakeFieldReadonly
- MakeMethodAsynchronous
- MakeMethodSynchronous
- MakeTypeAbstract
- MakeTypePartial
- NamingStyles
- NewLines
- ConsecutiveStatementPlacement
- MultipleBlankLines
- OrderModifiers
- PopulateSwitch
- QualifyMemberAccess
- RemoveAsyncModifier
- RemoveRedundantEquality
- RemoveUnnecessaryByVal
- RemoveUnnecessaryCast
- RemoveUnnecessaryImports
- RemoveUnnecessaryParentheses
- RemoveUnnecessarySuppressions
- RemoveUnusedMembers
- RemoveUnusedParametersAndValues
- SimplifyBooleanExpression
- SimplifyInterpolation
- UnsealClass
- UpdateLegacySuppressions
- UseAutoProperty
- UseCoalesceExpression
- UseCollectionInitializer
- UseCompoundAssignment
- UseConditionalExpression
- UseExplicitTupleName
- UseInferredMemberName
- UseIsNotExpression
- UseIsNullCheck
- UseNullPropagation
- UseObjectInitializer
- UseSystemHashCode
- ValidateFormatString
- CodeStyle
- CSharp
- Analyzers
- CodeFixes
- Tests
- Core
- Analyzers
- CodeFixes
- Tests
- LegacyTestFramework
- UnitTestUtilities
- Tools
- VisualBasic
- Analyzers
- CodeFixes
- Tests
- Compilers
- CSharp
- CSharpAnalyzerDriver
- Portable
- Binder
- Semantics
- Conversions
- Operators
- OverloadResolution
- BoundTree
- CodeGen
- CommandLine
- Compilation
- Compiler
- Declarations
- DocumentationComments
- Emitter
- EditAndContinue
- Model
- NoPia
- Errors
- FlowAnalysis
- Generated
- CSharpSyntaxGenerator/CSharpSyntaxGenerator.SourceGenerator
- Lowering
- AsyncRewriter
- ClosureConversion
- Instrumentation
- IteratorRewriter
- LocalRewriter
- StateMachineRewriter
- Operations
- Parser
- SourceGeneration
- SymbolDisplay
- Symbols
- AnonymousTypes
- PublicSymbols
- SynthesizedSymbols
- Attributes
- WellKnownAttributeData
- FunctionPointers
- Metadata/PE
- PublicModel
- Retargeting
- Source
- Synthesized
- ReadOnlyListType
- Records
- Tuples
- Wrapped
- Syntax
- InternalSyntax
- Utilities
- xlf
- Test
- CommandLine
- Emit
- CodeGen
- Emit
- DynamicAnalysis
- EditAndContinue
- Emit2
- Attributes
- CodeGen
- Diagnostics
- Emit
- EditAndContinue
- LocalStateTracing
- RuntimeProbing
- FlowAnalysis
- Semantics
- EndToEnd
- IOperation
- IOperation
- Semantic
- Semantics
- SourceGeneration
- Symbol
- Compilation
- DocumentationComments
- SymbolDisplay
- Symbols
- CorLibrary
- Metadata
- PE
- ModuleInitializers
- Retargeting
- Source
- Syntax
- Diagnostics
- Generated
- IncrementalParsing
- LexicalAndXml
- Parsing
- Syntax
- Mocks
- WinRT
- CodeGen
- Metadata
- csc
- AnyCpu
- arm64
- Core
- CodeAnalysisTest
- Analyzers
- Collections
- HashSet
- List
- Diagnostics
- Emit
- InternalUtilities
- MetadataReferences
- Symbols
- Text
- CommandLine
- MSBuildTask
- xlf
- MSBuildTaskTests
- TestUtilities
- Portable
- Binding
- CodeGen
- Collections
- CommandLine
- Compilation
- Debugging
- Desktop
- DiaSymReader
- Utilities
- Writer
- Diagnostic
- DiagnosticAnalyzer
- DocumentationComments
- Emit
- EditAndContinue
- NoPia
- FileSystem
- Generated
- Hashing
- InternalUtilities
- MetadataReader
- MetadataReference
- NativePdbWriter
- Operations
- Loops
- PEWriter
- ReferenceManager
- RuleSet
- Serialization
- SourceGeneration
- Nodes
- StrongName
- SymbolDisplay
- Symbols
- Attributes
- Syntax
- InternalSyntax
- Text
- xlf
- Rebuild
- RebuildTest
- Extension
- Server
- VBCSCompiler
- AnyCpu
- arm64
- VBCSCompilerTests
- Test/Core
- Assert
- Compilation
- Diagnostics
- FX
- MarkedSource
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
14,158 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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1 | 1 |
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2 | 2 |
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3 |
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4 |
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5 |
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6 | 4 |
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7 | 5 |
| |
8 | 6 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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1 | 1 |
| |
2 | 2 |
| |
3 | 3 |
| |
4 |
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5 | 5 |
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6 | 6 |
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7 |
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8 |
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9 |
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10 | 7 |
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11 |
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12 |
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13 |
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14 |
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15 |
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16 |
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19 |
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35 |
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47 | 57 |
| |
48 |
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49 |
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50 |
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51 |
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52 |
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53 |
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54 |
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55 | 58 |
| |
