This repository contains code for the paper What Comes Next? Evaluating Uncertainty in Neural Text Generators Against Human Production Variability.
- Machine Translation: Newstext2014 (en-de)
- Text Simplification: ASSET
- Story Generation: WritingPrompts
- Open-ended Dialogue: DailyDialog++
- Machine Translation: Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-de
- Text Simplification: Flan-T5 large fine-tuned on the ASSET training set
- Story Generation: GPT-2 large fine-tuned on the WritingPrompts training set
- Open-ended Dialogue: DialoGPT medium
We provide several methods in
to transform the WMT, ASSET, and DailyDialog++ datasets into a unified format.
WritingPrompts can be converted using the python file
, which also allows to filter data instances
according to minimum number of story completions available for each prompt.
For convenience and reproducibility, we provide the fine-tuning scripts we used for text simplification and
story generation:
. We recommend using up-to-date Huggingface code; see, for
example, the Huggingface trainers documentation and
finetuning script.
You can launch the generation script by providing a configuration file in json format:
python src/ --configs_path generation_config.json
This is what a configuration file looks like:
"config_name": "FlanT5-large finetuned typical d=0.95",
"task": "simplification",
"context_key": "source", # the key to access the context/input in the data file
"data_path": "data/asset/val.json",
"out_path": "data/asset/flanT5_large_finetuned-typical_095-val.json",
"model_name": "models/asset/flan-t5-large",
"do_sample": true,
"n_samples": 50,
"max_length": 100,
"typical_p": 0.95,
"temperature": null,
"top_k": null,
"top_p": null,
"n_beams": null
Alternatively, you can pass arguments directly (e.g., --data_path PATH --out_path PATH --model_name MODEL
See all available arguments in src/
To compute similarity scores between two systems, you can use the script src/
. For example, the following configuration will output similarity scores between the outputs of one NLG system cand_system_name
python src/ \
--cand_system "cand_system_name" \
--tgt_system "cand_system_name" \
--cand_path "/path/to/cand_system_outputs.json" \
--tgt_path "/path/to/tgt_system_outputs.json" \
--cand_response_key "generation" \
--tgt_response_key "generation" \
--context_key "input" \
--out_path "/path/to/output/" \
--n_cand_samples "10" \
--n_tgt_samples "10" \
--n_contexts "1000" \
--dataset "asset" \
--max_response_length "100"
Precommputed scores for a large variety of models and decoding algorithms are available at:
We assess the statistical fitness of the candidate system by analysing its outputs w.r.t. itself (self-variability) or a system known to be plausible (human references) for different divergence measures. This analysis is done in fitness_analysis.ipynb
. This notebook also contains the plots included in the paper.