# LIS3DH - ultra-low-power high-performance 3-axis nano accelerometer The LIS3DH is an ultra-low-power high-performance three-axis linear accelerometer belonging to the "nano" family. LIS3DH supports two serial interfaces: I2C and SPI but only I2C is currently supported. ## Documentation - You can find the datasheet [here](https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/lis3dh.pdf) ## Usage ### Accelerometer example (using FT4222) ```csharp using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Device.I2c; using System.Numerics; using System.Threading; using Iot.Device.Ft4222; using Iot.Device.Lis3DhAccelerometer; List<Ft4222Device> ft4222s = Ft4222Device.GetFt4222(); if (ft4222s.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("FT4222 not plugged in"); return; } Ft4222Device ft4222 = ft4222s[0]; using var accelerometer = Lis3Dh.Create(ft4222.CreateI2cDevice(new I2cConnectionSettings(0, Lis3Dh.DefaultI2cAddress)), dataRate: DataRate.DataRate10Hz); Console.WriteLine("If you orient sensor so that two axes are close to 0"); Console.WriteLine("the remaining one should equal close to 1 or -1 (1G) which is gravitational force"); while (!Console.KeyAvailable || Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Enter) { Vector3 acceleration = accelerometer.Acceleration; // Clear causes flickering when updated frequently Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 2); Console.WriteLine($"{acceleration.X:0.0000} {acceleration.Y:0.0000} {acceleration.Z:0.0000}".PadRight(30)); Thread.Sleep(20); } ```