56 | 59 |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
7 | 7 |
| |
8 | 8 |
| |
9 | 9 |
| |
| 10 | + | |
10 | 11 |
| |
11 | 12 |
| |
12 | 13 |
| |
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38 | 39 |
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39 | 40 |
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40 | 41 |
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41 |
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42 |
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43 |
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44 | 42 |
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45 | 43 |
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46 | 44 |
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144 | 142 |
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145 | 143 |
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146 | 144 |
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173 | 147 |
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174 | 148 |
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175 | 149 |
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176 | 154 |
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177 | 155 |
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178 | 156 |
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196 | 174 |
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197 | 175 |
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198 | 176 |
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201 | 181 |
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249 | 229 |
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251 | 231 |
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252 | 240 |
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254 | 242 |
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271 | 256 |
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272 | 257 |
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273 | 258 |
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280 | 265 |
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281 | 266 |
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282 | 267 |
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283 |
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284 |
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285 |
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286 | 268 |
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287 | 269 |
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288 | 270 |
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289 | 271 |
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290 | 272 |
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291 | 273 |
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292 |
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294 |
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295 | 274 |
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296 | 275 |
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297 | 276 |
| |
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| 280 | + | |
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298 | 283 |
| |
299 | 284 |
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300 | 285 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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1 | 1 |
| |
2 | 2 |
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3 | 3 |
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4 |
| - | |
| 4 | + | |
| 5 | + | |
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| 8 | + | |
| 9 | + | |
| 10 | + | |
| 11 | + | |
| 12 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
8 | 8 |
| |
9 | 9 |
| |
10 | 10 |
| |
| 11 | + | |
11 | 12 |
| |
12 | 13 |
| |
13 | 14 |
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18 | 19 |
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19 | 20 |
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20 | 21 |
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28 | 22 |
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29 | 23 |
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30 | 24 |
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31 | 25 |
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32 | 26 |
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33 |
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34 | 37 |
| |
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35 | 39 |
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36 |
| - | |
37 | 40 |
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38 | 41 |
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39 | 42 |
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40 | 43 |
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41 | 44 |
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42 | 45 |
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43 | 46 |
| |
44 |
| - | |
| 47 | + | |
| 48 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
11 | 11 |
| |
12 | 12 |
| |
13 | 13 |
| |
14 |
| - | |
| 14 | + | |
| 15 | + | |
| 16 | + | |
| 17 | + | |
| 18 | + | |
15 | 19 |
| |
16 | 20 |
| |
17 | 21 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
| 1 | + | |
| 2 | + | |
| 3 | + | |
| 4 | + | |
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